Australian rose annuals

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Patricia Routley’s “Australian Rose Annual” articles listed by author - 1990-1999 Page


Prepared by Patricia Routley. Copyright Patricia Routley.

­­___________ Rose awards to date 1999-11

___________ Hildesheim rose is R. canina 1990-148

Ackland, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-137

Ackland, Dianne Book: “The Australian Rose Directory” 1995-32

Ackland, Dianne, Mrs. (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-62

Adams, Hastie (Narrogin, WA) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-46

Adams, M., Mrs. pix at 20th AGM of NRS 1993-20

Adams, M., Mrs. pix at 21st AGM of NRS 1994-15

Adams, M., Mrs. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Adams, M., Mrs. pix at 24th AGM of NRS 1997-15

Adams, Margaret, Mrs. (Mt. Eliza, Vic) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-94

Adams, W. B. pix at 18th AGM of NRS 1991-15

Adamson, Sophie (Moorooduc, Vic) Something old, something new 1999-25

Aitken, Dorothy (Blackburn, Vic) ARA member living in Africa 1993-146

Aitken, Dorothy (Blackburn, Vic) A day at Hampton Court flower festival 1996-106

Aitken, Dorothy, (Vic) RS of Vic - The year in review 1999-121

Aitken, Ian Obituary for Dr. A. S. Thomas 1991-42

Aitken, Ian (RS of Vic) Rose shows in a marquee 1991-103

Aitken, Ian (Blackburn, Vic) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-103

Aitken, Ian (Blackburn, Vic) The British rose festival 1997 1998-44

Allen, Bill (Brisbane, Q’ld) Mite control 1991-34

Allen, Bill (Macgregor, Q’ld) Just a lot of words on roses 1999-141

Allen, E. F. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1989 1990-20

Allen, John (Kendron, Q’ld) My 12 best exhibition roses - symposium 1991-98

Allender, R. W. (Bill) pix T. A. Stewart Memorial award 1991-37

Allender, Bill (Preston, Vic) Soil and nutrients for roses 1991-137

Allender, Bill (Preston East, Vic) Fertilizer - Why do roses need it? 1996-73

Allender, Alice Obituary 1997-133

Atherton, Marjorie Mention of her by Ron Bell 1991-129

Atkiss, Lincoln (Newtown Sq., USA) Old men can grow roses 1995-140

Austin, Mel (Kardinya, WA) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-103

Austin, Mel (Kardinya, WA) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-81

Austin, Mel (Kardinya, WA) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-97

Balfour, R. C. (UK) pix The Australian rose award, 1989 1990-41

Barse, George R. (USA) Fungicide resistance 1994-31

Batten, Harry (Camden, NSW) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1998-89

Beach, Max pix Morwell centenary rose garden 1999-73

Beck, Steve (Alphington, Vic) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-45

Begg, Robert 9th World Rose Conv., Belfast, 1991report 1992-126

Bell, Ron pix with Mary Delahunty 1990-110

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) What’s in a name 1990-111

Bell, Ron The budding rose grower - budding 1991-57

Bell, Ron Obituary for Terry Honybun 1991-129

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) Rose breeding - be in it! 1992-56

Bell, R. J. Do you want a Rose Breeders Assn in Aust? 1992-79

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) George Dawson’s yellow climber 1992-132

Bell, R. J. Australian Rose Breeders Ass formed Apr 92 1993-23

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) Why I like roses 1993-25

Bell, R. J. pix Order of Australia award 1993-105

Bell, Ron Reviews “Australia’s Own Roses” book 1994-144

Bell, Ron Reviews “” The Rose Grower’s Handbook” 1995-34

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) Rose breeding for pleasure 1995-108

