Curriculum vitae 1 personal names Thomas William Bennett Date of Birth l5 June 1949

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Names Thomas William Bennett

Date of Birth l5 June 1949

Qualifications BA, LLB, Rhodes University 1967-71

PhD ‘The Legal Status of African Women in Zimbabwe', University of Cape Town 1980


1972 Articles of clerkship, Zimbabwe

1973-6 Lecturer at University College of Rhodesia. Subjects taught: Private International Law, African Customary Law and Roman Law.

1975 Chaired commission on the legal status of African women

1977 Appointed Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town

1980-1 Sabbatical leave at London University. Attended four LLM courses on African Family, African Land, Competition and European Community Law.

1981 Secretary of the Editorial Board of Acta Juridica

1983 Promoted to Associate Professor

1985 Appointed to Special Project Committee of SA Law Commission for research into customary marriages

1986 Awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship

    1. Sabbatical leave at Max-Planck Institutes for Private Law (Hamburg) and Public International Law (Heidelberg)

1989 Ad hominem promotion to Professor in Department of Public Law

1990 Visiting lecturer at the University of Regensburg

1992 Visiting lecturer at the University of Aberdeen

1993 Awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for 1994-5

1994 Commissioned by the Community Law Centre of UWC and the Swedish foundation, Radda Barnen, to produce a book on the implications of the 1993 Constitution for customary law in SA

1996 Commissioned by Namibian Law and Development Commission report on the relationship between African customary law and the constitution

1997-02 Head of Department of Public Law

2003 Commerzbank visiting Professor of Law at University of Bucerius

Visiting professor at the University of Paris I (by invitation of the Senate)

2004 Delivered paper on International Methods for Harmonising Domestic Law at the international African Workshop on Developing Trends in Law Reform 3-4 March, Cape Town

Delivered paper on The Boundaries on the Freedom of Religion: property and culture at an international conference on Constitution and Confession: the politics of religion organized by Center for Comparative Constitutionalism, University of Chicago in co-operation with the Einstein Forum at Potsdam 10-12 June

Delivered paper on Traditional Courts and Human Rights at an international conference on Traditional Governance and Customary Law: southern African perspectives organized by the Law Faculty, University of Namibia in cooperation with the Dept of Law at the School for Oriental and African Studies, University of London, at Windhoek 26-29 July

2005 Delivered a joint paper on Restitution of Land: basing the claim on aboriginal title at an international conference on Property Law, organized by the University of Stellenbosch, 5-6 April

2006 Delivered a paper at an international conference on The Response of State Law to the Expression of Cultural Diversity held by the University of Leeuwen/Francqui Fondation 27 Sept – 1 Oct Brussels


A. Books

Bibliography of African Law (1975) University of Rhodesia, Salisbury xxxiv 291p (co-author S Phillips)

Private International Law 1ed (1981) Juta & Co, Cape Town xxxviii 384p (co-author C F Forsyth)

The Application of Customary Law in Southern Africa: the conflict of personal laws (1985) Juta & Co, Cape Town xxxvii 250p

A Sourcebook of African Customary Law for Southern Africa (1991) Juta & Co, Cape Town lviii 462p

Human Rights and Customary Law under the South African Constitution (1995) Juta & Co, Cape Town xli 174p

Customary Law in South Africa 2004 Juta & Co lv and 462p

B. Journals

‘Alcohol, drugs and the criminal law' (1973) 90 SA Law Journal 69-85

‘The African court system in Rhodesia: an appraisal' (1975) 15 Rhodesian Law Journal 133-51

‘Practice and procedure in district commissioners' courts' (1976) 16 Rhodesian Law Journal 109-151

‘African marriages under the Marriage Act: African law or the common law?' (1977) 17 Rhodesian Law Journal 3-28

‘The application of African customary law and the common law to African wills and estates' (1978) 18 Rhodesian Law Journal 182-205

‘Witchcraft: a problem of fault and causation' (1979) 12 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 288-301 (co-author W M Scholtz)

‘Tanta licentia, tanta legum contemptio' (1980) 97 SA Law Journal 412-22 (co-author K M Coleman)

‘The interpersonal conflict of laws: a technique for adapting to social change in Africa' (1980) 18 Journal of Modern African Studies 127-34

‘Conflict of laws in South Africa: cases involving customary law' (1980) 43 Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg 28-38

‘Legal dualism in South Africa' (1980) 2 Afrika Recht und Wirtschaft 3-6

‘Maintenance of minor children: a problem of adapting customary law to meet social change' 1980 Acta Juridica 115-25

