Curriculum vitae may 2008

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1. Personal Information
Michael James WALSH
Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

(02) 9351 4228; (02) 9351 4348 (message)

(02) 9351 7572 (fax); E-mail:

ABN: 49521197650

Born 11 September 1948
Australian Citizen
Research interests: Australian Aboriginal languages; lexical semantics; cross-cultural pragmatics; language and law; linguistic geography; language revitalization; song language and other expressive uses of language
2. Education
1970 - BA (Hons) University of Sydney.

Honours Major in Early English Literature and Language

Major in Classical Greek

Sub-Major in Philosophy

1971 - MA (Qualifying), Linguistics, First Class Honours standard.

Australian National University.

1977 - PhD, Linguistics Australian National University.

1985 - Dip Tertiary Ed University of New England.

3. Employment
Present Position
Honorary Associate, Linguistics, within the School of Letters, Art and Media, Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney.
Previous Position
November 1999-June 2000 Consultant, ATSIC Strategic Language Survey of NSW [funded through AIATSIS]

1998-2004 Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts

1997-99 Head, Department of Linguistics

1993-2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney.

[from December 1995 to December 1996 Unit Visitor, then Visiting Fellow, at the North Australia Research Unit while on leave without pay from the University of Sydney]
1982-1992 Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney.
1975-81 Linguistic Research Officer, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
1975 Tutor, School of Liberal Studies, Canberra College of Advanced


1972-74 Tutor, Department of Linguistics, School of General Studies,

Australian National University (part-time).

Since 1979 I have also undertaken consultancies with a range of bodies including the Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales, the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (Northern Territory), the Northern Land Council, the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia, the NSW Board of Studies, the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Recently involved in a major grant from DOCITA to NSW DAA for a NSW Aboriginal Languages Database. Currently engaged in consultancies for the Northern Land Council.
4. Memberships

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

Australian Linguistic Society (Honorary Life Member)

Foundation for Endangered Languages

International Association of Forensic Linguists

Mind Association (Life Member)

Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
5. Publications
Books and Monographs
1979a AIAS Wordlist for Australian Languages (with P. Sutton). Canberra: Australian

Institute of Aboriginal Studies. v + 161 pp.

1979b Revised Linguistic Fieldwork Manual for Australia (with P. Sutton). Canberra:

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. 64pp.

1987 AIAS Wordlist for Australian Languages 2nd edition.(with P. Sutton). Canberra:

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. 210 pp.

1993 Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia (co-edited with Colin Yallop).

Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. xviii+226 pp.

1997a Boundary Rider: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey O’Grady. (co-edited with D. Tryon)

Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-136. viii + 444pp.

1997b Cross Cultural Communication Problems in Aboriginal Australia. Darwin: North

Australia Research Unit. Discussion Paper No.7/1997. 23pp.

2005 Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia (co-edited with Colin Yallop).

Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. xviii+226 pp. [re-issue]

1979 Kenbi Claim Book (with Maria Brandl and Adrienne Haritos) Darwin: Northern

Land Council, xvii+295pp.

1981 Report on Gundal. Darwin: Aboriginal Sacred Sites Protection Authority, 51pp.
1989a [Kenbi] Site Map and Site Register Darwin: Northern Land Council, 1+39pp.
1989b Notes on Men's Business [restricted] Darwin: Northern Land Council, 10pp.
1989c Ten Years On (with the assistance of Frank McKeown and Beth Povinelli) Darwin:

Northern Land Council, 32pp.

1989d A Supplement to Ten Years On. Darwin: Northern Land Council, 4pp.
1989e The Wagaitj in relation to the Kenbi Land Claim Area. Darwin: Northern Land

Council, 15pp.

1990a Belyuen Genealogies Darwin: Northern Land Council, 98pp. (co-author).
1990b Belyuen Personal Particulars Darwin: Northern Land Council, 21pp. (co-author).
1990c Kenbi Land Claim. Final Submissions on Traditional Ownership. Darwin: Northern

Land Council, 422pp. (major author).

1990d Larrakia Genealogies Darwin: Northern Land Council, 109pp. (major author).
1990e Larrakia Personal Particulars Darwin: Northern Land Council, 44pp. (major author).
1990f Remarks on Kenbi. Darwin: Northern Land Council, 51pp.
1990g Reply to Northern Territory Government Final Submission on the Kenbi Land Claim.

Darwin: Northern Land Council, 37pp. (co-author).