Bell, Ron Reviews Cheritan book “Growing Roses” 1995-119

Bell, Ron (Harkaway, Vic) Blind shoots 1996-44

Bell, Ron (Berwick, Vic) Raising new varieties of roses 1998-96

Beverley, S. , Mrs. pix at 25th AGM of NRS 1998-15

Bleck, C. pix at 17th AGM of NRS 1990-15

Bleck, C. pix at 18th AGM of NRS 1991-15

Bleck, Col (Holland Park, Q’ld) New Farm park 1991-105

Bleck, Col (Q’ld) New Farm Park, 1992-19

Bleck, Col, (Q’ld) Report on public rose gardens in Q’ld 1992-19

Bleck, Col (Holland Park West, Q’ld) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-98

Bleck, C New Farm Park 1993-15

Bleck, G. pix at 20th AGM of NRS 1993-20

Bleck, Col New Farm Park 1997-22

Bleck, Col pix President’s message 1998-13

Bleck, C. pix at 25th AGM of NRS 1998-15

Bleck, C. New Farm Park 1998-22

Bleck, C. Marist College, Ashgrove 1998-23

Bleck, Col Roses for the cottage or smaller gdn - symp 1998-122

Bleck, C. pix at 26th AGMof NRS 1999-15

Boote, Clive (Dandenong, Vic) Diamond Jubilee rose 1999-63

Boote, Clive Obituary 1999-65

Boote, Clive pix 1999-67

Bortolin, Beth (Watsonia, Vic) Roses for the cottage or smaller gdn - symp 1999-85

Bovey, R., Dr. pix The Australian rose award, 1989 1990-39

Bovey, Reg Obituary 1990-141

Bowerman, Doug (West Moonah, Tas) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-90

Bowerman, Doug (West Moonah, Tas) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-99

Bowerman, Doug (West Moonah, Tas) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-51

Boyle, Hazel Obituary 1999-72

Brady, Monica? Reflection rose honours organ donors 1996-108

Broadstock, Joan (Vic State Rose Gdn) Heritage roses at Vic State R.Gdn, Werribee 1999-137

Brooks, Carol (Grassmere, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-142

Broun, Donna (Glen Forrest, WA) Roses for the cottage or smaller gdn - symp 1998-124

Brundrett, Allen Obituary 1995-112

Brundrett, Amanda May Obituary 1998-95

Brundrett’s New roses 1999-113

Buller, George (Belmont, Vic) Rose shows in Geelong - the early days 1990-117

Burke, Mary, Mrs. (Vermont Sth, Vic) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-105

Burnard, Heather Obituary 1993-146

Burrows, R. pix at 18th AGM of NRS 1991-15

Burton, Peter (Houghton, SA) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-105

Burton, Brenda (Houghton, SA) Floral art exhib. Autumn rose show, SA 91 1992-135

Burton, Peter (Sth Houghton, SA) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-63

Burton, Peter (Houghton, SA) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1998-88

Burton, Peter, (SA) RS of SA - The year in review 1999-123

Byrne, David H. (Texas, A&M Uni, USA) Research in rose genetics 1996-91

Byrne, David H. (Texas A & M Uni) Black spot resistance research 1999-114

Cairns, Thomas, Dr. Book: “Modern Roses 10” reviewed 1994-71

Caldwell, Constance (Wynnum Nth, Q’ld) Roses in floral art - symposium 1990-104

Calgene Pacific, American Rose Mag. The quest for the blue rose 1992-138

Callander, Fred (Vic) Obituary 1996-98

Campbell, A. G., Dr. pix at 17th AGM of NRS 1990-15

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) My 12 best exhibition roses - symposium 1991-89

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) Rose shows in Great Britain in 1991 1992-60

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) Very early pruning not recommended 1992-80

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-95

Campbell, Allan, Dr. (Myrtle Bank, SA) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-93

Campbell, Allan, Dr. 1st Aust. rose conference, Apr 95, Adelaide 1996-79

Campbell, Allan (Glenside, SA) Canker and Crown gall 1998-134

Campbell, Ina Obituary 1999-103

Campbell, Pamela, Mrs. (Duncraig, WA) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-98

