S.Kannan and G.Archunan have participated and presented a paper entitled Use of preputial glandular extraction in trapping of bandicoot rats, Bandicota bengalensis (Abstract No. P-392 ) in the XXVI International Ethological Conference held at GKVK Agri.Univ. Bangalore (during 2nd –9th Aug. 1999)
K.Anbarasu, J.Sumalatha, P.Ganesan and S.Kannan have participated and presented paper on Isolation and charecterization of Pseudomonas aerogenosa from the environment and detection of its virulence in mice (Abstract No. 123) in the International Symp. on Recent Advances in Biol. Sciences, held at K.S.R. College of Arts and Science, TN (During 11th-12th Oct.2001).