Chromosoma 70, 251-258, 1979. B. C. Das

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  • Books

Bhudev Das

List of Publications

  1. B.C. Das, R. Raman and T. Sharma: Chromosome condensation and Hoechst-33258 fluorescence in meiotic chromosomes of grasshopper, Sperthosternum prasiniferum (Walker) CHROMOSOMA 70, 251-258, 1979.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Enhanced frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of male compared with females muntjacs after X-ray irradiation in vitro. NATURE 290, 604-607, 1981.

  1. T. Sharma and B.C. Das: Culture media and species related variations in the requirement of 5-bromodeoxyuridine for differential sister chromatid staining. MUTATION RESEARCH 81, 357-364, 1981.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Influence of age on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges and X-ray induced chromosome aberrations in muntjac. MUTATION RESEARCH 109, 53-63, 1983.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Blood lymphocyte culture system: Quantitative analysis of X-ray induced chromosome aberrations in man, muntjac and cattle. MUTATION RESEARCH 110, 111-139, 1983.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Reduced frequency of baseline sister chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes grown in antibiotics and serum excluded culture medium. HUMAN GENETICS 64, 249-253, 1983.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Non-random distribution of break- points on muntjac chromosomes induced at G2 by in vitro X- ray irradiation. INDIAN J. EXP. BIOLOGY 21, 527-532, 1983.

  1. D.D. Dubey, B.C. Das and M. Jacob: Increased frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in mammalian cells in vitro after exposure to eclipsed sun. INSA PROC. INT. SYMPT. ON SOLAR ECLIPSE pp.64-72, 1983.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Effects of temperature on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in peripheral blood lymphocytes of man and muntjac. ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS 6, 25-31, 1984.

  1. T. Sharma and B.C. Das: The effect of storage of blood on the yield of X-ray induced chromosome aberrations and spontaneous sister chromatid exchanges. INT.J.RADIATION BIOLOGY 45, 151-158, 1984.

  1. B.C. Das, R. Rani, A.B. Mitra and U.K.Luthra: Baseline frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in newborn lymphocytes and its relation with in vivo aging in humans. MUTATION RESEARCH 144, 85-88, 1985.

  1. V.V.V.S. Murty, A.B. Mitra, B.C. Das, I.P. Singh and U.K. Luthra: Patients with precancerous lesions of cervix uteri at high risk to develop cancer have significantly different chromosomal phenotypes compared to those at low risk. AMERICAN J. HUMAN GENETICS (Suppl.) A-33, 1985.

  1. T. Sharma and B.C. Das: Higher incidence of spontaneous sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and X-ray induced chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes during pregnancy. MUTATION RESEARCH 174, 27-33, 1986.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Co-cultivation of whole blood from male and female muntjacs and the cell proliferation kinetics in vitro. MUTATION RESEARCH 164, 183-189, 1986.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: Differential chromosomal radiosensitivity between male and female following X-ray irradiation at G2. INDIAN J.EXP.BIOLOGY 24, 638-639, 1986.

  1. B.C. Das, R. Rani, A.B. Mitra and U.K. Luthra: The activity of silver-staining rDNA (NORs) in newborn lymphocytes and its relation with in vivo aging MECHANISMS AGING AND DEVELOPMENT 36, 117-123, 1986.

  1. J. Pohl-Ruling, B.C. Das et al: (IAEA Collaborative study) Chromosomal damage induced in human lymphocytes by low doses of D-T newtrons. MUTATION RESEARCH 173, 267-272, 1986.

  1. B.C. Das and T. Sharma: The fate of X-ray induced chromosome aberrations in blood lymphocytes culture. MUTATION RESEARCH 176, 93-104, 1987.

  1. V.V.V.S. Murty, A.B. Mitra, A. Sharma, B.C. Das, and U.K.Luthra: Mitomycin C-induced chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in lymphocytes of patients with precancerous and cancerous lesions of the uterine cervix. NEOPLASMA 34, 101-105, 1987.

  1. R. Tiwari, K. Thelma, R. Juyal, B.C. Das and S.R.V.Rao: Folate-sensitive fragile sites on the X-chromosome heterochromatin of the Indian mole rat, Nesokia indica. CYTOGENETICS CELL GENETICS 44, 11-17, 1988.

  1. Doris D'Souza, I.M. Thomas and B.C. Das: Variation in frequency of chromosomal damage as a function of biological rhythms in women. HUMAN GENETICS 79, 83-85, 1988.

  1. V.V.V.S. Murty, A.B. Mitra, B.C. Das, N.S. Murthy and U.K. Luthra: Chromosomal phenotypes in patients with precancerous lesions of the uterine cervix progressed to cancer during follow-up. ONCOLOGY 45, 384-388, 1988.

  1. A.B. Mitra, V.V.V.S. Murty, M. Pratap, A. Sharma, J.K. Sharma and B.C. Das: Chromosome abnormalities in referred patients- a 5 years study. IND.J.MED.RES. 87, 475-478, 1988.

  1. B.C. Das, A. Sehgal, N.S. Murthy, J.K. Sharma, D.K. Das, Veena Singh and Usha K. Luthra: Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer in Indian women. LANCET II, 1281, 1989.

  1. Doris D'Souza, B.C. Das and I.M. Thomas: Differential sensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes of untreated leprosy patient to mytomycin-C. MUTATION RESEARCH 240, 101-107, 1990.

  1. N.S. Murthy, A. Sehgal, L. Satyanarayana, D.K. Das, Veena Singh, B.C. Das, M.M. Gupta, A.B. Mitra and Usha K. Luthra: Risk factors related to biological behaviour of precancerous lesions of uterine cervix. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 61, 7232-736, 1990.

  1. Doris D'Souza, B.C. Das and I.M. Thomas: Effects of Lepromatous Leprosy (LL) serum factor(s) on normal blood lymphocytes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEPROSY 58, 666-673, 1990.

  1. B.C. Das: Cytogenetic studies on MIC gas-exposed persons in Bhopal. HUMAN GENETICS 87, 513, 1991.

  1. B.C. Das, J.K.Sharma, V. Gopalakrishna, A. Francis and Usha K. Luthra: Is, integration of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cell DNA essential for cervical cancer. J.CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 116, 213, 1990.

