The main components of soil reclamation works are as follows (8):
i) Isolation of land areas according to their categorisation and levelling and bunding of the affected land as per the category.
ii) Provision of drainage (surface or subsurface or vertical) network to remove leaching water and to keep the water table to a safer level.
iii) Breaking up of impervious subsoil layer in alkali soils by deep ploughing.
iv) Adding suitable chemicals (such
as gypsum, sulphur,
etc.) depending upon the re-sults of chemical tests of the affected soil.
After application of the chemicals, the leaching is carried out by four to five applications of good quality water up to depth of about 60 cm.
If the reclaimed soil is not suitable for foodgrain production, it can be used to grow certain
species of trees such as safeda (hybrid eucalyptus),
vilayati babul (
prospis jiliflora), and indigenous
babul (
acacia milotica). If the soil has been reclaimed to the extent that it can be
used for foodgrain production, it is usual to grow paddy as the first crop in Kharif and barley or wheat in the next Rabi and
dhaincha in summer as a green manure.