(vi) Probable Wave Action The severity of the wave action and the amount of protection needed for the upstream face of the embankment mainly depends on the wind velocity and the length of the reservoir. The waves drive repeatedly against the embankment and, thus, cause the embankment erosion. A layer of dumped rock riprap is considered the most effective and economical wave protection.
(vii) Time Available for Construction The design of an embankment is dependent on the time available for construction. A shorter construction period, in case of high dams, may result in higher pore pressures requiring relatively flatter slopes. When construction time is limited, it may not be possible to use the material from the required excavation, or it may be that only a part of it can be used. Similarly, underseepage measures would also be affected by the time available for construction. Handling of fine-grained soils requires considerable time and, therefore, it may be desirable to provide a manufactured impervious membrane to save time.