  1. Doris D'Souza, B.C. Das and I.M. Thomas: Cytogenetic studies in leprosy patients before and after chemotherapy. HUMAN GENETICS 87, 665-670, 1991.

  1. V. Gopalakrishna, A. Francis, J.K. Sharma and B.C. Das: A simple and rapid method of high quantity DNA isolation from cervical scrapes for detection of human papillomavirus infection. J.VIROLOGICAL METHODS 36, 63-72, 1992.

  1. B.C. Das, J.K. Sharma, V. Gopalakrishna, D.K. Das, V. Singh, L. Gissmann, H. zur Hausen and Usha K. Luthra: A high frequency of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cervical carcinomas of Indian women as revealed by Southern blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. J. MEDICAL VIROLOGY 36, 239-245, 1992.

  1. B.C. Das, J.K.Sharma, V. Gopalakrishna, and Usha K. Luthra: Analysis by polymerase chain reaction of the physical state of human papillomavirus type 16 DNA in cervical preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions J. GEN. VIROLOGY 73, 2327-2336, 1992.

  1. D.D. Souza, B.C. Das and I.M. Thomsa: 3 - Aminobenzamide (3AB) in lymphocyte cultures of untreated leprosy patients. DNA REPAIR REPORTS MUTATION RESEARCH 284, 251-255, 1992.

  1. J.K. Sharma, V. Gopalakrishna, and B.C. Das: A simple method for elimination of unspecific amplification in polymerase chain reaction. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 20, 6117-6118, 1992.

  1. B.C. Das, V. Gopalakrishna, J.K. Sharma, Meera Roy and Usha K. Luthra: Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in urine of women with preneoplastic and neoplastic cervical lesions. LANCET 340, 1417-1418, 1992.

  1. B.C. Das, V. Gopalakrishna, J.K. Sharma, Veena Singh and Usha K. Luthra: Human Papillomavirus DNA sequences in adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix in Indian women. CANCER 72, 147-153, 1993.

  1. Lisa Ho, S. Chan, R. D. Burk, B.C. Das et al: The genetic drift of human papillomavirus type 16 is a means of reconstructing prehistoric viral spread and the movement of ancient human population. J.VIROLOGY 67, 6423-6423, 1993.

  1. A. Kumar, B.C. Das and J.K.Sharma: Bam HI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the human GST-II gene locus. HUMAN GENETICS 94, 107-108, 1994.

  1. B.C. Das, V. Gopalkrishna, J.K. Sharma, N.S. Murthy, D.K. Das and Usha K. Luthra: Increased human papillomavirus infection with the increasing number of pregnancy in Indian women. J. INFECTIOUS DISEASES 171, 254-255, 1995.

  1. Gopalkrishna, A.N. Srivastava, Suresh Hedau, J.K. Sharma, and B.C. Das: Detection of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in cancer of the urinary bladder by in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. GENITOURINARY MEDICINE 71, 231-233, 1995.

  1. V. Gopalkrishna, U.R. Singh, P. Sodhani, J.K. Sharma, S. Hedau, A.K. Mandal and B.C. Das: Absence of human papillomavirus DNA sequences in breast cancers as reported by polymerase chain reaction BREAST CANCER RES. & TREATMENT 39, 197-202, 1996.

  1. Frank Rosl, B.C. Das, M. Lengert, K. Geletneky and H. zur Hausen: Antioxidant-induced changes of the AP-1 transcription complex are paralleled by a selective suppression of human papillomavirus transcription. J.VIROLOGY 71, 362-370, 1997.

  1. P. Kar, S. Budhiraja, K. Narang, B.C. Das, S.K. Panda, and A. Chakravarty. Comparative evaluation of serology and polymerase chain reaction for hepatitis C viral infection in liver diseases. IND. J. GASTROENTEROLOGY 16, 118-119, 1997.

  1. K. Madan, V. Gopalkrishna, P. Kar, B.C. Das,J.K. Sharma and U.P. Das. Simultaneous PCR amplification of hepatitis C and E virus genomes in sera of patients with acute viral hepatitis and fulminant hepatitis. J.GASTROENTEROLOY & HEPATOLOGY, 13, 13-18, 1998.

  1. V. Kashyap and B.C. Das: DNA aneuploidy and infection of human papillomavirus type 16 in preneoplastic lesions of the uterine cervix: Correlation with progression to malignancy. CANCER LETTERS 123, 47-52, 1998.

  1. U. Das, P. Kar, V. Goplakrishna, J.K. Sharma, K. Madan and B.C. Das: Comparative evaluation of hepatitis C-virus infection in serum and liver tissue of patients with chronic liver disease by polymerase chain reaction. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 5, 256-261, 1999.

  1. N. Berry, A. Chakravorty, P. Kar, B.C. Das, R. Santhanam and M.D. Mathur. Association of hepatitis C-virus and hepatitis B-virus in chronic liver disease. INDIAN J MED RESEARCH 108, 255-259, 1998.

  1. Kunal Das, P. Kar, B.C. Das, A. Chakravarty and Susheel Gupta. Is a vaccination programme against hepatitis A needed in India? India. J GASTROENTEROLOGY 17, 158, 1998.

  1. U. Sato, B.C. Das, M. Lengert, P. Finzer, H. zur Hausen and F. Rosl. Conversion of HPV 18 positive non-tumourigenic HeLa-fibroblast hybrids to invasive growth involves loss of TNF-alpha mediated repression of viral transcription and modification of the AP-1 transcrption complex. ONCOGENE 18, 3187-3198, 1999.

  1. Anil Jain, P. Kar, Kaushal Madan, U.P. Das, S. Budhiraja, V. Gopalkrishna, J.K. Sharma and B.C. Das: Hepatitis C infection in sporadic fulminant viral hepatitis in North-India- Cause or a cofactor? EUROPEAN J. GASTROENTROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY 11, 1231-1237, 1999.

  1. N. Berry, A. Chakravarty, U.P. Das, P. Kar, B.C. Das and M.D. Mathur: HCV seropositivity and infection of HCV in cirrhosis. DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES 35, 209-213, 1999.

  1. R. Lakshmi, M.R. Kurana, B.C. Das, P. Shah and A.C. Aminini: Effect of PTO treatment on histone aceylation pattern in the developing rat brain. ENDOCRINE RESEARCH 25, 77-85, 1999.

  1. Malhotra VL, Agarwal N, Das BC, Koranne RV, Lakshmy A. Screening for Chlamydial infection in women attending STD clinic by polymerase chain reaction, ELISA and cell cytology. J COMMUN DIS 31, 5-7. 1999.

  1. Anil Jain, P. Kar, V. Goaplkrishna, P. Gangal, S. Katiyar and B.C. Das: The prevalence and pathogenic significance of hepatiti G-virus (HGV) in patients of cirrhosis in India. INDIAN J. MEDICAL RESEARCH 110, 37-42, 1999.

  1. V. Gopalkrishna, Nidhi Agarwal, V.L. Malhotra, R.V. Karanne, V.P. Mohan, A. Mittal and B.C. Das: Chlamydia trachomatis and HPV infection in Indian women with STD and cervical precancerous and cancerous lesions. CLINICAL MICROBIOL. INFECTION 6,88-93, 2000.

  1. P. Kar, S. Mukhopadyay, V. Gopalkrishna and B.C. Das: Infection with hepatitis G virus and viral hepatitis in India. CURRENT SCIENCE 78, 189-194, 2000.

  1. S. Katiyar, B.C. Das, V. Thakur, R.C. Guptan, S.K. Sarin and B.C. Das: p 53 tumour suppressor gene mutations in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from India. CANCER 88, 1565-73, 2000.

  1. Sameer Kapoor, Ashu A, Gupta RK, Das BC and P. Kar. Clinical implications of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in acute viral hepatitis and fulminanat hepatic failure. IND J. MEDICAL RES. 112, 121-127, 2000.

  1. P. Kar, P. Bedi, N. Berry, A. Chakravorty, R.K. Gupta, B.C. Das. Hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in voluntary and commercial blood donors in India. DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASESVirology 38, 7-10, 2000.

  1. B.C. Das, V. Thakur, R.C. Gupta and S.K. Sarin: p53 tumour suppressor gene mutations in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) from India-Author Reply. CANCER 89, 2322-2323, 2000.

  1. S.K. Sarin, V. Thakur, R.C. Guptan, S. Saigal, V. Malhotra and B.C. Das. Heptocellular carcinoma in India: Analysis of possible etiological factors, J. GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY 16, 666-673, 2001.

  1. V.G. Reddy, N. Khanna, S.K. Jain, B.C. Das and N. Singh. Telomerase – a molecular marker for cervical cancer screening. INT. J. GYNAECOLOGICAL CANCER 11, 100-106, 2001.

  1. P. Kar, S.S. Rana and B.C. Das: Precore heterogeneity and acute liver injury due to hepatitis B virus. AMERICAN J. GASTROENTEROLOGY 96, S140, 2001.

  1. S. Garg, N. Sharma, P. Bhalla, R. Sahay, R. Saha, U. Raina, B.C Das, S. Sharma and N.S. Murthy: Reproductive morbidity in an Indian urban slum: need for health action. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. 78, 68-69, 2002.

  1. Uma Kailash, S. Hedau, V. Gopalkrishna, S. Katiyar, and B.C. Das: A simple ‘paper smear’ method for easy collection, transport and storage of cervical specimens for PCR detection of HPV infection. J. MED. MICROBIOL. 51, 606-610, 2002.

  1. S. Katiyar, B.K. Thelma, N.S. Murthy, S. Hedau, V. Gopalkrishna, N. Jain, S.A. Husain and B.C. Das: Polymorphism of the p53 codon 72 arg/pro and the risk of HPV type 16/18 associated cervical and oral cancer in India. MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. 252, 117-124, 2003.

  1. B.C Das: Molecular biology techniques as applied to Cytology. J. OF CYTOLOGY. 20,15, 2003.

  1. V. Singh, S. Salhan, B.C Das and A- Mittal: Predominance of Chlamydia trachomatis serovars associated with urogenital infections in females in New Delhi, India. J. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 41, 2700-2702, 2003.

  1. Kunal Das, P.Kar and B.C Das: Prevalence of new DNA transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) in acute virus hepatitis and fulminant hepatic failure: A study from North India. J. GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY. 19, 406-412, 2004.

  1. Md. Sahid, V.P. Singh Dillon, Neeraj Jain, Suresh Hedau, Sandhya Diwakar, Poonam Sachdev, Swaraj Batra, B.C. Das and S.A. Husain: Two new novel point mutations localized upstream and downstream of HMG box region of the SRY gene in three Indian 46 XY females with sex-reversal and genodal tumour formation. MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION 10, 520-526, 2004.

  1. S. Hedau, N. Jain, S. A. Husain, A. K. Mandal, G. Ray, M. Shahid, R. Kant, V. Gupta, N. K. Shukla, S. S. V. Deo and B.C. Das: Novel germline mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1, BRCA2 and p53 gene in breast cancer patients from India. BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 88:, 177-186, 2004.

  1. B.K. Prusty and B.C. Das: Constitutive activation of transcription factor AP-1 in cervical cancer and suppression of human papillomavirus (HPV) transcription and AP-1 activity in HELA cells by curcumin. INT. J. of CANCER 113, 951-960, 2005.

  1. S. Katiyar, S. Hedau, N. Jain, Md. S. Khuroo, J. Mohanta, S. Kumar, P. Kar, V. Gopalkrishna and B.C. Das: p53 gene mutation and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in esophageal carcinoma from three different endemic geographic regions of India. CANCER LETTER 218, 69-79, 2005.

  1. R. Arora, A. Kumar, B.K. Prusty, U. Kailash and B. C. Das: Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 in healthy women with inflammatory pap smears. EUROPEAN J. OF OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY. 1; 121, 104-9, 2005.

