Cover Page
Title: 2012/2013 Annual Report, “Clients, Our Focus”
Image: Close up of 6 year old RSB Child & Youth client Darcey Bekrick wearing glasses and smiling
Logo: RSB Official Logo
Inside Front Cover
Image: The Bekrick family standing together on the children’s school basketball court
Caption: The Bekrick family from left to right: Dragan, Tracy, Josh, Liam, Riley and Darcey. Dragan and three of his sons are vision impaired, but say the future looks bright with thanks to the RSB and its supporters.
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To be the primary responsive quality service provider to South Australians who are blind or vision impaired.
The RSB is the primary source of assistance giving people with a vision impairment the opportunity to improve the quality and independence of their lives.
History 2
Corporate Governance 2
Patrons 3
Board of Directors 4
Management 5
President’s Report 6
Executive Director’s Report 8
Community Services 12
Low Vision Services 14
RSB Guide Dog Service 18
RSB Industrial Services 22
RSB Volunteer Services 24
Print Alternative & Digital Library Services 26
Marketing and Fundraising 28
My Eye Health Program 34
Special Thanks 36
Bequests 40
In Memory 41
Treasurer’s Report 42
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It began with a blind man’s vision.
It took the vision of a blind man to truly appreciate the needs of people who were blind in South Australia and understand the plight they faced in the late 19th century.
Andrew Whyte Hendry, who was blinded after a childhood accident, had the conviction and determination to start an industrial training school for the blind in 1884, which has steadily grown and flourished into the multi-faceted Royal Society for the Blind of the 21st Century.
With the help of Sir Charles Goode, a philanthropist, Andrew’s dream was realised on 21 November 1884 when the Institute for the Blind was formed –the genesis of what would become the Royal Society for the Blind of South Australia (RSB).
Through 129 years of supporting South Australia’s blind and vision impaired community, the RSB has grown from an ambitious employment and training centre, to be the primary provider of services to more than 12,000 people who are blind or vision impaired.
The RSB holds true today to the vision Andrew Whyte Hendry held in 1884: The Vision to make a Difference.
++Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is the process by which the RSB is directed and controlled. The aim is to ensure that the management of the RSB is ethical and acts in accordance with its vision and values.
The RSB is regulated by The Royal Institution for the Blind Act (1934) as amended, and its constitution. These define the rules and processes through which the RSB is managed.
The Board of Directors has responsibility for the governance of the RSB. It sets strategic direction, monitors the affairs of and reviews the RSB’s performance against targets and objectives.
To assist in this process, the Board has created the following RSB sub-committees to provide specialist advice:
Client Advisory Committee
Finance and Audit
Nominations and Governance
All Directors are required to acknowledge and subscribe to the following responsibilities:
To act honestly and in good faith
To use due care and diligence
To act in the best interest of the RSB
To ensure that management is competent
Not to engage in conduct likely to discredit or bring the RSB into disrepute
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His Excellency, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AO CSC RANR, Governor of South Australia
14/8/2007 – present
Her Excellency, Mrs. Marjorie Jackson-Nelson, AC, CVO, MBE
3/11/2001 – 31/7/2007
Sir Eric J. Neal, AC, CVO
22/7/1996 – 3/11/2001
The Honorable Dame Roma Mitchell, AC, DBE, CVO
6/2/1991 – 21/7/1996
Lieutenant General Sir Donald B. Dunstan, AC, KBE, CB
23/4/1982 – 5/2/1991
Sir Keith Seaman, KCVO, OBE
1/9/1977 – 28/3/1982
Sir Douglas R. Nicholls, KCVO, OBE
1/12/1976 – 30/4/1977
Sir Mark Oliphant, AC, KBE
1/12/1971 – 30/11/1976
Major General Sir James W. Harrison, KCMG, CB, CBE
4/12/1968 – 16/9/1971
Lieutenant General Sir Edric M. Bastyan, KCMG, KCVO, KBE, CB
4/4/1961 – 1/6/1968
Air Vice Marshall Sir Robert George, KCMG, KCVO, KBE, CB, MC
23/2/1953 – 7/3/1960
Lieutenant General Sir C. Willoughby Norrie, KCMG, CB, DSO, MC
19/12/1944 – 19/6/1952
Sir C. Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, KCMG
28/7/1934 – 23/2/1939
Major General Sir Winston Dugan KCMG, CB, DSO
28/7/1934 – 23/2/1939
Brigadier General The Honorable Sir Alexander G.A. Hore-Ruthven VC, KCMB, CB, DSO
14/5/1928 – 26/4/1934
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Tom M. Bridges KCB, KCMG, DSO
4/12/1922 – 4/12/1927
Lieutenant Colonel Sir W.E.G. Archibald Weigall KCMG
9/6/1920 – 30/5/1922
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Henry L. Galway, KCMG, DSO
18/4/1914 – 30/4/1920
Admiral Sir Day Hort Bosanquet, GCVO, KCB
18/2/1909 – 22/3/1914
Sir George R. Le Hunte, KCMG
1/7/1903 – 18/2/1909
Right Honorable Hallam, Lord Tennyson, KCMG
10/4/1899 – 17/7/1902
Sir Thomas F. Buxton Bt, GCMG
29/10/1895 – 29/3/1899
Right Honorable The Earl of Kintore PC, GCMG
11/4/1889 – 10/4/1895
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++Board of Directors
Ray Clark
Board Member since August 1996
Image: Corporate photo of Ray Clark
Rob Richards
Vice President
Board Member since November 2010
Image: Corporate photo of Rob Richards
Dr Jim Runciman
Board Member since July 1996
Image: Corporate photo of Jim Runciman
Barry Clarke
Board Member since February 1992
Image: Corporate photo of Barry Clarke
David Coppock
Employee Representative
Board Member since November 1989
Image: Corporate photo of David Coppock
Trevor Basso
Board Member since June 1994
Image: Corporate photo of Trevor Basso
Margaret Moxon
BA Grad.Dip.Lib.Stud.
