Brief description of the project

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OceanTeacher Academy

Progress Report
Project Title OceanTeacher Academy

Target Country or Region Global
Budget code 513GLO2016
Contract number
Funding sources FUST
Total Budget approved US$ 1,540,000
Reporting Period June 2010- June 2011
Executing Agency IOC/IODE
Implementing partners
Project starting date 23/04/2009
Project completion date 31/12/2013
Responsible Sector  SC
Name of Person completing Report: Peter Pissierssens/ Claudia Delgado

  1. Summary and Background (1 page)

The objective of the OceanTeacher Training Academy is to establish a facility that provides an annual teaching programme of courses related to oceanographic data and information management and the development of related products and services that will contribute to the sustainable management of oceans and coastal areas in Africa and other regions. The OceanTeacher Training Academy underpins all Ocean Data and Information Networks developed by IOC/IODE. The OceanTeacher Academy furthermore promotes the development of regional training nodes thereby providing a multiplier effect on the number of trainees as well as a contribution to the long-term sustained impact of the provided capacity building activities of IOC/IODE and other IOC programmes (e.g. GOOS, ICAM, JCOMM (IOC/WMO), Capacity Building…).

The OceanTeacher Academy project started on 24/04/2010 and ends on 31/12/2013. This report provides an overview of all activities undertaken in the framework of OceanTeacher Academy until 30 May 2011.

  1. Description of project activities undertaken during the reporting period


It is recalled that in October 2009 a new software developer was recruited on the project: Mr Aditya Naik Kakodkar (India). His first main task was to re-develop the OceanTeacher software environment, migrating the course management system from the KewlNextGen syste used previously to Moodle, and to implement the Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) environment for the digital library. This was completed by the previous reporting deadline May 2010). Subsequently new courses and DL content were added to the new system throughout 2010 and 2011.


In order to better integrate the different elements of OT it was decided to redevelop the OT website which is now an integral part of Moodle. Special attention has been given to providing clear information on the application procedure, registration etc. This was discussed extensively at the 2nd Session of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Project (see below)

The following courses were organized during the reporting period June 2010 - June 2011: 8 courses in Oostende and 3 elsewhere.
1 - 7 July 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course on Disaster Planning and Recovery for Marine Librarians

Lecturer: Nancy Kraft

# participants: 19
6 - 10 September 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Introduction to Marine Data for Young Scientists

Lecturers: Andre Cattrijsse, Francisco Hernandez and Reiner Schlitzer

# participants: 20
13 - 24 September 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Basic Marine Data Management: (i) ocean data collection development; (ii) intro to marine metadata; (iii) Ocean data products and synthesis

Lecturers: Murray Brown and Greg Reed

# participants: 21
22 - 26 November 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Marine and Coastal Atlas Development

Lecturers: Greg Reed and Yassine Lassoued

# participants: 17
29 Nov - 3 December 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM: Writing for Professional Publications

Lecturers: Rafael Araujo, Maria Bello, Roger Longhorn

# participants: 12
14 -18 February: ODINAFRICA Coastal and Marine Atlases

Lecturers: Greg Reed and John Bemiasa

# participants: 8
16 - 20 May 2011: OceanTeacher Academy Course DM: Introduction to Marine GIS

Lecturer: Greg Reed

# participants: 16

23 – 27 May 2011: OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM: Training Course on Disaster Planning and Recovery

Lecturers: Nancy Kraft, Linda Pikula and Caitlin Moore ?????

# participants: 14

30 May - 1 June 2011: IOC/UNESCO Marine Spatial Training Course (organized in collaboration with IOC/ICAM)

Lecturer: Charles Ehler

# participants: 15 (TBC)
Courses organized elsewhere:
16 - 17 October 2010: OceanTeacher Academy Course MIM: Grant Writing for MIM Projects or Federated searching software tools

Organized in Mar del Plata, Argentina (back to back with IAMSLIC)

4 - 15 April 2011: Accredited OTA Course: University Curriculum in Marine Data Management (2011) organized at BIOS, Bermuda

Lecturer: Murray Brown

# participants: 10
16 - 27 May: Accredited OTA Course: University Curriculum in Marine Data Management (2011)

Hosted by the Erasmus Mundus MSc Program in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation; Ghent University

Lecturer: Murray Brown

# participants: 21

Each course is followed by an evaluation by the students of the course and lecturers. The results of the evaluations have remained very positive with high ratings for the course content and lecturers.
At the end of each course a “Certificate of Participation” is provided to each student. In the case of the Bermuda and UGent courses these certificates are “accredited” by the host organization.
Theoretical lectures are now systematically video-recorded and made available online (e.g. see
Overall, during calendar year 2010 a total of 155 students were received in Oostende representing 953 person days.
The number of lecturers available for courses has increased substantially during 2009-2011 to 15:

