'O child, say Bismillah, eat with your right hand and eat what is in front of you.'(Bukhari & Muslim) *When one is sitting with those who are older than him, he should not eat or drink until they start eating or drinking.
*One should not eat while lying down. The Messenger of Allah () said:
'I do not eat while I am lying on my side.' (Bukhari)
*If food is served at prayer time, one should eat and then perform the prayers. The Prophet () said:
'When dinner is served and the Iqamah to prayer is called, eat your dinner calmly and in an unhurried manner.' (Bukhari & Muslim) *One should wash their hands before and after eating. The Prophet () said:
'Whoever sleeps and his hands smell like meat and he is harmed while he is asleep, let him not blame anyone except himself.' (Ahmed)
*It is praiseworthy to make wudhu upon eating if one is in a state of major ritual impurity. In the hadeeth it is narrated that the Prophet () used to perform complete wudhu (as he would for prayer) when he was in a state of major ritual impurity before eating or sleeping.' (Bukhari)
*One should say 'Bismillah' before eating and drinking. One should not add 'ar-rahman ar-raheem' for no authentic hadeeth mentions this. One should also praise Allah by saying 'Alhamdulilah' after he finishes eating.
*One should say 'Bismillah' upon eating. If he forgot, then he should say: 'Bismillah Awalawho wa aa'khe-rawho' or he can say: 'Bismillah fee o'wa'le'he wa a'akhe're'he.' *If a group of people are eating together, each should say ‘Bismillah’. The Prophet () said: