Beta building

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पोत परिवहन मंत्रालय / MINISTRY OF SHIPPING


टेलीफोन: 022 – 25752040/1/2/3 “बिटा बिल्डिंग”, 9 वी मंजिल / “BETA BUILDING”, 9th FLOOR Tele: 022 - 25752040/1/2/3

फैक्‍स: 022 – 25752029 / 35 आई-थिंक टेक्‍नो कैम्‍पस / I-THINK TECHNO CAMPUS Fa x: 022 – 25752029 / 35

-मेल: कांजुर गॉंव रोड / KANJUR VILLAGE ROAD E-mail:

वेब: कांजुर मार्ग (ईस्‍ट) / KANJUR MARG (EAST) Web:

मुंबई - 400 042 / MUMBAI – 400 042


F.NO: ENG/Misc.29(30)/2012

Dated: 17.02.2014

Sub: Type rating certificates for Masters and Officers for service on high speed crafts-reg.

  1. General:

The International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft (HSC) 2000, as amended (2000 HSC Code), was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), by Resolution No. MSC.97(73). This Code is required to be implemented for passenger high speed crafts, irrespective of their size and also for cargo high speed crafts of 500 gross tonnage (GT) and above, as per Chapter-X of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, 1974, as amended, of the IMO.

  1. Purpose:

    1. The ‘2000 HSC Code’ requires, amongst other stipulations, that all crew members on HSCs should be appropriately trained and that their officers (including Masters) should hold Type Rating Certificates (TRCs), in addition to valid Certificates of Competency (CoCs) that may be required by the Safe Manning Document (SMD) of such crafts.

    1. This Circular sets out the requirements and procedures in respect of training and certification of Masters and Officers working on high speed crafts registered in India.

  1. Reference:









International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (Chapter-X – safety measures for high-speed crafts).


2000 HSC Code

International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, 2000, as amended (2000 HSC Code). This Code was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), by Resolution No. MSC.97(73).

  1. Applicability:

The provisions of this Circular are applicable to all cargo high speed crafts of 500 GT and above and also to all passenger high speed crafts irrespective of their size, operating in the coast of India, unless otherwise specifically exempted from these requirements by the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS), Govt. of India (GOI).

  1. Requirements of training:

    1. HSC operators are responsible for ensuring that appropriate training is given to the Masters and all other officers of such crafts, having an operational role, so that they may qualify for the issue of TRCs. The training required by the HSC Code includes, amongst other things, knowledge of the craft’s propulsion & control systems, handling characteristics, communication & navigational procedures, including night navigation (if applicable), intact stability and survivability of the craft.

    1. Companies operating the HSCs are required to nominate a person responsible for the said training. This person will be designated as the Type Rating Officer (TRO) and may be appointed from within their organisation operating the HSC or from an outside source. The TROs should be holding Certificates of Competency (CoCs) as Masters or Chief Engineers, as the case may be, of the respective types of such crafts and shall have a minimum of one year of sailing experience or two years of experience as Technical Superintendents directly involved in the operations of the respective types of such crafts.

  1. Seafarers training and certification :

    1. High Speed Craft owners/managers shall submit their ‘Record of Training’, in the prescribed form HSC FORM TR-1, after satisfactory completion of onboard training (i.e., 5 days for Masters/Senior Officers of the management level and 3 days for other officers through parallel sailing). Such training must be imparted under the direct supervision of the Master / Chief Engineer, as the case may be, who has a TRC for the respective type of such craft. The training records should be endorsed by the respective company’s Type Rating Officer and submitted to the Principal Officer (PO) of any Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), along with the requisite fee for the issuance of a ‘Provisional Type Rating’ certificate valid for 3 months.

    1. After satisfactory completion of atleast 1 month of service onboard an appropriate type / route of high speed craft, its Master or Officer may make an application for a ‘Type Rating Certificate’ to the PO of any MMD, in the prescribed application form ‘HSC FORM-TR2’, along with requisite fee. After satisfactory assessment of such an application, the Master and Officers thererof, if found eligible, shall be issued with ‘Type Rating Certificates in ‘HSC FORM-TR3’, valid for 2 years (which is the period prescribed under the IMO’s 2000 HSC Code).