1991a “I wouldn’t be white for quids”: a consideration of Aboriginal identity Royal

Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, 35pp.

1991b Remarks on the Anthropologists’ Report for the Lower Adelaide & Mary Rivers

(Wulna/Minitja) Land Claim, for the Northern Land Council (report), 12pp.

1995a Larrakia Genealogies-August 1995 Darwin: Northern Land Council (report) c.100pp
1995b Larrakia Group-Site Register Darwin: Northern Land Council (report), 12pp
1995c Larrakia Personal Particulars Darwin: Northern Land Council (report), 39pp
1995d Larrakia Upper Generations Charts Darwin: Northern Land Council (report), 9pp
1996a Comments on Ben Ward & Ors v The State of Western Australia & Ors: WAG 6001 of 1995 - Linguist’s Report. - for the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia, 13pp
1996b Report on Beagle Gulf Marine Park. Darwin: Northern Land Council (report), 10pp
2000a Larrakia Native Title Applications: Report in relation to genealogies (for

Northern Land Council), 16pp.

2000b Strong Language Strong Culture. New South Wales Strategic Language Study. Final

Report and Strategy Action Plan. - prepared for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Commission by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander Studies. 64pp. (major author).

2002a Aboriginal Languages Years 7-10 Draft Writing Brief. Consultation Report.

Aboriginal Curriculum Unit of the NSW Board of Studies, 50pp. (major author).

2002b Aboriginal Languages K-10. Draft Syllabus.

Aboriginal Curriculum Unit of the NSW Board of Studies, 77pp. (major author).

2002c Draft Framework for Aboriginal Languages K-10.

Aboriginal Curriculum Unit of the NSW Board of Studies, 36 pp. (major author).

2002d Teaching NSW’s Indigenous Languages Lessons from Elsewhere. – prepared for the

Aboriginal Curriculum Unit of the NSW Board of Studies, 27pp. []

2003a Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment – Sandon Point (with Jakelin Troy). Preliminary report, February, 5pp.
2003b Aboriginal Languages. Mandatory and Elective Courses. K-10 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies, New South Wales. 74pp. (major author).
2004 A Preliminary Report on the Falkenberg Collection (housed at the Ethnographic Museum, University of Oslo. 10pp.
2006 Report on the Aboriginal languages of the Illawarra area. for Biosis Research Pty. Ltd. 27pp.
2007a Draft Report to Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, and, Anthropology branch, Northern Land Council, Darwin: Consultations for AAPA Certificate Application for proposed APT Gas Pipeline Project: western section from Yelcher Beach (near Wadeye) to Daly River. 47 pp.
2007b Report to Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, and, Anthropology branch, Northern Land Council, Darwin: Consultations for AAPA Certificate Application for proposed APT Gas Pipeline Project: western section from Yelcher Beach (near Wadeye) to Daly River. 127 pp.
2008a Report to Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, and, Anthropology branch, Northern Land Council, Darwin: Consultations on supplementary construction requirements in connection with the proposed APT Gas Pipeline Project: western section from Yelcher Beach (near Wadeye) to Daly River. 13 pp.
2008b Report to Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, and, Anthropology branch, Northern Land Council, Darwin: Consultations on an additional access track in the vicinity of Chilling Creek in connection with the proposed APT Gas Pipeline Project: western section from Yelcher Beach (near Wadeye) to Daly River. 3 pp.
1976a The derivational affix "having" (Murrinh-Patha). in R.M.W.Dixon (ed.)

Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages (Canberra: Australian Institute of

Aboriginal Studies), 287-290.

1976b The bivalent suffix -ku (Murrinh-Patha). in R.M.W.Dixon (ed.) Grammatical

Categories in Australian Languages (Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal

Studies), 405-408.

1976c Ergative, locative and instrumental case inflections (Murrinh-Patha). in

R.M.W.Dixon (ed.) Grammatical Categories in Australian Languages (Canberra:

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies), 441-444.
1979a Recent research in Australian linguistics. in S.A.Wurm (ed.) Australian Linguistic

Studies (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics), pp.1-72.

1979b An Australian bibliography - from Greenway to the late sixties. (with Lois

Carrington) in S.A.Wurm (ed.) Australian Linguistic Studies (Canberra: Pacific

Linguistics), pp.73-86.
1981a Australian section of S.A. Wurm and S. Hattori (eds.) Language Atlas of the Pacific

Area (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics for the Australian Academy of the Humanities, in

collaboration with the Japan Academy) - 5 maps and 7pp annotations.