Cane, J. (Tas) RS of Tas - The year in review 1993-15

Cane, J. pix at 20th AGM of NRS 1993-20

Cane, Jim (Cradoc, Tas) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-89

Cane, J. pix at 21st AGM of NRS 1994-15

Cane, J. (NRS) pix President’s message 1995-13

Cane, J. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Cane, Jim (Tas) Hobart Botanic rose gdns to be replanted 1995-19

Cane, J. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Cane, J. pix at 24th AGM of NRS 1997-15

Cane, J. pix at 25th AGM of NRS 1998-15

Cane, Jim (Cradoc, Tas) Standard for judging bunches or vases -symp 1998-62

Cane, J. pix at 26th AGMof NRS 1999-15

Cerwinske, Laura Her book “The Book of the Rose” reviewed 1993-76

Chapman, Joyce, Mrs. (Beaumaris, Vic) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-87

Chapman, Bruce (Beaumaris, Vic) Pot the miniature 1996-97

Chapman, Bruce (Beaumaris, Vic) Potted or bare rooted 1997-84

Cheriton, Janet & David Bateman Book: “The Rose Grower’s Handbook” 1995-34

Cheritan, Janet Her book: “Growing Roses” reviewed. 1995-119

Clark, Alister Article on his roses by T. R. Garnett 1990-138

Clark, Alister Article by M. Stratton on AC Mem Rose Gdn1993-48

Clark, Kristi (American Rose Soc) Baking Soda against rose diseases 1993-133

Coats, Andrea (Toowoomba, Q’ld) Darling Downs rose society 1997-130

Coats, Andrea (Toowoomba, Q’ld) Darling Downs rose soc gdn tour 1998-130

Coats, Andrea (Toowoomba, Q’ld) Darling Downs annual bus trip 1999-138

Coggiatti, Stelvio (Rome, Italy) Recurrent blooming roses of the past 1990-29

Coleman-Doscas, J Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone (WA) 1993-15

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix at 20th AGM of NRS 1993-20

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix at 21st AGM of NRS 1994-15

Coleman-Doscas, J. Nedlands Peace mem gdn 1994-16

Coleman-Doscas, J. RS of WA - The year in review 1994-16

Coleman-Doscas, J. Uniting Church, Como 1994-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. Samson House, Fremantle, WA 1994-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. Araluen Botanic Garden 1994-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Coleman-Doscas, J. Peace Memorial Garden, Nedlands 1995-18

Coleman-Doscas, J. Moresby Street Reserve, South Perth 1995-18

Coleman-Doscas, J. Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone 1995-18

Coleman-Doscas, J. Whiteman Park 1995-19

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix President’s message 1996-13

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Coleman-Doscas, J. Peace memorial garden, Nedlands 1996-16

Coleman-Doscas, J. Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone 1996-16

Coleman-Doscas, J. Whiteman Park, West Swan 1996-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. Samson House, Fremantle 1996-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. Moresby Street Reserve, South Perth 1996-17

Coleman-Doscas, J. pix at 24th AGM of NRS 1997-15

Coleman-Doscas, J. Quatre Saisons Heritage rose gdn 1997-23

Coleman-Doscas, J. Peace Memorial rose garden, Nedlands 1997-23

Coleman-Doscas, J. Araluen Botanic Park 1997-23

Coleman-Doscas, J. (Nedlands, WA) Nat. rose trial garden of Aust launched 1997-37

Coleman-Doscas, John (Nedlands, WA) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1998-90

Coles, Stewart (Greenwood, WA) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-54

Condon, Merylyn (ACT) Xeriscape rose garden, Canberra 1999-67

Cooper, Elizabeth (Wantirna, Vic) Story of rose display at David Jones, Melb. 1990-25

Cooper, Elizabeth (Wantirna Sth, Vic) Roses in Victoria’s west coast 1992-48

Cooper, Elizabeth (Wantirna Sth, Vic) Tour of gdns of England, Scotland & France 1997-73

Cottrill, Iris, Mrs. (Edithvale, Vic) Roses in floral art - symposium 1990-95

Cox, Peter (Thirlmere, NSW) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-68

