Temel psikolojik danışma kuram ve yaklaşımları, bu kuram ve yaklaşımların temelini oluşturan kavram, ilke ve teknikler, kuramların psikolojik danışmaya yansımaları ve yeni yönelimler.
Seçmeli I (endüstri Psikolojisi)
Endüstride çalışanların meslek seçimi ve eğitimi, personel seçimi, işyerine uyumu.
Grupla Psikolojik Danışma
Grupla psikolojik danışmayla ilgili temel kavram ve ilkeler, grupla psikolojik danışma süreci, grupla psikolojik danışma beceri ve teknikleri, grubun evreleri, farklı sorunlara ve yaş dönemlerine yönelik gruplarla çalışma.
Seçmeli II (aile Eğitimi Ve Rehberlik)
Aile eğitimi ile ilgili temel kavramlar Sosyolojik gelişmeler ve aile ile eğitiminin gerekliliği, amacı ve içeriği Ebeveynlikle ilgili kuramlar Aile sistemi ve aile yaşam döngüsü Aile eğitimde etkili iletişim becerileri Aile eğitiminde özel konular Özel gereksinimli çocuğa sahip ailelere yönelik aile eğitimi programları Özel gereksinimli çocuğa sahip ailelere yönelik aile eğitimi programları ile eğitim programlarının planlanması
Psikolojik Testler
Psikolojik testlere ilişkin temel kavram ve ilkeler, bireysel ve grup zeka testleri, başarı, yetenek ve kişilik testleri, ilgi envanterleri, bazı test ve envanterlerin uygulanması ve değerlendirilmesi.
Rehberlik Ve Psikolojik Danışma Semineri
Öğrencilerin ilgi ve ihtiyaçlarına göre psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik alanından seçtikleri konularda kapsamlı projeler hazırlamaları ve sunmaları.
Bireyle Psikolojik Danışma Uygulaması
Süpervizyon altında temel psikolojik danışma beceri ve tekniklerini kullanarak bireyle psikolojik danışma yapma.
Rehberlik Ve Psikolojik Danışmada Alan Çalışması
Okul öncesi, ilk ve orta öğretim okullarındaki eğitsel, mesleki, kişisel rehberlik etkinliklerinin incelenmesi, test ve test dışı tekniklerin uygulanması ve yorumlanması, çeşitli konularda grup rehberliği programlarının geliştirilerek uygulanması.
Öğrenme Güçlükleri
Öğrenme güçlüğünün tanımı, öğrenme güçlüklerinin sınıflandırılması, nedenleri, sınıf ortamında ayırt edilmesi, eğitim ortamının düzenlenmesi, öğrenme güçlüğü olan öğrencilere, ailelerine, öğretmenlere yönelik rehberlik ve psikolojik danışma yöntem ve teknikleri.
Meslek Etiği Ve Yasal Konular
Psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik alanındaki etik ilkeler ve genel uygulama standartları, mesleki etiğe uygun karar verme, danışan hakları ve psikolojik danışmanın sorumlulukları, yasal sorunlar.
Seçmeli III (kriz Ve Krize Müdahale)
Ders psikolojik kriz çeşitlerinin tanımını, kriz sürecinin aşamalarını, yetişkin ve çocukların kriz tepki farklılıklarını, yetişkin ve çocuklara uygulanan krize müdahale tekniklerini ve vaka örneklerini, intihar girişiminde bulunanlara yapılacak müdahaleleri içermektedir.Krizi değerlendirme ve krize yaklaşım modelleri, kuramsal ve etik yönden kriz, psikolojik travmalar; örneğin travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, afet psikolojisi, doğal afetler ve şiddet vb...
Kurum Deneyimi
Çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşların (eğitim, sağlık ve endüstri) psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik birimlerinde psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik deneyimi kazanma.
Seçmeli IV (çocuk İstismarı)
Şiddetin tanımı, şiddetin tipleri, çocuk istismarı ve ihmalinin tanımı, çocuk istismarı ve ihmalinin tipleri, kısa ve uzun dönemli etkileri, çocuk istismarı ve ihmalini açıklamaya yönelik kuramlar, istismara ve ihmale uğrayan çocukların özellikleri istismarcı özellikleri, Türkiye'de ve dünyada çocuk istismarını önleme ve müdahale çalışmaları, çocuk istismarı ve ilgili kişi, kurum ve kuruluşlar.