1981b The lost "Macassar Language" of northern Australia. (with J. Urry) Aboriginal

History 5. 91-108.
1981c Review of Keith H. Basso Portraits of “the Whiteman”. Linguistic Play and Cultural

Symbols among the Western Apache. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979),

Aboriginal History 5. 174-5.
1981d Review of R.M.W.Dixon The Languages of Australia (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1980), Australian Book Review, No.31, 29-30.

1981e Speakers of many tongues: towards understanding multilingualism among Aboriginal

Australians. (with M.M. Brandl) (CRES work paper C/WP3). Canberra: Centre for

Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, 16pp.

1982a Language policy - Australia. in R.B. Kaplan (ed.) Annual Review of Applied

Linguistics 1981 (Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House) pp.21-32.
1982b Remarks on a possible structure and policy for an Aboriginal language planning

organization. in J. Bell (ed.) Language Planning for Australian Aboriginal Languages

(Alice Springs: Institute for Aboriginal Development) pp.81-91.
1982c Speakers of many tongues: towards understanding multilingualism among Aboriginal

Australians. (with M.M. Brandl) International Journal of the Sociology of Language 36,

1983 Linguistics sound archiving. in D. Lance (ed.) Sound Archives: A Guide to their

Establishment and Development IASA Special Publication No. 4 (Milton Keynes,

U.K.: International Association of Sound Archives), pp.147-61.

1984a Aboriginal Languages. in Elaine Russell and Sheena Coupe (eds.) Macquarie

Illustrated World Atlas (Sydney: Macquarie Library), pp.184-5.
1984b Review of Colin Yallop Australian Aboriginal Languages (London: Andre Deutsch,

1982), Australian Journal of Linguistics 4, 136-8.

1985a Review of Bob Dixon Searching for Aboriginal languages. Memoirs of a Fieldworker

(St. Lucia, Qld.: University of Queensland Press, 1983) Oceania 56(2), pp. 149-50.

1985b Review of Jeffrey Heath Functional Grammar of Nunggubuyu (Canberra: Australian

Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1984) Australian Aboriginal Studies 1985/No.2, pp.89-91.

1986 Strange Food (with Harry Kulampurrut). in L. Hercus and P. Sutton (eds.) This is

What Happened. Historical Narratives by Aborigines (Canberra: Australian

Institute of Aboriginal Studies), pp.47-61.

1987a Arthur Capell (Obituary).Australian Aboriginal Studies 1987:1. 98-9.
1987b Australian languages. in Camm, J.C.R. & John McQuilton (eds.) Australians a

Historical Atlas Sydney: Fairfax, Syme, Weldon Associates, pp.138-9.
1987c The Impersonal Verb Construction in Australian Languages. in Ross Steele and Terry

Threadgold (eds.) Language Topics. Studies in honour of Michael Halliday, pp.425-38.

1988 Aboriginal Languages since 1788. in James Jupp (ed.) The Australian People. An

Encyclopaedia of the Nation, its People and their Origins (Sydney: Angus and

Robertson), 148-52.

1989/90 Us and them: Systemics against the world. Network, 13/14, 17-19 (6pp.).
1991a Conversational styles and inter-cultural example from Northern

Australia. Australian Journal of Communication 18(1): 1-12.

1991b How many Aboriginal languages were there? Archaeology and Linguistics: Understanding

Ancient Australia: Conference Papers Volume 2 (Darwin: Northern Territory University),

pp. 31-56.

1991c Overview of indigenous languages. in Suzanne Romaine (ed.) Language in Australia

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp.27-48.

1992 A Nagging Problem in Australian Lexical History. in Tom Dutton, Malcolm Ross and

Darrell Tryon (eds.) The Language Game: Papers in Memory of Donald C. Laycock

(Canberra: Pacific Linguistics), pp 507-19.
1993a Classifying the World in an Aboriginal Language. In Michael Walsh and Colin

Yallop (eds.) Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia (Canberra: Aboriginal

Studies Press), 107-122.
1993b Languages and their status in Aboriginal Australia. In Michael Walsh and Colin

Yallop (eds.) Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia (Canberra: Aboriginal

Studies Press), 1-13.
1994a Aboriginal words. Bulletin Almanac. Sydney: ACP Press.
1994b Interactional styles and the courtroom: an example from Northern Australia. In John

Gibbons (ed.) Language and the Law (London: Longman), 217-233.

