Since The Iron Curtain Over America developed out of many years of study, travel, and intelligence service, followed by a more recent period of intensive research and consultation with experts, the author is indebted in one way or another to hundreds of people.
First of all, there is a lasting obligation to his former teachers -- particularly his tutors, instructors, and university professors of languages. The more exacting, and therefore the most gratefully remembered, are Sallie Jones, Leonidas R. Dingus, Oliver Holben, James S. McLemore, Thomas Fitz-Hugh, Richard Henry Wilson, C. Alphonso Smith, William Witherle Lawrence, George Philip Krapp, C. Pujadas, Joseph Delcourt, and Mauricae Grammont. Some of these teachers required a knowledge of the history, the resources, the culture, and the ideals of the peoples whose language they were imparting. Their memories are green.
In the second place, the author is deeply obligated to M. Albert Kahn and to the six trustees of the American Albert Kahn Foundation -- Edward Dean Adams, Nicholas Murray Butler, Charles D. Walcott, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, Henry Fairfield Osborn, and Henry Smith Pritchett -- who chose him as their representative abroad for 1926-27. Without the accolade of these men, and the help of their distinguished Secretary, Dr. Frank D. Fackenthal, The author might not have found the way, a quarter of century later, to The Iron Curtain Over America.
In the third instance, the author owes, of course, a very great debt to the many men and women who were his fellow workers in the extensive field of strategic intelligence, intelligence, and to those persons who came to his office for interview from all parts of the world. This obligation is not, however, for specific details, but for a general background of knowledge which became a guide to subsequent study.
To friends and helpers in several other categories, the author expresses here his deep obligation. A score or more of senators and congressmen gave him information, furthered his research, sent him needed government documents or photostats when originals were not available, introduced him to valuable contacts and otherwise rendered very important assistance, Certain friends who are university professors, eminent lawyers, and political analysts, have read and criticized constructively all or a part of the manuscript. The staffs of a number of libraries have helped, but the author has leant most heavily upon the Library of Congress, the Library of the University of Virginia, and above all the Library of Southern Methodist University, where assistance was always willing, speedy, and competent.
Finally, four secretaries have been most patient and accurate in copying and recopying thousands of pages bristling with proper names, titles of books and articles, quotations, and dates.
For a special reason, however, the author will call the name of no one who has helped him since 1927. “Smears” and reprisals upon eminent persons become well known, but for one such notable victim, a thousand others in the government, in universities, and even private citizenship, suffer indignities from arrogant minority wielders of power of censorship and from their hirelings and dupes. Reluctantly, then no personal thanks are here expressed. The author’s friends know well his appreciation of their help, and will understand.
To all the works cited and to all the authorities quoted in The Iron Curtain Over America, the author owes a debt which he gratefully acknowledges. For the use of copyrighted excerpts over a few lines in length, he has received the specific permission of the authors and publishers, and takes pleasure in extending thanks to the following: The American Legion Magazine and National Commander (1950-1951) Earle Cocke, Jr.; Professor Harry Elmer Barnes; Mr. Bruce Barton and King Features Syndicate; The Christophers; the Clover Business Letter; Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, Inc.; The Freeman; The Embassy of Lebanon; Human Events; The New York Times; The Tablet; The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia Company, Inc.; The Washington Daily News; and the Washington Times-Herald. Further details including the titles and names of the authors are given on the appropriate pages, in order that those interested may know how to locate the cited work, whether for purchase or perusal in a library.
Two newspapers and two magazines deserve especial thanks. Because of a full coverage of news and the verbatim reprinting of official documents, the current issues and the thoroughly indexed bound or on microfilmed back numbers of the New York Times were essential in the preparation of The Iron Curtain Over America. The Washington Times-Herald was obligatory reading, too, because of its coverage of the Washington scene, as well as the international scene, with fearless uncensored reporting.
After careful checking for accuracy and viewpoint, both the American Legion Magazine and Foreign Service, the magazine of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, have published feature articles by the author in the general field of the United States-Soviet relations. Dedicated as it is to those veterans who gave their lives. The Iron Curtain Over America may be considered as a token of gratitude to our two great organizations of veterans for personal introductions to their five million patriotic readers.
To one and all, then -- to publishers, to periodical, and to people who have helped - to the dead as well as to the living - to the few who have been named and to the many who must remain anonymous - and finally to his readers, most of whom he will never know except in the spiritual kinship of a great shared mission of spreading the Truth, the author says thank you, from the bottom of his heart!
List of Americans in the Venona papers
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Originally declassified by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chairman of the bipartisan Commission on Government Secrecy, the Venona project and its associated documentation, contains codenames of several hundred individuals said to be involved on differing levels with the KGB and the GRU.[1][2] Many of the codenames have been identified by the FBI, CIA, NSA and other academics and historians by using a combination of circumstantial evidence, corroborating testimony from Eastern Bloc defectors, direct surveillance, informants and a number of other means.[3] Many academics and historians believe that most of the following individuals were either clandestine assets and/or contacts of the KGB, GRU and Soviet Naval GRU.[4][5].