  1. B.K. Prusty, S.A. Husain and B.C. Das: Constitutive activation of nuclear factor-kB: Preferential homodimerization of p50 subunits in cervical cancer. FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE 10, 1510-1519, 2005.

  1. D. Kumar, B.C. Das, Ashu Arora, N.P. Singh, R. Kohli and P. Kar: Hepatitis G Virus infection in Hemodialysis Patients from Urban Delhi. RENAL FAILURE 27, 95-102, 2005.

  1. Z. Hussain, B.C. Das, S.A. Hussain, M. Asim, S. Chattopadhyay, A. Malik, Y. Poorawan, A. Theamboonlers and P. Kar: Hepatitis A viral Genotypes and Clinical Relevance: clinical and molecular characterization of Hepatitis A virus isolates from northern India. HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH 20, 2005.

  1. Chattopadhyay S, Das BC, Gupta RK, Kar P. Presence of TT virus infection in chronic hepatitis patients from a hospital in New Delhi, India. INDIAN J MED RES. 122, 29-33, 2005.

  1. B.K. Prusty, A. Kumar, A. Arora, S. Batra and B.C. Das: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Detection in Self-Collected Urine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS 90, 223-7, 2005.

  1. R. Pahwa, S. Hedau, S. Jain, N. Jain, V.M. Arora N. Kumar and B.C. Das: Assessment of Possible Tuberculous Lymphoadenopathy by PCR Compared Non-Molecular Methods. J. MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 54, 873-8, 2005.

  1. Chakraborty P, Kailash U, Jain A, Goyal R, Gupta RK, Das BC, Kar P. Seroprevalence of hepatitis D virus in patients with hepatitis B virus-related liver diseases. INDIAN J MED RES. 122, 254-7, 2005.

  1. Chattopadhyay S, Rao S, Das BC, Singh NP, Kar P. Prevalence of transfusion-transmitted virus infection in patients on maintenance hemodialysis from New Delhi, India. HEMODIAL INT. 9, 362-6, 2005.

  1. Jain N, Singh V, Hedau S, Kumar S, Daga MK, Dewan R, Murthy NS, Husain SA, Das BC. Infection of Human Papillomavirus Type 18 and p53 Codon 72 Polymorphism in Lung Cancer Patients from India. CHEST. 128, 3999-4007, 2005.

  1. Chattopadhyay S, Das BC, Hussain Z, Kar P. Hepatitis B virus genotypes in acute and fulminant hepatitis patients from north India using two different molecular genotyping approaches. HEPATOL RES.16, 2006.

  1. Hussain Z, Das BC, Husain SA, Murthy NS, Kar P. Increasing trend of acute hepatitis A in north India: need for identification of high-risk population for vaccination. J GASTROENTEROL HEPATOL. 21, 689-93, 2006.

  1. Hussain Z, Das BC, Husain SA, Polipalli SK, Ahmed T, Begum N, Medhi S, Verghese A, Raish M, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y, Kar P. Virological course of hepatitis A virus as determined by real time RT-PCR: Correlation with biochemical, immunological and genotypic profiles. WORLD J GASTROENTEROL. 12, 4683-8, 2006.

  1. Kazim SN, Chauhan R, Das BC, Sarin SK. Association of core promoter mutations with viral breakthrough in chronic hepatitis B patients on long-term lamivudine therapy. J GASTROENTEROL HEPATOL. 21, 1525-32, 2006.

  1. A. Sharma, A. Mishra, B.C. Das, S. Sardana and J.K. Sharma. Genetic polymorphism at GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene loci and susceptibility to oral cancer. NEOPLASMA 53, 309-15, 2006.

  1. Mishra A, Bharti AC, Varghese P, Saluja D and Das BC. Differential expression and activation of NF-kB family proteins during oral carcinogenesis: role of high risk Human Papillomavirus Infection. INT. J. of CANCER; 119, 2840-50, 2006.

  1. Eachkoti R, Hussain I, Afroze D, Aejazaziz S, Jan M, Shah ZA, Das BC, Siddiqi MA. BRCA1 and TP53 mutation spectrum of breast carcinoma in an ethnic population of Kashmir, an emerging high-risk area. CANCER LETT. 248, 308-20, 2006.

  1. Gupta R, Singh S, Hedau S, Nigam S, Das BC, Singh I, Mandal AK. Spindle cell carcinoma of head and neck: an immunohistochemical and molecular approach to its pathogenesis. J CLIN PATHOL. May 26, 2006.

  1. Gupta A, Arora R, Gupta S, Prusty BK, Kailash U, Batra S and Das BC. Human Papillomavirus DNA in urine samples of women with or without cervical cancer and their male partners compared with simultaneously collected cervical/penile smear of biopsy specimens. J CLINICAL VIROLOGY; 37, 190-4, 2006.

  1. Kailash U, Soundararajan CC, Lakshmy R, Arora R, Vivekanandhan S,Das BC. Telomerase activity as an adjunct to high-risk human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 and cytology screening in cervical cancer. BR J CANCER 95, 1250-7, 2006.

  1. Chattopadhyay S, Das BC, Kar P. Hepatitis B virus genotypes in chronic liver disease patients from New Delhi, India. WORLD J GASTROENTEROL. 12, 6702-6, 2006.

  1. Shashideep Singhal, Indu Kohaar, Anita Chakravarty, Ranjana Gandal, Bhudev. C. Das, Premashis Kar. Fas and TNF-α Mediated Apoptosis and TNF- α Gene Polymorphism in Fulminant Hepatic Failure and Its Clinical Relevance. AMERICAN J. OF GASTROENTEROLOGY S151, 2006.

  1. Premashis Kar, Nishat Jilani, Syed A. husain, Bhudev C. Das. Does Hepatitis E Viral and Genotypes Influence the Final Outcome of Acute Liver Failure during Pregnancy AMERICAN J. OF GASTROENTEROLOGY S151, 2006.

  1. Shripad P Joshi, Mausumi Bharadwaj, Bhudev C Das. Cancer vaccines with special reference to human papillomavirus (HPV). ANN NATL MED SCI (INDIA), 42, 245-254, 2006.

