Curriculum Vitae Christian Weber February 28, 2017 General Information

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Curriculum Vitae
Christian Weber
February 28, 2017

General Information
University address: Modern Languages and Linguistics
College of Arts and Sciences
Diffenbaugh Building 0362
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1540
Phone: 850/645-7842

E-mail address:

Professional Preparation
2008 Doctoral Degree, Aca, Indiana University Bloomington. Major: German. Goethezeit, Lyric Poetry, Aesthetic Theory. Supervisor: Prof. Fritz Breithaupt. n/a.

Professional Experience
2015–present Associate Professor, Florida State University.
2009–2015 Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Florida State University. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses of the German program; Graduate student adviser of German; M.A. thesis advising.
2008–2009 Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Florida State University.

Language Proficiency
French - rudimentary in speaking and writing; intermediate in reading.

German - native in speaking, reading, and writing.

Latin - none in speaking and writing; intermediate in reading.

Romanian - rudimentary in speaking, reading, and writing.

Honors, Awards, and Prizes
Stephen Risley Family Fellow Award, College of Arts & Sciences, Florida State University (2011).

First Year Assistant Professor Grant, Florida State University (2009). ($17,000).

Goethe Society of North America Essay Prize, Goethe Society of North America (2008). ($500).

Eighteenth Century Studies Dissertation Fellowship, Indiana University (2007).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations
American Association of Teachers of German

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

German Studies Association

Goethe Society of North America

Goethe-Gesellschaft Weimar

Modern Languages Association

All of the upper undergraduate literature and culture courses (on the 4000 level) were cross-listed with graduate literature and culture courses (on the 5000 level).
Courses Taught
"Made in Germany": Ideas, Inventions, and Events in Modern German Culture (GER3500)

Technology and the (Post)Human Condition (IFS3054)

The Age of Revolutions & Genesis of Modern Man in the Enlightenment (GEW4592)

The Age of Revolutions & Genesis of Modern Man in the Enlightenment (GEW5597)

The Haunted Screen: Imagining the Other in German Cinema (GET3524)

German Cinema of Prostitution and Corruption (GEW4592)

German Cinema of Prostitution and Corruption (GEW5208)

Nationalists, Socialists, Democrats: The Many Faces of Germany on Film (GET3524)

The Magic of Lyric Poetry (GEW4592)

The Magic of Lyric Poetry (GEW5208)

Just Literature: German Tales of Crime & Punishment (GEW5208)

Just Literature: German Tales of Crime & Punishment (GEW4592)

The Haunted Screen: Imagining the Other in German Cinema (GET3524)

German Political ImagiNATION (GEW5595)

German Political ImagiNATION (GEW4592)

Goethe's Faust as the Drama of Modern Man (GEW4952)

Goethe's Faust as the Drama of Modern Man (GEW5597)

The Poetry and Philosophy of German Romanticism (GEW4592)

The Poetry and Philosophy of German Romanticism (GEW5597)

The Genesis of Modern Man in the Age of Goethe (1770-1830) (GEW4930)

The Genesis of Modern Man in the Age of Goethe (1770-1830) (GEW5596)

The FOOTBALLization of Europe (FOL3930)

The FOOTBALLization of Europe (GET5588)

The Daemonic in Romantic Literature & Expressionist Film (GEW5597)

The Daemonic in Romantic Literature & Expressionist Film (GEW4591)

Technology and the Human Condition (FOL5934)

Technology and the Human Condition (FOL3930)

German Culture through Film (GER3502)

New Course Development
German Cinema of Prostitution and Corruption (2015)

Technology and the (Post)Human Condition (2014)

The Poetry and Philosophy of German Romanticism (2013)

The Footballization of Europe: An Introduction to European Studies (2012)

The Daemonic in German Romanticism and Film (2011)

Goethe's Faust as the Drama of Modern Man (2010)

Introduction to German Studies: "Made in Germany" (2010)

Just Reading: German Tales of Crime and Punishment (2010)

Technology and the Human Condition (2010)

The Magic of Lyric Poetry (2010)

German Culture through Film (2009)

Kulturnation and the German Political Imagination (2009)

The Haunted Screen: Imagining the Other in German Cinema (2009)

Nationalists, Socialists, Democrats: The Many Faces of Germany on Film (2008)

The Genesis of Modern Man in the Age of Goethe (1770-1830) (2008)

Doctoral Committee Member
Challenger, A., doctoral candidate. [Art History]

Hamilton, A., doctoral student. [Philosophy]

Master's Committee Chair
Weihe, W., graduate. (2016).

