Using Photoshop and After Effects to Enhance Your Video Projects
Locate the Effects & Presets panel on the right, and
expand the * Animation Presets folder. Within that
folder, expand the Transitions – Movement folder.
Drag the “Zoom – 3D tumble” preset to the Lower
Third bg layer of the Timeline.
Do a RAM preview of this effect by pressing the
0 (zero) key on the numeric keypad.
Next you will animate the logo.
Position the current-time indicator at the one-
second mark, just as the lower third background
animation is finishing.
Drag the Slide – Swoop preset (located in the
Transitions – Movement folder) to the Film Reel
layer. RAM preview the Timeline.
After Effects has some dazzling animation presets designed especially for text.
These animations are aware of individual characters, words, or lines of text.
You’ll use one of these text effects on the text layer. However, because you didn’t
create the text in Adobe After Effects, After Effects doesn’t know the layer is
text. You need to tell After Effects that the top layer (Behind the Scenes) is text.
Select layer 2 (the Behind the Scenes text layer), and choose Layer > Convert to
Editable Text. Now Adobe After Effects will treat this layer as text that can be
edited and animated with special text effects or presets. After Effects indicates
this is a text layer by showing a T icon to the left of the layer name.
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