1994c Language classification. In David Horton (ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal

Australia (Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press).pp597-598.
1994d Murrinh-Patha. In W.B.McGregor and Nick Thieberger (eds.) The Macquarie

Dictionary of Aboriginal Words (Sydney: Macquarie Library), pp299-319.
1994e Review of Bill Day Bunji. A Story of the Gwalwa Daraniki Movement Australian

Aboriginal Studies, No.2, 76-78.
1995a Body Parts in Murrinh-Patha: Incorporation, Grammar and Metaphor. In Hilary

Chappell and Bill McGregor (eds.) The Grammar of Inalienability: A Typological

Perspective on Body Part Terms and the Part-Whole Relation (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter), pp.327-380.
1995b “Tainted evidence”: literacy and traditional knowledge in an Aboriginal land claim.

In Diana Eades (ed.) Language in Evidence. Issues Confronting Aboriginal and

Multicultural Australia. (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press), pp.97-124.
1996 Vouns and nerbs: A category squish in Murrinh-Patha (northern Australia). in W.B.

McGregor (ed.) Studies in Kimberley languages in honour of Howard Coate. pp. 227-252

(München: Lincom Europa)
1997a Geoffrey O’Grady: pioneer of Australian Linguistics. (with Darrell Tryon) In Darrell Tryon

and Michael Walsh (eds.) Boundary Rider: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey O’Grady. Canberra:

Pacific Linguistics, C-136, pp. 1-3.
1997b How many Australian languages were there? In Darrell Tryon and Michael Walsh (eds.)

Boundary Rider: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey O’Grady. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-136,

pp. 393-412.

1997c Noun classes, nominal classification and generics in Murrinhpatha. In Mark Harvey and

Nicholas Reid (eds.) Nominal Classification in AboriginalAustralia. Studies in

Language Companion Series 37 (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins), pp.255-292.
1997d The Land Still Speaks? In Deborah Rose and Anne Clarke (eds.) Tracking Knowledge in

North Australian Landscapes. Studies in Indigenous and Settler Ecological Knowledge

Systems. Darwin: North Australia Research Unit, pp.105-119.
1999 Interpreting for the transcript: problems in recording land claim proceedings in northern Australia. Forensic Linguistics 6(1), 161-195.
2001a A case of language revitalisation in ‘settled’ Australia. Current Issues in Language

Planning 2(2&3), 251-258. Also available at:
2001b Indigenous grammatical traditions in Aboriginal Australia. In Hannes

Kniffka (ed.) Indigenous Grammar in Culture-Contrastive Perspective Berlin:

Mouton de Gruyter, 297-314.
2001c Indigenous languages since 1788. In James Jupp ed. The Australian People. An Encyclopedia of the Nations, Its People and Their Origins. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 93-97.
2001d Review of Rob Amery Warrabarna Kaurna!Reclaiming an Australian Language.

Current Issues in Language Planning 2(2&3), 300-302.
2002a Language ownership: a key issue for Native Title. In John Henderson and David Nash

(eds) Language and Native Title. Canberra: Native Title Research

Series, Aboriginal Studies Press, 230-244.
2002b Obituary. Stephen Wurm (1922-2001). Aboriginal History 25, 276-8 (with Luise

Hercus and Harold Koch).

2002c Transparency versus opacity in Australian Aboriginal place names. In Luise Hercus, Flavia Hodges and Jane Simpson (eds) The Land is a Map. Place names of

Indigenous Origin in Australia. Canberra: Pandanus Books, 43-49.
2003 Raising Babel: language revitalization in NSW, Australia. In Joe Blythe and R. McKenna Brown (eds) Maintaining the Links. Language, Identity and the Land. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference Presented by the Foundation for Endangered Languages. Broome, Western Australia, 22-24 September 2003. Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 113-117.
2004 Terminology planning in Aboriginal Australia. (with Jakelin Troy). Current Issues in Language Planning Vol. 5 (2): 151-165.
2005a Communities of interest: issues in establishing a digital resource on Murrinh-patha song at Wadeye (Port Keats), NT. (with Linda Barwick, Allan Marett, Lys Ford and Nicholas Reid). Literary and Linguistic Computing 20(4):383-397. [full text available for the purpose of private study/research at]
2005b Indigenous Languages of Southeast Australia, Revitalization and the Role of Education. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 28(2): 1-14.
2005c Languages Off Country? Revitalizing the 'Right' Indigenous Languages in the South East of Australia. (with Jakelin Troy). In Nigel Crawhall and Nicholas Ostler (eds.) Creating Outsiders: Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalization. (Proceedings of Ninth Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 18-20 November 2005). Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 71-81.
2005d Learning while revitalizing: Aboriginal languages in New South Wales, Australia. In May, S., Franken, M., & Barnard, R. (eds.) (2005), LED2003: Refereed Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity. Hamilton: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, University of Waikato.
2005e Will Indigenous languages survive? Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 293-315.
2007a Australian Aboriginal song language – so many questions, so little to work with. Australian Aboriginal Studies (Special Issue edited by Allan Marett and Linda Barwick). 2007/2: 128-144.
2007b Australian Indigenous languages. In Osahito Miyaoka, Osamu Sakiyama and Michael Krauss (eds) The Vanishing Languages of the Pacific Rim. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2007c The Crowley corrective: an alternative voice for language endangerment. In, Jeff Siegel, John Lynch and Diana Eades (eds.) Language Description, History and Development Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Creole Language Library 30), 431-437.
2007d Indigenous languages: Transitions from the past to the present. In Gerhard Leitner and Ian Malcolm (eds.) The Habitat of Australia's Aboriginal Languages: Past, Present and Future. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 58-72.
2007e Words for Describing Australian Aboriginal song. Australian Style 15(2): 1-2.
2007f Barwick, L, Blythe, J, Marett, A & Walsh, M 'Arriving, digging, performing, returning: an exercise in rich interpretation of a djanba song text in the sound archive of the Wadeye Knowledge Centre, Northern Territory of Australia', in RM Moyle (ed.), Oceanic encounters: Festschrift for Mervyn McLean, Research in Anthropology and Linguistics Monographs, Auckland. 13-24.
2008 Terminology planning in Aboriginal Australia. (with Jakelin Troy). In Anthony J. Liddicoat and Richard B. Baldauf Jr. (eds) Language Planning and Policy: Language Planning in Local Contexts. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 156-170. [earlier published in 2004 in: Current Issues in Language Planning Vol. 5 (2): 151-165.
in press a California Down Under: Indigenous language revitalization in New South Wales, Australia. (with Kevin Lowe). In Wesley Leonard (ed.)
in press b Is saving languages a good investment? In Rob Amery (ed.) [Proceedings of the Indigenous Languages Conference, 26-28 September 2007, University of Adelaide].
in press c A linguistic renaissance in the south east of Australia (with Jakelin Troy). In Gunter Senft (ed.) [Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the European Society for Oceanists (ESfO), Marseille, France, 6-8 July 2005.]. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
in press d A polytropical approach to the `floating pelican' song: an exercise in rich interpretation of a Murriny Patha (northern Australia) song. In The Language of Song: A Special Issue of Australian Journal of Linguistics. Edited by Tonya Stebbins, Myfany Turpin and Stephen Morey
in press e Reinstating Aboriginal placenames around Port Jackson and Botany (with Jakelin Troy). In Harold Koch (ed.) The Land is a Map. Vol 2.
in press f Ten postulates concerning narrative in Aboriginal Australia. In Lesley Stirling, Tania Strahan & Susan Douglas (eds) Narrative in Intimate Societies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
in press g What's the use of linguistics? In Ahmar Mahboob and Naomi Knight (eds) Qusetioning Linguistics [Proceedings of 1st Free Linguistics Conference, University of Sydney, 6-7 October 2007] Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 170-179.
in press h Which way? Difficult options for vulnerable witnesses in Australian Aboriginal land claim and native title cases. Journal of English Linguistics, Special issue Michelle Aldridge and June Luchenbroers eds.
Recent Conference Presentations
1. The linguistic expert as group tour guide. International Association of Forensic Linguistics, 28 June-1 July 1999, Birmingham, UK.
2. The linguistic expert as group tour guide. Workshop convened by John Henderson and David Nash Linguistics Issues in Native Title Claims, 30 September 1999, Perth WA.
3. Transparency versus opacity in Australian Aboriginal place names. Interdisciplinary Workshop convened by Luise Hercus, Flavia Hodges and Jane Simpson Place names of Indigenous Origin, 31 October 1999, Canberra.
4. NSW Strategic Language Study. (with Jaky Troy), AIATSIS, 15 May 2000, Canberra.
5. Language ownership: a key issue for Native Title. Paper presented to the workshop Crossing Boundaries: Anthropology, Linguistics, History and Law in Native Title in connection with the Australian Anthropological Society Conference at the University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, 20 September 2000.
6. My role in tracking down Laves’ materials. Laves Workshop, University of Sydney, 8 December 2000.
7. Communal versus dyadic interaction in Aboriginal Australia. Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 2 February, 2001.
8. Why language revitalization sometimes works. Endangered Languages Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Arizona, 30 March, 2001.
9. Why language revitalization sometimes works. Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia, 30 March, 2001.
10. Why language revitalization sometimes works. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, 24 August, 2001.
11. Why language revitalization sometimes works. Endangered Languages Colloquium, AIATSIS, Canberra 18 September, 2001.
12. Teaching NSW Indigenous languages. (with Kevin Lowe). Presented at the session on Reviving, Maintaining and Teaching Indigenous Languages within the International Program on Indigenous Language and Culture Maintenance, held at the Australian Linguistics Institute, Macquarie University, Sydney, 9 July 2002.
13. Kenbi Confusing. Miscommunications in an Australian Aboriginal Land Claim. Presentation to the Section on Translating and Interpreting in Indigenous Languages within the International Program on Indigenous Language and Culture Maintenance, held at the Australian Linguistics Institute, Macquarie University, Sydney, 10 July 2002.
14. What does Linguistics have to do with language revitalization? Australian Linguistic Society, Macquarie University, Sydney, 14 July 2002.
15. Dual naming around Sydney Harbour: phonetic purism meets toponymic pragmatism, Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney, 29 August, 2003.
16. Raising Babel: language revitalization in NSW, Australia. Foundation for Endangered Languages Conference, Broome, 24 September, 2003.
17. Dual naming around Sydney Harbour: phonetic purism meets toponymic pragmatism, Australian Linguistic Society Conference, University of Newcastle, 27 September 2003.
18. Deciding on the form (and pronunciation) for a proposed dual name. Workshop on Dual Names, Australian National Placenames Survey, Tranby Aboriginal College, Glebe, 31 October 2003.
19. Learning while revitalizing: Aboriginal languages in New South Wales, Australia. International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, School of Education, University of Waikato, 28 November 2003.
20. The NSW Aboriginal languages database project. FATSIL, Melbourne, 12 February, 2004.
21. California Down Under: Indigenous language revitalization in New South Wales, Australia. Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference, University of California, Berkeley, 12 June 2004 (with Kevin Lowe).
22. Indigenous language revitalization in New South Wales, Australia. AILDI, University of Arizona, Tucson, 15 June 2004 (with Kevin Lowe).
23. Indigenous Australian literature, Australia. AILDI, University of Arizona, Tucson, 15 June 2004 (with Kevin Lowe).
24. Communities of interest: establishing a digital resource on Murrinh-patha song at Wadeye (Port Keats) NT (with Linda Barwick and Allen Marett), Computing Arts 2004 Conference, University of Newcastle, 8 July 2004
25. An online knowledge gateway for preserving and revitalizing NSW’s Aboriginal languages, Computing Arts 2004 Conference, University of Newcastle, 8 July 2004
26. The Wadeye Project: Murrinhpatha song and song language at Wadeye (Port Keats), NT (with Linda Barwick, Joseph Blythe, Allan Marett), Australian Linguistic Society Conference, University of Sydney, 15/7/04.
27. Authenticity in the revitalization of NSW’s Aboriginal languages, Special session, Authenticity in Indigenous Languages Maintenance and Revival, within the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia Conference, Adelaide, 17/7/04.
28. Indigenous place-names and dual naming in NSW (with Jakelin Troy), Session on Mapping the shared terrain: Indigenous and non-Indigenous concepts of landscape, within the AIATSIS 2004 Conference: Indigenous Studies: Sharing the Cultural and Theoretical Space, Canberra, 28 November 2004.
29. NSW ALRRC Indigenous languages database. (with Baden Hughes), 18 March 2005. Working with Linguistic Data. Pre-conference workshop, University of Sydney.
30. Educating the judge? Linguistic evidence in Native Title and land claim cases in Australia. 7th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law, Cardiff, Wales, 2 July 2005.
31. A linguistic renaissance in the south east of Australia (with Jakelin Troy). Sixth Conference of the European Society for Oceanists (ESfO), Marseille, France, 6-8 July 2005.
32. The lexicon of Christianity in Aboriginal Australia. Australex Conference, University of Melbourne, 27 September 2005.
33. A linguistic renaissance in the south east of Australia (with Jakelin Troy). Australian Linguistic Society, Monash University, 28 September 2005.
34. Educating the judge? Linguistic evidence in Native Title and land claim cases in Australia. Australian Linguistic Society, Monash University, 30 September 2005.
35. The NSW Aboriginal languages database (with Baden Hughes, Steven Bird, Jaky Troy, David Penton). Australian Linguistic Society, Monash University, 30 September 2005.
36. Languages Off Country? Revitalizing the 'Right' Indigenous Languages in the South East of Australia. (with Jakelin Troy). Ninth Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 19 November 2005.
37. Murriny Patha song language and its relation to the 'everyday' language. Paper presented to The 3rd Oxford-Kobe Linguistics Seminar: The Linguistics of Endangered Languages Kobe Institute, Kobe, Japan 2nd – 5th April 2006. (with Joe Blythe).