Childs, M., graduate. (2015).

Digruber, S., graduate. (2015).

Rylander, L., graduate. (2015).

Sarah Grootz, graduate. (2014). Identity (De-)Formation in the Jungles of the Amazon: A Character Study.

O'Brien, E. P., graduate. (2012). The Meaning of the Eternal Feminine in Goethe's Faust.

Inacker, C. A., graduate. (2011). Just Business? Economic Reasoning and its Effect on Family and Law in Lessing, Kleist and Kafka.

Natiw, P. G., graduate. (2010). Transition from the Individual to the Global Level: Language and Identity Formation in German Literature and Culture.

Hickey, C., student.

Klaus, S., student.

Tremper, S., student.

White, R., student.

Master's Committee Cochair
Howard, A., graduate. (2016).

Laura Eddelbuettel, graduate. (2013).

Bachelor's Committee Member
Falling, F., graduate. (2014).

Hettig-Rolfe, K., graduate. (2013).

Young, W., graduate. (2012).

Directed Individual Studies
Weber, C. (2016). GEW 5906: Carl Schmitt.
Weber, C. (2014). GER 5906: The Dialectics of Enlightenment.
Weber, C. (2013). GER 4905: The Representations and Cultural Significance of the Prometheus Figure in Western Culture.

Research and Original Creative Work
Program of Research and/or Focus of Original Creative Work
My research works toward the formulation of a systematic phenomenological critique of the imagination as it manifests itself in poetry (esp. Goethe's lyric) and ideology (nationalism).

Refereed Journal Articles
Weber, C. (submitted). Ästhetische Erfahrung und poetisches Ereignis in Goethes "Mayfest"/"Mailied". Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstift. Manuscript submitted for publication, 1-30 pages.
Weber, C. (in press). Spatial Mobilization: Kleist's Strategical Masterplan of the "Berliner Abendblätter" and Tactics of Displacement in the "Tagesbegebenheiten". Goethe Yearbook XXIV, 125-153 pages.
Weber, C. (2013). Beyond the Poem: Strategies of Poetical Reflections in Goethe's Erste Weimarer Gedichtsammlung. Goethe-Yearbook, 20, 25-57.
Weber, C. (2013). Particular Universals - Universal Particulars: Biopolitical Metaphors and the Emergence of Nationalism in Europe (1650-1815). History of European Ideas, 426-448.
Weber, C. (2009). Goethes Prometheus: Kritik der poetischen Einbildungskraft. Goethe-Yearbook, XVI, 101-133.
Weber, C. (2007). Goethes Ganymed und der Sündenfall der Ästhetik. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift, 81.3, 317-345.

Refereed Books
Weber, C. (contract). Die Logik der Lyrik II: Goethes Phänomenologie der Liebe und Natur in Gedichten. Manuscript under contract for publication, Freiburg i.B.: Rombach, Reihe Litterae.
Weber, C. (2013). Die Logik der Lyrik: Goethes Phänomenologie des Geistes in Gedichten. Freiburg i.B.: Rombach, Reihe Litterae.

Invited Book Chapters
Weber, C. (2014). Phänomenologie der visuellen Einbildungskraft in Goethes »Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen«. In Jürgen Kaufmann, Martin Kirwes, & Dirk Uhlmann (Eds.), Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit um 1800. Visualität in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst um 1800 (pp. 97-116). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

Refereed Book Chapters
Weber, C. (2012). Elective Affinities/Wahlverwandtschaften: The Scientific and Literary Career of a Metaphor. In Christine Lehleiter (Ed.), Fact and Fiction: Literary and Scientific Cultures in Germany and Britain (pp. 102-145). Toronto: Toronto University Press.