‘Codification of customary law' (1980) 24 Journal of African Law 206-19 (co-author T Vermeulen)

‘Conflict of laws - the application of customary law and the common law in Zimbabwe' (1981) 30 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 59-103

‘The dualism of marriage laws in Africa' 1983 Acta Juridica 145-69 (co-author N S Peart)

‘Terminology and land tenure in customary law: an exercise in linguistic theory' 1985 Acta Juridica 173-87

‘The Ingwavuma Land Deal: a case study in self-determination' (1985) 6 Boston College Third World Law Journal 23-39 (co-author N S Peart)

‘The status of the Law of the Sea Convention' 1986 Acta Juridica 1-14

‘Cumulation and gap: systemic problems in the conflict of laws' (1988) 105 SA Law Journal 444-56

‘A linguistic perspective of the definition of aggression' (1988) 31 German Yearbook of International Law 48-69

‘The position of African customary law in South Africa' (1989) 4 Journal of Law & Anthropology 27-46

‘Choice of law in claims of unjust enrichment' (1990) 39 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 136-168

‘A jogalap nelkuli gazdagodas kollizios szabalyai’ 1991 Magyar Mj Jog 193-257

‘The compatibility of African customary law and human rights' 1991 Acta Juridica 18-35

‘The 1991 Land Reform Acts and the future of African customary law' (co-author J Roos) (1992) 109 SA Law Journal 447-71

‘Administrative-law controls over chiefs' customary powers of removal' (1993) SA Law Journal 276-91

‘The conflict of personal laws: wills and intestate succession' (1993) 56 Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg 50-61

‘Redistribution of land and the doctrine of aboriginal title in South Africa' (1993) 9 SA Journal on Human Rights 443-76

‘Human rights and the African cultural tradition' (1993) 30 Transformation (pagination n/a)

‘The equality clause and customary law' (1994) 10 SA Journal on Human Rights 122-130

‘Proprietary capacity of children: a study of customary law and the Bill of Rights in South Africa' (1997) 9 African Journal of International & Comparative Law 83-106

‘Aboriginal title in South Africa revisited’ (1999) 15 SAJHR 449-85 (co author C H Powell)

‘The best interests of the child in an African context’ (1999) 20 Obiter 145-57

‘The reform of customary marriage law in South Africa’ (2000) 3 Recht in Afrika 1-24

‘The state as trustee of land’ (2001) 16 SA Journal on Human Rights 601-22 (co author C H Powell)

‘The Natal and KwaZulu Codes: the case for repeal’ (2003) 19 SA Journal on Human Rights 217-238 (co author A Pillay)

‘Restoring Land: the claims of aboriginal title, customary law and the right to culture’ (2005) 16 Stellenbosch LR 431-445 (co-author C H Powell)

C. Chapters in Books

‘The status of children under indigenous law: the age of majority' in A J G M Sanders Southern Africa in Need of Law Reform (1981) Butterworths Durban 18-27

‘Human rights and the African cultural tradition' in W Schmale Human Rights and Cultural Diversity (1993) Keip 269-280

‘The law applicable to land in South Africa: the lex situs rule and conflicts of personal law' in E Kahn The Quest for Justice: essays in honour of Michael McGregor Corbett (1995) Juta & Co 123-31

‘Customary law under the 1993 Constitution' in P D de Kock & J M T Labuschagne Festschrift J C Bekker (1995) Vista UP 5-20

‘African customary law and the fundamental rights of the child' in Community Law Centre, UWC The Right of a Child to a Secure Family Life (1995) UWC P 11-16

‘Les droits de l'homme et les traditions culturelles africaines' dans M Esoavelomandroso et G Feltz Démocratie et Développement: mirage ou espoir raisonnable? (1995) Karthala et Omaly sy Anio 97-110

‘Law as expression of culture' in M E Steyn & K B Motshabi Cultural Synergy in South Africa (1996) Knowledge Resources Pty Ltd 77-88

‘Territoriale gebied' in M Wiechers & F Bredenkamp (eds) Die Staat, teorie en praktyk (1996) JL van Schaik 71-96

‘African land - a history of dispossession' in R Zimmermann & D P Visser (eds) Southern Cross (1996) OUP 65-94

‘La terra in Sudafrica: espropriazioni e riforme agrarie' in I Vivan (ed) Il Nuovo Suafrica (1996) La Nuova Italia Editrice, Florence 155-94

‘Aboriginal title in South Africa' in M Barry (ed) Proceedings of the International Conference on Land Tenure in the Developing World (1998) UCT 32-9

