Curriculum vitae prof. Valery A. Kalyagin

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Prof. Valery A. KALYAGIN


First Name: Valery (Valeriy, Valeri)

Date of birth: 12 of June 1952

Place of birth: Kamenka, Gorky region, USSR

Nationality: russian

Family situation: married, 2 childrens

Address (home): Nizhniy Novgorod

Kazanskoye shosse, 14-34

606163, Russia

Phone: (7)8312781175

Address (office) Faculty of Business Informatics and Mathematics

Department of Applied Mathematics

National Research University – Higher School of Economics

Nizhniy Novgorod

Bolshaya Pecherskaya 25

603155 Russia

Phone: (7)-8314169649

FAX: (7)-8314169651


Staff: Head of the International laboratory of algorithms and technologies for

network analysis. Full Professor. Head of the Department of Applied

AREA OF EXPERTISE: Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Sciences.

Complex Analysis, Approximation Theory, Numerical Algorithms, Hydrodynamic Stability, Orthogonal Polynomials, Complex Rational Approximation,

Special Functions, Functional Analysis, Moment Problems, Difference Operators, Numerical algorithms, Algebraic Functions, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modelling, Environnemental Models, Economical Models, Financial Models, Actuarial Mathematics, Decision support systems.

1969-1974 Graduate Courses, Gorky State University

Department of Mecanics and Mathematics

1969-1971 (BS) General Mathematics

1971-1974 (MA) Applied Mathematics

1977-1980 Post Graduate Courses, Moscow State University

Department of Mecanics and Mathematics

PhD, Theory of Function and Functional Analysis


1. Diploma of High Education (MA). Gorky State University

Speciality: Applied Mathematics. Diploma A-I 360120.

Subject of thesis: On the decomposition of entire functions on

Appell series.

2. Degree of Candidat es Sciences in Mathematic and Physics(Ph.D).

Moscow State University, 1981. Diplomas 013514. Thesis:

Normality and convergence problems for simulteneous Pade


3. Degree of Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics and Physics

(Full Doctor Degree), Moscow State University, 1995, Diplomas

DK 002499.

Thesis: Complex rational approximants and spectral analysis of

non symmetric operators. Thesis distinguished by High Attestation Commission, Bulletin VAK, 1995.

4. Diploma of Docent in Mathematics, Moscow, High Education

Committee of the USSR, 1989. Diplomas DC 015465.

5. Diploma of Professor in Applied Mathematics, Ministry of

National Education, Russia, 1997. Diploma PR 001210.


1976-1977 Assistant in Mathematics,

Gorky Polytechnical Institute

1977-1980 Post-graduated student in mathematics,

Moscow State University, Departement of Mathematics

1980-1990 Associated professor in Mathematics,

Gorky Polytechnical Institute.

1990-1994 Associated professor,

Nizhniy Novgorod State University

Departement of Mathematics.

1994-1995 Senjor researcher,

Keldysh Institut of Applied Mathematics

Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

1995-2003 Professor (Full Professor),

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University,

Departement of Applied Mathematics.

2003- present Professor (full professor),

National Research University – Higher School of Economics

Nizhny Novgorod

2012 – present Head of the International Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for

Network Analysis.

National Research University – Higher School of Economics

Nizhny Novgorod
GENERAL COURSES: Analysis, Probability, Groups Theory,

Differential Equations, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis,

Random Processes, Signal and Systems, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operational Research, Data Analysis.

SPECIAL COURSES: Approximation, Complex Approximation, Orthogonal

Polynomials, Non-linear discrete dynamical systems, Special functions, Economic dynamics, Actuarial Mathematics, Financial Risk Modeling. Decision analysis. Data Analysis.


1991 France, Toulon University, visiting associated professor

1992 Germany, THF Berlin, Research Fellow

1995 France, Lille University, visiting professor

1996 France, Rouen University, visiting professor

1997 France, INSA de Rouen, visiting fellow

1998 France, Lille University, visiting professor (PAST)

1999 France, Lille University, visiting professor (PAST)

2000 France, Lille University, visiting professor (PAST)

2001 France, Lille University, visiting professor

2002 France, INSA de Rouen, visiting professor

2004 France, Lille, University, visiting professor.

2005 Spain, University Carlos III, Madrid, Research Fellow

2007 France, Lille University, visiting professor

2008 Spain, University Carlos III, Madrid, visiting professor.

2010 France, Lille University, visiting professor

2011 Italy, University of Florence, visiting professor

2015 год

- World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO IV), February 22-25, 2015. Gainesville, Florida, USA.

Доклад: Optimal Identification Procedures in Gaussian Graphical Models

- Yandex Workshop, Applied optimization and search problems on networks, April 06, Yandex

main office (Moscow)

Доклад: Problems of identification of network structures
2014 год.

- XVI Международная конференция "Методы оптимизации и их приложения", 30 июня - 6 июля, 2014, о. Ольхон, Иркутск,

Доклад: Общий подход к анализу сетевых моделей фондовых рынков

 - International Conference “Optimization Control and Applications in the Information Age”, June 15-20, 2014, Chalkidiki, Greece,

Доклад: Market Graph and Markowitz Model

 - Intenational Conference “Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION 8)”,  16-21 февраля, 2014, Университет Флориды, США,

Доклад: General Approach to Network Analysis of Statistical Data Sets

 - Международная конференция «Наука будущего», Санкт Петербург, 16-21 сентября 2014г.

Доклад: Identification of Network Structures in Statistical Data Sets

 - Международный симпозиум по ортогональности, квадратурам и связанным вопросам, ORTHOQUAD 2014, Tenerife, Spain, January 20-24, 2014,

Доклад: On a numerical stability of modified Chebychev algorithm for multiple orthogonal polynomials and generalized Volterra lattice

- International Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials, Integrable Systems and Their Applications,  Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shaoxing University, October 25-29, 2014 (ICOPISTA-2014),

Доклад: Discrete KP equation,  generalized Volterra lattice and multiple orthogonal polynomials

 - Международная конференция “Complex Analysis and Related Topics”, St Petersburg, April 14-18, 2014,

Доклад: Asymptotics of sharp constants in Markov-Bernstein inequalities

1997-1999 Awards of the President of Russian Federation:

Special Stipendium for Outstanding Scientist.

2000-2002 Awards of the President of Russian Federation:

Special Stipendium for Outstanding Scientist.

  1. Soros Foundation Professorship.

  2. Soros Foundation Professorship.

2009 Nizhny Novgorod Governor recognition for the achievements in scientific



1993-1996 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 93-011-278, investigator.

1993-1996 INTAS (Europeen Community), grant 93-219, investigator.

1994-1995 International Science Foundation, grant 7N7000, investigator.

1996-1998 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 96-01-00730, Principal


1996-1997 Russian Ministry of Hight Education, grant 95-01.4-28, Principal


1998-1999 Russian Ministry of Education. Scientific grant (Novosibirsk).

Principal Investigator.

1997-1999 French Ministry of High Education. Reseaux Formation-Recherche.

Russian Coordinator.

1998-2001 European Community, TEMPUS-TACIS project. Russian coordinator.

1999-2001 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 99-01-01251, Principal


2000-2002 Trilateral project (France, Germany, Russia) "University of XXI

century", russian coordinator

2001-2002 INTAS (European Community), grant 272-2000. Team Leader.

2002-2004 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 02-01-00565, Principal


2002-2004 French Ministry of High Education. Reseaux Formation-Recherche.

Russian coordinator.

2004-2006 INTAS (European Community), grant NeCCA 03-51-6637, Team


2005-2007 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 05-01-00697,

Principal Investigator.

2007-2008 Scientific grant 06-06-0002 of Higher School of Economics, Team


2008-2010 European Community, TEMPUS-TACIS project JEP-27208-2006. Project coordinator.

2009 State contract of Russian Ministry of Education № 02.741.11.2081:

Organization of the scientific school «Advanced problems of intellectual decision support systems». School Organizer.

2010-2012 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 10-01-00682,

Principal Investigator.

2014-2015 Russian Science Foundation, grant 14-41-00039, Investigator

2014-2016 Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant 14-01-00807, Principal Investigator.

2015-2017 Russian Foundation of Human Research, grant 1515-32-01052, Principal Investigator

PUBLICATIONS (2010-2015)


  • Aptekarev A.I. Draux A. Kalyagin V. Tulyakov D.N. Asymptotics of sharp constants of Markov-Bernstein inequalities in integral norm with Jacobi weight, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 143 (2015), pp. 3847-3862, DOI:

  • Kalyagin V.A. Koldanov A.P. Pardalos P.M. On multivariate network analysis of statistical data sets with different measures of association // Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, on line first, DOI 10.1007/s10472-015-9464-8

  • Koldanov P.A., Kalyagin V. A., Bautin G. A. On some statistical procedures for stock selection problem // Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, on line first, DOI 10.1007/s10472-014-9447-1


  • Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Pardalos P. M. A General Approach to Network Analysis of Statistical Data Sets, in: Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8426:. Springer Verlag, 2014. P. 88-97.

  • Glotov A., Kalyagin V. A., Vizgunov A.N., Pardalos P. M. Market Graph Construction Using the Performance Measure of Similarity, in: Models, Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 104. L., NY, Dordrecht, Heidelberg : Springer, 2014. Ch. 3. P. 21-35.

  • Koldanov P., Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Zamaraev V. A. Market Graph and Markowitz Model, in: Optimization oi Science and Engineering, Springer Science, Business Media, 2014. P. 301-313.

  • Kalyagin V.A., Koldanov A.P., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P.M., Zamaraev V.A. Measures of uncertainty in market network analysis // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2014. Vol. 413. No. 1. P. 59-70.

