Bilgi Toplama ve Eylem Planlama
Allison, M. ve Kaye, J. (2005), Strategic Planning for Non-profit Organisations, ikinci baskı, John Wiley and Sons.
European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-Discrimination Field (2011) How to Present a Discrimination Claim: Handbook on seeking remedies under the EU Non-discrimination Directives, available at: http://www.non-discrimination.net/content/media/How%20to%20Present%20a%20Discrimination%20Claim%20EN.pdf.
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) (2004), Knowing Your Rights and Fighting for Them: A Guide for Romani Activists, http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/media/00/D6/m000000D6.pdf.
ERRC, Interights ve MPG (2004), Strategic Litigation of Race Discrimination in Europe: From Principles to Practice, http://www.migpolgroup.org/publications_detail.php?id=198.
Guzman, M. ve Verstappen, B. (2003), What is Monitoring?, Human Rights Monitoring and Documentation Series, Cilt 1, HURIDOCS.
Nowicki, M. ve Fialova, Z. (2004), Human Rights Monitoring, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Varşova, http://www.hfhrpol.waw.pl/publikacja-3-20-en.html.
The Advocates for Human Rights (2011), A Practitioner’s Guide to Human Rights Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy, www.advrights.org.
The World Bank (2004), Monitoring and Evaluation: Some Tools, Methods and Approaches, www.worldbank.org.
Faye Jacobsen, A. (editör) (2008), Human Rights Monitoring: A Field Mission Manual, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden-Boston.
Bir proje veya kuruluşun izlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi
Shapiro, J. Monitoring and Evaluation: Toolkit, Civicus, www.civicus.org. (Fransızca ve İspanyolca dillerinde de mevcuttur).
Etki değerlendirmesi
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2009), Equality Impact Assessment Guidance: A Step-by-step Guide to Integrating Equality Impact Assessment into Policymaking and Review.
NHS (2008), EIA Guidelines NHS 2007 (ayrıca Equality Impact Assessment: Useful Questions for Screening, EIA templates).
Portsmouth City Council (2011), Equality Impact Assessment: Policies, Projects, Services, Functions and Strategies. An Easy Guide for Staff Who Need to Complete EIA, www.portsmouth.gov.uk.
Dorset County Council (2011), Equality Assessment Toolkit, www.dorsetcc.gov.uk, www.dorsetforyou.com.
The Open University Equality and Diversity Office in Partnership with MSM Consultants Ltd. (2007), The Open University Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Managers to Assess the Impact their Functions, Policies and Procedures Have on Different Groups of People, www.open.ac.uk.
An Introduction to Human Rights Impact Assessment, www.humanrightsimpact.org (insan hakları etki değerlendirmesinin sekiz aşamasını anlatan ilginç bir web sitesi).
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (2004), Methodology and Tools for Human-rights-based Assessment and Analyses.
Harrison, J. ve Stephenson, M-A. (2010), Human Rights Impact Assessment: Review of Practise and Guidance for Future Assessment, Scottish Human Rights Commission.
İzleme, değerlendirme ve etki değerlendirmesi konusunda YouTube’dan görsel kaynaklara erişmek de mümkündür. Okuyucular bu anahtar kelimeleri kullanarak arama yapabilir.
Durum tespitine yönelik test
MPG, Handbook and Survey on Situation Testing, www.migpolgroup.com.
MPG, Training Pack on Situation Testing, www.migpolgroup.com.
Davranış kuralları
UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2003), UN Norms on the Responsibilities of Trans-national Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regards to Human Rights.
OECD (2001), Codes of Corporate Conduct: Expanded Review of Their Contents.
The World Bank Group (2003), Company Codes of Conduct and International Standards: An Analytical Comparison, Kısım I ve II.
Danish Institute for Human Rights (2005), Corporate Codes of Conduct in Denmark: An Examination of Their CSR Content.
European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Unit G.4 (2008), Continuing the Diversity Journey: Business Practices, Perspectives and Benefits.
European Commission (2010), Trade Union Practices on Anti-discrimination and Diversity, European Trade Union Anti-Discrimination and Diversity Study: Innovative and Significant Practices in Fighting Discrimination and Promoting Diversity.
Mele D. (2009), Business Ethics in Action: Seeking Human Excellence in Organisations, Palgrave Macmillan.
Collins, D. (2009), Essentials of Business Ethics: Creating an Organisation of High Integrity and Superior Performance, Essentials Series, Wiley.
Jenkins, R. (2001), Corporate Codes of Conduct: Self-regulation in a Global Economy, UNRISD.
Lagan, L. ve Moran, B. (2006), Three Dimensional Ethics: Implementing Workplace Values, Econtent Management.
İnternet kaynakları:
University of Minnesota’nın insan hakları kütüphanesi koleksiyonu kamu kurumları ve özel kuruluşlara ait 100’den fazla davranış kuralı örneği içermektedir: http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/links/conduct.html.
Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından hazırlanmış olan The Business Case for Diversity belgeleri: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/discrimination/document/index_en.htm#h2-4.
Birleşik Krallık’ın eşitlikle ilgili ulusal mevzuatı kapsamındaki Statutory Codes of Practice: www.equalityhumanrights.com ve www.equalityni.org.
ILO, Corporate Codes of Conduct: http://www.itcilo.it/english/actrav/telearn/global/ilo/code/main.htm.
İşyerinde (genel olarak ABD’de) farklılıkların yönetimi ile ilgili: http://humanresources.about.com/od/workplacediscrimination/Workplace_Discrimination.htm, www.diversityworking.com ve www.diversityatwork.net.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development yayınları: http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BB128/%28httpProjectsForResearchHome-en%29/E7F3F4A25DFB0AE980256B6100514A19?OpenDocument&panel=publications.
Frey, W. ve Cruz-Cruz, J.A. (2010), Developing Ethics Codes and Statements of Values, Connexions, http://cnx.org/content/m14319/latest.
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