Invited Reviews
Weber, C. (in press). Gabriel Trop, Poetry as a Way of Life: Aesthetics and Askesis in the German Eighteenth Century. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2015. 388pp. Goethe Yearbook, 4 pages.
Weber, C. (2016). Jan Oliver Jost-Fritz: Geordnete Spontaneität: Lyrische Subjektivität bei Achim von Arnim, Heidelberg: Winter, 2014, 267pp. Goethe Yearbook, XXIII, 309-310.
Weber, C. (2014). Carsten Rohde and Thorsten Valk, eds., Goethes Liebeslyrik. Semantiken der Leidenschaft um 1800, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. Goethe-Yearbook, 22.
Weber, C. (2013). Kaminski, Johannes D., Der Schwärmer auf der Bühne. Ausgrenzung und Rehabilitation einer literarischen Figur in Goethes Dramen und Prosa (1775-1786). Hannover: Wehrhahn (2012). 303 S. Lessing Yearbook/Jahrbuch, 4.
Weber, C. (2012). Hans Schulte, John Noyes, and Pia Kleber, eds. Goethe's Faust. Theatre of Modernity. Seminar, 1-3.
Weber, C. (2010). Rose, Johann Wilhelm. Pocahontas. Schauspiel mit Gesang, in fünf Akten. Edited with an afterword by Stephan Kraft. Eighteenth Century Current Bibliography.

Invited Presentations at Symposia
Weber, C. (presented 2016, July). Goethe's Sympathies for the Heretic. In Jonathan B. Fine (Chair), INefarious Heathens: The Threat of Irreligion in the German Enlightenment. Presentation at the meeting of Dahlem Humnities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. (International)
Weber, C. (presented 2012, November). Kant's Aesthetics and Goethe's Poetics: Reflections on a Philosophy of Poetry. In M. Saban (Chair), Goethe's Thought. Presentation at the meeting of UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2011, April). Elective Affinities / Wahlverwandtschaften: The Career of a Metaphor. In C. Lehleiter (Chair), Fact and Fiction: Literature and Science in the European Context. Presentation at the meeting of University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (National)

Refereed Presentations at Conferences
Weber, C. (presented 2016, October). Erotic Play in Poetry: Uz, Klopstock, Goethe. Presentation at the meeting of German Studies Association, San Diego, CA. (International)
Weber, C. (presented 2016, January). Cognitive Problems in "Faust". Presentation at the meeting of Modern Languages Association, Austin, TX. (International)
Weber, C. (presented 2015, October). From Sphere to Atmosphere: How Poems Resound. Presentation at the meeting of German Studies Association, Washington, DC. (International)
Weber, C. (presented 2014, October). Aisthesis and Poiesis in Goethe's Poetry and Scientific Writing. Presentation at Atkins Goethe Conference, Goethe Society of North America, Pittsburg, PA. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2014, September). An Explosive Compression of Space: Kleist's Anecdotal "Tagesbegebenheiten" in the Berliner Abendblätter. Presentation at 38th Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Kansas City, MI. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2014, February). From Lola-Lola to Coca-Cola: The Seduction and Corruption of the German Masculine Ethos in "Lola Films". Presentation at 21st Southeast Conference of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Film, University of South Florida & Stetson University, Tampa, FL. (Regional)
Weber, C. (presented 2013, October). Goethe vs. Luhmann: Poetic Modes of Observing Modern Society and the Birth of the Narrator. Presentation at 37th Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Denver, CO. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2011, November). Change and the Quest for Scientific Certainty in Goethe's Morphology and in American Pragmatism. Presentation at The Atkins Goethe Conference: "Metamorphoses: Goethe and Change", Goethe Society of North America, Chicago, IL. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2011, March). Werther: Goethe's Poetics of Figuration and Signification. Presentation at Annual Conference, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vancouver, Canada. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2010, October). Measuring Genius in Goethe's Poetry. Presentation at Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Oakland, CA. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2010, March). Goethe's Lyric Voice(s). Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Albuquerque, NM. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2009, October). Incognito Ergo Sum: Discovering the Virtual in Travel and the Novel. Presentation at Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Washington D.C. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2008, November). 'Herr von Goethe' and Goethe: Self-Observations of a Poetic Mind. Presentation at (First) Conference, Goethe Society of North America, Pittsburgh, PA. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2007, May). Grafting or Growing? Breeding or Raising? - Competing Models of Cultural Integration and the Shaping of National Identities in the Eighteenth Century. Presentation at Annual Conference, German Studies Association, San Diego, CA. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2006, March). Herder's Hieroglyph of Creation: God's Teaching Method. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Montreal, Canada. (National)
Weber, C. (presented 2005, March). Mimesis and Imagination in Goethe's Poetry. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Las Vegas, NV. (National)

