Azerbaijan state university of economics

Economic statistical analysis of communication sector

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2.2.Economic statistical analysis of communication sector

Communication statistics indicate infrastructure and equipment available for communication services. High level of technical support ensures favorable conditions for communication services. Automatic Telephone Stations (ATS) characterizes the number of all telephone stations installed in city and district centers. The number of telephone stations installed and put into operation in urban areas is reflected on rural telephone communication, as indicated by urban telephone communication, and the number of telephone stations installed in rural areas. If telephone stations are located in settlements, the number of these stations is related to urban telephone communication.

Automatic Telephone Stations include coordinate and electronic systems.

The total capacity of automatic telephone stations includes all types of coordinates used in the network, subscribers with a fixed number on the electronic and wireless (CDMA) stations, and numerical taxonomic sets.

The used capacity is the sum of the actual number of all actual numbers, regardless of the end of the reporting period, the use of the numbers (service, inspection, etc.), from the subscriber numbers and the number index without the number indexed in the electronic and wireless (CDMA) (subscriber and payphone sets).

The telephone network is a combination of various types of telephones and devices combined in a single technical and technological system.

A publicly accessible telephone network is a network or part of a network that provides telephony services to all users, which is accessible to subscribers based on applicable policies, standards, service and payment terms.

Broadband, high-bandwidth capabilities include the number of ports on ADSL, HDSL, and ISDN equipment, which enable high-speed information exchange on network ATSs, IPTV and video telephony services.

The number of ISDN packages means universal device, telephone line, telephony, internet, etc. a complete set of devices that allows simultaneous use of electronic communications. The Integrated Services Digital Network (Integrated Services Digital Network) enables digital subscriber to communicate with the subscriber in the same network, at the same time address information and Internet subscribers, and exchange information, based on digital data transmission methods and switching bases.

The number of ADSL and HDSL sets includes universal equipment for the use of electronic communications.

Changing the capacity of telephone stations, movement statistics, a number of indicators are studied and data is collected. Capacity gained during the year is characterized by newly constructed, expanded and upgraded at the expense of funds received from internal sources of the enterprise, urban and rural networks and other organizations in the reporting year. When it comes to the year, the total capacity of existing telephone stations is reduced. An impaired attitude taken into account from the balance of the entity is transferred to other entities, exploited and abandoned, can not be exploited in connection with the closure of the entity, and for other reasons.

The number of telephones, which is the type of documentary communication intended for facsimile communication (image and copy-transfer), by means of subscriber devices on the public automatic telephone network, in the number of fax machines (telepax) commonly used by the telephone network or its access point. The number of telephones available at the beginning of the reporting year, which is not used, is also included here. Despite the existence of an inventory, the number of telepages that have no access to the public telephony network is ignored.

The number of telephones connected to the automatic telephone stations includes telephone apparatus connected to stations of common use cities and rural telephone networks, which are used by communications enterprises, and telephones with access to the public telephone network connected to stations belonging to other management and organizations. The number of telephone apparatus includes all possible devices (direct, parallel and collective use), which can be used to communicate with the public telephone network, which is used by main and additional telephone sets, apparatuses, managers, enterprises and organizations installed in the apartments.

The number of urban telephony services applies to telephones connected to telephone stations installed in the city. This is where the telephone station is coordinated, regardless of its electronic system, in management, organization, population, information service offices and so on. All phones installed at locations are included. Telephone stations located in the settlements, as well as all city telephone stations, are integrated into the total number of urban telephones, all combined with or connected to these stations.

The number of rural telephone apparatuses includes telephones connected to the telephone stations installed in the countryside. It is here that the telephone station is coordinated and electronic, regardless of whether the office, organization, population, information service offices, etc. All phones installed at locations are included. Additional (parallel) telephone apparatus is an apparatus incorporated into a common telephone line and free of charge on the station.

All apparatus used in urban and rural areas, for local, intercity and international calls in public places are referred to telephone devices.

Universal automatic devices are commonly used for public, local, intercity and international call fees, allowing simultaneous use of various payment means (card, coin, or other).

The number of main telephone sets includes the devices connected to the city and rural telephone network ATS with the personal number. It is not included in the main telephone apparatus and there are no free (additional and parallel) devices on the station.

The number of newly acquired phones during the year characterizes the number of devices that were taken to their apartments on the basis of the subscribers' applications.

The number of radio telephones includes phones that have access to the station installed in the center of the district and allow them to connect directly to a telephone station via an air line within the specified radius.