38. Endangered domains of language use: some examples from northern Australia. 10th Foundation for Endangered Languages Conference: Vital Voices - Endangered Languages and Multilingualism, Mysore, India (25-27 October 2006).

39. Australian Aboriginal song language- so many questions, so little to work with. Australianist Workshop, Pearl Beach, 17 March 2007.

40. Packing it in: an account of layers of meaning in the 'floating pelican' song, a Murriny Patha (northern Australia) song. Presented at the Indigenous Music and Dance Symposium, Charles Darwin University, 18 August 2007.
41. The lexicon of Australian Aboriginal song, Australex Conference,

25 September 2007, University of Adelaide.

42. Is saving languages a good investment? Plenary address to Australian Linguistic Society, Adelaide. 26 September 2007.
43. A polytropical approach to the `floating pelican' song: an exercise in rich interpretation of a Murriny Patha (northern Australia) song. ALS Workshop: Language of poetry and song, 27 September 2007, University of Adelaide.
44. What's the use of linguistics? Plenary address to Free Linguistics Conference, 6 October 2007, University of Sydney.
45. A history of research on Indigenous languages from 1967 til now, with special reference to the role of AIATSIS. Session within the AIATSIS conference - Let their voices be heard: Australian Indigenous languages since the 1967 Referendum, Canberra, 6 November 2007.
6. Overseas experience.
Study leave from the University of Sydney, September 1988 - May 1989.
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - September 1988-January 1989.
visiting scholars in the U.K. at the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh and Sussex - January 1989.
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley - February 1989-May 1989.
Study leave from the University of Sydney, January 1994 - July 1994.
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of California, San Diego - January 1994-June 1994
• Visitor, Department of Linguistics, State University of New York, Buffalo, and Participant, 1st International Cognitive Science Institute, July 1994
Study leave from the University of Sydney, January 2001 - July 2001.
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona – January 2001-May 2001
Study leave from the University of Sydney, July 2004 - December 2004.
• Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley – August 2004-September 2004
7. Recent Grants

1999: $48622, 2000:$50,409, 2001: $52,192 awarded to Brett Baker and M. Walsh (Industry partner: D. Di Angelo)

ATSIC through AIATSIS: Survey of NSW Aboriginal Language Situation

2000-2001: $13,000

ARC Discovery Grant Murrinh-Patha Song and Language at Wadeye, NT

2004-2008: $650,000 awarded to a team including Linda Barwick, Lys Ford, Allan Marett, Nick Reid,

8. Community Service
1975-1988 Member, Linguistics Advisory Committee [under various names, with various additional disciplinary add-ons], Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1982-1988 Chair, Linguistics Advisory Committee [under various names, with various additional disciplinary add-ons], Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1982-1988 Member, Research Advisory Committee, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1984-1986 Member, Executive Committee of Council, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1984-1988 Member, Council, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1979-2008 Consultant, Northern Land Council – mainly on Kenbi Land Claim
2001- Consultant/Advisor, Aboriginal Curriculum Unit, NSW Board of Studies
2001-2005 President, Australian Linguistic Society
2003- Member, NSW Board of Studies Curriculum Committee on Languages
2003- Member, Technical and Scientific Sub-Committee of the NSW Geographical Names Board.
2007- Member, Executive Committee of Placenames Australia

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