  1. T.S. Sidhu, A.K. Sharma, Nishi Sharma, A.K. Sen and Das BC. Unusual malignant transformation of juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG; 136, 321-3, 2007.

  1. N. Jilani, Das BC, S.A. Hussain, U.K. Baweja, D. Chattopadhya, R.K. Gupta, S. Sardana and P. Kar: Hepatitis E Virus Infection and Fulminant Hepatic Failure (FHF) during Pregnancy. J GASTROENTEROL HEPATOL; 22, 676-82, 2007.

  1. Indu Kohaar, nisha Thakur, Sudha Salhan, Swarah Batra, Veena Singh, Anita Sharma, Pushpa Sodhani, B.C. Das, Debi P. sarkar and Mausumi Bharadwaj. TNF-α-308 G/A polymorphism as a risk factor for HPV associated Cervical Cancer in Indian population. CELL ONCOL; 29:249-56 2007.

  1. Prusty BK, Hedau S, Singh A, Kar P, Das BC. Selective Suppression of NF-kBp65 in Hepatitis Virus-Infected Pregnant Women Manifesting Severe Liver Damage and High Mortality. MOL MED. 13:518-26. 2007.

  1. Kumar D, Gupta RK, Anand R, Pasha ST, Rai A, Das BC, Kar P. Occurrence & nucleotide sequence analysis of hepatitis G virus in patients with acute viral hepatitis & fulminant hepatitis. INDIAN J MED RES. 125:752-5, 2007.

  1. Sinha S, Shrivastava R, Prusty B, Das BC, Singh RK. Some novel adenosine mimics: synthesis and anticancer potential against cervical cancer caused by Human papilloma virus. NUCLEOSIDES, NUCLEOTIDES & NUCLEIC ACIDS, 26:1-6, 2007.

  1. Kaur H, Varghese P, Bharti AC, Das BC, Expression Genomics: Deciphering the Molecular Signature of Genes in Pathogenesis of Cervical Cancer, Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics, 13 (77-86), 2007.

  1. Das BC, Early detection and Molecular Targeting of Human Papillomavirus for Control of Cervical Cancer, Ann Natl Acad Med Sci (India), 44:119-137, 2008.

  1. Shailja Pande, Neeraj Jain, Bhupesh K Prusty, Suresh Bhambhani, Sanjay Gupta, Rajyashri Sharma, Swaraj Batra, Bhudev C. Das. HPV-16 variant analysis of E6, E7, L1 Genes and long control region in cervical cancer patients from North India. J CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY 46:1060-6, 2008.

  1. Das BC, Hussain S, Nasare V, Bharadwaj M. Prospects and Prejudices of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines in India. VACCINE, 26(22):2669-79, 2008.

  1. Tekade RK, Dutta T, Tyagi A, Bharti AC, Das BC, Jain NK. Surface-engineered dendrimers for dual drug delivery: a receptor up-regulation and enhanced cancer targeting strategy. J Drug Target 16(10):758-72, 2008.

  1. Kar P, Jilani N, Husain SA, Pasha ST, Anand R, Rai A, Das BC. Does hepatitis E viral load and genotypes influence the final outcome of acute live failure during pregnancy. AMERICAN J OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 103:2495-501, 2008.

  1. M. Kausar Neyaz, R.Suresh Kumar, Showket Hussain, Samar H. Naqvi, Indu Kohaar, Nisha Thakur, Veena Kashyap, Bhudev C. Das, Syed Akhtar Husain & Mausumi Bharadwaj.Effect of aberrant methylation of FHIT and RASSF1A genes on susceptibility to cervical cancer in a North Indian population. BIOMARKERS, 13:597-606, 2008.

  1. Gupta S, Sodhani P, Sharma A, Sharma JK, Halder K, Charchra KL, Sardana S, Singh V, Sehgal A, Das BC. Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus type 16/18 infection among women with normal cytology: risk factor analysis and implications for screening and prophylaxis. Cytopathology. 20:249-255, 2008.

  1. Kohaar I, Tiwari P, Kumar R, Nasare V, Thakur N, Das BC, Bharadwaj M. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TNF-LTA locus with breast cancer risk in Indian population. BREAST CANCER RES TREAT. 114:347-55, 2009.

  1. Singhal S, Kohaar I, Bharadwaj M, Shukla DK, Das BC, Kar P. Association of TNF-alpha gene promoter polymorphisms with acute viral hepatitis in Indian Population. DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES, 2009.

  1. Kohaar I, Hussain S, Thakur N, Tiwari P, Nasare V, Batra S, Singh V, Bhambani S, Das BC, Debi P. Sarkar, Mausumi Bharadwaj. Association between human leukocyte antigen class II alleles and human papillomavirus-mediated cervical cancer in Indian women. HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY, 70:222-229, 2009.

  1. Thakur N, Hussain S, Kohaar I, Tabassum Rubina, Nasare V, Tiwari P, Batra S, Bhambani S, Das BC, Genetic variant of CCND1: Association with HPV-mediated cervical cancer in an Indian population, Biomarkers, 14 (4):219-225, 2009.

  1. Irfana Salam, Showket Hussain, Mohammad Muzaffar Mir, Nazir Ahmed Dar, Safiya Abdullah, Mushtaq Ahmed Siddiqi, Riyaz Ahmad Lone, Showkat Ahmad Zargar, Shashi Sharma, Suresh Hedau, Seemi Farhat Basir, Alok Chandra Bharti, Bhudev C. Das, Aberrant Promoter Methylation and Reduced Expression of p16 Gene in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma from Kashmir Valley: a high-risk area, MOL. CELL. BIOCHEMISTRY, 332:51-58, 2009.

  1. Shirish Shukla, Alock C. Bharti, Showket Hussain, Sutapa Mahata, Suresh Hedau, Uma Kailash, Veena Kashyap, Suresh Bhambani, Meera Roy, Swaraj Batra, G.P. Talwar, Bhudev C. Das, Elimination of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus type HPV16 Infection by ‘Praneem’ Polyherbal Tablet in Women with early Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions, J CANCER RES. CLIN. ONCOL. 135:1701-1709, 2009.