The airline is a telephone line for providing a subset of subscribers. The length of the air lines is the length of the wire hanging from the city and village telephone poles.

In the economies in the market economy, regulation of the economy depends not only on the prices of the products produced, but also on the services provided. The service is understood as the result of economic activity that does not have material form, which pays for personal, collective and social needs. The statistical indicators system and their methods of calculating international standards have been reversed, and the transition from the concept of national economy to the concept of economic activity has abolished the notion that the service relates to non-production sphere. Labor activities in the sphere of economic activity are considered productive labor and results of its activity are taken into account in the gross domestic product and other indicators of economic activity. Services are divided into production and non-production services, depending on the features of use. Services that meet the needs of manufacturing industries are estimated at production prices, and non-production services that meet the latest consumer needs of households are estimated at consumer prices. In practice it is recommended to evaluate tariffs for communication services for legal entities at producer prices. Therefore, adjusting service tariffs, lowering tariffs, and implementing progressive pricing policies in this area, along with other measures, arise from an objective demand.

              The essence of computation of tariff indices for communication services for legal entities. Indexes are used widely in the system of communication statistics to monitor and analyze the process of economic processes of postal and communication enterprises, to study the level and dynamics of tariffs. This indicator helps to collect the necessary information in solving state-related issues, is intended for macro-level predictions and various calculations.

The object of surveillance in the postal and communication statistics is the amount of mail and communications services, communication networks and means of expression in the nature and value. As a statistical observation unit, postal and communication enterprises (organization, administration, etc.), other postal and telecommunication services, utilizing communications technology are taken.

When calculating tariff indices in enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, tariffs for services rendered by enterprises and organizations are taken as basis.

In order to obtain objective information about prices and tariffs in statistics, it is required to solve two major problems:

• Establish a new system for collecting data on prices and tariffs;

• Improve the computational and complementary indicator system's calculation methods in line with international standards, showing different aspects of price and tariff rates.

Collection of information from postal and communication enterprises is crucial for the solution of these issues at the state level.

Establishment of tariff indexes consists of the following stages:

1. Selection of basic enterprises and services of postal and communication activity;

2. Settlement of tariffs for registration;

3. Selecting an indicator measuring system to calculate the aggregate price indices of different aggregation levels;

4. Selection of tariff index calculation formula.

It is especially important to choose the types of services needed to study the dynamics of postal and communication tariffs. The nomenclature of services depends on the activities of communications enterprises and is grouped as follows:

1. According to the uniformity of consumption features of the services provided;

2. The identity of the types of property;

3. For the use of various group services while calculating the dynamics of the same services.

Under the name of service - type of service, the whole range of certain types of services is understood together with specific consumption features.

The type of service is a minimal unit of service with certain features and attributes. For example: postal services with letters, city telephony services for general use, communication services for information and e-mailing.

Service group - reflects the greatness of service types. For example, mail and courier services, electrical communication services, etc.

The purpose of choosing services for tariff registration is as follows:

• observe the level of tariffs for specific services;

• calculation of tariff indices on service groups;

• Computation of the aggregate tariff index for the communication area in general.

The accuracy of the aggregate tariff indices of all aggregate levels depends on the correct selection of services.

The weight of total communication services (such as 50% of total communication services) is used as a criterion for the selected services' registration. The most representative of each type of service is taken. The type of service that should be selected in the selection is that there is information on their tariffs and the specific weight of the service is great.

Selection should be made to ensure that the types of service represent all service groups.

Selection of service types for registration of tariffs is carried out at stages. At the initial stage the list of representative services and service groups is formed centrally.

At the next stage, more 3 to 5 types of services are selected, which will be tariffs.

The inclusion of certain types of services into the observation should be addressed with the participation of specialists in the communications industry and statistical agencies.

When calculating tariff indices of service types - types of services, information on the number of services used for each communications facility is used.

When calculating the aggregate tariff indices for service groups, the value range of different types of services is included in these groups. Due to the yearly change in the tariffs for communication services, it is necessary to use the latest weight structure for index calculations or adjust the weight structure taking into account the latter changes.

Tariffs for communication services provided by legal entities to various types of ownership are the relative indices that characterize the change in revenues from communication services of these enterprises and organizations. The indexes are generally calculated as of the reporting month, the relevant month of the previous year, the previous month (December), the beginning of the reporting period, and the relevant period of the previous year.

