Centre for Disability Law & Policy – nui galway

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Centre for Disability Law & Policy – NUI Galway

Research Library Holdings

By Jurisdiction

September 2009.

This following is a list of the books currently held at the Centre for Disability Law & Policy, NUI Galway.

The small dedicated research library was begun in the Summer of 2009 and will hopefully evolve and grow in the years ahead. We welcome feedback and especially recommendations for addition to the library. Please email info.cdlp@nuigalway.ie

The research library includes textbooks, casebooks, reporters, yearbooks and journals.

The below list has been arranged by jurisdiction in the first instance, and then subdivided by theme (see separate listing). The jurisdictions are:

1. The United States of America,

2. The EU,

3. Great Britain,

4. Ireland,

5. Canada,

6. Australia

7. Various other jurisdictions.

The relevant materials are then listed according to type:

A: Disability & Policy in General,

B: Disability Law Textbooks,

C: Disability Law Casebooks,

D: Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

E: Disability Law & Policy Journals.

1. The United States of America

  1. Disability & Policy in General

Bagenstos, Samuel R, Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement, (2009), Yale University Press

Blanck, Peter David, Americans with Disabilities Act and the Emerging Workforce: Employment of People With Mental Retardation, (1998), American Association on Mental Retardation

Blatt & Kaplan, Christmas In Purgatory: A Photographic Essay On Mental Retardation, (1974), Allyn and Bacon

Burch, Susan, Encyclopedia of American Disability History, 3-Volume Set, 2009, Facts on File

Burns, Disabled Children Living Away from Home: In Foster Care and Resident Settings, (2009), Mac Keith Press

Carey, Allison C, On the Margins of Citizenship: Intellectual Disability and Civil Rights in Twentieth-Century America, (2009), Temple University Press

Carlson, Licia, The Faces of Intellectual Disability: Philosophical Reflections, (2010), Indiana University Press

Charlton, James I, Nothing About Us Without Us , (2000), University of California Press

Colker, Ruth, When Is Separate Unequal?: A Disability Perspective (2009), Cambridge University Press

D’Agostino, Thomas, Litigating ADA claims : forms, pleadings, and practical guidance, (1996), LRP Publications

Davis, Lennard, The Disability Studies Reader (2006), Routledge

Drum, Charles E, Disability and Public Health, (2009) American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Faden, Ruth, A History and Theory of Informed Consent, (1986), Oxford University Press USA

Field & Sanchez, Equal Treatment for People with Mental Retardation: Having and Raising Children, (2000), Harvard University Press

Field and Jette , The Future of Disability in America (2007), National Academy Press

Fitzsimons, Nancy M, Combating Violence and Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Call to Action, (2009), Brookes Publishing Company

Fleischer, Doris, Disability Rights Movement, (2000), Temple University Press

Goggin and Newell, Digital Disability: The Social Construction of Disability in New Media, (2002), Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Hales, Gerald, Beyond Disability: Towards an Enabling Society, (1995), Sage Publishers

Herr, Stanley S, The human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities: different but equal, (2003), Oxford University Press, USA.

Herr & Weber, Aging, Rights and Quality of Life: Prospects for Older People with Developmental Disabilities, (1999), Brookes Publishing Company

Herzog, Don, Happy Slaves: A Critique of Consent Theory, (1989), University of Chicago Press

Johnson, Mary, Make Them Go Away, (2003), Advocado Press

Krieger, Linda H, Backlash Against the Ada, (2002), University of Michigan Press

Minow, Martha, Making all the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law, (1990), Cornell University Press

Osbourne & Russo, Special Education and the Law: A Guide for Practitioners, (2003), Corwin Press

Philips, Daniel, Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System, (2007), The Haworth Press

Potok. Andrew, A Matter of Dignity: Changing the World of the Disabled, (2002), Bantam

Reinders, Hans S, The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society: an Ethical Analysis, (2001), University of Notre Dame Press

Russel, Martha, Beyond Ramps: Disability At The End Of The Social Contract, Common Courage Press

Schopp, Weiner et al, Mental Disorder and Criminal Law: Responsibility, Punishment and Competence, (2008), Springer

