Apptivity Name: Earth and Space (Let’s Explore Our Galaxy)
Summary: In this apptivity children will be exploring the earth and space using technology. The apptivity is designed so children look at all the different aspects of space.
Key Computing Terminology: Debug This is the process of finding errors or problems with your code and trying to fix it. Sometimes code will be in the wrong order or there could be bits of code missing, the process of fixing the code is called debugging.
Podcast Podcasts are shows, similar to radio or TV shows that are produced and posted to the Internet for download and listening or viewing.
QR Code A machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone.
Computing POS Reference:
CS4 - Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
IT3 - Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
DL5 - Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognize acceptable/ unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact
What is required? Week 1:
iPads with to Astro App and MSQRD.
Access to Story Bot Videos:
Making Space posters/videos and QR codes (Ref 502.1)
Set up personal space on display board and use QR codes to document learning.
Set up mission control. 1. Introduce the story of our galaxy by watching Story Bot Space Videos with the class: For details how to do the following see presentation - Making Space posters/videos and QR codes (Ref 502.1)
2. Ask the children to make an Astronaut poster using Astro App.
3. Add QR Codes to each poster.
4. The children will produce an Astronaut video using the app MSQRD. The video will explore the galaxy and ask the children to include lots of facts about space based on the Story Bot videos.
L.O. Use AR to
showcase learning
What is augmented reality?
What is a QR Code?
Why would you use a QR Code?
To become familiar with the coding environment and complete simple challenges.
Coding with Hopscotch 1. Demonstrate how to use Hopscotch coding app.
2. Invite the children to play and create.
3. Download, print and handout Coding with Hopscotch Challenge Booklet (Ref 502.2). In this session the children can tackle the shape challenges.
4. Ask the children to screenshot their work. This can either be uploaded to their pupil portfolios or printed for hard copy evidence.
Children are able to use coding blocks to program.
What does that coding block do?
What would happen if you removed that coding block?
Does it have to follow this order? Why?
To produce a solar system game and learn about debugging.
Coding with Hopscotch Ask the children to open the Coding with Hopscotch Challenge Booklet (Ref 502.2) and complete the Space Game.
The children will need two sessions to complete their animation.
Children are able to program their own animation.
What does that coding block do?
What would happen if you removed that coding block?
Does it have to follow this order? Why?
Coding with Hopscotch (Continued) Complete animation from previous session.
As Above
Create a radio play about an alien coming to Earth. Act out, record and publish.
NB. Prior to the session, the teacher must sign up for a free account at Audioboom. Then the children can log in and publish with that account. Podcasting with Audioboom 1. Children to research and write a script based on the Story Spine model (Ref 502.3).
2. Rehearsal time maybe needed
3. After their script has been approved, ask the children to record and publish their podcast on Audioboom.
4. Published podcasts can then be embedded on school website
The children will need two sessions to complete their animation.
Children are able to produce their own audio recording.
What is a podcast?
What else do you think you could record for a podcast?
Podcasting with Audioboom (Continued) Complete podcast from previous session.
As above.
Further challenges and possible home learning activities:
Using Book Creator or Tellagami ask the children to write a learning journey based on what they have done and learnt.
Summary: During this project, children will develop a story idea in small groups to create a storyboard. The children will then use Book Creator and Brushes to create their own eBook including text, illustrations and audio.
Key Computing Terminology: eBook: an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a computer or a specifically designed handheld device.
Storyboard: a sequence of drawings, representing the shots planned for a film.
Sequencing: A set of actions or events that must be carried out in the same order every time.
IT3 - Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
DL5 - Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognize acceptable/ unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact and
App – Book Creator
App - Brushes
Not applicable
Let’s get started
Weeks (1 hour lesson)
Lesson Aim
Lesson Summary
Lesson Outcomes and Assessment Opportunities
Have an understanding of the use of illustration in children’s books.
Discuss the use of illustration in children’s books.
Children research illustrators and try and reproduce their own versions.
Children will create a children’s book aimed at the KS1 age group.
Show examples of children’s books and in particular how illustration is used to help tell the story. Examples could include:
Discuss how the use of images can add a new level of storytelling.
Demonstrate how to use Brushes including trace and image, brush styles etc. If you are unsure how to use Brushes see - Ask children to research illustrators that they like using the websites above. They must choose one illustrator and save a picture of their work to their iPad. Ask the children to use Brushes and trace this image using layers. Ask the children to use the most appropriate brush to suit their illustrator’s style.
Ask the children to save their work.
Children can identify illustrations and their importance.
What is an illustration?
How have you been able to recreate that illustration?
What is a layer?
How do you change your brush stroke/ colour/ texture?
Children to plan their own story.
Children generate a mind map detailing their ideas.
Children produce a storyboard and structure tools.
Tell the children they are going to create a book aimed at younger (year 3 or 4 for example) children and tell them their book must include a building, a mysterious animal and a secret.
To help the children with making sure they fit their book to their audience discuss how language is important, look at the language used in books such as ‘The Gruffalo’. Children can help pick out the describing words and maybe think of some alternative words to use.
Ask the children to create a mind map to help generate ideas using Popplet.
Introduce the idea of storyboards and how they help plan what needs to be done. Ask all children to create a storyboard with a complete narrative. This storyboard will illustrate how sequencing works as the story must be in a certain order to make any sense.
Children have a plan for their story and have produced a storyboard to refer back to.
Why have you used a storyboard?
Children to complete their storyboard.
Introduce children to the Book Creator app.
Ask all children to finish their storyboard.
Demonstrate how to use the app ‘Book Creator’ to create an eBook. There is a demonstration here if you are unsure how to use it - Show the children how to create a new eBook and show them how to change the font, size and colour. In addition, show the children what a finished book (including audio) looks like when published to iBooks. Here is an example of an eBook published as part of Knowsley CLCs Young Author competition: Explain to the children that they will also need to use the ‘Brushes’ app to add illustrations to their books. Using this app children can download pictures from the internet and trace drawings - avoid allowing them to just copy and paste pictures straight into their book - make sure they are their own work.
Children should have a clear idea of the story they are going to publish.
Book Creator – What Font are you using? Why that font?
What style have you chosen for your front cover? Will that make it standout?
Brushes – What’s a layer?
Why would you use layers?
Create book and illustrate.
Children to continue creating their eBook.
Children to add audio and publish their books.
Give children a final opportunity to make any amendments, check spelling and punctuation as advised by teacher.
Demonstrate how to record audio in Book Creator.
Children to record their audio (preferably in a quiet area) using the record feature. By asking the children to record their stories it means younger children will be able to listen to them and develop their own reading skills.
Ask each child to publish and save their finished eBook.
Books are published.
How do you add audio?
Why are we adding a recording?
Show tell and feedback
Ask the children how their books compare to their storyboard? Does it follow the storyboard or have they changed their story once they started writing?
Show children a story mountain. Can they identify each of the components within the book?
Children present their finished eBooks to the class and provide a brief evaluation of any issues they encountered and any top tips they discovered.
Children present their eBooks and evaluate their performance.