18. Missions Scientifiques sans Communications
Urban Climates and Building Climatology, Bruxelles, October 1968. Symposium by World Meteorology Organization and Royal Meteorological Institute.
Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, London, August 1969. Joint Conference organized by Royal Meteorological Society and American Meteorological Society in collaboration with the Royal Society and with participation of the Canadian Meteorological Society.
XXIId International Astronomical Congress. Brussels, September 1971. Teaching the Teachers. Stockholm, September 1972. Colloquium on Building climatology arranged by CIB in collaboration with WMO.
Fourth Liège International Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liège (Belgium), March 1972.
International workshop on dendroclimatology. Tucson, April 1974 organised by the Laboratory Tree-Ring Research and Sponsored by College of Earth, University of Arizona and Tree-Ring Society. (invited).
Autoroute et Environnement. Louvain-la-Neuve, mars 1975, colloque organisé par le Laboratoire d'Ecologie Végétale et Animale de l'Institut Interfacultaire des Sciences Naturelles Appliquées de l'Université Catholique de Louvain.
XVI General Assembly IUGG. Grenoble, September 1975. (Belgian delegate).
2d Meeting of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment Methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Friedrichshafen, September 1975. (Belgian Expert).
6th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications. Frankfurt, September 1975. (invited).
Séminaire sur l'Environnement. Liège, mars 1976. Organisé par la Section Environnement de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège. (participant invité).
3d Meeting of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment Methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Venise, March 1976 (Belgian Expert).
Colloque International sur les Atmosphères polluées. Paris, mai 1976.
7th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling. Airlie, September 1976. (invited participant).
4th Meeting of the Working Group and expert Panels on Assessment methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Quail Roost, September 1976. (Belgian Expert).
Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades. Department of Geological Science, Brown University, Providence, September 1976. (invited).
5th Meeting of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Apeldoorn, April 1977. (Belgian Expert).
Membre de la Délégation de l'Université Catholique de Louvain en Lybie. Juin 1977. (invité).
X INQUA Congress and 3 symposia : Antarctica glacial evolution and world paleo-environment, Dendrochronology, Mapping and Modelling Quaternary Climates. Birmingham, 16-25 août 1977.
Climatic Change and European Agriculture, workshop organisé par le Center for European Agriculture Studies, Wye College, 19-21 October 1977. (invited).
Carbon dioxide, Climate and Society. Symposium organized by International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and World Meteorological Organization. Laxenburg 21-24 février 1978. (invited).
7th Meeting of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Bandol, April 1978. (Belgian delegate).
Tenth International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics : "Weather and Sea State Predictions". Mécanique des Fluides Géophysiques, Université de Liège, 8-12 May 1978.
8th Meeting of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment Methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Toronto, August 1978 (Belgian delegate).
L'Industrie Pétrolière et la Protection de la Qualité de l'Air. Colloque organisé par la Fédération Pétrolière. 8 décembre 1978. Bruxelles (invited).
World Climate Conference, organisée par l'Organisation Météorologique Mondiale, 12-16 février 1979. Génève (Belgian delegate).
9th Meeting of the Working Group and Expert panels on Assessment Methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study. Firenze, 21-23 March 1979. (Belgian delegate).
Rayonnements Atmosphériques et Télédétection. Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, Université des Sciences et des Techniques de Lille, UER de Physique Fondamentale, 28-29 mars 1979.
Air-Sea Interactions Panel, NATO Special Programme of the Science Committee. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass. (USA), 25-27 May 1979. (expert, Belgian delegate).
Meeting for the Follow-up of the Working Group and Expert Panels on Assessment Methodology and Modelling, NATO/CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Study, Roma, 22 October 1979. (expert, Belgian delegate).
Air-Sea Interaction Panel, NATO Special Programme of the Science Committee. Brussels, NATO Headquarters, 29-30 October 1979 (Belgian delegate).
Aspects of Chemical Evolution. The 1980 Solvay Conference in Chemistry on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Independence of Belgium. Jointly sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and The Solvay Institutes. Washington D.C., April 23-24, 1980. (invited participant).
NATO-CCMS Air Pollution Pilot Studies. Assessment Methodology and Modeling Follow-up reports. New Air Pollution Pilot Study : Air Quality Management Strategies and Impact Modeling. Lindau, 9-12 April 1980. (Belgian delegate).
1st Meeting of Working Group 5 "Transport and Modelling" COST 61a bis, Physico-Chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, Commission of the European Communities. The Hague, 16-17 June 1980. (expert member, Belgian delegate).