Crawford, Vivienne (Glebe Tas) Roses for the cottage or smaller gdn - symp 1999-82

Culmsee, Pat, Mrs. (Duncraig, WA) pix of her garden 1999-33

Dale, John (Warner, Q’ld) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-92

Davidson, Harvey (California, USA) The thornless roses 1997-143

Davidson, Patricia (Toowoomba, Q’ld) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-133

Davis, Art (Rose Soc of Zimbabwe) Dry wrapping of roses for a show 1991-131

Davison, Ad, Mrs. (Attadale, WA) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-112

Daw, M. pix at 18th AGM of NRS 1991-15

Daw, Amy, Mrs. (WA) Obituary 1994-145

Daw, Maurice (Kensington, WA) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-86

Daw, Maurice (Kensington, WA) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-61

Daw, Maurice (Kensington, WA) Standard for judging bunches or vases -symp 1998-53

Dawson, George Obituary 1992-148

Dawson, George Mention of him by Philip Sutherland 1995-67

Dear, Jim (Morwell, Vic) Morwell centenary rose garden 1996-109

Dear, Jim (Morwell, Vic) Morwell centenary rose garden 1997-30

Delaney, Brian (Noranda, WA) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-102

Delaney, Brian, (RS of WA) From a new member to an open class exhib. 1993-106

Delaney, Brian (Noranda WA) Ground cover roses 1993-144

Delaney, Brian (Bassendean, WA) His garden - different stages of possession 1999-106

Denver, John pix of him with Ray Martin 1998-72

Dept of Cons. Forest & Lands, (Vic.) Royal Botanic Gardens rose garden, Melb. 1993-119

Dickson, Colin (UK) In defence of the Hybrid Tea 1997-102

Donald, Rosemary (Sorrell, Tas) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-131

Doyle, D. pix at 24th AGM of NRS 1997-15

Doyle, D. pix at 26th AGMof NRS 1999-15

Doyle, Des (Q’ld) Brisbane City Council? rose garden (Q’ld) 1999-21

Drage, Noelene, Mrs. (Boya, WA) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-93

Duce, Morris (Mansfield, Q’ld) A tale of soil tests 1991-62

Duce, Morrie (Brisbane, Q’ld) My 12 best exhibition roses - symposium 1991-95

Duce, Morris (Mansfield, Q’ld) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-95

Duce, M. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Duce, M. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Duce, Morrice (Mansfield, Q’ld) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-58

Duncan, Walter, (SA) The never ending charm of old style roses 1997-83

Eagle, Dawn (NZ Rose Annual 94) Container Gardening 1995-132

Edwards-Robertson, Paddy (Mt. Eliza, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-142

Eisenhuth, Peter (Marayong, NSW) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-88

Eisenhuth, Peter (Marayong, NSW) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-96

Eisenhuth, Peter (Marayong, NSW) Staging roses for the show bench 1995-110

Eiszele, Les (Snug, Tas) Roses in floral art - symposium 1990-106

Eiszele, Leslie (Snug, Tas) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-95

Ferris, Allan, Dr. (Chirnside Park, Vic) My 12 best exhibition roses - symposium 1991-91

Ferris, A. A., Dr. pix The Australian Rose Award 1993 1995-47

Ferris, Allan, Dr. (Chirnside Park, Vic) One exhibitor’s show preparation 1996-88

Ferris, Allan (Chirnside Park, Vic) Roses in my heart 1998-31

Ferris, Allan Aveling Obituary 1998-144

Fickling, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Addiction 1996-90

Fickling, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-134

Fickling, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) The hybrid musk roses 1996-145

Fickling, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-65

Fickling, Diana (Mt. Waverley, Vic) Climbers and ramblers 1998-141

Fischer, Ollie (Illawarra) Rose shows 1992-117

Foster, Cedric (Baywater, Vic) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-50