‘Customary law and the Drittwirkung of the South African Constitution' in H Scholler (Hrsg) Gewohnheitsrecht und Menschenrechte (1998) Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden 41-58

‘The constitutional base of traditional rulers in South Africa' in F M d'Engelbronner-Kolff, M O Hinz & J L Sindano (eds) Traditional Authority and Democracy in Southern Africa (1998) CASS New Namibia Books 14-30

‘Historic land claims in South Africa' in G E van Maanen & A J Van der Walt (eds) Property Law on the Threshold of the C21st (1999) MAKLU Uitgevers Antwerpen-Apeldoorn 517-34

‘Boundaries between African customary law and the Constitution’ in M Roesler & T Wendl (eds) Frontiers and Borderlands: anthropological perspectives (1999) Peter Lang 187-200

‘The Conflict of Laws’ in J C Bekker, J M T Labuschagne & L P Voster (eds) Introduction to Legal Pluralism in South Africa (2002) Butterworth, South Africa

‘The Constitutional Framework for Customary Law’ in Lawsa (2003) Lexis-Nexis Butterworths (co-authors A Pillay and C H Powell) 24-33

‘I capi tradizionali, retaggio del passato: un’anomalia costituzionale nel Nuovo Sudafrica’ in I Vivan (ed) Corpi Liberati in cerca di storia, di storie (2005) Baldini Castoldi Dalai, Milan 91-108

Chapter 19 ‘African Customary Law’ in R Zimmermann (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (2006) OUP 1091-1142

Chapter 2 ‘The Conflict of Laws’ in J C Bekker, C Rautenbach & N M I Goolam (eds) Introduction to Legal Pluralism in South Africa 2ed (2006) LexNexis Butterworths 15-27

Chapter 26 ‘Traditional Leadership’ in S Woolman et at (eds) Constitutional Law of South Africa 2ed (2006) Juta Law 1-67 (co-author C Murray)

Chapter 9 ‘The Contribution of Legal Theory and Judicial Practice to the Future Development of Customary Law’ in G Glover (ed) Essays in Honour of A J Kerr (2006) LexisNexis Butterworths 181-99

D. Monographs, policy documents and conference proceedings

Report of a Commission to inquire into the legal status of African women in Zimbabwe (1976) Church of the Province of Central Africa, Diocese of Mashonaland, Salisbury 96p

‘Legal comparative survey' in Marriages and Customary Unions of Black Persons (co-author N S Peart) (1985) SA Law Commission (Working Paper 10) Pretoria 87-153

Harmonisation of the Common Law and Indigenous Law (The Application of Customary Law: conflict of personal laws) (1996) SA Law Commission (Project 90) Issue Paper 423 Pretoria 42p

Harmonisation of the Common Law and Indigenous Law (Marriage) (1996) SA Law Commission (Project 90) Issue Paper 422 Pretoria 30p

Customary Law and the Constitution - a background and discussion paper (1996) Law and Development Commission, Ministry of Justice Namibia, Windhoek v 159p

The Ascertainment of Customary Law and the Methodological Aspects of Research into Customary Law: proceedings of a workshop February/March 1995 (co-editor M Rünger) (1996) Law and Development Commission, Ministry of Justice Namibia, Windhoek iv 133p

Discussion Paper 74 Customary Marriages (1997) SA Law Commission Pretoria, xxiv + 138p

Discussion Paper 75 Application of Customary Law (1997) SA Law Commission Pretoria, xiv + 120p

Using Children in Armed Conflict: a legitimate African tradition? (1998) Action Plan Project for Children in Armed Conflict, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria

Criminalizing the Conscription of Child Soldiers (1998) Action Plan Project for Children in Armed Conflict, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria

Discussion Paper on Reform of the Customary Law of Succession (2000) SA Law Commission Project 90 91p

Discussion Paper 106 Consolidated Legislation pertaining to International Judicial Co-operation (2004) Project 121 SA Law Reform Commission, xxix 105p


Conflict of Laws

Principles of Public International Law

International Law on Disputes and the Use of Force


Consultant and advisor on matters of human rights, customary law and international law to various NGOs, inter alia:

  • National Children's Rights Commission

  • Family Law Association of South Africa

  • Legal Resources Centre

  • Institute of Security Studies

  • Women’s Legal Centre

  • Department of Land Affairs

  • South African Law Reform Commission

Assessor to the Land Claims Court

Member of the South African Law Reform Commission special project committee on Customary Law

Teaching techniques for effective legal writing
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