    1. All Masters and Officers of such crafts must have atleast 2 months of service on an appropriate type / route of high speed craft for revalidating their Type Rating Certificates. All Masters and Officers of such crafts shall make their applications to the PO of any MMD for the revalidation of their certificates, along with service details and requisite fee, not later than 3 months prior to the date of expiry of the existing TRC.

    1. Masters and Officers of such crafts who fail to comply with the service requirements as at para 6.3 hereinbefore shall follow the instructions comprised in paras 6.1 and 6.2.

    1. All Masters and Officers, currently sailing onboard such vessels, but having a minimum of 3 months of sailing experience on such crafts, may make their applications to the Principal Officers of any MMD for the issue of TRCs, with service details and training records endorsed by their respective companies which are managing the HSCs, on or before the 30th of April, 2014, for the issuance of the certificates indicated at para 6.2 hereinabove.

    1. The fee and the application/revalidation procedures shall be the same as being followed by the EAC Branch of the DGS, GOI from time to time for ‘Special Training & Certification’, viz. Dangerous Cargo Endorsements for oil tankers / gas carriers.

  1. This is issued with the approval of the competent authority and comes into an effect from the date of an issuance of this Circular.


( K.M. Rao)



  1. Principal Officers, Mercantile Marine Departments, Mumbai/Kolkata/ Chennai/ Kandla/Cochin.

  2. Surveyors-in-Charge, Mercantile Marine Departments, Goa/Jamnagar/Port Blair /Visakhapatanam /Tuticorin /Noida /Haldia/ Paradip /Mangalore.

  3. All Recognised Organizations.

  4. Indian National Shippers Association (INSA).

  5. All Shipping Companies.


  7. Hindi Branch, DGS, GOI.

  8. Guard file o/o the DGS, GOI.

  9. Computer Branch o/o the DGS, GOI.




Name of the candidate:

Grade & Certificate NO.:

All Masters/officers should be proficient/familiar with the location and operation of the following:

HSC Code 18.3.3


Training Imparted

P = Proficiency

F = Familiarization

Considered Competent for Rank ________

Initials Training officer



  1. Propulsion and control systems*

  2. communication equipment**

  3. navigational equipment** (including night navigation equipment as applicable)

  4. steering*

  5. electrical*

  6. hydraulic and pneumatic systems*

  7. bilge and fire pumping*


The failure mode of the control, steering and propulsion systems and proper response to such failures;


Handling characteristics of the craft and the limiting operational conditions;**


Bridge communication and navigation procedures;**


Intact and damage stability and survivability of the craft in damage condition;**


Location and use of the craft’s life-saving appliances, including survival craft equipment;


Location and use of escapes in the craft and the evacuation of passengers;


Location and use of fire protection and fire extinguishing appliances and systems in the event of fire on board;


Location and use of damage control appliances and systems, including operation of watertight doors and bilge pumps;


Cargo and vehicle stowage and securing systems; if applicable


Methods for control of and communication with passengers in an emergency;


Location and use of all other items listed in the training manual

Period of Training on board, From …………………………………………. To………………………..

This is to certify that the above candidate has successfully completed the training and found satisfactory for operation of the High Speed Craft in the following route:
Between ……………………………………………………..
Signature of the Master …………………… Signature of Chief Engineer…………………….
Name of Master …………………………. Name of Chief Engineer…………………………

(Ship’s seal)

(Type rating Training officer of the company)

(Company seal)


1** All Navigating officers should be able to demonstrate proficiency in operation of the equipment

2* All Engineer officers should be able to demonstrate proficiency in operation of the equipment

3. All crew should familiarize with operation specified under code to





Application for Issuance of Type Rating Certificate for Service on High Speed Craft

(Refer to Instructions and Guidelines given overleaf for filling up application from)


The Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department, ……….

SUB: Application for issuance of Type Rating Certificate for Service on High Speed Craft
Particulars of Candidate:


Name: (In Block letters)

First Middle Last


Date of Birth:



C.D.C: Number:

Date of issue:

Place of Issue


Certificate of Competency / Service

Grade: No.:



5. Medical Certificate (Format as per ILO Convention) : (photocopy to be attached)

6. Modular Courses Done: (Photocopies to be attached)

  1. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting / Advanced Fire Fighting

  1. Elementary First Aid/ Medical First Aid

  1. Personal Survival Techniques/ PSCRB

  1. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility

  1. Passenger Ship Familiarization / Safety* Course :

7. Record of Service: (On Type of HSC for which Certificate is sougth)

High Speed Craft Particulars

Rank Served

Duration Served

Total Time Served

Certificate of Competency held



Port of Registry



8. Issuance of Type Rating Certificate for Service on HSC requested as follows:

Type of High Speed Craft

Level #

Route of Craft

Category A

Level 1* (operational) / Level 2**(management)

* Delete as appropriate

*Level 1 = Qualified to be assigned duties at operational level.