Francis, Rodney, Dr. R. S. (Hastings, NZ) An ‘automatic’ pollinator 1995-120

Fraser, Tammy (Nareen, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-133

French, Jacqueline Her book “Natural Rose Growing” reviewed 1991-144

Frost, Pam (Croydon, Vic) The most beautiful roses I have grown -symp 1999-58

Gardner, Phillip, Dr. pix T. A. Stewart memorial Award 1992 1993-37

Gardner, Phillip, Dr. (Opua, NZ) Virus diseases of roses in NZ 1995-63

Garnett, T. R. (Blackwood, Vic) Alister Clark’s roses 1990-138

Ghaisas, Suhas, Prof. (India) Rose growing in India 1996-113

Gibson, Peter (Sunrise Flowers, WA) Kooiana - house name for Sunrise F. roses 1997-146

Gilbert, Allen Book Review “Dreaming of Roses” 1996-148

Glanville, Sandra (Auckland DRS, NZ) A report on lucerne mulch 1995-79

Gorman, Suzanne pix Peace memorial rose gdn, Nedlands, WA1997-113

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Hybridising possibilities 1990-57

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Soil Nutrients 1990-113

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Rootstocks 1994-76

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Pest control 1994-112

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Feeding of roses 1997-69

Gough, Sam (Sth Morang, Vic) Parentage and all that 1999-131

Gould, Len (Numurkah, Vic) Goulburn Murray District Rose & Gdn Club 1997-100

Grant, Doug (Forrestville, NSW) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-116

Grant, Doug (Forrestville, NSW) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-101

Grant, Roy (Margate, Q’ld) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-48

Grant, T. R. pix at 17th AGM of NRS 1990-15

Grapes, Ken Lt. Col. (RNRS) The rose fights back 1998-75

Grapes, Ken Lt. Col. (RNRS) Hedgetrimmer pruning 1998-78

Gratton, Diana (Myrtle Bank, SA) The most beautiful roses I have grown -symp 1999-53

Gregory, Douglas (Pasadena, SA) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-87

Greig, John (Bunya, Q’ld) My 12 best exhibition roses - symposium 1991-90

Greig, John (Bunya, Q’ld) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-91

Guest, Andrew (RHSV Gardening News) Understanding pesticides 1990-85

Gunther, Barbara (Bentley, WA) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-91

Gunther, B., Mrs. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Gunther, B., Mrs. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Gunther, Barbara (Bentley, WA) Australian raised roses - symposium 1996-57

Gunther, B., Mrs. pix at 24th AGM of NRS 1997-15

Gunther, B., Mrs. pix at 25th AGM of NRS 1998-15

Gunther, B., Mrs. Town of Cambridge gdn, Floreat Park 1998-23

Gunther, B., Mrs. Peace Memorial rose gdn, Nedlands 1998-23

Gunther, B., Mrs. Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone 1998-24

Gunther, B., Mrs. Melville Nurseries rose gdn, Carmel 1998-24

Gunther, B., Mrs. Quatre Saisons Heritage rose gdn, Glen F. 1998-24

Gunther, B., Mrs. Zephyr Brook Heritage rose gdn, Pinjarra 1998-25

Gunther, B., Mrs. pix at 26th AGMof NRS 1999-15

Gunther, B., Mrs. (WA) Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone (WA) 1999-22

Gunther, B., Mrs. (WA) Melville Nurseries Rose Gdn, Carmel (WA) 1999-22

Gunther, B., Mrs. (WA) Falls Farm, Lesmurdie (WA) 1999-22

Gunther, B., Mrs. (WA) Zephyr Brook Heritage Rose Gdn., Pinjarra 1999-23

Gunther, Barbara (WA) RS of WA - The year in review 1999-126

Guyett, G. pix at 18th AGM of NRS 1991-15

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Woodport - Salvation Army M.R.Gdn, Erina 1992-17

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Report on public rose gardens in NSW 1992-17

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Roxburgh Park, Baulkahm Hills 1992-18

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Brush Farm, Eastwood, 1992-18

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney-new rosegdn 1992-18

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Ryde public rose garden 1992-18

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping NSW) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-109