Second Meeting of Working Group 5 "Transport and Modelling" COST 61a bis, Commission of the European Communities. Amsterdam, 27 November 1980. (expert member, Belgian delegate).
11th NATO-CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications. Amsterdam 24-27 November 1980. (Chairman Programme Advisory Committee, session Chairman).
Pollution de l'Air par une usine métallurgique : une étude systématique, Services de la Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. Bruxelles, March 1981. (expert invité).
12th. NATO-CCMS Air Quality Management Strategies and Impact Modelling. Panel 2 Air Quality Modelling. Menlo Park, Cal. USA, 24 August 1981 (Belgian expert).
Societa Italiana di Fisica, Sezione 5 Geofisica, Pisa, 8-12 October 1981. (invited participant).
International Symposium on "Advances in the Theory of Climate", Academia das Ciencas de Lisboa, Commemoration of the 200th. Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, 12-14 October 1981.
CCE Contact Group : "Anthropogenic Climate Perturbations", Brussels 26-27 October 1981 (invited expert).
CCE Contact Group : "Reconstitution of Past Climates", Brussels, 3 December 1981 (invited expert).
Commission of the European Communities - Contact Group of the CEC Climate Program. Climate Models, 11 May 1982. (invited expert).
European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, Leeds, Aug. 23-27, 1982.
2nd Erice International School of Climatology, Member Scientific Organizing Committee, 16-26 July 1982.
JSC WMO-ICSU Conference on Physical Basis of Climate Prediction at the seasonal, annual, decadal scales, Leningrad 13-17 Sept. 1982, (WMO invited expert).
Symposium on Interactions between Climate and Biosphere, organised by University of Osnabrück and European Communities, Osnabrück, March 21-23, 1983. (Chairman and Member of Panel General Discussion).
General Assembly of IUGG, Hamburg (RFA), 16-29 août 1983 and Symposia by IAMAP, IAPSO, (Belgian delegate).
Royal Astronomical Society Discussion Meetings in Association with the University of Sussex to Celebrate the 80th Birthday of Professor W.H. McCrea, F.R.S., London, 13-14 décembre 1984 (Guest of Honour).
15th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Applications, Washington University, St Louis Miss., 15-19 avril 1985, Chairman of Steering - Programme Committee, Chairman of Session 1.
Gaz Naturel et Environnement. Bruxelles, 23 avril 1985.
Programme National Etude Dynamique du Climat - France. Colloque d'Evaluation, Meudon, 16-18 septembre 1985 (Président de la Session Paléoclimatologie).
Assessment of the Role of Carbon Dioxide and Other radiatively Active Constituents in Climate Variations and Associated Impacts. WMO/SCOPE/UNEP, Villach, Austria, 9-15 octobre 1985 (Expert of Working Group III Impact of the Physical Environment).
Paleoclimatology Panel. Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean (IOC/SCOR-UNESCO), Villefranche sur Mer, 23-25 octobre 1985 (invited member).
ISLSCP Conference on Parametrization of Land-Surface Characteristics and Use of Satellite Data on Climate Studies. Workshop on European Climate/Land-Surface Studies with inclusion of remote-sensing methods. COSPAR-IAMAP-UNEP-WMO, Roma 2-6 December 1985 (expert invited by CEC/Climate Program).
Physically Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Modelling. NATO/ASI Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture. Erice 11-24 May 1986 (co-director).
11th General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Kiel 23-30 August 1986 (Vice-President Section 2).
CO2 and Other Greenhouse Gases : Climatic and Associated Impacts, Brussels 3-5 November 1986 (Rapporteur session on Expected Climate Impacts, invité).
AGU Fall Meeting. Symposia : Climate Variations : Tribute to J. Murray Mitchell, Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate, Climate Variability, San Francisco 8-12 December 1986.
EGS XIIth General Assembly, Strasbourg 9-14 avril 1987. 8 symposia, réunion Bureau et Conseil, vice-président section 2.
XII INQUA Internatinal Congress, Ottawa 31 July - 9 August 1987. President of Paleoclimate Commission C13.
XIX General Assembly of IUGG, Vancouver 9-22 August 1987. Union Symposium 15 on Contributions of Geophysics to Climate Change Studies (convenor with R. Dickinson and J. Kidson). President of ICCL.
Exploratory meeting on Paleoclimatology. European Science Foundation, Strasbourg 25-26 June 1987 (délégué belge du FNRS).
