Subhanakal-laa'hum'ma wa be'ham'de-ka laa e'laahah il'la anta astagh-fe-roka wa a'toobo e'laik. Meaning: Far removed are You from every imperfection O Allah, I begin with praise of You; I bear witness that there is no god worthy of being worshipped except You, I seek forgiveness and repent to You.
4 One does this by saying: 'Sal'lal-laa'who a'lai'he wa sal'lam'whenever his name is mentioned.
5 i.e. one should say 'A'oodthu bil'laah minash-shaitan ar-rajeem, Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem' before reciting from the Qur'an.
6 Cupping is a treatment in which evacuated glass cups are applied to intact or scarified skin in order to draw blood toward or through the surface.
7 One does this by saying: 'Sal'lal-laa'who a'lai'he wa sal'lam' whenever his name is mentioned.
8 One does this by saying: 'Ra-de'yal'laawho an-who' after a male companion's name and by saying 'Ra-de'yal'laawho an-haa' after a female companion's name.
9 At times when one is asked about something, they may say: 'There is no such thing as this…' one should avoid this and rather say: 'I have not heard of this matter.'
10 Se'yar a'laam an-no'ba'laa 8/107
11 Abu Hurairah () said that the Messenger of Allah () said: 'Whoever sits in a sitting and they have talked and argued in that sitting and before leaving it say: