Complete the sentence:
She _____ a son. Her son _____ a new car.
has got, has got
have got, has got
had got, have got
has got, have got
have got, have got
Complete the sentence:
The students _____ a lecture today.
Complete the sentence:
Please, put these things _____ the table.
in front of
Complete the sentence:
Take your bag and go ____ of the room.
in front of
Complete the sentence:
We usually have our English classes ____.
in the morning
under the morning
out the morning
at the morning
along the morning
Make up a sentence of the given words:
usually, home, in the evening, at they, are.
They are usually at home in the evening.
Usually at home are they in the evening.
Are they home at usually in the evening.
At home they are in the evening.
They are usually home at in the evening.
Choose the correct order 0f the given sentences:
Have you got a family?
Is your family large?
What’s your son’s name?
Yes, I have got a family.
No, my family is small: my wife, my son and I.
What is he?
His name is Anar.
He is a student.
Choose the correct order of the given sentences:
Well, you must take a bus.
Excuse me, how can I get to the Technological University from here?
The 11 or the 2. They both go there but the 2 bus stops just in front of the University.
You are welcome.
Thank you.
What number, please.
Choose the correct tense form:
They _____ almost half of the materials today.
have collected
had collected
were collected
has collected
was collected
Choose the correct tense form:
She ____ us a lot of information, most of which was useless.
have given
had given
Choose the correct tense form:
If you don’t ______ smoking you’ll never get better.
give up
give from
go on
give out
give off
Choose the correct tense form:
This year we _____ many advances in computer sciences.
have seen
had seen
would see
Choose the correct tense form:
When I _____ in the park I _____ an old strange looking man.
was walking; saw
walked; saw
walk; see
has been walking; saw
walked; see
Choose the correct tense form:
All of us knew that she _____ English.
Choose the correct tense form:
She _____ much since we _____ he last.
has changed; saw
changed; seen
had changed; had seen
changes; saw
change; saw
Complete the sentence:
Modern engineering demands a sound training in general sciences particularly in _____,
Mathematics and chemistry.
Complete the sentence:
I always brush my teeth ______ I go to bed.
as soon as
Complete the sentence:
We went out ______ it stopped raining.
as soon as
Complete the sentence:
Venice is a very _____ city. A lot of people go there on honeymoon.
as wealthy
while dirty
Complete the sentence:
A large percentage of the human race still lives _____.
in very small self-sufficient peasant communities.
in the economically developed countries.
in New York, London.
their own houses.
without outside assistance.
Choose the correct translation:
Why do I have to help others?
Nə üçün mən başqalarına kömək etməliyəm?
Nə üçün mən başqalarına kömək edirəm?
Nə üçün başqaları mənə kömək edir?
Niyə mən həmişə kömək edirəm?
Niyə mənə kömək etmirlər?
Choose the correct variant:
Çalışın gündəlik planınız olsun və onu tətbiq edin. Старайтесь иметь ежедневный план и применять его.
Try to have a daily plan and apply it.
Work and have a daily plan and apply it.
Try to have a daily plans and apply it.
Try to have a daily plans and and obey it.
Try have a daily plan and to apply it.
Translate into English:
Respublikanın sahəsi neft, təbii qaz, dəmir, qalay, yarım metallarla və s. zəngindir. Территория республики богата нефтью, природным газом, железом,оловом, полуметаллами т. д.
The territory of our Republic is rich in oil, natural gas, iron, tin, poly metals and so on.
The territory of our Republic was rich in oil, natural gas, iron, tin, poly metals and so on.
The territory of our Republic are not rich in oil, natural gas, iron, tin, poly metals and so on.
The territory of our Republic had been rich in oil, natural gas, iron, tin, poly metals and so on.
The territory of our Republic were rich in oil, natural gas, iron, tin, poly metals and so on.