Refereed Presentations at Symposia
Weber, C. (presented 2009, March). Phänomenologie der visuellen Einbildungskraft im 18. Jahrhundert. In "Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit um 1800": Interdisciplinary Workshop of the Graduiertenkolleg im Exzellenznetzwerk "Aufklärung - Religion - Wissen". Presentation at the meeting of University Halle, Germany, Halle, Germany. (International)

Nonrefereed Presentations at Symposia
Weber, C. (presented 2010, February). Controlling the Creative Force Within: Goethe's Reflections on Genius. In Facets of Genius. Presentation at the meeting of Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)

Refereed Workshops
Weber, C. (2007, May). "Sensing and Feeling: The Embodiment of Experience in the 18th Century," Annual Bloomington Eighteenth-Century Workshop. Workshop delivered at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (International)

Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work
Weber, C. (2016, June). Goethes ästhetisches "Ma[n]ifest". Delivered at University of Oldenburg, Germany. (National)
Weber, C. (2010, May). Auto-Affection, Self-Reflection, and Re-Creation: Cyclical Figures in Goethe's Early Poetry. Delivered at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. (Local)

Florida State University
FSU University Service
Initiator and FSU Representative, Cooperative Agreement of Student Exchange with Federation of German-American Clubs (2011–present).
Co-Organizer, Interdisciplinary Colloquium "Facets of Genius" (2010).

FSU Department Service
Chair, Lecture Series Committee (2015–present).
Member, Merit Committee (2015–present).
Member, Theory Committee (2011–present).
Member, Curricular Committee (2010–present).
Member, Graduate Programm Committee (2010–present).
Member, Film Committee (2008–present).
Organizer, Winthrop-King Lecture by Prof. John Lyon, Univ. of Pittsburgh (2012).
Co-Principal Investigator, Faculty Research Material Grant (2010).
Co-Initiator and co-organizer, First International Film Series of the Dept. of Modern Languages and Linguistics: "America in World Cinema" (2010).
Member, Merit Committee (2010).

FSU Program Service
Coordinator, International Studies Advisor (2012–present).
Liaison, German Club (2010–present).
Graduate Student Advisor, Graduate Student Advisor (2009–present).

The Profession
Guest Editing for Refereed Journals
Weber, C., & Lange, H. (Eds.). (2013). New Approaches to Goethe's Lyric Poetry [Special Issue]. Goethe Yearbook, XX.

Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals
Germanic Review (2016).

Chair of a Symposium
Weber, C., Lange, H., & Sachers, R. (Chair). (2010, October). Goethe's Lyric. Symposium conducted at the meeting of German Studies Association, Oakland, CA.

Service to Professional Associations
Secretary-Treasurer (Member of Exec. Comm.), Goethe Society of North America (2016–present).
Member of Search Commitee for President, Vice-President and Associates, Goethe Society of North America (2012).
Member of Selection Committee for the Best Essay Prize, Goethe Society of North America (2009).
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