Strengthen the social welfare sector, including most notably the ministries responsible for the full range of social protection and social welfare oversight and coordination; encourage links with other key ministries such as Finance and Planning and linkages with civil society organizations for accountable and effective social assistance
Build an international consensus and increase funding for government-led scale up of cash transfers (preferably unconditional and targeted on most vulnerable households) as a cost-effective, evidence-based approach to reach vulnerable children, including those affected by AIDS. A strong social welfare sector is necessary to realize this goal.
Produce an evidence-informed guide to provide countries with more contextualized guidance on national responses for children affected by AIDS, and other vulnerable children. Support countries to use such a decision tree guide and other tools to determine the best type of national response needed within context.
Strengthen family support services, child protection and alternatives to institutional care and combine with broader policy reforms to reduce social vulnerability and enhance the reach and impact of social transfers.
Strengthen government ministries responsible for social protection and social welfare; encourage links with other key ministries such as Finance and Planning and linkages with civil society organizations for accountable and effective social assistance.
Ensure better documentation and dissemination of existing evidence to ensure it informs country-led policy and practice and ensure greater country engagement in defining future research priorities.
Advocate for evidence-based programming and policy formulation based on existing evidence – this could in developing better baselines and using existing country data for further analysis e.g. DHS/MICS
Supporting stakeholders in a select number of countries to systematically document and disseminate their experiences and lessons learned developing national responses
More evidence on the impact of investment in and linkages with essential support services, such as community advocates/social workers to help access grants and other entitlements, early childhood development initiatives, and legal support.
Developing simple, reliable tools to standardize future reviews of national responses to children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children
Work together to provide and support the implementation of practical, operational guidance for monitoring and evaluating national responses that includes a focus on children's status, is harmonized with protection and other sector indicators and meets global goal, donor information and programming requirements.