  1. Hussain I, Rehman SU, Afroze D, Zahoor L, Abdullah S, Hafiz A, Shah ZA, Iqbal S, Shaffi M, Das BC, Siddiqi MA, Mutational spectrum of conserved regions of TP53 and PTEN genes in Kangri cancer (of the skin) in the Kashmiri population, MUTATION RESEARCH, 676:5-10, 2009.

  1. Sardana S, Sharma S, Sodhani P, Sehgal A, Das BC, An epidemiological study to identify the risk factors with two different types of controls in high-grade cervical lesions including invasive cancer, EUR J CANCER CARE, 18:620-624, 2009.

  1. Singhal S, Chakravarty A, Das BC, Kar P, Tumour necrosis factor-alpha and soluble Fas ligand as biomakers in non-acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure, BIOMAKERS, 14:347-353, 2009.

  1. Mishra Alok, Bharti Alok C, Saluja Daman, Das BC, Trans-activation and expression patterns of Jun and Fos/AP-1 super family proteins in human oral cancer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of CANCER, 126:819-829, 2009.

  1. Hussain Showket, Bharti AC, Irfana Salam, Bhat MA, Mir MM, Hedau S, Siddiqi MA, Basir Seemi F, and Das BC, Transcription factor AP-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Alteration in activity and expression during human papillomavirus infection. BMC CANCER, 9:329-341, 2009.

  1. Md. Neyaz K, Hussain S, Md. Hassan I, Das BC, Hussain SA and Bharadwaj M, Novel missense mutation in FHIT gene: interpreting the effect in HPV-mediated cervical cancer in Indian women, MOLECULAR CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, 2009.

  1. R. C. Sobti, Neha Singh, Showket Hussain, Vanita Suri, A. C. Bharti & B. C. Das. Overexpression of STAT3 in HPV-mediated cervical cancer in a North Indian population. MOL. CELL. BIOCHEMISTRY, 330:193-199, 2009.

  1. Wilkinson DE, Baylis SA, Padley D, Heath AB, Ferguson M, Pagliusi SR, Quint WG, Wheeler CM; WHO Collaborative Study Group (B.C. Das), Establishment of the 1st World Health Organization international standards for human papillomavirus type 16 DNA and type 18 DNA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 15:126(12):2969-83, 2010.

  1. Kohaar I, Thakur N, Hussain S, Md. Niyaz K, Das BC, Sengupta S, Bharadwaj M, Homocysteine levels are associated with Cervical Cancer independent of Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase gene (MTHFR) polymorphisms in Indian population, BIOMARKERS 15:61-8, 2010.

  1. Raish M, Dhillon VS, Ahmad A, Ansari M, Mudassar S, Batra V, Gupta P, Shukla NK, Das BC, and Husain SA. Promoter Hypermethylation in tumour suppressing genes p16 and FHIT, and their relationship with estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status in breast cancer patients. TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY, 2:264-270, 2009.

  1. Shirish Shukla, Alok C. Bharti, Sutapa Mahata, Showket Hussain, Rakesh Kumar, Suresh Hedau & Bhudev C. Das, Infection of human papillomaviruses in cancers of different human organ sites, INDIAN J MED RES, 130:222-233, 2009.

  1. Alok C. Bharti, Shirish Shukla, Sutapa Mahata, Suresh Hedau & Bhudev C. Das, Anti-human papillomavirus therapeutics: Facts & future, INDIAN J MED RES, 130:296-310, 2009.

  1. Mausumi Bharadwaj, Showket Hussain, Vilas Nasare & Bhudev C. Das, HPV & HPV vaccination: Issues in developing countries, INDIAN J MED RES, 130:327-333, 2009.

  1. Sachin Kumar, Randeep Guleria, Vikas Singh, Alok C Bharti, Anant Mohan & Bhudev C. Das, Efficacy of plasma vascular endothelial growth factor in monitoring first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, BMC CANCER, 9:421-432, 2009.

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Singh V, Bharti AC, Mohan A, Das BC. Plasma nucleosome levels might predict response to therapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. CLIN LUNG CANCER 11:36-44; 2010.

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Singh V, Bharti AC, Mohan A, Das BC. Efficacy of circulating plasma DNA as a diagnostic tool for advanced non-small cell lung cancer and its predictive utility for survival and response to chemotherapy. LUNG CANCER 70:211-7, 2010

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Singh V, Bharti AC, Mohan A, Das BC Plasma DNA level in predicting therapeutic efficacy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. EUR RESPIR J. 36:885-92, 2010

  1. Alok C Bharti, Shirish Shukla, Sutapa Mahata, Suresh Hedau and Bhudev C Das Human Papillomavirus and control of cervical cancer in India; EXPERT REVIEWS IN OBSTET & GYNAECOLOGY. 5,329-346, 2010

  1. Sobti RC, Singh N, Hussain S, Suri V, Bharadwaj M, Das BC Deregulation of STAT-5 isoforms in the development of HPV-mediated cervical carcinogenesis. J RECEPT SIGNAL TRANSDUCT RES. 30,178-88, 2010.

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Mohan A, Singh V, Ali A, Bharti AC, Das BC Utility of plasma tumour necrosis factor-alpha and transforming growth factor-beta1 as predictors of survival and treatment outcome in advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma. BIOMARKERS, 15:446-53, 2010.

  1. Shukla S, Bharti AC, Mahata S, Hussain S, Hedau S, Sharma R, Pillai MR, Krishna S, Chiplunkar S, Tengaonkar H, Das BC. Application of a Multiplex PCR to cervical cells collected by a paper smear for the simultaneous detection of all mucosal human papillomaviruses and typing of HR HPV types 16 and 18. J MED MICROBIOL. 59:1303-10, 2010.

  1. Khan MA, Bahadur AK, Agarwal PN, Sehgal A, Das BC. Psychosocial disorders in women undergoing postoperative radiation and chemotherapy for breast cancer in India. INDIAN J CANCER. 47:296-303; 2010.