The following list of individuals is extracted in part from the work of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr[2]; as well as others listed in the references below.
To what extent any given individual named below was clandestinely involved with Soviet intelligence is a topic of dispute, with a few scholars, most notably Victor Navasky, skeptical of attempts to identify individuals from codenames found in Venona.
Twenty-four persons targeted for recruitment remain uncorroborated as to it being accomplished. These individuals are marked with an asterisk (*).
John Abt United States Department of Agriculture; Works Progress Administration; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; special assistant to the United States Attorney General, United States Department of Justice
Solomon Adler, United States Department of the Treasury, supplied info to Silvermaster group, went to China after communist revolution and joined government of Mao Zedong
Lydia Altschuler
Thomas Babin, Yugoslavia Section Office of Strategic Services
Marion Bachrach, (*) congressional office manager of Congressman John Bernard of the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party
Rudy Baker
Vladimir Barash
Joel Barr, United States Army Signal Corps Laboratories
Alice Barrows, United States Office of Education
Theodore Bayer, President, Russky Golos Publishing
George Beiser, National Research Establishment, Research and Development Board; engineer Bell Aircraft
Aleksandr Belenky, General Electric
Cedric Belfrage, journalist; British Security Coordination
Elizabeth Bentley, companion of Jacob Golos of Sound/Myrna group; turned herself in to FBI in 1945 leading to unraveling of many Soviet spy rings
Marion Davis Berdecio, Office of Naval Intelligence; Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; United States Department of State
Josef Berger, (*) Democratic National Committee
Joseph Milton Bernstein, Board of Economic Warfare
Walter Sol Bernstein, Hollywood Screenwriter, listed on the MPAA's Hollywood blacklist
T.A. Bisson, Board of Economic Warfare
Thomas Lessing Black, Bureau of Standards United States Department of Commerce
Samuel Bloomfield, (*) Eastern European Division, Research and Analysis Division, Office of Strategic Services
Robinson Bobrow
Ralph Bowen, (*) United States Department of State
Abraham Brothman, chemist convicted for his role in the Rosenberg ring
Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States
Rose Browder
William Browder
Michael Burd, Head of Midland Export Corporation
Paul Burns, employee of TASS
Norman Bursler, United States Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division
James Michael Callahan
Sylvia Callen
Frank Coe, Assistant Director, Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury; Special Assistant to the United States Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic Administration, went to China and joined government of Mao Zedong
Lona Cohen, sentenced to 20 years; subject of Hugh Whitemore's drama for stage and TV Pack of Lies
Morris Cohen (Soviet spy) sentenced to 25 years; subject of Hugh Whitemore's drama for stage and TV Pack of Lies
Eugene Franklin Coleman, RCA electrical engineer
Anna Colloms, New York City schoolteacher
Judith Coplon, Foreign Agents Registration section, United States Department of Justice; her convictions for espionage were overturned on technicalities
Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to President Roosevelt; Deputy Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to China
Byron Darling, United States Rubber Company; United States Office of Scientific Research & Development
Eugene Dennis, General Secretary Communist Party USA sentenced to 5 years for advocating overthrow of U.S. government
Samuel Dickstein, United States Congressman from New York known to be paid by Soviets; New York State Supreme Court Justice; Vice Chair of HUAC during hearings into the Business Plot against FDR
Martha Dodd, daughter of United States Ambassador to Germany William Dodd, Popular Front
William Dodd Jr., son of William Dodd, United States Ambassador to Germany; Democratic Congressional candidate
Laurence Duggan, head of United States Department of State Division of American Republics
Demetrius Dvoichenko-Markov, U.S. Army
Eufrosina Dvoichenko-Markov
Frank Dziedzik, National Oil Products Company
Nathan Einhorn, Executive Secretary of American Newspaper Guild
Max Elitcher, (*) Naval Ordinance Section, National Bureau of Standards
Jacob Epstein, International Brigades
Jack Fahy, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Board of Economic Warfare; United States Department of the Interior
Linn Markley Farish, Liaison Officer with Tito's Yugoslav Partisan forces, Office of Strategic Services
Edward Fitzgerald, War Production Board
Charles Flato, Board of Economic Warfare; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor
Isaac Folkoff
Jane Foster, Board of Economic Warfare; Office of Strategic Services; Netherlands Study Unit
Zalmond Franklin
Isabel Gallardo
Boleslaw Gebert, National Officer of Polonia Society of International Workers Order
Harrison George, senior CPUSA leadership, editor of People's World
Rebecca Getzoff
Harold Glasser, Director, Division of Monetary Research, United States Department of the Treasury; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration; War Production Board; Advisor on North African Affairs Committee; United States Treasury Representative to the Allied High Commission in Italy
Bela Gold, Assistant Head of Program Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture; Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign Economic Administration
Harry Gold, sentenced to 30 years for his role in the Rosenbergs ring
Sonia Steinman Gold, Division of Monetary Research United States Department of Treasury Department; United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Interstate Migration; United States Bureau of Employment Security
Elliot Goldberg, engineer for an oil equipment company in New York