Schweik, Susan, The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public, (2009), New York University Press

Siebers, Tobin Anthony, Disability Theory (Corporealities: Discourses of Disability), (2008), The University of Michigan Press

Slobogin, Christopher, Minding Justice: Laws That Deprive People with Mental Disability of Life and Liberty, (2006), Harvard University Press

Storey, Keith, The Road Ahead: Transition to Adult Life for Persons with Disabilities, Training Resource Network

Stroman, Duane F, The Disability Rights Movement: From Deinstitutionalization to Self-Determination, (2003), University Press of America

Switzer, Jacqueline Vaughn, Disabled rights: American disability policy and the fight for equality, (2003), Georgetown University Press

Switzky & Greenspan, What is Mental Retardation? Ideas for an Evolving Disability in the 21st Century, (2006), American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Yell, Mitchell, The Law and Special Education, (1997), Prentice Hall

Young, Iris Marion, Inclusion and Democracy, (2002), Oxford University Press, USA

Wasserman, Mahowald, Becker, Disability, Difference, Discrimination: Perspectives on Justice in Bioethics and Public Policy, (1998), Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

B. Disability Law Textbooks

Blanck, Hill et al, Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy, (2003), West

Blanck, Peter David, Disability rights, (2005), West

Colker, Ruth, The Law of Disability Discrimination, (2009), Anderson Publishing Co

Dooley, Jeanne A. (MA), Opening the courthouse door: an ADA access guide for state courts, (1992). State Justice Institute

Faillace, Michael, Disability Law Deskbook: The Americans with Disabilities Act in the Workplace, (2000), Practising Law Institute

Gordon, Michael, Accommodations in Higher Education Under the Americans with Disabilities ACT, (1998), The Guilford Press

Gordon, Michael, ADHD on Trial: Courtroom Clashes over the Meaning of "Disability", (2009), Praeger

Goren, William D, Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act (2006), ABA

Latham, Peter S, Learning Disabilities and the Law, (2000), Jkl Communications

Murphy and Clare, Decision Making and People with Intellectual Disabilities (2008), Wiley–Blackwell

National Council on Disability, Equality of Opportunity: The Making of the Americans With Disabilities Act, (1999), US Government Printing Office

Parry and Drogin, Mental Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony (2007), ABA

Parry, John , Criminal Mental Health and Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony (2009), ABA

Parry, John, Disability Discrimination Law, Evidence and Testimony (2008), ABA

Parry, John, Disability law and policy : A Collective Vision, (1999), ABA

Parry, John, Mental disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1997), ABA

Parry, John, Regulation, litigation, and dispute resolution under the ADA: Practitioners Guide, (1996), ABA

Parry, John, The Americans with Disabilities Act manual (1992), ABA

Peet, Harvey, On the Legal Rights and Responsibilities of the Deaf and Dumb, (2002), Applewood Books

Perritt, Jr. Henry H, Understanding the new disability and genetic discrimination laws (2008), CCH

Susser, Peter A, Disability Discrimination and the Workplace, with 2008 Cumulative Supplement, (2005), ABA

Stefan, Susan, Hollow Promises: Employment Discrimination Against People with Mental Disabilities, (2002), American Psychological Association

Stefan, Susan, Unequal Rights: Discrimination Against People with Mental Disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act, (2001), American Psychological Association

Tucker and Colker, The Law of Disability Discrimination, (2000), Anderson Publishing Co

Tucker, Bonnie P, Federal disability law in a nutshell, (1998), West

Tucker, Bonnie P, Legal Rights Of Persons With Disabilities: An Analysis Of Federal Law Vol 1& 2, (1991), Lrp Pubn

Weber, Mark C, Understanding disability law, (2007), Lexis Nexis

C. Disability Law Casebooks

Blanck, Peter David, Disability, civil rights law, and policy : cases and materials (2005), West

Estreicher and Harper, Employment Discrimination Law: Case and Materials, (2008), West Publishers

Perlin, International human rights and comparative mental disability law: Cases and materials, (2006), Carolina Academic Press