  1. Shukla S, Shishodia G, Mahata S, Hedau S, Pandey A, Bhambhani S, Batra S, Basir SF, Das BC, Bharti AC. Aberrant expression and constitutive activation of STAT3 in cervical carcinogenesis: implications in high-risk human papillomavirus infection. MOL CANCER 27; 9:282, 2010.

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Singh V, Mohan A, Bharti AC, Das BC. Lack of utility of plasma TNF-alpha level in predicting therapeutic efficacy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. CYTOKINE; 51:245-8; 2010.

  1. Bose PD, Das BC, Kumar A, Gondal R, Kumar D, Kar P. High viral load and deregulation of Progesterone receptor signaling pathway: Association with Hepatitis E related poor pregnancy outcome. J HEPATOL. 54(6):1107-13, 2010.

  1. Hedau S, Kumar U, Hussain S, Shukla S, Pande S, Jain N, Tyagi A, Despande T, Bhat D, Mir MM, Chakrabvarty S, Singh YM, Kumar R, Somasundaram K, Bharti AC, Das BC, Breast cancer and human papillomavirus infection: No evidence of HPV etiology of breast cancer in Indian women. BMC Cancer 20; 11:27. 2011.

  1. Bose PD, Sarma MP, Medhi S, Das BC, Husain SA, Kar P Role of polymorphic N-acetyl transferase2 and cytochrome P4502E1 gene in antituberculosis treatment-induced hepatitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 26(2):312-8. 2011.

  1. Hussain S, M Y, Thakur N, Salam I, Singh N, Mir MM, Bhat MA, Siddiqi MA, Das BC, Bharadwaj M, Association of cyclin D1 gene polymorphisms with risk of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in Kashmir Valley-A high risk area. Mol Carcinog. 50(7):487-98, 2011.

  1. Kumar S, Guleria R, Mohan A, Singh V, Bharti AC, Das BC, Efficacy of Plasma TGF-β1 Level in Predicting Therapeutic Efficacy and Prognosis in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Invest, 29(3):202-7. 2011.

  1. Pradeep Kumar S, Medhi S, Asim M, Das BC, Gondal R, Kar P, Evaluation of adefovir & lamivudine in chronic hepatitis B: correlation with HBV viral kinetic, hepatic-necro inflammation & fibrosisIndian. J Med, 133:50-6.2011.

  1. Hussain S, Singh N, Salam I, Bandil K, Yuvaraj M, Akbar Bhat M, Muzaffar Mir M, Siddiqi MA, Sobti RC, Bharadwaj M, Das BC, Methylation-mediated gene silencing of suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS-1) gene in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients of Kashmir valley. Recept Signal Transduct , 31(2):147-56. 2011.

  1. Sutapa Mahata, Alok C. Bharti, Shirish Shukla, Abhishek Tyagi, Syed A. Husain and

Bhudev C. Das Berberine modulates AP-1 activity to suppress HPV transcription and downstream signaling to induce growth arrest and apoptosis in cervical cancer cells. MOL CANCER, 15; 10:39, 2011.
152. Aakanksha, Asim M, Sharma PK, Das BC, Kar P, Analysis of carriers of hepatitis B virus from a tertiary referral hospital: Does the viral load change during the natural course of infection?, J Med Virol. 83(7):1151-8, 2011.

    1. Thakur N, Hussain S, Nasare V, Das BC, Basir SF, Bharadwaj M, Association analysis of p16 (CDKN2A) and RB1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to cervical cancer in Indian population. Mol Biol Rep. 39(1):407-14 2011.

    1. Tilak AR, Kumar S, Jain M, Pant MC, Das BC, Guleria R, Mittal B, Mathur N, Kumar A., Association of functionally important polymorphism of microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene (EPHX1) with lung cancer susceptibility. Cancer Invest. 29(6):411-8, 2011.

    1. Sobti RC, Singh N, Hussain S, Suri V, Nijhawan R, Bharti AC, Bharadwaj M, Das BC, Aberrant promoter methylation and loss of Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling-1 gene expression in the development of uterine cervical carcinogenesis. Cell Oncol, 34(6):533-43, 2011.

    1. Aakanksha, Asim M, Sharma PK, Das BC, Kar P, Analysis of carriers of hepatitis B virus from a tertiary referral hospital: Does the viral load change during the natural course of infection?, J Med Virol. 83(7):1151-8 2011.

    1. Parvez R, Hedau S, Bhattacharya D, Bhattacharjee H, Muruganandam N, Das BC, Saha MK, Sugunan AP, Vijayachari P., High-risk HPV infection among the tribal and non-tribal women of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India., Public Health. 126(1):67-9, 2012.

    1. Vinodhini K, Shanmughapriya S, Das BC, Natarajaseenivasan K., Prevalence and risk factors of HPV infection among women from various provinces of the world., Arch Gynecol Obstet. 285(3):771-7, 2011.

    1. Hussain S, Bharadwaj M, Nasare V, Kumari M, Sharma S, Hedau S, Das BC., Human papillomavirus infection among young adolescents in India: Impact of vaccination., J Med Virol.;84(2):298-305. doi: 10.1002/jmv.22261, 2012.

    1. Dalal S, Foster CR, Das BC, Singh M, Singh K., β-Adrenergic receptor stimulation induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in adult cardiac myocytes: role in apoptosis., Mol Cell Biochem; 364(1-2):59-70, 2012.

    1. Mahata S, Maru S, Shukla S, Pandey A, Mugesh G, Das BC, Bharti AC., Anticancer property of Bryophyllum pinnata (Lam.) Oken. leaf on human cervical cancer cells., BMC Complement Altern Med. , 10;12(1):15 , 2012.

    1. Thakur N, Hussain S, Nasare V, Das BC, Basir SF, Bharadwaj M, Association analysis of p16 CDKN2A) and RB1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to cervical cancer in Indian population. Mol Biol Rep.;39(1):407-14 2012.

    1. Shanmughapriya S, Senthilkumar G, Vinodhini K, Das BC, Vasanthi N, Natarajaseenivasan K., Viral and bacterial aetiologies of epithelial ovarian cancer., Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.;31(9):2311-7, 2012.

