Gwydir and Gingham wetlands
Maintain vegetation condition and reproduction
Provide refuge habitat for waterbirds, fish and other aquatic species
Maintain ecosystem resilience by supporting individual survival and condition
Provide baseflows and freshes to increase lateral and longitudinal hydrological connectivity
Allow for sediment transport, nutrient and carbon cycling.
Mallowa wetlands
Support hydrological connectivity between wetlands
Support further recovery of vegetation extent and condition
Provide habitat for waterbirds and native aquatic species
Contribute to improved habitat quality and increased within ecosystem diversity to support survival of native birds fish and other fauna
Mehi River
To support in-stream ecological function and nutrient cycling, contributing to the health of in-stream habitat and maintaining water quality.
Carole Creek, Mehi River, Gwydir River, Lower Gwydir River, Gigham Watercourse
During dry conditions, provide base flows to protect refugial in-stream habitat and mitigate declining water quality
Hydrology (river)
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What did CEW contribute to hydrological connectivity?
What did CEW contribute to hydrological connectivity of the Gwydir Selected Area channels?
Contributed to connectivity in the Gwydir, lower Gwydir and Mehi River channels and was responsible for all significant flow in Mallowa Creek during 2015-16. Full connectivity in the Gingham watercourse and Moomin Creek was due to non-eflows. Overall, but expected, connectivity in 2015-16 was markedly reduced compared to 2014-15 (Southwell et al. 2016).
Hydrology (watercourse)
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What did CEW contribute to hydrological connectivity of the Gingham, lower Gwydir and Mallowa wetlands?
Played a key role in inundating the Mallowa wetlands. 2015-16 CEW contributed less to connectivity in the lower Gwydir and Gingham wetlands than in the 2014-15 (Southwell et al. 2016).
Ecosystem diversity
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What did CEW contribute to sustainable ecosystem diversity?
Were ecosystems to which CEW was allocated sustained?
Was CEW delivered to a representative suite of ecosystem types?
Only SA with an expected outcome for ecosystem diversity.
Not sure what is meant by sustainable ecosystem diversity in KEQ.
No conclusion in the Appendix.
“Within the Selected Area, a total of 122 sites, accounting for 82% of all sites were inundated during the 2015-16 water year. All ecosystem types except F1.11: River cooba woodland floodplain and Lt2.2: Temporary floodplain lake were inundated.” Southwell et al. (2016). This indicate that CEW was delivered to a representative suite of the 149 sites that were sampled – and probably also of all ecosystem types in the Gywdir SA, but the whole of the area-scale evaluation is not included – easy to address.
Water quality (Cat II)
What did CEW contribute to:
pH levels?
turbidity regimes?
salinity regimes?
dissolved oxygen levels?
Expected outcomes for carbon and nutrient cycling are given but not for the parameters with KEQ for water quality per se.
Describes how CEW affected the various water quality indicators in Appendix C, sampled at one location in the Gwydir. The argument made is that “this single station has permanent surface water connectivity in a defined channel and all environmental water delivered to the lower Gwydir must pass through this reach” Southwell et al. (2016).
Don’t understand why there are separate treatments of water quality and stream metabolism spread over three Appendices – can these be combined into a whole of SA evaluation?
(see comment below re Mehi results)
Stream metabolism (Cat III)
What did CEW contribute to:
patterns and rates of primary productivity?
patterns and rates of decomposition?
Rates peaked in association with ewater.
Statements presented in Appendix D regarding water quality in the Mehi would appear to relate to stream metabolism (nutrients) but it’s not clear. No Cat I stream metabolism data collected. Cat III indicators for stream metabolism were sampled. Method is supposed to be in the MEP but it’s not.
(From Appendix on microinverts) “The increase in rates of GPP and ER correspond to higher carbon and phosphorus availability in the ‘wet’ phase, which are either transported along with the environmental water or released in situ from freshly inundated sediments. This pattern is consistent among sites and suggests the management of carbon or phosphorus concentrations will regulate metabolism in these systems” Southwell et al. (2016).
May want to consider reporting metabolism in a separate section rather than in with the microinvertebrates.
What did CEW contribute to:
microinvertebrate productivity?
microinvertebrate community composition?
connectivity of microinvertebrate and vegetation communities in floodplain watercourse?
Water quality Cat III methods also reported on in Appendix D (Southwell et al. 2016). Exceptionally high N and P concentrations in 2014-15 and 2015-16.
KEQ re vegetation and microinverts not addressed. Diversity and density of microinvertebrates were influenced by ewater.
What did CEW contribute to:
macroinvertebrate diversity?
No statistically significant effect of ewater on density, richness or diversity, but there was a significant effect on family level community composition (Southwell et al. 2016).
Vegetation diversity
What did CEW contribute to:
vegetation species diversity?
vegetation community diversity?
Watering action insufficient to inundate substantial areas of wetland vegetation (Southwell et al. 2016).
Summary statement that the cover of the weed species lippia decreased with native species cover increasing (from Table 4.1) is only part of the story – the result section of Appendix G states overall cover has been consistent over the two years. Cover varies in response to wetting and drying but no overall gains.
CEW influenced vegetation – not a clear answer to the KEQs, but likely to be achieved.
Small bodied fish and frogs
What did CEW contribute to:
frog and small-bodied fish populations?
frog and small-bodied fish species diversity?
Too early to state contribution to populations, but Olive perchlet may be sustained at Gingham waterhole if managed for this species. Only location in the Gwydir its
been recorded.
Been assigned yellow due to comments re SBNF in Appendix I
Fish (river)
What did CEW contribute to:
native fish community resilience?
native fish survival?
native fish populations?
native fish diversity?
Sets context by reference to previous monitoring – not just LTIM – i.e. refers to SRA and STIM data.
SBNF results are reported separately – but would be good to see area-scale evaluation of small bodied fish data - combining findings from the two Appendices. For example in Appendix l the small-bodied species are reported as declining in numbers and all were in low abundance compared with 2014-15 (attributed to dry conditions in the the lower Gwydir catchment 2015-16) (Southwell et al. 2016).
Significant difference between years in fish abundances between years, no difference in biomass between channels, but a sig difference between years in biomass. Overall fish community in lower Gwydir is relatively stable but in poor condition.
Conclude by stating “any significant and measurable improvement in the fish community is likely to take some considerable time”
Fish (movement)
What did CEW contribute to:
native fish dispersal?
Did environmental water stimulate target species to exhibit movement consistent with breeding behaviour?
Did environmental water facilitate target species to move/return to refuge habitat?
What did CEW contribute to:
to native fish populations?
Included reference to short and long term KEQ, but data not yet available – being process in 2016-17.
Waterbird diversity
What did CEW contribute to:
waterbird populations?
waterbird species diversity?
waterbird survival
Waterbird results support findings from previous monitoring and are responding as expected.