- motoare cu randament mare - baterii performante,
- sisteme alimentare/incarcare,
- computere pentru obtinere regimuri, functionare stabile si eficiente.
Emisii poluante chimice - zero . Energia pentru incarcare poate fi generata in tehnologie green
Poluare fonica - zero . Aproape nu se aud in mers.
Eficiente - 85% din electricitatea consumata poate fi convertita in miscare. Vehicolele clasice au randament de max. 15-20%.
Costuri deplasare - costul “combustibilului” este de 15% din cel al benzinei . Benzina se va scumpi !
Independenta - electricitatea necesara incarcarii bateriilor poate fi realizata acasa.
Autonomie scazuta - cu un “plin” se parcurge 80-100 Km ( baterii LiIon) – nerocomandate pentru trasee lungi. ( Cu baterii recente – scumpe insa- se pot parcurge aprox. 300-400km)
Costuri mari pentru motor, controller si baterii. Exp: motor 2-4000$, controller 1500$, baterii 1-30 000 $;
1. Li-Polymer battery. While still quite rare if scaled up to usable in EV size and up front expensive, at least it became available. Treated right, can be less expensive in a long run than lead acid batteries. Require sophisticated BMS (battery management system).
2. Li-Ion battery. Not as expensive and LiP battery above, but the next best thing. Technical requirements are the same as for LiP battery. Advantages (to me) are worth trying these. Require sophisticated BMS (battery management system).
3. NiNaCl Zebra battery. Expensive, looks like sold to OEM only, and limited selection (well matched to AC system requirements though).
4. NiZn battery - relatively new player on the market - comparable to NiMH and NiCd and (recently became) far less expensive.
5. NiMH battery. Not available for non-technical reasons and may never be available to you and to me.
6. NiCd battery. Realistically available from SAFT (France) or its subdivision ALCAD (Sweden). Expensive up front, but cheap over its long life time.