Translate into English:
Bizim gündəlik həyatımıza texnikanın böyük təsiri vardır. Техника имеет большое влияние на нашу повседневную жизнь.
There is a big influence of technique on our daily life.
There was a big influence of technique on our daily life.
There have been a big influence of technique on our daily life.
There had been a big influence of technique on our daily life.
There are a big influence of technique on our daily life.
Translate into English:
Çöllər, göllər, çaylar, dənizlər, okeanlar və atmosferin böyük hissəsi texniki, kimyəvi tullantılarla çirklənir. Луга, озера, реки, моря, океаны и большая часть атмосферы загрязняются техническими и химическими отбросами.
The territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and the great part of atmosphere are polluted with technological, chemical wastes.
The territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and the great part of atmosphere were polluted with technological, chemical wastes.
The territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and the great part of atmosphere have been polluted with technological, chemical wastes.
The territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and the great part of atmosphere will be polluted with technological, chemical wastes.
The territories, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and the great part of atmosphere would be polluted with technological, chemical wastes.
Translate into English:
Biz öz planetimizi zibillənməkdən, havanın və suyun çirklənməsindən, təbii resursların dağılmasından qorumalıyıq. Мы должны защищать нашу планету от замусоривания, от загрязнения воды и воздуха, от уничтожения природных ресурсов.
We must protect our planet from littering, air and water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
We mustn’t protect our planet from littering, air and water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
We can’t protect our planet from littering, air and water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
We had been protect our planet from littering, air and water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
We has been protect our planet from littering, air and water pollution, destruction of natural resources.
Complete the sentence :
Many modern technologies such as nuclear power and space flights depend on science and application of scientific _____.
devices and principles
Complete the sentence :
Especially the internet is becoming more and more important for ______.
nearly everybody
conduct business
Complete the sentence :
You can use the internet at home for personal or at work for professional ______.
every aspect
Complete the sentence :
Internet has made such a huge impact on society that people can’t imagine how it was to work _____.
without it
look for
Complete the sentence :
We realize that a modern society can’t exist without a full development and application ______.
of science
to solve
Translate into English:
Havanın, torpağın, suyun çirklənmısi insanlara, heyvanlara, bitkilərə zərərdir.
Загрязнение воздуха, земли, воды вредно для людей, животных и растений.
Polluted air, land and water is harmful to people, animals and plants.
Polluted air, land and water harmful to people, animals and plants.
Polluted air, land and water will be harmful to people, animals and plants.
Polluted air, land and water has been harmful to people, animals and plants.
Polluted air, land and water will be harmful to people, animals and plants.
Translate into Azerbaijan:
The computer is a fix part of every modern life.
Komputer hər bir müasir həyatın ayrılmaz hissəsidir. Компьютер неотъемлемая часть современной жизни
Komputer müasir həyatda çox işlənir. Компьютер много употребляется в современной жизни.
Komputer elmin inkişafında böyük rol oynayır. Компьютер играет важную роль в современной жизни.
Komputer həyatda çox böyük rol oynayır. Компьютер играет важную роль в жизни
Komputer müasir həyatın əsas hissəsidir.
Компьютер основная часть современной жизни.
Translate into Azerbaijan:
We realize that a modern society cannot exist without a fool development and application of science.
Biz başa düşürük ki, elmin tam infişafı və onun tətbiqi olmadan müasir cəmiyyət mövcud ola bilməz. Мы понимаем, что современное общество не может существовать без полного развития и применения науки.
Biz başa düşürük ki, elmi inкişaf olmasa inkişaf etmiş cəmiyyət də ola bilməz. Мы понимаем , что без развития науки не может быть развитого общества.
Biz başa düşürük ki, elm inkişaf etməlidir. Мы понимаем, что наука должна развиваться.
Biz başa düşürük ki, elmsiz həyat inkişaf edə bilməz. Мы понимаем, что без науки жизнь не может развиваться.
