Your group must choose a song that you wish to share with the class on Tuesday, November 13th (Inform teacher of song choice)
You are looking for at least 3 – 5 examples of figurative language in the song lyrics.
You must have, for your presentation:
Song lyrics to share with the class (project using the Elmo, create enough copies for each group to have one)
3 – 5 parts of the song lyrics you wish to discuss with the class – be prepared to show us what the figurative language means, and to get feedback from the class
A CD to play the song for the class
Total = 40 points
Total = 40 points
Lyrics for class = 10 points
CD to listen to song = 10 points
Discussion is prepared = 20 points
Do not simply say, “What do you guys think it means?” You must be prepared to explain it to us!
Discuss the following terms with a partner. Define or explain as many terms as you can in 5 minutes.
Discuss the following terms with a partner. Define or explain as many terms as you can in 5 minutes.
Describing something non-human using human characteristics.
Describing something non-human using human characteristics.
EX: My teddy bear smiled at me from the sanctuary of my bed. Or…The wind howled through the trees.
In a situation: when the unexpected happens. EX: The bully becoming victimized. Staying up all night to study, only to realize the test wasn’t for another two days
In a situation: when the unexpected happens. EX: The bully becoming victimized. Staying up all night to study, only to realize the test wasn’t for another two days
Dramatic Irony: when the audience perceives something that the characters don’t know (i.e. – Romeo and Juliet)
Verbal Irony: saying one thing and having it mean something else (often sarcasm, but sometimes accidental)
Naming a thing or action by imitating the sound associated with it.
Naming a thing or action by imitating the sound associated with it.
Something that represents something else by association or resemblance; especially a concrete object or idea used to represent something invisible or abstract.
Something that represents something else by association or resemblance; especially a concrete object or idea used to represent something invisible or abstract.
EX: Black representing evil or death. A rose represents love/romance.
A statement or concept that contains conflicting ideas. A statement that contradicts itself.
A statement or concept that contains conflicting ideas. A statement that contradicts itself.
EX: I never tell the truth. “Someday, you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” In fashion, less is more!
Deliberately exploiting the confusion between similar-sounding words, usually for humorous effect.
Deliberately exploiting the confusion between similar-sounding words, usually for humorous effect.
Examples: The Local Area Network in Australia – the LAN down under.
Slightly similar to a paradoxical statement…two contradictory terms, side by side (Greek: Oxy = sharp; moro = dull)
Slightly similar to a paradoxical statement…two contradictory terms, side by side (Greek: Oxy = sharp; moro = dull)
Examples: act naturally…found missing…deafening silence…virtual reality…almost exactly…pretty ugly…living dead
How a piece of literature makes you feel. Most poetry tries to set a mood: nostalgia (remembering), grief/sadness, anger, joy, etc…
How a piece of literature makes you feel. Most poetry tries to set a mood: nostalgia (remembering), grief/sadness, anger, joy, etc…
Saying something other than what you actually mean, in order to sound more polite or appropriate, or to avoid offending someone.
Saying something other than what you actually mean, in order to sound more polite or appropriate, or to avoid offending someone.
Examples: toilet = comfort station; civilian deaths during war = collateral damage; fired = let go or dismissed; Can you think of others?
I was shocked at the deafening silence of the open desert.
I was shocked at the deafening silence of the open desert.
2. “Quit being smart!” my mom yelled. “Well, if you think I’m so smart, let me make some smart decisions,” I replied.
3. All I could hear was the snap and pop of settling floor boards and the hiss of the radiator.