43 Review questions 1 What is the purpose of the General tab in the New Sequence dialog?
2 How can you cause Adobe Premiere Pro to import all JPEGs so that they’re scaled to
the dimensions of your current sequence?
3 Describe at least two ways to import assets.
4 Adobe Premiere Pro handles Photoshop and Illustrator layered graphic files differently.
Explain the differences.
5 What is the advantage of importing high-resolution photos?
6 By default, what happens when you double-click a bin?
Review answers 1 The General tab is used to customize an existing preset or to create a new custom
preset. If you are using a standard media type, the Sequence Preset option is all you
should need to select.
2 In the General category of Preferences, check the “Default scale to frame size” box
before importing the JPEGs.
3 Choose File > Import, double-click an empty space in the Project panel, or drag assets
from the Media Browser to the Project panel.
4 Adobe Premiere Pro lets you import a Photoshop CS5 file in one of three ways: as a
sequence with individual layers on separate video tracks, on an individual layer basis,
or as a merged file. Adobe Premiere Pro imports Illustrator CS5 layered graphics only
as merged files. It rasterizes and anti-aliases Illustrator vector-based art.
5 You can pan and zoom in on them and maintain a sharp-looking image. To see images
at their full frame size, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) them in the
Timeline, and deselect Scale to Frame Size.
6 The bin will open in its own window.