When calculating tariff indices for communication services for legal entities, tariffs for the services provided are taken as the basis.

The actual tariff rates for each type of communication services for each type of communication services and reporting periods are calculated by dividing the total value indices into the total number of indicators. For example, the amount of revenue from the information and information e-mail service is 3 million manat, and the number of services is 600. At this time, the cost of a service unit is 5,000 manats (300,000: 600). Basic ICT indicators can be grouped as follows:

• on households;

• Population (individuals);

• Businesses;

• ICT sector;

• Foreign trade and etc.

Indicators for households and individuals constitute 1/3 of the core ICT indicators and are consistent with their observation. During the observation, the following factors are taken into consideration:

Information on both households and individuals is derived from the same sample survey. Information on households is received by the head of the household and individuals on the basis of surveys among individuals of those households. The head of the household also participates as an respondent in providing information on individuals.

It is more optimal to use the results of other household surveys or the census materials of the latter population in the calculation of the required number of people selected in practice and in the formation of the set. If these options are inaccessible, selective aggregate can be determined depending on financial resources and capabilities.

Surveillance units are determined by the proportion of income or expense, household size, density based on groups based on their habitat, homogeneity.

It is unlikely that the list of households to participate in the survey will be drawn from a list of households that participated in other surveys. This can lead to an increase in the burden on respondents and lower data quality.

While the survey process involves individuals, the selection unit is the household, and the selection unit is individuals.

The survey can be carried out face-to-face, through telephone interviews or by mail. In the absence of an inquiry, their evaluation or conditional calculation is not a way out, and it is advisable to avoid such transactions. Because household income is very different, homogeneity is small, and it is difficult to determine the dependence on which factor the ICT is.

Participation of respondents aged 16 and older can be considered as in the case of some European countries, as well as individuals in the market economy. It is important to note that teenagers under the age of 16 do not have massive use of the Internet, and even if they use the Internet, their use goals are not serious.

Prior to the start of the selection process, its draft should identify the statistical aspects covering management and organizational aspects, statistical methods, data processing and descriptive statistics that reflect the features of the organization and management of the observation. Successful implementation of selective observation, minimizing the number of mistakes made directly depends on this stage.

Consistency of key works or preparation of the observation plan (mine plan), preparation of recommendations for examination form and its completion, organization and management of selection observation, data collection, analysis, computer input and processing, and economic-statistical analysis of obtained results and spread.

The questionnaire should be based on the request of the authorities conducting the ICT policy. The questionnaire should have a simple structure, indicators that need to be added and practically no event-related or very incidental questions. It is advisable to post information that requires additional time to statistics or interviewers. While preparing the survey sheet, the AB Statistical Bureau's model survey sheets can be used and tested.

   Data processing is based on information collected on the basis of information collected on the basis of selection and summary data, preparation of information relevant to the exit schedules and so on. processes. It is important to work out that the formation of data in the processing of data is carried out in accordance with the methodological guidelines, making the output tables more relevant to the system of indicators. In the calculation of the key indicators, it is necessary to adopt explanations correctly in their assessment.

    Statistical and economic analysis should be carried out after the data has been processed and the output tables are received. Statistical and economic analysis of the final examinations of qualifying examination allows to describe the quality of the examination and the situation on the field. Deductive statistical analysis - it is important to evaluate one or another characteristic of the main set of conclusions based on the selection results or to adopt any decision concerning the general assembly. As a result of selection information, the variation indices are calculated on the statistical error. Determine the percentage of elimination error, and the percentage of eligibility for the next examinations. Decisions to be made for subsequent examinations, compiling the layout of groups (layers), reducing or enlarging the selection of regions should be based on statistical analysis of selection results.

It is important for the first time that observations and conclusions are widely discussed, particularly those of government agencies involved in ICT policy and other related organizations. This step is aimed at preventing misinformation in publications.


After the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the transport system entered a new phase of its development. Fundamental structural reforms have been completed. The country's economy has fallen into the next stage of rapid development, leading to the creation of a legal basis for transport business in the conditions of market economy, and focusing on strong direction of activities that reflect the demands of the market economy and market economy. Sector reform in transport

has created an incentive for the formation of a single transport policy. One of the goals of a unified transport policy is to integrate sub-sectors and to improve skills in both integrated and multi-model transport systems in the transport service market. Increased individual traffic

flexibility is to ensure the rights of citizens in the field of transport, as well as to increase the defense potential of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The key role of the transport sector is the provision of increasing demand, along with the principles of compliance with the socio-economic development reforms being prepared by the Republic of Azerbaijan. Changing conditions necessitates the identification of key areas for the development of the transport system and the identification of the tasks determined by the state in the field of transport development. The main purpose of the transport system's operation and development is to support the growth of life style and economy of the population by means of transport.