Jacob Golos, "main pillar" of NKVD spy network, particularly the Sound/Myrna group, he died in the arms of Elizabeth Bentley
George Gorchoff
Gerald Graze, United States Department of State
David Greenglass, machinist at Los Alamos sentenced to 15 years for his role in Rosenberg ring; he was the brother of executed Ethel Rosenberg
Ruth Greenglass, avoided prosecution thanks to her husband's testimony against his sister that he later admitted was perjured
Joseph Gregg, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; United States Department of State
Theodore Hall, physicist at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, volunteered to spy for Soviets, never prosecuted
Maurice Halperin, Chief of Latin American Division, Research and Analysis Section, Office of Strategic Services; United States Department of State
Kitty Harris, globe-trotting companion of communist party boss Earl Browder
William Henwood, Standard Oil of California
Clarence Hiskey, University of Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory, Manhattan Project
Alger Hiss, Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs United States Department of State, sentenced to 5 years for perjury
Donald Hiss, United States Department of State; United States Department of Labor; United States Department of the Interior
Harry Hopkins, advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Louis Horvitz, International Brigades
Rosa Isaak, Executive Secretary of the American-Russian Institute
Herman R. Jacobson, Avery Manufacturing Company
Bella Joseph, motion picture division of Office of Strategic Services
Emma Harriet Joseph, (*) Office of Strategic Services
Julius Joseph, National Resources Planning Board; Federal Security Agency; Social Security Board; Office for Emergency Management; Labor War Manpower Commission; Deputy Chief, Far Eastern section (Japanese Intelligence) Office of Strategic Services
Gertrude Kahn
David Karr, Office of War Information; chief aide to journalist Drew Pearson
Joseph Katz
Helen Grace Scott Keenan, Office of the Co-ordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Office of United States Chief Counsel for Prosecution of Axis War Criminals, Office of Strategic Services
Mary Jane Keeney, Board of Economic Warfare; Allied Staff on Reparations; United Nations
Philip Keeney, Office of the Coordinator of Information (later OSS)
Alexander Koral, former engineer of the municipality of New York
Helen Koral
Samuel Krafsur, journalist TASS
Charles Kramer, Senate Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Price Administration; National Labor Relations Board; Senate Subcommittee on Wartime Health and Education; Agricultural Adjustment Administration; United States Senate Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Labor and Public Welfare Committee; Democratic National Committee
Christina Krotkova, Office of War Information
Sergey Nikolaevich Kurnakov
Stephen Laird, Hollywood Producer; Time Magazine Reporter; Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) correspondent
Rudy Lambert, California Communist party labor director and head of security
Oskar Lange
Trude Lash, United Nations Human Rights Committee
Richard Lauterbach, Time Magazine
Duncan Lee, counsel to General William Donovan, head of Office of Strategic Services
Michael Leshing, superintendent of Twentieth Century Fox film laboratories
Leo Levanas, Shell Oil Company
Morris Libau
Helen Lowry
Willaim Mackey
Harry Magdoff, Chief of the Control Records Section of War Production Board and Office of Emergency Management; Bureau of Research and Statistics, WTB; Tools Division, War Production Board; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce; Statistics Division Works Progress Administration
William Malisoff, owner of United Laboratories of New York
Hede Massing, journalist
Robert Menaker
Floyd Miller
James Walter Miller, United States Post Office, Office of Censorship
Robert Miller, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Near Eastern Division United States Department of State
Robert Minor, Office of Strategic Services
Leonard Mins, Russian Section of the Research and Analysis Division of the Office of Strategic Services
Arthur Moosen
Vladimir Morkovin, Office of Naval Research
Boris Moros, Hollywood Producer
Nicola Napoli, president of Artkino, distributor of Soviet films
Franz Leopold Neumann, consultant at Board of Economic Warfare; Deputy Chief of the Central European Section of Office of Strategic Services; First Chief of Research of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal
Melita Norwood
Eugénie Olkhine
Rose Olsen
Frank Oppenheimer, (*) physicist
Robert Oppenheimer
Nicholas W. Orloff
Nadia Morris Osipovich
Edna Patterson
William Perl, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) at Langley Army Air Base; Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory; sentenced to 5 years for his role in the Rosenberg ring of atomic spies
Victor Perlo, chief of the Aviation Section of the War Production Board; Head of Branch in Research Section, Office of Price Administration Department of Commerce; Division of Monetary Research Department of Treasury; Brookings Institution
Burton Perry
Aleksandr N. Petroff, Curtiss-Wright Aircraft
Emma Phillips
Paul Pinsky
William Pinsly, Curtiss-Wright Aircraft, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory
William Plourde, engineer with Bell Aircraft
Vladimir Pozner, head Russian Division photographic section United States War Department
Lee Pressman Department of Agriculture; Works Progress Administration; General Counsel Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Mary Price, stenographer for Walter Lippmann of the New York Herald
Esther Trebach Rand, United Palestine Appeal
Bernard Redmont, head of the Foreign News Bureau Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Peter Rhodes, Foreign Broadcasting Monitoring Service, Allied Military Headquarters London; Chief of the Atlantic News Service, Office of War Information
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