Basel Convention

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Status of Ratification/Accession/Acceptance/Approval:

21.04.1995 (r)

Acceptance of the Amendment to the Basel Convention:


Competent Authority

Focal Point

There are 40 Competent Authorities with different territorial jurisdiction. A complete list is available on request from the focal point.


(Federal Environmental Agency)

Anlaufstelle Basler Übereinkommen

Postfach 330022

D-14191 Berlin

tel: (49-30) 8903-3296

fax: (49-30) 8903-3103


web site:

National Definition

There is no national definition of waste and hazardous waste used for the purpose of transboundary movements of waste.
In Germany the provisions of the Council Regulation (EEC) No. 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the EC (EC Waste Movement Regulation) apply, especially referring to Annexes II, III, IV and V. Annexes III and IV (Amber and Red List) regulate also some wastes not included in Art. 1 (1a) of the Basel Convention. There is also a list which specifies the wastes which are not controlled (Annex II or Green List). All wastes not included in the Annexes are controlled. Pursuant to the same Council Regulation all wastes destined for final disposal are also controlled.

Data* on the Generation and Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes** and Other Wastes*** in 2000 (as reported)

Quantities (in metric tonnes)


Total amount of hazardous wastes generated

No data

Total amount of other wastes generated
No data

Transboundary Movement

Total amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes exported

320 325 1)

Total amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes imported

803 707 2)

* Figures are rounded to the nearest integer.

** Covers wastes under Art. 1 (1)a (Annex I: Y1-Y45) and Art. 1 (1)b.

*** Covers wastes under (Annex II: Y46-Y47).

1) It consists of: hazardous wastes exported under Art 1 (1)a: 225 288 mt and Art. 1 (1)b: 52 721 mt + other wastes: 42 317 mt.

2) It consists of: hazardous wastes imported under Art 1 (1)a: 371 445 mt and Art. 1 (1)b: 293 731 mt + other wastes: 138 531 mt.

Restrictions on Transboundary Movement

Amendment to the Basel Convention

The export ban has been implemented through Art. 16 EC Waste Movement Regulation. Decision III/1 has been ratified in May 2002.

Restrictions on export for final disposal

Germany restricts the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal. In Germany the provisions of the EC Waste Movement Regulation apply, especially referring to Art. 16 and 18. Entry into force: May 1994. The export of waste for final disposal into non-EU/non-EFTA countries is prohibited.

Restrictions on export for recovery

Germany restricts the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for recovery. In Germany the provisions of the EC Waste Movement Regulation apply, especially referring to Art. 16 and 18. Entry into force: May 1994, amendment January 1998 (Implementation of III/1). The export of hazardous wastes for recovery listed in Annex V of the EC Waste Movement Regulation into all countries which do not apply OECD Council Decision C 92/39 is prohibited from January 1998.

Restrictions on import for final disposal

Germany restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal. In Germany the provisions of the EC Waste Movement Regulation apply, especially referring to Art. 19. Entry into force: May 1994. The Import of wastes for final disposal from non-Parties of the Basel Convention, except from OECD-countries or countries with which bilateral agreements exist, is prohibited.

Restrictions on import for recovery

Germany restricts the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for recovery. In Germany the provisions of the EC Waste Movement Regulation apply, especially referring to Art. 21. Entry into force: May 1994. The Import of hazardous wastes for recovery from non-Parties of the Basel Convention, except from OECD-countries or countries with which bilateral agreements exist, is prohibited.

Restrictions on transit

Germany has no restrictions on the transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes.

Reduction and/or Elimination of Hazardous Waste Generation

Legislation, regulations and guidelines

Recycling Management and Waste Act with supplementary regulations, in particular:

  • Battery Ordinance (1998; amended in 2001);

  • Waste Oil Ordinance (1987; amended in 2002);

  • CFC-Ordinance (1991);

  • Ordinance on the management of waste wood (2003)

  • PCB-waste Ordinance (2000);

  • Technical Instruction on the Management of Hazardous Waste (1991); and

  • Waste Management Plans issued by the Federal States.

Federal Immission Control Act with supplementary regulations; in particular:

  • Ordinance on Waste Incineration Plants (1990).

End-of-Life-Vehicle Act (2002).

Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93 of 29 June 1993 allowing voluntary participation by companies in the industrial sector in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)

Measures taken by industries/waste generators

Environmental aspects are implemented in many German Industrial Standards (DIN). There is a “Manual on the Consideration of Environmental Aspects in Standardization and Development of New Products” (2001; DIN-Fachbericht 108; EUR 10,-)

Several thousand enterprises from different branches of industry and administration participate in the eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS). A complete list is available from the focal point or
The German Environmental Label comprises more than 100 different product criteria (e.g. tires, copiers, paper) and several thousand labeled products. For further information see


Program of the Federal Government “Research for the environment” from 1997 with emphasis on environmentally sound products, reduction of littering, ecological and social causes of waste generation, waste avoidance, precautionary waste management and closed loop recycling management.

Research projects by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education on sustainable business and integrated environmental protection in several industrial branches (e.g. plastics and rubber industry, metallurgical processes, agriculture, packaging industry, foundries, food processing, textile industry, wood processing). For further information and

Transboundary Movement Reduction Measures

National strategies/policies
Implementation of the principle of self-sufficiency when waste is designed for final disposal. 9 federal states have implemented an obligation for delivery of waste for final disposal to public facilities within Germany.

Legislation, regulations and guidelines

Implementation of the principle of self-sufficiency when waste is destined for final disposal pursuant to Art. 3 of the German Waste Movement Act, entry into force October 1994.

Disposal/ Recovery Facilities

Disposal facilities
In Germany about 600 approved facilities for final disposal of hazardous wastes are in operation. Additional information and a complete list are available on request from the focal point. Some major specialized facilities are listed below:

  • Kali und Salz AG, Untertagedeponie Herfa-Neurode, Postfach 1061, D-36262 Heringen for D12 operations;

- Bresch Entsorgung GmbH, Leinestraße 18, D-24539 Neumünster for decomposition of equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons;

  • RWE Umwelt AG, Zweigniederlassung L.U.S., Ackerstraße, D-1968 Senftenberg for biological soil treatment;

  • Nammo Buck GmbH; 16278 Pinnow; incineration of explosive substances;

  • Gesellschaft zur Entsorgung von Sondermüll in Bayern mbH (GSB), Winzerstrasse 97 d, D-80797 München for D5, D8, D9 and D10/R1 operations

Recovery/Recycling/Re-use facilities
In Germany more than 1000 facilities are in operation. More information is available on request from the focal point. Below some specialized major facilities:

  • Norddeutsche Affinerie AG, Hovestr. 50, D-20539 Hamburg for R4 operations;

  • Mineralölraffinerie Dollbergen GmbH, Bahnhofstrasse 82, D-31311 Uetze-Dollbergen for R9 operations;

  • Contamex Industrieanlagen GmbH, Altenburger Str. 29, D-04617 Kriebitzsch for soil recovery (R5),

  • Nordische Quecksilberrückgewinnung GmbH, Bei der Gasanstalt 9, D-23560 Lübeck; for recovery of mercury (R4);

  • B.U.S. Zinkrecycling GmbH, Frauensteiner Straße 81, D-09599 Freiberg; recovery of zinc (R4);

Bilateral, Multilateral or Regional Agreements

  • Multilateral agreement with OECD countries, effective from 1992, regarding import and export of hazardous waste and other wastes; all wastes for recovery and final disposal;

  • Bilateral agreement with Kazakhstan, effective from 1994, regarding import to Germany; (all wastes for recovery);

  • Bilateral agreement with Zimbabwe, effective from 1995, regarding import to Germany; (all wastes for recovery);

    • Bilateral agreement with Afghanistan, effective from November 2002, regarding import to Germany (all wastes for recovery); and

    • Bilateral agreement with Kosovo (agreement with the commander of the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR)), effective from 2000, regarding Import to Germany (wastes generated by KFOR/NATO troops).

Technical Assistance and Training Available

A general overview of sources for technical assistance and training is given below:

  • Notification system: Competent authorities pursuant to Art. 5;

  • Identification of illegal traffic: Competent authorities, customs and police;

  • Environmentally sound technologies: Universities and Chambers of Trade and Commerce: and

  • Waste management: Universities and Chambers of Trade and Commerce.

Further information or a complete list can be obtained from the Focal Point.

Basel Convention

Country Fact Sheet

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