Board Member since June 2003 – November 2012 (Retired)
Image: Corporate photo of Margaret Moxon
Roz Sommariva
Board Member since November 2010
Image: Corporate photo of Roz Sommariva
Dr Celia Chen
Board Member since December 2011
Image: Corporate photo of Dr Celia Chen
George Karzis
LLB, BA (Juris), GCLP
Board Member May 2012 – May 2013 (Retired)
Image: Corporate photo of George Karzis
Pieter Haverhoek
Board Member since 2012
Image: Corporate photo of Pieter Haverhoek
Bradley Gay
Board Member since June 2013
Image: Corporate photo of Bradley Gay
Andrew Creaser
Board Member since June 2013
Image: Corporate photo of Andrew Creaser
Andrew Daly
RSB Executive Director
Board Member since July 1996
Image: Corporate photo of Andrew Daly
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Andrew Daly
Executive Director
Image: Corporate photo of Andrew Daly
James Bardsley
Manager, Community Services
Manager, Volunteer Services
Image: Corporate photo of James Bardsley
Mark Burleigh
Manager, Industrial Services
Image: Corporate photo of Mark Burleigh
Loucia Calder
Manager, Low Vision Services
Image: Corporate photo of Loucia Calder
Chris Muldoon
Manager, RSB Guide Dog Service
Image: Corporate photo of Chris Muldoon
Keith Smith
Manager, Business Services
Manager, Human Resources
Image: Corporate photo of Keith Smith
Diana Swanson
Manager, Marketing and Fundraising,
Manager, Information Technology
Manager, Print Alternative & Digital Library Services
Image: Corporate photo of Diana Swanson
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++President’s Report
Image: Corporate photo of Ray Clark
I am delighted to present the 2012/13 Royal Society for the Blind (RSB) Annual Report “Clients, Our Focus”.
Despite troubled financial and political times in 2012/13, the RSB has remained focused on its clients – more than 12,000 South Australians who are blind or vision impaired.
To ensure client demand is met, there are now more than 50 RSB Guide Dog pups in training at the RSB Guide Dog Service in Gilles Plains.
With so many dogs and pups in training, in 2013 fundraising and planning commenced for a purpose-built outdoor training facility. Using world-leading theories on dog development, the proposed training facility consists of two areas – a task training area and an environment enrichment area.
The training facility will provide an environment for pups and training dogs to optimise their learning potential, giving them a greater opportunity for success as RSB Guide Dogs.
Special thanks go to the Lin Huddleston Charitable Foundation for their generous donation towards this project, as well as everyone who has made a donation to date to make this project possible.
In 2012/13, special thanks must also go to My Eye Health Program (MEHP) partners the Freemasons Foundation, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (South Australia Branch) and the Sight for All Foundation for their ongoing support of the MEHP.
The MEHP commenced in South Australia in 2010 with the aim to raise community awareness about eye health, focusing on the early detection and prevention of eye disease. Today, having delivered more than 450 presentations in both metropolitan andrural areas, the MEHP has reached close to 11,000 people in South Australia.
Working closely with the Aboriginal Health Council of SA (AHCSA) in 2012/13, MEHP Community Educators continued to look at ways to improve eye health for Indigenous communities. This included the opportunity to present at the Aboriginal Health Worker’s Forum in December 2012.