    1. Thilagavathi A, Shanmughapriya S, Vinodhini K, Das BC, Natarajaseenivasan K., Prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) among college going girls using self collected urine samples from Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu., Arch Gynecol Obstet., [In Print] 2012.

    1. Vinodhini K, Shanmughapriya S, Sanmugham S, Senthikumar G, Das BC, Natarajaseenivasan K., Prevalence of high-risk HPV and associated risk factors in cases of cervical carcinoma in Tamil Nadu, India., Int J Gynaecol Obstet.[In Print] 2012. 

    1. Anubha Saxena, Varinderpal S. Dhillon, Mohammad Shahid, Hesham Saleh Khalil, Madhu Rani, Trinath Prasad Das, Suresh Hedau, Arif Hussain, Raza Ali Naqvi, S. V.S. Deo, N. K. Shukla, B. C. Das, Syed Akhtar Husain, GSTP1 methylation and polymorphism increase the risk of breast cancer and the effects of diet and lifestyle in breast cancer patients, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine [In Print] 2012.

    1. S. Gupta, P. Kumar, A. Tyagi, K. Sharma, H. Kaur and B.C. Das, Modern Approaches to Prevention and Control of Cancer of the Uterine Cervix in Women, J. Indian Institute of Science, 92:3, 2012

Books/Journals Edited:

  1. Edited as Guest Editor a special issue of Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) on a topic “Human Papillomavirus” Volume 130, pp 209-349, Number 3, September 2009.

Review articles and chapters in books:

  1. B.C. Das: Factors that influence formation of sister chromatid exchanges in human blood lymphocytes. CRC CRITICAL REVIEWS (Toxicology) CRC Press, Boca Raton USA. Vol 19, 43-86, 1988.

  1. D'Souza and B.C. Das: Genotoxic effects of Microbacterium leprae infection in humans. MUTATION RESEARCH 305,211-222, 1994.

  1. B.C. Das, V. Gopalkrishna and Sanjay Katiyar: "Organization of a Molecular Biology Laboratory for Disease Diagnosis & Research", a chapter in a book entitled "Transfusion Associated Hepatitis" Edited by S.K. Sarin and George Hess, CBS Publication, New Delhi, Chapter V, page 155-180, 1998.

  1. Sanjay Katiyar, V. Gopalkrishna, Suresh Hedau, J.K. Sharma and B.C. Das: "Role of tumour suppressor genes and human papillomavirus in the development of cervical cancer" in Proceeding of All India Congress of Cytology and Genetics, Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics, 1998, Vol 9: 187-201, eds. G.K.Manna and S.C.Roy, AICG Publications, Kalayani University.

  1. A.K. Pal and B.C. Das: Sister Chromatid exchange as an indicator of mutagenesis: In "Essays on Cytogenetical Research" ed. R.C. Sobti, N.P.H, New Delhi, 1997 Narendra Publishing Co., New Delhi.

  1. B.C. Das: "Role of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection in the etiologiy of cervical cancer". In Current Trends in Gynaecological Oncology, (ed) Lalit Kumar Proceedings of Symposium on Gynecological Oncology, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi. 1999, p 16-24.

  1. B.C. Das, Frank Rosl and zur Hausen: Transcriptional control of human papillomavirus oncogene expression in cervical cancer. In: Proceeding of the 6th Annual Ranbaxy foundation symposium, “Recent Developments in the management of the cancer of uterine cervix” eds. S. Gupta and O.P. Sood. New Delhi, December 11, 1999 page 43-49.

  1. B.C. Das, V.Gopalkrishna, Suresh Hedau and Sanjay Katiyar: Cancer of the uterine cervix and human papillomaviruses infection. CURRENT SCIENCE 78:52-63, 2000

  1. S. Katiyar, B.C. Dash, V. Thakur, R.C. Guptan, S.K. Sarin and B.C. Das: "p53 tumour suppressor gene mutation, HBV infection and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in India". In Hepatitis B and C: Carrier to Cancer, eds. S.K. Sarin and K. Okuda, Springer-Verlag, Singapore (In Press).

  1. B.C. Das: “Cellular Control of Human Papillomavirus Gene Activity”, in Proc. Ind. Natl. Sci. Acad – B 69:23-34, 2003.

  1. B.C. Das, Uma Kailash, Suresh Hedau, Neeraj Jain, Alok Mishra and Bhupesh K. Prusty: “Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer.” In Obst. & Gynae Today Vol. VIII: 347-353, 2003.

  1. B.C. Das: “Hepatitis B: Molecular Detection of Co-infections”: In Proceedings of Ranbaxy Science Foundation’s 11th Round Table Conference, December, 2002, pp 13-30.

  1. B.C. Das and Bhupesh k. Prusty, “Molecular Targetting of HPV”, in Proceeding of 12th Annual Ranbaxy foundation symposium, November 2005, page 85-93.

  1. B.C. Das, SK Sarin, Kazim SN, Bharti AC “Infections”: In Cancer Awareness Prevention and Control: Strategies for South Asia. A UICC handbook for South Asia, Geneva, 2006, 119-131.

  1. B.C. Das: “Pathogenesis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients”: In Proceedings of the 2nd National Symposium on Hepatitis B Infection in India (In Press).

  1. Sutapa Mahata, Shirish Shukla, S. Maru, S. Hedau, AC Bharti and B.C. Das, Elimination of HPV and control of viral oncogene expression in cervical cancer cells by herbal compounds, In Proceedings of Ranbaxy Science Foundation’s 14th Annual Symposium on “ Treatment of Advanced Stage Cancers: Current status and Emerging Frontiers.” Eds. G.P. Talwar and O.P. Sood, January 14-15, 2008, New Delhi, page 122-130

Popular article: “Mntiacus muntjak : Indian banking dear with lowest number of

Chromosomes”. Science Reporter, August, 1978.


1. "DNA Science in Human Health & Disease” - A practical course in molecular biology for M.Sc., M.Phil, doctoral and postdoctoral students, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (under preparation).

U. S. Patent (Patent No. 10/444, 988 dated May 27, 2003)
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