Transport system development issues are directly related to the implementation of the socio-economic priorities of the state in accordance with the transition to the economic growth phase. The state of the transport sector and transport infrastructure development is rapidly growing. Development of a single economic space, acceleration of commodity turnover and reducing transport costs in the economy require the creation of a single sustainable transport network in the country along with the elimination of imbalances in the development of administrative barriers in the trade turnover system and the development of the transport system in separate regions. The main purpose of the development of the country's transport system is to provide transportation to all layers of citizens, including citizens living in remote areas, to improve the quality of transport services, to reduce the negative impact of transport on the population and the environment, and to train qualified personnel for the transport complex. and maximizing its benefits, but also limiting its negative consequences to the community

systematic measures should be taken. Integration of Azerbaijan into world economy and foreign

expansion of trade requires proper restructuring of transport infrastructure, full use of existing opportunities of Azerbaijan as a transit country, increase of competitiveness of country carriers and development of transport services. Changing geopolitical conditions and

Taking the relevant position of the Republic of Azerbaijan on a global scale, as well as an element of the national security system, imposes new demands on transport.

Responsibility for future generations to protect natural resources and improve living conditions requires the establishment of transport policy on the basis of sustainable development principles. The development of the transport system also requires the solution of a number of internal transportation problems as a field. The main tasks in this area are the continuation of structural changes, the transport system

increase of complexity in the management of activity and development, prevention of the depreciation tendency of the main transportation funds and improvement of the technical level of transport systems. The railway, water, automobile, civil air transport,

the central executive authority that regulates and carries out a unified state policy in transport sub-sectors, and regulates inter-sectoral relations, the Ministry of Transport. The development, regulation and management functions in the transport sector are carried out by the relevant state authorities within the scope of their competence with the Ministry of Transport and the Field.

At the end of each study and at the end of the research, we would like to make the following suggestions:

1. International transport system of the republic's transport system

it is necessary to constantly improve the regulatory framework in accordance with the requirements of the changing period in the relevant field in order to accelerate its integration, and the requirements of international norms and conventions should be taken into consideration when forming a legal mechanism for the regulation of the transport logistics complex. An example of a simplification of the authorization system for international carriage on the basis of a permit system is that it is possible to provide additional revenue to the state budget as a result;

2. Structural reforms in transport should address the development of market relations, the reduction of state involvement in commercial transport, the separation of potential competitive and natural monopoly activities, and ultimately the reduction of the monopoly sector. Structural reforms in transport should be carried out in the direction of improvement and consolidation of the statistical observation system of operators and the acquisition of new modern information;

3. Improvement of anti-monopoly regulation in the transport sector

consider the following:

• Creating on-line information technology to monitor market concentration. Separation of transport services market from the non-market commercial operation sector and use for non-commercial use sectors, taking measures to market the market by distributing competitive and monopolistic types of activities, and applying a real control system to the market;

• Reducing the direct regulation of the areas of natural monopoly activity gradually by setting market regulation methods;

• Legislation, including anti-monopoly and specific (by sectors)

improvement of legislation, development of market activities and entry rules, as well as elaboration of exemplary contracts for services rendered by natural monopoly subjects, regulation of standard service contract regulations for natural monopolists and their strengthening by legislation;

4. Tariff and price regulation should be carried out in natural monopoly areas. In this case, the interests of operators and operators of transport services should be balanced. The following basic conditions can be set during tariff adjustments:

• controlling the overall level of tariffs to avoid the rise in inflation;

• Maximum level of tariffs for providing affordable services to potential consumers

• lower tariffs to avoid dumping;

• Ensuring price transparency in the market (applying the "declared tariff" principle);

• Ensuring reasonable tariffs for tariffs (not allowing for tariff change to change over time).

5. Development of transport services such as exports of commodities, which constitute an essential part of the national strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, is of strategic importance to the republic. Transport services should be developed in the following areas:

• Azerbaijan to export local export goods to world markets

Increasing the role of transport enterprises of the Republic;

• increasing the share of transport enterprises of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the import of goods and transportation of third countries' cargo;

• Development of transport system of Azerbaijan Republic from transit potential.


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Internet resources



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