Curriculum Vitae Allen j romano February 06, 2017 General Information

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Curriculum Vitae
Allen J Romano
February 06, 2017

General Information
University address: Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities
College of Arts and Sciences
427 Diffenbaugh Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1549
Phone: (850) 644-3487

E-mail address:

Web site:

Professional Preparation
2004 Doctor of Philosophy, Stanford University. Major: Classics.
1998 BA, University of Pennsylvania. Major: Classics and Comparative Literature. summa cum laude.

Professional Experience
2015–present Teaching Faculty I, Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Florida State University. Coordinator the new Digital Humanities Program and teach both graduate and undergraduate Humanities courses.
2007–2015 Assistant Professor, Classics, Florida State University. Teach Graduate/Advanced Latin, Intermediate/Advanced Greek, Elementary Greek, and Classical Civilization. Perform Research and work on publications.
2005–2007 Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow, Classics, University of Chicago. Postdoc Fellow 2005-2007 and Lecturer 2004-2005. Graduate and Advanced Greek, Elementary & Intermediate Greek and Classical Civilizations.
2004 Adjunct, Classics, San Francisco State University. Teach Graduate Course in Greek Lyric Poetry.
1988–2004 T/A Instructor of Record, Classics, Stanford University. Teach Elementary Greek, Advanced Greek, Classical Civilizations History and Culture of Ancient Egypt and Gender, Violence, and the Body in Ancient Religion.

Language Proficiency
Akkadian - none in speaking and writing; rudimentary in reading.

Ancient Greek - intermediate in speaking; fluent in reading; advanced in writing.

French - none in speaking and writing; intermediate in reading.

German - intermediate in speaking and reading; none in writing.

Greek - intermediate in speaking and writing; advanced in reading.

Italian - none in speaking and writing; intermediate in reading.

Latin - intermediate in speaking; fluent in reading; advanced in writing.

Middle Egyptian and Coptic - none in speaking and writing; intermediate in reading.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes
Excellence in Online Course Design, Florida State University (2016).

Honorable Mention, Excellence in Online Teaching, Florida State University (2016).

2009-2010 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, FSU (2010).

Faculty Research Library Materials Grant 2009-10, FSU (2010).

Committee on Faculty Research Support (COFRS) Regular Summer Award, FSU (2009).

Faculty Research Library Materials Grant, FSU (2009).

First Year Assistant Professor (FYAP) Summer Grant, FSU (2008).

Classics Department Travel Grant, Stanford University (2001).

Ancient Studies Senior Thesis Prize, University of Pennsylvania (1998).

Senior Classics Prize, University of Pennsylvania (1998).

George Allen Memorial Prize in Greek, University of Pennsylvania (1997).

George Allen Memorial Prize in Latin, University of Pennsylvania (1997).

Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania (1997).

University Scholar, Benjamin Fraklin Scholar & Dean's List, University of Pennsylvania (1994).

Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University (2010–2011).

Stanford University (2002–2003).

Stanford University (1998–2002).

Stanford University (1998–1999).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations
Classical Association of the Middle West and South

Society for Classical Studies (SCS)

Treasurer and Founding Officer, Digital Classics Association (2012-2013)

Teaching Awards: ODL Excellence in Online Course Design (2015-2016); Honorable Mention, Excellence in Online Teaching (2015-2016); FSU Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award (2009-2010) Nominated for Undergraduate Teaching Award in 2008 (ineligible due to minimum time required at FSU) and 2012 (ineligible due to 5 year window).
Courses Taught
Digital Pedagogy (HUM5838)

The Art of Being Human (HUM2020)

Introduction to Digital Humanities 1 (HUM5835)

Introduction to Digital Humanities 2 (HUM5837)

Divided Knowledge: Literarism, Scientism and the Future of Knowing (HUM3930)

Technologies of Memory from Ancient Greece to Today (IFS3017)

Greek Drama (GRW4301)

Honors Work (CLA4909)

Seminar in Classical Civilization (CLA4935)

Studies in Greek Drama (GRW5305)

Greek Poetry (GRW5345)

Honors E-Series - Augmented (IFS3017)

Readings in Greek Literature (GRW3104)

Tutorial in Greek (GRW5909)

Debates About the Past: Greek Civilization, History and Culture (CLA2110)

Seminar in Greek (GRW6930)

Studies in the Greek Prose Writers (GRW5215)