Seçmeli V (rehberlikte Bep)
BEP’in işlevini, BEP hazırlamanın önemini, gereğini ve BEP’in Reberlik hizmetleri tarafından nasıl hazırlanacağının öğrenmesi ve uygulayabilmesi dersin içeriğini oluşturmaktadır.
Introduction to Communications
The aim of the course is to achieve analysis of topical events through a communication view-point and promote basic concepts of communication science.The course is designed to provide students with a broad overview of the functions of communication. It will explore communication between individual people, in groups and in organizations.The purposes of mass communication will also be explored.
History of communications will be studied vis-à-vis culture and communications relations.Within a study of the characteristics of mass communications, issues like institutionalization - in a historical perspective-,alienation,monopolization,globalization and identity will be studied
Basic Concept of Rd-Tv
This course intends to survey the development andorganization of the radio and television broadcast industries, industry laws, regulations, structure, economics, engineering and management functions of commercial, public, satellite, cable and alternative broadcastradio and TV stations and also aims to equip students to identify and demonstrate the terminology associated with radio and television stations including:advertising, ratings, regulations and also to synthesize and analyze the impact of the law and regulations associated with the radio and television industries.
News Report Writing
The following comprise the contents of study of this course:the structure of national and international news agencies as news production organizations;transmission of flexible information within universal flexible norms;news gathering techniques of news agencies;the divulging of news in the country and in the world;the transcription of news in conformity with newswriting techniques.
Radio and Tv Programming I
The history ofTVand Radio will be analysed and studied chronologically, combined with other media influences from the past till today.The students will study broadcasting as well as differences betweenTVand Radio in terms of efficiency, focusing on each medium of communication.These issues will be discussed within programming and broadcasting formats.
Radio & Tv Programming II
The course will introduce and teach students the technical components of television and radio broadcasting.Students will be encouraged to create programs where they can apply basic and theoretical knowledge already obtained in this course.
Camera Application
The unit aims at teaching students the techniques of using camera and the steps of film and television programmaking.Thetopics will include:Television ProductionCameras;TelevisionCameraTypes:Studio cameras, EFP cameras, ENG cameras;CameraMovements: Pan-Tilt,Track, Pedestal,Optical movements with zoom lenses;Camera Placements:Highangle,Low angle,Normalangle;Framing:Extreme close-up,Mediumshot,Mediumlongshot,Knee shot, Long shot,Wideshot, Extremewide shot;Lighting: Generallighting, Lowkey,Normal, Highkey.
Introduction to Economics
Introduction to macroeconomics;introducingemployment,money,monetary&fiscal policies; andequilibrium.
History of World Cinema
Film in General:Filmasanindustry,Filmasentertainment,Filmasart;PioneersofFilm: Magic,Painting, Photography;PeriodsandTrendsinFilmHistory:Silent comedy, Germansilent, Soviet masters, French impressionists,SoundinAmericanmovies,GoldenageofFrench cinema,English semi-documentaries, Post-warrealism, French new-wave,Italiannew-realism, Periods in Americancinema, Asiancinema; NewApproaches.
Diction and Debate
Considers how to use of the Turkish language , persuasion techniques, cuttractingi nterest, informing techniques,arousing interest, listening techniques, note taking, selecting topics, broadening vocabulary and speaking techniques are all incorporated in this course.
Techniques of Tv Production I
The unit aims at teaching the techniques of using a camera and the steps of film and television programmaking.The unit will introduce every aspect of shooting a film and television program including the basic television elements which are studio, camera,lightetc.The topics of the unit consists of:General aspects of television, Presentation styles of television,Functionsof television; StepsinDesigningTelevision Programs; ProgramDesignDuring Pre- production:Planning,Defining the target audience,Defining goals,Defining content and order;Defining program elements, Organizing technical elements,Screenwriting;ProgramDesignDuring Production: Functions of the production crew,Technical elements of a television studio,Interior and exterior shooting techniques;ProgramDesignDuring Post-Production:Editing, Sounddesign, Broadcasting systems.
Techniques of Tv Production II
The students will be encouraged to apply basic theoretical knowledge already obtained in the first part of the course.During the course the students will be able to shoot, edit and produce a short film.
Concept of News Writing on Radio and TV.:Characteristics of newswriting characteristics,Textselection;ArticlesandEssays:Constructive elements in texts,General purposes in texts;TextSelection: Distribution and historical classification in texts; Application in Texts:Classification,Discussionson quality,A comparison of literary and non-literary texts.
Applications of Assembling
This course aims at introducing the theoretical and intellectual skills to be gained by the directors of a film orTVproduction to create a meaningful message.The main concentration of the course is to help potential film/TV screenwriters,editors and directors to experience the principles and techniques of editing as the most critical step in post-production process of a production which requires not only technical ' cut and splice skills' but analytical and creative intellectual/artistic competencies related tothe"paper work" done before the production process.
Radio & Tv Announcing
The unit is designed to develop presentation techniques in varied areas of communicationandmedia. It aims to teach students the ways to present news and programs in radio and television.
This course aims at introducing the theoretical, intellectual and practical skills to be gained by the designers and directors of any film orTVproduction team.The main concentration of the course is on the"paperwork"to be done in terms of a"project proposal"including all the intellectual and practical procedures before the production process begins. Students are expected to learn the functions and the functional/practical relationships between treatment, scenario/script,shootingscript,synopsis,cameracards,lightingplans,setdesign,location planning and editing script.At the end of the term students may be asked to prepare a"project proposals" as group/individual study outcomes.
Theories of Mass Media
In this course the effects of mass communication on society,politics and cultural structure are all discussed. In addition,the political restructuring of mass communication,and the social effects ofTV will be analyzed.This course equally studies how a good communicator is required to use news,journals,TV,radio,or internet as various, sources in creating communicative messages.
Visual Advertising Techniques
This theoretical unit is designed for providing information on rules and uses of advertisement in every aspect of communication.The course will introduce general definitions of advertisement and will enable students to understand the importance and strategies of advertisements,characteristics of advertisementt exts.The unit will provide a detailed understanding of the ways of writing advertisements,The students will be able to earns and use creativity in advertisement texts and understand and evaluate the target audience of advertisements,
Research of Mass Media
This course aims to introduce research methods,related terms and techniques to the students.In this context,approach to research,its stages,measurements and measurement devices as well as scientific ethics will be studied.
Music Programs of Radio & Tv
Communication,ArtandMusic:Importance,Definitions, Functions;History ofFilm Music:From silent to sound,Technical improvements;ScriptandMusicCollaboration;AnimationandMusic;PerformingArts andMusic;Music forRadioandTVCommercials;MusicDirectorsforRadioandTV;Synchronization of Music and Text; Synchronizationof Music and Image;SoundEffects: Definitions, Specifications, Applications; Characteristicsof Sound.
History of Turkish Cinema
The course will provide a detailed background on the development ofTurkishCinema according to its historical periods such as:TheBeginningPeriod,TheatrePeriod,TransformationPeriod,TheFilmmakers Period,Contemporary TurkishCinema Period.During the course influential directors ofTurkishCinema and their films will also be viewed and analysed.
Film, Criticism, Analysis
What is Criticism? Methods of Criticism; Contemporary Narratives in Film: The process of forming meaning in narrative discourse, Meaning, Relationships between Author- reader and spectator-director,Text; Author Theory: Romantic aesthetics, Conditions that create the author concept and discussing authorship in Turkish movies; Structuralism, Feminist Theory; Film and Identification: Defining Identification,Processofidentification;ModernCriticism: Modernism,Modernism,artand daily life; PostmodernisminMovies; PostmodernCriticism.
Tv Studio Management
General Management Principles: Management Functions, Company functions; Organizational Structure in Television Companies; Finance in Television Companies; Broadcast Marketing; Broadcast Planning: Programdepartment, Audience research, Prime-time planning, Planning strategies against competitors; Legal Regulations for Television Broadcasting.
Documentary Film
The course aims at exploring the steps of documentary filmmaking.The course will consist of both theory and practice. After receiving a general background on documentary cinema, the students will be able to shoot, edit and produce a documentary film.
Seçmelİ Ders
Seçmeli dersler ile öğrencinin ilgi alanına göre, detaylı çalışmaya teşvik edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Temel Matematik I
Matematiğin tanımı, diğer bilimlerle ilişkisi, kümeler ve kümelerle işlemler, sayı sistemi kurma, doğal sayılar, değişik tabanlı sayılar, tam sayılar, bölünebilme kuralları, "EKOK" ve "EBOB" kavramları ve uygulamaları; oran, orantı, bileşik orantı kavramları ve uygulamaları, reel sayılar, üslü ve köklü çokluklar, kartezyen çarpım, bağıntı, fonksiyon, işlem kavramları ve bunların grafikle gösterimi, denklik ve sıralama bağıntıları, ayrık örtüler ve zincirler. Veri toplama, verilerin özetlenmesi, grafikle gösterme, merkezi eğilim ölçüleri (ortalama, tepe değer, ortanca), dağılım ölçüleri (ranj, mutlak sapma, standart sapma).