  1. Rafael ARAÚJO - University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Miami, USA

  2. Maria BELLO: University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), Miami, USA

  3. Murray Brown, USA

  4. André CATTRIJSSE, VLIZ, Belgium

  5. Charles EHLER, USA

  6. Nancy KRAFT, Head of Preservation, University of Iowa Libraries, USA

  7. Francisco HERNANDEZ, VLIZ, Belgium

  8. Yassine LASSOUED, CMRC, Ireland

  9. Roger LONGHORN, Belgium/USA

  10. Paul NIEUWENHUYSEN, VUB, Belgium

  11. Linda Pikula, NOAA, Miami, USA

  12. Greg REED, AODCJF, Australia

  13. Reiner SCHLITZER, AWI, Germany

  14. Anthony SMITH, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA

  15. Pauline SIMPSON, Programme Coordinator, Central Caribbean Marine Institute, Cayman Islands

An updated list of OTA lecturers and their profiles is available at OceanTeacher website.

The 2nd Session of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanTeacher Project was held in Miami, USA between 11-15 April 2011. The main objectives of the meeting were (i) to assess the current status of the Project; (ii) to further develop and optimize distance-learning aspects of the Project; and (iii) to discuss future directions of the project.
In order to discuss distance learning best practices the meeting had invited Dr Judith Boettcher.

The meeting noted that, in order to allow for long-term sustainability and continued access to basic courses it would be preferable to make a few courses available fully online. It was decided that these courses will include: Data Management – Marine GIS; Marine Information Management – Grant Writing. For other courses “blended learning” will be utilized. This implies mixing face-to-face lectures with distance learning sessions.

All courses currently available in the OT Moodle Classroom were reviewed and catalogued in to 7 categories or ‘status level’:

    • Type 1: complete (i.e., designed, have been taught in the past, available on the website and Digital Library (DL) populated)

    • Type 2: almost complete (i.e., designed, have been taught in the past, available on the website but DL not populated)

    • Type 3: designed, have been taught in the past, not available on the website and DL not populated)

    • Type 4: have been taught in the past and powerpoints are uploaded onto the website

    • Type 5: course under development

    • Type 6: course needs updating

    • Type 7: out of date/obsolete, i.e., to be archived

Subsequent to this analysis, the following courses are available (for further details see also annex 3)

    • type 1: 5 courses in Data Management

    • type 2: 11 courses; (4 Marine Information Management, 4 Data Management, 3 Interdisciplinary)

    • type 3: 1 course in Data Management

    • type 5: 2 courses in Data Management

    • type 6: 1 course in MIM Marine Information Management

    • type 7: 1 course in Data Management

In order to assess training needs it was agreed to have a new, updated survey on training needs. Therefore, the calendar of training activities for the next biennium (2012-13) was not decided during the meeting, as it will be based on a new survey to organize in June 2011.

Following the analysis of status of current courses available, this new survey on training needs should include:

o types 1 and 2 courses list (ranking question to assess interest on these courses)

o ask for interest in types 3 to 6 courses

o other topics needed (open question)

o list of new topics pre-identified by the Steering Group (see annex 3)

o furthermore, the survey should target both:

• the IODE community (Data Management + Marine Information Management)

• the end users of those services (such as the researchers that use those libraries) (note: check OceanExpert to identify end users)

o the survey will be created on SurveyMonkey and will be circulated (as pdf) amongst the Steering Group for structure and contents approval.
Given the usefulness of surveys for activities planning, the need to have training on how to prepare surveys was also mentioned.
The meeting agreed on an extensive overhaul of the OTA web site (see also under OceanTeacher web site above). This overhaul will continue throughout 2011 together with a major upgrade of Moodle to version 2.0 in August 2011. In addition it was agreed to include a Creative Commons license in the site: (international license, no commercial use; no modifications; need to always cite the author/source).
It was also agreed to implement a new application and selection procedure, including an extensive application form and a set of questions concerning the possibility of co-funding will be established. In the case of longer courses (e.g. online and/or blended courses), prospective students may be attributed a pre-assignment (e.g. produce a poster, short essay, etc.) where they can demonstrate both technical capacities and motivation to attend the Face-to-Face (F2F) component of the course, serving as a tool for selection criteria.
To more effectively promote OceanTeacher the following actions will be taken: (i) to have a 1 minute long video with the trainer explaining what is the course about, purposes of the course, etc.; (ii) to have clear descriptions of learning outcomes, target audience, TOC for each course before course application opens; (iii) OTA courses shall be widely advertised by organizations such as SCOR, POGO, OBIS, Marine-B discussion list, etc, besides the already established communication channels; (iv) instead of printing out costly leaflets/booklets to advertise OTA training programmes every year, OT may send postcards with a URL pointing to a detailed pdf available on OT website.
The meeting also discussed the outcomes of IODE-XXI as relevant to OTA:
- Agenda item 8.1: Discuss the possibility to translate OT courses and how to (non-English course materials and contents):