Recognition must also be given to RSB Industrial Services which in 2012/13 remained competitive in a tough business climate, with a turnover of approximately $1.3 million.
Since 1884, RSB Industrial Services has provided valuable and meaningful employment to many South Australians, and today more than 70 people who are blind or vision impaired work at the Gilles Plains factory.
The fact that RSB Industrial Services continues to thrive in a difficult economic environment, is a credit to both its loyal customers and the quality and value of what it has to offer.
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The RSB also remains at the national and global forefront of both advocacy and blindness sector developments with representatives in the World Blind Union (WBU), Australian Blindness Forum (ABF), National Disability Services SA (NDS-SA) and Optometrists Association of Australia - SA division (OAA-SA).
As we focus on our clients in this report, thanks go to RSB staff and management for their continued hard work, energy, commitment and dedication. Every day almost 200 staff ensure that the RSB’s services are delivered at the highest standard, helping to improve the lives of so many South Australians living with vision loss.
RSB Volunteers also deserve our gratitude – without the support and generous time given by almost 800 RSB Volunteers, the provision of many RSB services would simply not be possible. The volunteers’ invaluable efforts across all areas of the RSB are the equivalent of almost 80 full-time employees, which in monetary terms would equate to more than $3 million in salaries.
Special thanks must also be bestowed upon our benefactors, donors and sponsors. Vital funds were also provided by the Department of Health, the Department of Social Services, the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI), the Department for Education and the Department for Employment – thank you for helping us make a difference.
I would also like to personally thank and acknowledge the RSB’s Patron, His Excellency, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, Governor of South Australia, for his ongoing support.
Finally, next year the RSB will celebrate 130 years of service and support for South Australians who are blind or vision impaired. We hope that you will join us in our celebrations and assist us to continue “The Vision to make a Difference”.
Ray Clark
Image: Blonde RSB Guide Dog pup sitting next to ‘Thank you for your support’ RSB sign.
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Executive Director’s Report
Image: Corporate photo of Andrew Daly
In 2012/13 the Royal Society for the Blind (RSB) remained at the forefront of providing free, vital services to South Australians who are blind or vision impaired, despite tough and unpredictable financial and political environments.
Notably, many of the RSB’s services increased in 2012/13 and the RSB now assists more than 12,000 people living with vision loss or blindness across our state.
In 2012/13, RSB Orientation and Mobility Specialists received approximately 400 referrals – an 18 per cent increase on the previous financial year. RSB Occupational Therapy staff received a similar increase in workload, with an increase of 13 per cent.
The RSB Adaptive Technology Centre (ATC) received 248 client referrals and provided more than 5,300 information and advisory services. While the ever-increasing popularity and accessibility of mobile devices and tablets such as the Android, Apple iPhone and iPad saw 87 training sessions on mobile devices, compared to 39 the previous year.
To assist RSB clients to access and purchase this adaptive technology, in 2012/13, the RSB Braille and Equipment Subsidy Scheme provided funding of more than $15,000 to assist 13 RSB clients to purchase much needed adaptive technology equipment.
Working alongside the ATC, RSB Child & Youth Services hosted its first ever iPad Bootcamp in 2013, which was attended by five RSB clients under the age of 17. The new program is part of the RSB’s holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to support children and youths who are blind or vision impaired, as well as their families.
Special thanks must go to our important Recreation and Leisure Program partners - the Blind Welfare Association (BWA) and Blind Sports SA. Their support has enabled people who are blind or vision impaired to participate in any one of 100 recreation and leisure groups - making the RSB the largest provider of recreation and leisure services in Australia in 2012/13.
All of these services, and more not mentioned here, assist RSB clients to live, travel, work and play in their local communities – helping them to maintain independence.
The RSB’s singular focus on its clients is reflected in our 17th independent Annual Client Survey, which highlights an average of 94.4 per cent client satisfaction with services, and 95 per cent client satisfaction with staff and volunteers over this period.
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Given that the RSB will celebrate its 130th Anniversary next year, it is gratifying to know we continue to positively contribute to the lives of South Australians who are blind or vision impaired – as we have since 1884.
To achieve this significant milestone, the RSB has remained true to its founder, Andrew Whyte Hendry’s vision – The Vision to make a Difference. Part of this commitment is ensuring that the RSB is active in advocating for the consideration of issues faced by our clients. In 2012/13 the RSB commenced ongoing campaigning to ensure that people who are blind or vision impaired are not lost in the “one size fits all” approach of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Aged Care Reform.
The RSB together with a number of blindness organisations have provided continual dialogue, feedback and submissions to both State and Federal politicians with regards to the negative impact on people who are blind or vision impaired arising from both the NDIS and Aged Care Reform.