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping NSW) Eric Welsh -broken ankles, gardens on mower1992-137

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Bert Mulley Mem Rose gdn, Camden 1992-18

Guyett, Garth (NSW) Brush Farm 1993-15

Guyett, G. pix at 20th AGM of NRS 1993-20

Guyett, G. pix President’s message 1994-13

Guyett, G. pix at 21st AGM of NRS 1994-15

Guyett, Garth (NSW) RS of NSW - The year in review 1994-15

Guyett, Garth, (Nth Epping, NSW) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-83

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping NSW) The Bert Mulley Mem. Rose Gdn, Camden. 1994-108

Guyett, G. pix at 22nd AGM of NRS 1995-15

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping NSW) Why I grow roses - symposium 1995-88

Guyett, G. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Guyett, Garth Roxborough Park, Baulkham Hills 1996-19

Guyett, Garth Pioneer Gardens, Dapto 1996-19

Guyett, Garth Khancoban, Cooma 1996-20

Guyett, Garth MacArthur & Camden Parks, Campbelltown 1996-20

Guyett, Garth Goulburn rose festival 1996-20

Guyett, Garth pix Australian rose award 1996 1998-80

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping NSW) Roses for the cottage or smaller gdn - symp 1999-84

Guyett, Garth (Nth Epping, NSW) The worm turns mulch into better soil 1999-108

Hamilton, Bob Obituary 1995-43

Hamilton, Lorna (Beecroft NSW) On growing roses and children 1993-147

Handke, Colin (Windsor Gdns, SA) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-92

Handreck, Kevin Managing soils for rose growing 1998-69

Hannemann, Ursula (Box Hill, Vic) My 12 best miniature roses - symposium 1994-81

Harkness, Jack (Suffolk, UK) Rose replant sickness 1990-144

Harkness, Peter A century of growing roses 1996-83

Harris, F. pix at 23rd AGM of NRS 1996-15

Harris, Fraser Mt. Coot-tha Botanical Gardens 1996-20

Harris, Fraser New Farm Park 1996-20

Harris, Fraser Brisbane Blush rose 1996-147

Hayward, Margaret Striped roses - the tiger connection 1995-128

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) The Lady Hudson Rose Garden, Khancoban 1991-127

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Yellow miniature roses 1991-133

Heathcote, Ross Reviews Anne Reilly’s book “The Rose” 1991-136

Heathcote, Ross Reviews Jacqueline French’s book 1991-144

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Whitefly 1992-29

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Fragrance is in the nose of the inhaler 1992-54

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) My 12 best garden roses - symposium 1992-86

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Red miniature roses 1992-133

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) New roses 1993-27

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) My 12 best floribunda roses - symposium 1993-98

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Pink Miniature roses 1993-124

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Victoria’s best exhibition roses 1993-129

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) New roses 1994-26

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Slater’s Crimson China 1994-56

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Reviews “Modern Roses 10” 1994-71

Heathcote, Ross, (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Roses for a ‘Federation’ home. 1994-110

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Classic modern roses in Australia 1994-113

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Climbing miniature roses 1994-137

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) My 12 favourite roses 1995-39

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Cecile Brunner and its look-alikes 1995-60

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) New roses 1995-73

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, vic) Rose pruning - winter, summer, continuous 1995-123

Heathcote, Ross. pix T. A. Stewart Memorial award 1995 1996-43

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Gardens and roses - symposium 1996-131

Heathcote, Ross (Taylors Lakes, Vic) Standard for judging bunches or vases -symp 1998-56

Hitchcock, Howard Memories of him by George Buller 1990-118

Honeybun, Terry Obituary 1991-129

Hood, Robin K. (Nth Hobart, Tas) My most healthy & free flowering ros - symp 1997-44

Hope, Priscilla (Mt. Eliza, Vic) The David Austin roses 1991-72

Horner, C. P. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1990 1991-20

Horner, C. P. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1991 1992-26

Horner, C. P. (England, UK) English awards to new seedlings 1992 1993-21

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