Perlin, Michael L, Mental disability law: Cases and materials, Carolina Academic Press

Zimmer, Michael J, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination (6th Ed), (2003), Aspen Publishers

D. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter – ABA

Mental disability law reporter (predecessor to above: 1976 Vol 1 - 1983 Vol 7) - ABA

National disability law reporter. - Horsham, PA : LRP Pubs

E. Disability Law & Policy Journals

American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Disabilty Studies Quarterly (E Journal) - Society for Disability Studies

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

International journal of discrimination and the law - A B Academic Publishers

2. The EU

  1. Disability Law & Policy in General

Bartlett, Lewis and Thorold, Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights, (2006), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

Knapp, McDaid et al, Mental Health Policy and Practice Across Europe, (2007), Open University Press

Ursula Kilkelly, The Child and the European Convention on Human Rights, (1999), Ashgate Pub Ltd

Stoppe Gabriela, Competence Assessment in Dementia, (2007), Springer

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

Arnardottir, Oddny Mjoll, Equality And Non-Discrimination Under The European Convention On Human Rights, (2003), M. Nyhoff Publishers

Beleza,Maria Leonor, Discrimination Against Women With Disabilities, (2003), Council of Europe

Bougie, Theo, The Impact Of New Technologies On The Quality Of Life Of People With Disabilities, (2002)

Brown, Hilary, Safeguarding Adults And Children With Disabilities Against Abuse, (2002), Council of Europe

Byrne and Duncan, Developments in discrimination law in Ireland and Europe, (1997), Irish Centre for European Law

Council of Europe Staff, A Coherent Policy for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, (1992)

Council of Europe, Access To Social Rights For People With Disabilities In Europe, (2003)

Council of Europe, Human rights in international law, (2000)

Council of Europe, Rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities: policy and legislation (6th Edition), (2002)

de Búrca, Grainne, Social Rights in Europe, (2005), Oxford University Press

European Commission, Equal Rights in Practice : Key Voices 2004, (2004).

European Commission, Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged European Union, (2004)

European Commission, European handbook on equality data, (2007)

European Commission, Good practice in employment of people with disabilities, (1999)

European Commission, Technology Initiative for Disabled & Elderly People Bridge Phase, (1995)

European Commission, The Business Case for Diversity: Good Practices in the Workplace, (2005)

Fredman, Discrimination and Human Rights: The Case of Racism, (2001), Oxford University Press

Manneback, Eric, Employment Strategies to Promote Equal Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities on the Labour Market, (2000), Council of Europe

Oorschot, Wim Van, Disability Policies in European Countries, (2001), Kluwer Law International

O'Shea, Eamonn, Improving The Quality Of Life Of Elderly Persons In Situations Of Dependency, (2002), Council of Europe.

Pozzo, C. Dal, Assessing Disability In Europe: Similarities And Differences, (2002), Council of Europe

Schutter, Olivier de, The Prohibition of Discrimination under European Human Rights Law, (2005)

Statistical Office of the EC, Disability and social participation in Europe, (2001)

Steinmeyer, Heinz-Dietrich, Legislation to counter discrimination against persons with disabilities, (2003), Council of Europe.

Steinmeyer, Heinz-Dietrich, Legislation to Counter Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities, (2001), Council Of Europe

Timmermans, Nina, The Status Of Sign Language In Europe, (2005), Council of Europe

Waddington, Lisa, From Rome to Nice in a Wheelchair: The Development of a European Disability Policy, (2005), Europa Law Publishing

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

Bell, Mark, Anti-Discrimination Law and the European Union, (2002), Oxford University Press

Gooding and Lawson, Disability Rights in Europe from theory to practice, (2005), Hart Publishing

Machado & de Lorenzo, European disability law, (1997)

Meenan, Helen, Equality Law in an Enlarged Europe, (2007), Cambridge University Press

O'Leary, Siofra, Employment Law at the European Court of Justice: Judicial Structures, Policies and Processes, (2002), Hart Publishing
Waaldijk & Bonini-Baraldi, Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the European Union, (2006), Asser Press