** Level 2 = Qualified to be assigned for duties with immediate responsibility at management level.

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read the instructions given overleaf.

Date:…………………… Place:……………………. Signature of Applicant: ………………………


Fees paid: Receipt No.: Office Assistant:………………………

I have scrutinized above application in line with the Para 18.3.3 of International Safety Code for HSC, 2000.

Candidate is Eligible / Not Eligible for Issuance of Type Rating Certificate.

Certificate No.:…………………………………. Signature of Duly Authorized Officer:………………………….

Dated :…………………………………. Name of Officer

Level :…………………………………. Designation ……………………………

(Instructions for filling the application form for Issuance of Type Rating Certificate for service on high speed C)

  1. Application should be accompanied by photocopies of following Documents

  1. C.D.C.

  2. Certificate of Competency (for others)

  3. Medical Certificate

  4. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting / Advanced Fire Fighting

  5. Elementary First Aid/ Medical First Aid

  6. Personal Survival Techniques/ PSCRB

  7. Personal Safety and Social Responsibility

  8. Passenger Ship Familiarization / Safety* Course:

  9. Indos Receipt or Indos Certificate.

  10. Passport.

  1. Applicant has to produce all the above mentioned certificates in original with valid medical certificate for verification.


Application for Provisional Type Rating Certificate (Restricted for 3 months)

Training Certificate issued by the Type Rating Training Officer of the company on completion of training requirements in form HSC FORM-TR 1.

Application for Type Rating Certificate

1 month service on board appropriate level/ type/ route of High Speed Craft

Revalidation of Type Rating Certificate

At lease 2 months service during last two years on appropriate type of HSC

4. Record of Sea-service in HSC Crafts

i) Sea Service records duly signed by Master / Chief Engineer

ii) Sea Service letter from the company.

iii)Training Record duly completed in Form No.HSC FORM TR-1 or Type Rating Certificate held (HSC

FORM TR-3) in case of renewal.

5. Candidate should ensure that form is correctly filled up and all required documents are attached otherwise candidate will be declared ineligible for certification.
6. 2 Recent passport size photographs to be submitted along with the application.
7. Any person who makes any false information is liable for punishment for cheating section under 182 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code.
8. Fees Rs. 1000/- shall be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The pay & Accounts Officer (Shipping), Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai/Kochi/Kandla. DD shall be payable at any bank in Mumbai/Kolkata//Chennai/Kochi/Kandla.

Candidates are reminded that Fees once paid cannot be reimbursed, hence ensure prior payment that he is meeting the requirement applicable for certification.



Type Rating Certificate (High Speed Craft)
Issued under the provisions of International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, 2000, as amended
The Government of India certified that Shri…………………………… has completed a course of training as required by Chapter 18.3.3 of the International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft, commensurate with operational tasks on board the craft and routes detailed below and has been found duly qualified to perform the functions at the Level, Type and Route of HSC craft specified. This certificate is valid until ………….. (not more that 2 years from the date of issue)

Level #

Type of HSC Craft

Route of Craft

Level 1 / Level 2


INDOS No………………….

Seal CDC No……………………
Date of birth of the holder of this certificate:………………………..

Signature of the holder of this certificate……………………………

Certificate No…………………………….. issued on …………………………….
AMENDMENTS Details of additional routes

Issued by Mercantile Marine Department : Mumbai/ Kolkata/ Chennai/ Kochi/Kandla

Signature of duly authorized official
Name of duly authorized officer



Level 1 = Qualified to be assigned for duties at operational level.

Level 2 = Qualified to be assigned for duties at management level.


Type Rating Certificate (High Speed Craft)


The validity of this Type Rating Certificate is hereby extended until:……………………………..


Signature of duly authorized official


Name of duly authorized official


Date of Revalidation
The validity of this Type Rating Certificate is hereby extended until:……………………………...


Signature of duly authorized official


Name of duly authorized official


Date of Revalidation

NT/ENG. Circular No. 01of 2014 Page

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