169 20 Play this clip.
This is one of the animated effects you’ll find in Adobe Premiere Pro. Although
virtually all Adobe Premiere Pro video effects let you animate them over time
with keyframes, Wave Warp and a few others have built-in animations that
operate independently of keyframes.
21 Reset the Wave Warp effect to its starting point by clicking the Reset button in
its upper-right corner.
Applying effects to multiple clips In this exercise, you will apply the same effect to two clips in the Timeline at the
same time. Although you’ll be using only two clips, you can use the technique to
apply the same effect (or effects) to as many clips as you can select.
1 Remove any effects you have been testing from both clips on the Timeline by
right clicking on the clips and selecting remove effects.
2 Select both clips on the Timeline by holding down the Shift key and clicking
each one. You can also use the Marquee tool to select a group of clips.
3 Choose Video Effects > Generate, and drag the Lens Flare effect to either clip.
The effect is applied to both selected clips.
Other ways to apply effects You can also select an effect from the Effect Controls panel, choose Edit > Copy,
select the Effects Controls panel of a destination clip, and choose Edit > Paste.
To copy all the effects from one clip so you can paste them to another clip,
select the clip, choose Edit > Copy, select the destination clip, and choose Edit >
Paste Attributes.
Adding keyframing effects You can turn almost all parameters for all video effects into keyframes. That is, you
can change the effect’s behavior over time in myriad ways. For example, you can
have an effect gradually change out of focus, change color, warp into a fun-house
mirror, or lengthen its shadow.