Waddington, Lisa, Disability, Employment, and the European Community, (1995), Maklu

  1. Disability Law Casebooks

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

Quinn & Waddington, European Yearbook of Disability Law, (2009), Intersentia

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

3. Great Britain

  1. Disability Law & Policy in General

A Lawson, Disability and Equality Law in Britain: The Role of Reasonable Adjustment, 2008, Hart Publishing

Barnes and Mercer, Independent Futures: Creating User-Led Disability Services in a Disabling Society, (2006), Policy Press

Barnes and Mercer, Disability (Key Concepts), (2003), Polity

Barnes, Colin, Disability policy and practice : applying the social model, (2004), The Disability Press

Barnes. Colin, Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction, (1999), Polity Press

Bartlett & Sandland, Mental Health Law: Policy and Practice, (2007) Oxford University Press

Barton, Len, Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change, (2001), David Fulton Publish

Beyleveld & Brownsword, Consent in the Law (2007), Hart Publishing

Bollard, Martin, Intellectual Disability and Social Inclusion: A Critical Review, (2009), Churchill Livingstone

Fitzgerald, Hayley, Disability and Youth Sport, (2009), Routledge

Fortin, Jane, Children's Rights and the Developing Law, (2003), Cambridge University Press

Mandelstam, Michael, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law, (2009), Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Manson & O’Neill, Rethinking Informed Consent in Bioethics, (2007), Cambridge University Press

Neville, Harris, Education, Law and Diversity, (2007), Hart Publishing

Peay, Jill, Seminal Issues In Mental Health Law, (2005), Ashgate Publishing

Priestley, Mark, Disability and the Life Course, (2001), Cambridge University Press

Riddell and Watson, Disability, Culture and Identity, (2003), Prentice Hall

Read, Clements and Ruebain, Disabled Childrean and the Law, (2006), Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Shakespeare, Tom, Disability and Postmodernity, (2002), Continuum International Publishing

Shakespeare, Tom, The Disability Reader: Social Science Perspectives, (1998)., Continuum International Publishing

Shakespeare, Tom, The Sexual Politics of Disability, (2000), Continuum International Publishing

Shannon, David, Six Degrees of Dignity: Disability in an Age of Freedom, (2007), Creative Bound Inc

Thomas, Carol, Female Forms: Experiencing and Understanding Disability, (1999), Open University Press

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

Barber, Brown and Martin, The Mental Capacity Act 2005: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals (2009), Learning Matters Ltd

Clements, Luke, Disabled People and the Right to Life: The Protection and Violation of Disabled People's Most Basic Human Rights, (2008), Routledge

Doyle, Brian J, Disability, discrimination, and equal opportunities : a comparative study of the employment rights of disabled persons, (1995), Continuum International Publishing

Gooding, Caroline, Disabling laws, enabling acts : disability rights in Britain and America, (1994), Pluto Press

Greaves, Ian, Disability Rights Handbook, (2009), Disability Alliance

Keen and Oulton, Disability Discrimination in Employment, (2009), OUP Oxford

Shakespeare, Tom, Disability Rights and Wrongs, (2006), Routledge

  1. Disability Law Casebooks

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

4. Ireland

  1. Disability Law & Policy in General

Casey & Craven, Psychiatry and the Law, (1998), Oak Tree Press

Donnelly, Mary, Consent: Bridging the Gap Between Doctor and Patient, (2003), Cork University Press

Gannon, Brenda, Disability and labour market participation, (2004)

Gannon, Brenda, Disability and social inclusion in Ireland, (2005)

Gannon, Brenda, The dynamics of disability and social inclusion, (2006), The Equality Authority

Glendenning, Dympna, Education and the Law: Irish Law - Education Law, (2010), Tottel Publishing

O’Mahoney, Connor, Educational Rights in Irish Law, (2006), Thomson Round Hall

O'Neill, Anne-Marie, Wards of Court in Ireland, (2006), First Law
Walsh, Patricia Noonan, Lives and times : practice, policy and people with disabilities, (2004), Rathdown
Whelan, Darius, Mental Health Law, (2009), Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell 