Biz başa düşürük ki, müasir cəmiyyət elmin inкişafından asılıdır. Мы понимаем, что современное общество зависит от развития науки.
Translate into Azerbaijan:
Electron devices, multimedia and computers are things we have to deal with every day.
Elektron cihazlar,kütləvi informasiya vasitələri və komputerlər elə bir şeydir ki, biz hər gün onlarla əlaqədə olmalıyıq. Электронные приборы, средства массовой информации и компьютеры это вещи с которыми нам приходиться иметь дело каждый день
Elektron cihazlar,kütləvi informasiya vasitələri və komputerlər ilə əlaqədə ola bilərik.
Электронные приборы, средства массовой информации и компьютеры это вещи с которыми мы имеем дело каждый день
Elektron cihazlar,kütləvi informasiya vasitələri və komputerlər ilə biz hər gün əlaqədə ola bilərik. С электронными приборами, средствами массовой информации и компьютерами мы имеем дело каждый день.
Elektron cihazlar,kütləvi informasiya vasitələri və komputerlər elə əşyalardır ki, onları hər yerdə tapmaq olur. Электронные приборы, средства массовой информации и компьютеры это вещи с которыми мы работаем каждый день
Elektron cihazlar,kütləvi informasiya vasitələri və komputerlər ilə hər gün işləmək çətindir. Электронные приборы, средства массовой информации и компьютеры это вещи с которыми мы можем иметь дело каждый день.
Translate into Azerbaijan:
If you want to have very specific information you will find it in a short time.
Əgər siz çox xüsusi məlumat almaq istəsəniz çox qısa vaxtda onu tapa bilərsiniz. Если вы хотите получить особую информацию, вы получите ее за очень короткое время
Əgər siz məlumat almaq istəsəniz bir müddət gözləyə bilərsiz. Если вы хотите получить сведения можете немного подождать.
Əgər siz məlumat almaq istəmirsizsə onda onu axtarmayın. Если вы не хотите получить информацию за короткое время, то ждите.
Əgər siz məlumat ala bilməsəniz onu axtarmayın. Если вы хотите получить важную информацию, получите ее в короткое время.
Əgər siz çox məlumat almaq istəyirsizsə onda onu çox gözləyəcəksiz. Если вы хотите получить очень много информации, уйдет много времени
Translate into Azerbaijan:
Science is closely linked with all branches of industry and economy.
Elm sənayenin bütün sahələri və iqtisadiyyat ilə yaxından bağlıdır. Наука тесно связана со всеми отраслями промышленности и экономики
Elm sənayenin, iqtisadiyyatın sahələri ilə bağlıdır. Наука связана с отраслями промышленности и экономики.
Elm sənaye və iqtisadiyyat ilə bağlı deyil. Наука не связана с промышленностью и экономикой
Elm sənaye və iqtisadiyyat ilə bağlı ola bilməz. Наука не может быть связанной с промышленностью и экономикой.
Elm təkcə iqtisadiyyat ilə deyil başqa sahələr ilə də bağlıdır. Наука связана не только с промышленностью, но и с экономикой.
Choose the correct word:
British people say: “Other countries have a climate in England. We _____.
have weather
have air
have beautiful climate
have rain
Choose the correct word:
She wants to learn the language well and to speak it fluently, but she speaks only _____now, because she has ____ practice.
a little, little
many, ___
a lot of
a few, few
Choose the correct article:
Once ___ Englishmen was travelling in ____France.
an; __
the; the
a; an
__; the
an; the
Choose the correct article:
He is _____ foreigner, he doesn’t know ____ way to ____ station.
a, the, the
__, the, the
an, a, the
a, an, the
__, __, an
Complete the sentence:
The University is situated in six buildings and there is also an____ building.
Choose the antonym of the underlined words:
There are a lot of sanatoriums on the shore.
a few
a little
Make up sentences using the correct order of the given words.
oil and cotton
Use the correct word:
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