Teaching Classics (FLE5810)

Directed Individual Study (CLT4905)

Directed Individual Study (GRW4905)

Survey of Greek Literature (GRW6106)

Beginning Greek I (GRE1120)

Classical Mythology (CLT3370)

Classical Mythology (CLT 3370)

Special Topics in Classics (CLA4930)

Graduate Reading Knowledge Examination (LAT5069)

Aristophanes' Thesmophoriasuzae and Frogs (GRW4301)

Aristophanes' Thesmophoriasuzae and Frogs (GRW5305)

Greek Tragedy (CLT4291)

Greek Tragedy (CLT 4291)

Last Plays: Euripides Bacchae and Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus (GRW5305)

Last Plays: Euripides Bacchae and Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus (GRW 4301)

Greek Tragedy (CLT 5295)

Studies in Greek Tragedy: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (CLT5295)

Beginning Greek II (GRE1121)

Greek Poetry (GRW4340)

Beg Greek III (GRW5909)

Euripides' Medea (GRW 3104)

Directed Individual Study (LNW5908)

Introduction to Greek Literature (GRE2220)

Plautus and Terence (LNW5316)

Plautus and Terence (LNW 4313)

Studies in Roman Drama (LNW5316)

New Course Development
Digital Pedagogy (2016)

Introduction to Digital Humanities 1 (2016)

Introduction to Digital Humanities 2 (2016)

The Art of Being Human (Online version) (2016)

Technologies of Memory from Antiquity to Today (2014)

Debates about the Past: Greek Civilization, History, and Culture (2014)

Curriculum Development
Digital Humanities MA major, including 3 new courses for graduate students (2016)

Doctoral Committee Chair
Paterniti, T., doctoral candidate.

Doctoral Committee Member
Blume, C. E., doctoral candidate.

Nagle, D. M., doctoral candidate. [Graduated 2015]

Oliver, K. M., doctoral candidate.

Youngblood, D. S., doctoral candidate.

Master's Committee Chair
Amstutz, R., graduate. (2010). The Hesiodic Shield.

Canipe, A., graduate. (2010). Pain in Tragedy.

Norton, K., graduate. (2010).

Ryan, C., graduate. (2010).

Tassone, M., graduate. (2010).

Master's Committee Member
Kabella, M., graduate. (2008).

Bachelor's Committee Chair
Carver, C., graduate. (2011).

Meyer, K., graduate. (2010).

Crum, A., student.

Whaling, R., student.

Bachelor's Committee Member
Despiegler, K., graduate. (2010).

Ard, A. L., student.

Carli, R., student.

Clifford, C., student.

Morgon, R., student.

Rich, A., student.

Schmict, H., student.

Stein, B., student.

Tolzmann, C., student.

Supervision of Student Research Not Related to Thesis or Dissertation
Justino, E. (2005–06).
Lemieux, T. (2005–06).

Additional Teaching Not Reported Elsewhere
Romano, A. J. (2007). Graduate Proseminar: "Greek Poetry and Drama".

Romano, A. J. (2009–2013). Homer, Literacy and Pedagogy, Myth Research.

FSU Continuing Education
Romano, A. (2016). Lost Literature of the Greeks. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI).

Research and Original Creative Work
Current Projects: Predictions of the Present: Foundation Talk in Ancient Greek Tragedy (book manuscript of approximately 90K words); Edited volume on Myth and Mythography; articles on Euripides, ancient Greek sound, and the initial results of text-mining work on tragedy and Homer.
Program of Research and/or Focus of Original Creative Work
I continue to work on research and scholarship in the areas of ancient Greek literature and computational approaches to ancient literature.

Invited Journal Articles
Romano, A. J. (2011). Classics and Digital Humanities. Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, 5.2, 10.

Refereed Journal Articles
Romano, A. J. (2009). The Invention of Marriage: Hermaphroditus and Salmacis at Halicarnussus. Classical Quarterly, 59.2, 543-561.
Romano, A. J., & Lavigne, D. E. (2004). Reading the Signs: The Arrangement of the New Posidippus Roll (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309, IV.7-VI.8). Zeitshrift für papyrologie und epigrafik, 146, 13-24.

Invited Book Chapters
Romano, A. J. (2012). Tragic Pasts and Euripidean Explainers. In John Marincola, Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, & Calum Maciver (Eds.), Greek Notions of the Past in the Archaic and Classical Eras: History Without Historians (pp. 127-143). Edinburgh.
Romano, A. J. (2011). Callimachus and Contemporary Criticism. In S. A. Stephens, B. Acosta-Hughes, & L. Lehnus (Eds.), The Brill Companion to Callimachus. Brill.

Invited Reviews
Romano, A. J. (2012). J. Grethlein, The Greeks and their Past. Poetry, Oratory and History in the Fifth Century BCE. The Classical Review, 62.1, 51-53.
Romano, A. J. (2011). B. Boyd On the Origin of Stories. American Journal of Philology, 132, 678-681.
Romano, A. J. (2008). K. Gutzwiller, A Guide to Hellenistic Literature. New England Classical Journal.
Romano, A. J. (2002). J. Watson, ed., Speaking Volumes: Orality and Literacy in the Greek and Roman World. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 10.27.

Invited Papers at Conferences
Romano, A. J. (presented 2010, February). Acting the God. Paper presented at When the God Appears: Narratives of Divine Visitation in Ancient Greece and Rome, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. (International)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2009, November). Tragic Pasts and Euripidean Explainers. Paper presented at 6th Leventis Conference, "History Without Historians", University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. (International)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2009, March). Lyric Etiology. Paper presented at New Directions for Old Poems: The Modern Frontiers of Archaic Greek Poetry, University of Texas, San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. (National)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2006, November). Myths and Innovations. Paper presented at Euripides: The First Hellenistic Poet?, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. (International)

Invited Papers at Symposia
Romano, A. J. (presented 2011, April). Classics and Digital Humanities. In The Future of Classics. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C. (International)

Refereed Papers at Conferences
Romano, A. J. (presented 2010, March). Iambic Parody of the Sacred: Genre and Religion in Herodas. Paper presented at CAMWS Annual Meeting, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Oklahoma City, OK. (National)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2009, January). Cup-heads and Comic Etiology. Paper presented at American Philological Association Annual Meeting, American Philological Association, Philadelphia, PA. (International)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2008, May). Sophoclean Etiology. Paper presented at Space & Time in Ancient Theatre, Second International Conference on Hellenic Culture and Civilization, Hellenic Open University, Alexandroupouli, Greece. (International)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2007, April). Euphonic Criticism and the Euripidean Ear. Paper presented at CAMWS Annual Meeting, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Cincinnati, OH. (National)
Romano, A. J. (presented 2007, March). Explanatory Myth and the Fallacy of Poetic Panhellenism. Paper presented at Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (International)
Romano, A. (presented 2001). Myths, Riddles, and Re-performances of Sappho 31. Paper presented at Picking up the Pieces, Conference on Ancient Fragments, Brown University, Brown University. (National)

Invited Keynote and Plenary Presentations at Symposia
Romano, A. J. (presented 2009, December). Critic's Ear and Epigram's Voice. Keynote presentation in Don Lavigne (Chair), Genre and Voice in Hellenistic Epigram, Graduate Symposium. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. (State)

Invited Presentations at Conferences
Romano, A. (presented 1999). Hellenistic Poetry. Presentation at Berkeley / Stanford Hellenistic Studies Conference, University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Stanford University. (International)

Nonrefereed Presentations at Conferences
Romano, A. (presented 2003). Origin Myths and the Problem of Panhellenism. Presentation at Stanford Graduate Colloquium, Stanford University, Stanford University. (Local)

Nonrefereed Workshops
Romano, A. J. (2011, March). Predictions of the Present. Workshop delivered at Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2006, November). Greek Explanatory Myth and Euripides' Hippolytus. Workshop delivered at Franke Humanities Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. (Local)

Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work
Romano, A. (2013, November). What Does Your Phone Know? Sophocles, Oedipus, and Greek Tragedy. Delivered at Creighton University. (Regional)
Romano, A. (2013, September). Digital Pedagogy. Delivered at Stanford University, Dept. of Classics. (State)
Romano, A. J. (2011, April). Text Mining Ancient Greek Poetry: Prospects and Perspective. Delivered at History of Text Technology Colloquium, FSU, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2011, February). Send in the Gods: Typical Euripides in the Untypical Orestes. Delivered at University of Pennsylvania, Department of Classics, Philadelphia, PA. (State)
Romano, A. J. (2010, April). What's So Funny About Euripides? Delivered at Ohio State University, Dept. of Classics, Columbus, OH. (State)
Romano, A. J. (2009, April). Sacrifice Corrupted: Misunderstandings in Tragic Metaphor. Delivered at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2006, February). Aeschylus' Foundation Drama. Delivered at University of California - Irvine, Irvine, CA. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2005, May). Panel: Sophocles' Electra: Staging Agonism and Revenge. Delivered at University of Chicago. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2005). Attic Tragedy and Ritual Exegesis. Delivered at University of Chicago. (Local)
Romano, A. J. (2005). Hermaphroditus Invents Marriage: Ancient Greek Culture through Origin Myth. Delivered at University of Chicago. (Local)

Digital Projects
Nonrefereed Digital Projects
Romano, A. J. (founding co-editor along with Norman Sandridge, et. al). (2011). Xenophon's Cyropaedia [first online commentary and community for a classical text; open to all]. Center for Hellenic Studies. Retrieved from

Contracts and Grants
Contracts and Grants Funded
Romano, Allen J (PI). (Jan 2011–Jun 2011). Tragic "Homericity" and Vocal Virtuosity: Text Mining Heroic Speech in Epic and Tragedy. Funded by Harvard University. (INITIAL). Total award $17,000.

Florida State University
FSU University Service
COFRS Reader, Council on Research and Creativity (2013).
Member, Dissertation Research Grant (2008–2010).
COFRS Reader, Council on Research and Creativity (2010).
Member, Academic Honor Policy Hearing Panel (2008).
Member, Academic Honor Policy Hearing Panel (2007).

FSU Department Service
Coordinator, Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Director (2015–present).
Coordinator, Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities Website Coordinator (2015–present).
Member, Department of Classics Graduate Review Committee in Greek (2013–2015).
Chairperson, Department of Classics Director of Graduate Admissions (2011–2015).
Member, Department of Classics Conference Committee (2008–2015).
Coordinator, Department of Classics Web Site Coordinator (2008–2015).
Member, Department of Classics Philology Committee (2007–2015).
Coordinator, Department of Classics Langford Conference Organizer (2015).
Member, Department of Classics Doctoral and MA Exams Committee (2007–2014).
Coordinator, Department of Classics Graduate Teaching Coordinator (2014).
Coordinator, Department of Classics Graduate Reading Exam Coordinator (2007–2012).
Design, Department of Classics Web Designer (2011).
Coordinator, Department of Classics Langford Conference Organizer (2009–2010).
Chairperson, Departmetn of Classics Conference Committee Chairperson (2009–2010).
Member, Department of Classics Curriculum Committee (2007–2010).
Advisor, Department of Classics Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Honors Society Eta Sigma Phi (2007–2010).
Liaison, Department of Classics Library Officer (2007–2010).
Secretary, Department of Classics Secretary to Faculty Meetings (2007–2010).
Chairperson, Department of Classics Philology Committee (2009).
Member, Department of Classics Executive Committee (2008–2009).
Faculty Liaison and Coordinator, Department of Classics, Langford Conference Organizer (2008–2009).

The Profession
Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals
Classical Philology (Sep 2005–present).
Histos (2013).
American Journal of Philology (Sep 2011).

Chair of a Symposium
Romano, A. (Chair). (2016, November). Invisible Work in the Digital Humanities. Symposium conducted at the meeting of FSU Libraries, Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Program in Rhetoric and Composition, Office of Research.

Service to Professional Associations
Book Award Committee Member, CAMWS Book Award Committee, Classical Association of the Middle West and South (2010–2013).

Service to Other Universities
Coordinator, Undergraduate Convivium, University of Chicago (2004–2007).
Instructor for Graduate Methods Seminar on Academic Technology and Electronic Text, University of Chicago (2004–2007).
Conference Organizer, "Euripides: The First Hellenistic Poet?", an international conference, University of Chicago (2006).
Writer of Classics Department Graduate Teaching Handbook, Stanford University (2003–2004).
Graduate Representative to the faculty, Stanford University (2001–2002).
Design and Production of Stanford Department of Classics Website, Stanford University (1999–2002).
Graduate Representative for Graduate Admissions, Stanford University (2000–2001).

Digital Classics Association
Romano, A. J. (2012). Treasurer and Founding Officer (with Neil Coffee). Digital Classics Association.
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