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

  1. Disability Law Casebook

McColgan, Aileen, Discrimination Law: Text, Cases and Materials, (2005), Hart Publishing (Deals in detail with position in Northern Ireland, then moves onto that of the UK and the European Community)

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

5. Canada

  1. Disability Law & Policy In General

Boyce, Bickenbach et al, A Seat at the Table: Persons With Disabilities and Policy Making, (2002), McGill-Queen's University Press

Enns & Neufeldt, In Pursuit of Equal Participation, Canada and Disability At Home and Abroad,(2003) Captus Press

Michalko, Rod, The Difference That Disability Makes, Temple University Press

McColl & Jongbloed, Disability and Social Policy in Canada, (2006), Captus Press

O'Connor, Deborah, Decision Making, Personhood and Dementia: Exploring the Interface: Examining the Interface, (2009), Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Oakes, Wayne Thomas, Perspectives on disability, discrimination, accommodations, and law a comparison of the Canadian and American experience, (2005), LFB Scholarly Publishing

Pothier and Devlin, Critical Disability Theory: Essays in Philosophy, Politics, Policy, and Law, (2006), UBC Press

Puttee, Alan, Federalism, Democracy and Disability Policy in Canada, (2003) McGill-Queen's University Press

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

McColl and Bickenbach, Introduction to Disability, (1998), Bailliere Tindall

Owen and Griffiths, Challenges to the Human Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities, (2008), Jessica Kingsley Publishers

  1. Disability Law Casebooks

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

6. Australia

  1. Disability Law & Policy in General

Byrnes, Charlesworth & McKinnon, Bills of Rights in Australia: History, Politics and Law, (2008), UNSW Press
Christensen, Carol, Disability and Dilemmas of Education and Justice, (1996), Open University Press

Goggin & Newell, Disability in Australia Exposing a Social Apartheid, (2004), UNSW Press

McSherry, Bernadette, International Trends in Mental Health Laws, (2008), Federation Pres

O'Brien P and Sullivan M, Allies in emancipation: shifting from providing service to being of support, (2005), Cengage Learning Australia

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

  1. Disability Law Casebooks

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

7. Various Other Jurisdictions

  1. Disability Law & Policy in General

Cotter, Anne-Marie Mooney, This ability : an international legal analysis of disability discrimination, (2007), Ashgate Publishing

Deiter Beiter, Klaus, The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law, Including a Systematic Analysis of Article 13 of the International Covenant on ... on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2005), Martinus Nijhoff

Degener, Theresia, Human Rights & Disabled Persons, Essays & Relevant Human Rights, (1994), Springer
Gabel, Susan L, Disability & the Politics of Education: An International Reader, (2008), Peter Lang Pub Inc
Klasing, Insa, Disability and Social Exclusion in Rural India, (2007), Rawat
Marx, Tzvi, Disability in Jewish law, (2003), Routledge
Manasse, Michelle, Overcoming Operational Obstacles in a Mental Health Court, (2008), VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K

Poore Carol, Disability in Twentieth-Century German culture, (2007), The University of Michigan Press

Quinn, Gerard, Human rights and disability, (2002), United Nations Publications

Race, David, Intellectual Disability: Social Approaches, (2007), Open University Press

Rispler-Chaim, Vardit, Disability in Islamic law, (2007), Springer
Schipper, Jeremy, Disability Studies and the Hebrew Bible: Figuring Mephibosheth in the David Story, (2009), T.& T. Clark Ltd
UN, Disability at a Glance: A Profile of 28 Countries and Areas in Asia and the Pacific, (2007), United Nations Publications
Watermeyer, Brian, Disability and Social Change: A South African Agenda, (2007), HSRC Press

  1. Disability Law Textbooks

Beleza, Maria Leonor, Discrimination against women with disabilities, (2003), Council Of Europe

Yee, Silvia, Disability rights law and policy : international and national perspectives, (2002), Hotei Publishing

  1. Disability Law Casebooks

  1. Disability Law Reporters & Yearbooks

  1. Disability Law & Policy Journals

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