o OT and OT trainers will mentor students that demonstrate potential for teaching and/or co-teaching (at least 1 Spanish + 1 French speaking) in each course

o OT will provide the English version of each course as a package, and the aforementioned identified co-teachers will be responsible for translating these materials;

- Agenda item 8.2: Discuss how to address the internet connectivity and band-with problems […] and how to make the digital library and/or classroom materials available in offline version:

o OT will explore the feasibility of using Poodle ( to provide OTA offline;

o Nevertheless, it should be kept in mind that DM always requires downloading datasets;

- Agenda item 8.3: Discuss how to feed OT with training materials and tools from other sources:

o OT will contact SeaDataNet on how to make their training materials available;

o OT will inform any Cruise Summary Reports authors that they are allowed to use OT platform to make those CSR available;

o OT will inform COMET that OT can make COMET’s training materials available.

- Agenda item 8.5: Discuss how to make MS contributing more to OT (DL, training materials and trainers):

o OT needs to identify/target specific contributors, often involved with IODE in the past (e.g. Bob Keeley, etc)

o OT needs to become attractive to potential trainers

The following elements were identified:

  • 50 % of the training activities should be organised in distance learning mode

  • have (keep updated) a catalogue of at least 20 different courses ready to be delivered at any time

  • launch a survey on training needs and gaps every year

  • course accreditation (have 50% accredited courses) and have peer reviewers

  • establish one training centre per ODIN

  • implement a succession plan for tutors

  • achieve at least 20-30% self sponsored students and seek new co-funders

  • the digital library should become a reference for use by a broader public

  • actively promote OT and OTA

It is noted that Dr Wouter Rommens left the IOC Project Office for IODE on 1 June 2010. He was replaced as IODE Training Coordinator by Dr Claudia Delgado as from 17 January 2011.

  1. Difficulties and Problems encountered and measures taken, any changes in implementation.

Despite a rigorous selection process there were still cases when students did not sufficiently master the English language to fully benefit of courses. To remedy this a new procedure will be utilized (see II).

Delays in arrival of funding (January-April) have made that courses could not easily be planned before April of each year. Adding the difficulty of organizing events during June-August and December this limits the months during which a course can be organized to 5 months/year.

  1. Project Results achieved during the reporting period


  1. Lessons learned and Sustainability

Long-term sustainability will depend on the ability of OT and OTA to be recognized as an essential training system to acquire the necessary skills in DM and IM at the national level (data centres) and for marine degree programmes and post-graduates (international level). It will be necessary to focus on cooperation agreements between e.g. training programmes of other organizations (e.g. POGO) and IODE/OT whereby these will cover the cost of the courses (as is the case for eg SeaDataNet). In addition a cost-recovery based fee system will need to be investigated for the fully-distance learning courses.

  1. Evaluation recommendations when applicable


  1. Visibility: describe any visibility action implemented during the reporting period

  • A presentation on OceanTeacher was included in the IODE 50th anniversary international conference (21-22 March 2011)

  • A presentation on OceanTeacher was included in the Capacity Building Regional Meeting for the Middle East & North Africa meeting (19-21 April 2011)

  • A poster is being prepared for the 26th Session of the IOC Assembly, 22 June – 5 July 2011

  1. Work plan for the following period (please complete the attached table and when applicable add an eventual budget revision)

See II

  1. Annexes (publications, reports and other project outputs, when applicable)


Annual Workplan

Project Code and Title 513GLO2016 : OceanTeacher Academy

Planned Activities

Expected Outputs


From To

Responsible Party

Organization of training courses (face to face, blended and fully online)

At least 150 trainees for face-to-face training; 50 students for blended/online



IODE Project Office

Further development of content for OceanTeacher

Content added for DM&IM but also for other disciplines that have a data management component



IODE Project Office

Further development of the OceanTeacher training software platform

System up to date and at maximum performance



IODE Project Office

FUST-XVIII – 20/06/2011 – PROGRESS REPORT 513GLO2016 page

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