  • Models, Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis / Науч. ред.: M. V. Batsyn, V. A. Kalyagin, P. M. Pardalos. Vol. 104. L., NY, Dordrecht, Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.

  • Kalyagin V. A., Pardalos P. M., Rassias T. Network Models in Economics and Finance. Springer Verlag, 2014.

  • Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov P., Zamaraev V. A. Network Structure Ucertainty for Different Markets // Springer Optimization and Its Applications. 2014. Vol. 100. P. 181-197.

  • Vizgunov A.N., Goldengorin B.I., Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P. M. Network approach for the Russian stock market // Computational Management Science. 2014. Vol. 11. No. 1-2. P. 45-55.

  • М.В. Лукоянов, И.С. Гречихин, В.А. Калягин, P.M. Pardalos, И.В. Мухина Особенности пространственной синхронизации электроэнцефалограмм леворуких и праворуких испытуемых в состоянии покоя и при когнитивной нагрузке: анализ с применением теории графов // Современные технологии в медицине. 2014. Т. 6. № 2. С. 6-14.


  • Mikhail Batsyn, Valery Kalyagin. An Analytical Expression for the Distribution of the Sum of Random Variables with Mixed Uniform Density and Mass Function, in: Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Issue 32. NY : Springer, 2013. Ch. 3. P. 51-63.

  • Bautin G., Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P. Comparative Analysis of Two Similarity Measures for the Market Graph Construction // Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2013. Vol. 59. P. 29-41.

  • Beckermann B., Kalyagin V., Matos A., Wielonsky F. Equilibrium Problems for Vector Potentials with Semidefinite Interaction Matrices and Constrained Masses // Constructive Approximation. 2013. Vol. 37. No. 1. P. 101-134.

  • Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis / Ed. by B. I. Goldengorin, V. A. Kalyagin, P. M. Pardalos. Issue 32. NY : Springer, 2013.

  • Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis / Ed. by Boris I. Goldengorin, Valery A. Kalyagin, Panos M. Pardalos. Vol. 59. NY : Springer, 2013.

  • Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov A. P., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P. M., Bautin G. A. Simple measure of similarity for the market graph construction // Computational Management Science. 2013. Vol. 10. No. 2-3. P. 105-124.

  • Koldanov A. P., Kalyagin V. A., Koldanov P.A., Pardalos P. M. Statistical procedures for the market graph construction // Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2013. Vol. 68. P. 17-29.


  • Bautin G. A., Kalyagin V. A. Markov Chains in Modelling of the Russian Financial Market, in: Financial Decision Making Using Computational Intelligence, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Issue 70. L., NY, Dordrecht, Heidelberg : Springer, 2012. P. 233-251.

  • Визгунов А. Н., Гольденгорин Б. И., Замараев В. А., Калягин В. А., Колданов А. П., Колданов П. А., Пардалос П. М. Применение рыночных графов к анализу фондового рынка России // Журнал новой экономической ассоциации. 2012. № 3(15). С. 66-81.


  • Beckermann B., Matos A., Wielonsky F., Kalyagin V. A. How well does the Hermite-Padé approximation smooth the Gibbs phenomenon? // Mathematics of Computation. 2011. Vol. 80. No. 274. P. 931-958.

  • Batsyn M. V., Kalyagin V. A. Power Index Axiomatics in the Problem of Voting with Quota / Пер. с рус. // Automation and Remote Control. 2011. Vol. 72. No. 3. P. 600-614.

  • Бацын М. В., Калягин В. А. Аксиоматика индексов влияния в задаче голосования с квотой // Автоматика и телемеханика. 2011. № 3. С. 145-160.


  • Batsyn M. V., Kalyagin V. A. Default risk estimation in reinsurance contracts on the base of simulation model, in: History of accounting, buisness administration doctrines and development of new methods of management in Italy and Russia, 2010 / Ed. by S. Terzani, O. Kozyrev. Milan : Rirea, 2010. P. 8-20.

  • Aleskerov F. T., Chistyakov V. V., Kaliaguine V. A. Social threshold aggregations // Social Choice and Welfare. 2010. Vol. 35. No. 4. P. 627-646.

  • Aleskerov F., Chistyakov V.V., Kalyagin V. The threshold aggregation // Economics Letters. 2010. Vol. 107. No. 2. P. 261-262.

  • Aleskerov F. T., Чистяков В. В., Kalyagin V. A. Многокритериальные пороговые алгоритмы принятия решений / Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series WP7 "Математические методы анализа решений в экономике, бизнесе и политике". 2010. No. 02.

  • Бацын М. В., Калягин В. А. Об одном общем подходе к измерению влияния в коллективных органах принятия решений // В кн.: X Международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества: в 3 кн. / Отв. ред.: Е. Г. Ясин. Кн. 2. М. : Издательский дом ГУ-ВШЭ, 2010.

June 2105 V.Kalyagin (V.Kaliaguine)
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