The reality is that in the absence of change, people who are blind or vision impaired will be left with little or no services under these new regimes.
Initially some hope was provided by Senators McLucas and Macklin that people who are blind or vision impaired would receive the same level of services under these new reforms, irrespective of the age at acquisition of their disability. However, there appears to be no intention by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) or in the Aged Care Reform process to include the specialist needs of people who are blind or vision impaired in either system.
The RSB was founded at a time when people who were blind or vision impaired had few options or supports. Today, it is the RSB’s mission to assist people who are blind or vision impaired to live as independently as possible, but under both new systems – NDIS and the Aged Care Reform – neither our clients, nor organisations such as the RSB will have access to funds that will enable existing successful rehabilitation programs to continue into the future.
Image: Blonde RSB Guide Dog pup with purple RSB balloons
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The RSB has spent much of 2012/13 contacting local members of parliament and the community, encouraging them to take action to ensure people who are blind or vision impaired continue to have access to the specialist assessments and services they require to be able to live independently as valued members of the community.
At the RSB we believe no Australian who is blind or vision impaired should be subjected to government reforms that see them worse off than before their introduction, and today we ask you to help us ensure that “no one is left behind”.
Importantly, the continued provision of services to our clients is only possible through the dedication of almost 200 RSB staff, which includes 70 people with vision impairment and/or other disabilities employed at RSB Industrial Services.
Also crucial is the input of almost 800 volunteers, stretching from the volunteer Board of Management, to people that generously give their time to help deliver essential services to RSB clients, and through to the wider community of generous supporters and donors. To all of these people, I extend my heartfelt thanks.
I would also like to formally acknowledge the ongoing support of many State and Federal Government funding bodies, including:
Department of Health
Department of Social Services
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI)
Department for Education
Department for Employment
On behalf of the RSB our sincere thanks must also go to our RSB Ambassador team and our Patron His Excellency, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, Governor of South Australia.
The RSB has gone from strength to strength in 2012/13 and with your support, we look forward to celebrating the RSB’s 130th Anniversary in 2014 and continuing “The Vision to make a Difference”.
Andrew Daly
Executive Director
Image: Black RSB Guide Dog pup sitting next to ‘Thank you for your support’ RSB sign
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Image: Purple RSB Cupcake with white paw print chocolate
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++Community Services
Image: Corporate photo of James Bardsley
RSB Community Services provides vision rehabilitation services to people who are blind or vision impaired living in South Australia. The RSB delivers this vital outreach service into the homes, workplaces and local communities of our clients. Our continuing goal is to provide training and support, which allows our clients to remain at home, maintain independence and participate fully in their communities.
In 2012/13, more than 41,800 outreach service hours were delivered by RSB Community Services staff, including counselling, independent living training, orientation and mobility services and recreation and leisure services.
These outreach services cover all of South Australia, ensuring clients receive the same level of assistance as clients living in metropolitan Adelaide.
In addition to this, the RSB has eight office locations across South Australia, including Christies Beach, Smithfield, Victor Harbor, Mount Gambier and Port Augusta, as well as three metropolitan offices.
In 2013, the RSB office at Noarlunga was relocated to 69 Beach Road, Christies Beach. The new, larger office addresses the need for client accessibility and provides greater opportunities for improved RSB service delivery in the South.
As a result of South Australia’s ageing population, many of RSB’s Community Services increased in 2012/13, including:
Mobility Services
RSB Orientation and Mobility Specialists continue to provide assistance to people who are having difficulties navigating their homes and workplaces, allowing them to travel independently with safety and confidence. In 2012/13, these services increased by 18 per cent, receiving approximately 400 referrals.
Paid Staff Hours Delivered
Accommodation Support
Community Support Groups
Independent Living Training
Information and Education
Neurological Vision Loss
Orientation and Mobility
Recreation and Leisure
Page 13
Independent Living Training
Skilled Occupational Therapy staff have continued the use of adaptive tools and techniques to teach South Australians who are blind or vision impaired to manage everyday activities, assisting them to maintain independence and a good quality of life. These services increased by 13 per cent in 2012/13.
Recreation and Leisure
The RSB Recreation and Leisure Program has continued to deliver significant results with a 12 per cent increase in recreation and leisure groups and a 4.4 per cent increase in participants in 2012/13.
Links with mainstream recreation and leisure providers, including Rowing South Australia, the Heart Foundation, South Australian Museum and Boccia South Australia has put the RSB Recreation and Leisure Program at the forefront of innovative activities for people who are blind or vision impaired in South Australia.
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