Bureau Européen pour l'Environnement. Energy and Climate Change : What can Western Europe do ? Bruxelles, Juin 1988.
Commémoration du trentième Anniversaire du Programme Scientifique de l'OTAN. Bruxelles, 17 février 1989 (invité).
Post Symposium excursion Royal Cordillera of the Eastern Andies (Bolivia). IGCP-UNESCO 281 "Climas Quaternarios de América del Sur", Bolivia, 13-23 mai 1989. (invited participant).
International Conference "Conservation of Tropical Rainforest", Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels, 17-18 novembre 1989.(invited participant).
Supercomputers in Climatology-Meteorology and Fluid Dynamics. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 21-23 mai 1990. (co-chairman with M. Crochet).
Tech Day Symposium on "Global Warming: Are Current Predictions Reliable". Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Centenary Celebration, MIT. 7-9 juin 1990, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
UGGI XXth General Assembly. Vienna, 11-24 août 1991.
Paleoclimatic EPOCH Program. Global Changes over the last 30 000 years. Durbuy, 20-23 mai 1992. (local organizer).
Colloque d'Evaluation du PNEDC. Villefranche sur Mer, France, 24-26 novembre 1992. (expert invité).
Evolution du climat planétaire. Impact des Activités Humaines sur l'Environnement Global, le point des connaissances scientifiques et des recherches. Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie, Paris, 14 décembre 1992. (rapporteur invité).
Workshop on PEP III, a Pole-Equator-Pole project from Northern Europe to South Africa, PAGES, Berne, 13-14 décembre 1993. (invited participant)
NATO ARW on Clouds. P. Crutzen and V. Ramanathan (directors), Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, RFG, 21-26 mars 1994. (member of organizing committee).
European Space Science Committee. 8th meeting CNR, Roma, 17-18 février 1994. (invited guest).
Joint PAGES/CLIVAR meeting, A paleoclimatic perspective on climate variability and predictability, J.Cl. Duplessy and J. Overpeck, chairmen, Venice, 16-20 novembre 1994. (invited expert).
Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and Hydrology, Bruxelles, 22-24 mai 1996.
Annual Scientific Meerting Academia Europaea. Mediterranean Challenges: Ecological and Climatic Aspects, A. Berger and J. Albaiges (chairmen), Barcelona, 28 juin 1996.
Symposium during XXII General Assembly European Geophysical Society. Climate Variability : observations and modelling. Vienne, 21-25 avril 1997.
Conférence sur le Programme Mondial de Recherche sur le Climat ; Avantages, réalisations et défits, Genève, 26-28 août 1997.
Internationaal Symposium, Climate Impact Research, Why, How and When. Berlin, Brandenburg Academies of Sciences and Humanities, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle, Berlin, 28-29 octobre 1997. (invited participant).
CLIVAR – workhop, Klimaat Commissie, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 11 décembre 1997. (invited participant).
MIT Global Change Forum XIII. MIT and Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chathan House, London, 14-16 juin 1998.
IAU Colloquium n° 172, Namur, FNDP, 6-11 juillet 1998. The impact of modern dynamics in astronomy. (membre du Comité organisateur local).
European Climate Science Conference, Vienne, 19-23 octobre 1998. (chairperson of Clouds, aerosols and polar processes).
The Royal Society, Londres, 9-10 décembre 1998. Astronomical calibration of the geological timescale. (chairman of session III).
Palais des Académies, Bruxelles, 16-18 avril 1999. International symposium « Reflections on XXth Century Sciences.
Palais des Congrès, Bruxelles, 24-25 novembre 1999. Symposium Développement Durable. A la recherche d’un dialogue durable entre science et politique. Président de la session « Incertitude de la recherche et principe de précaution lié à la prise de décision. Une étude de cas : la problématique du climat ».
Research at the Undersea Research Centre, Saclant. Visit of Rear Admiral M. Verhulst, Chief of Naval Staff, Belgian Navy and the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Navy, Saclant, La Spezia, Italie, 20 mars 2000.
Université de Liège, 11 mai 2000. Cinquante ans d’activités de l’Université de Liège. Observations atmosphériques en appui au développement durable dans les Alpes Suisses.
IUGG XXIIIth General Assembly, Sapporo Japan, 30 June-7 July 2003.
EC Global Change Research: International Partnership, Brussels, 6-7 May 2004. (invited participant)
Paleoclimate: reducing the uncertainties, Utrecht University, 6-9 juillet 2004. Member of the Scientific Committee.
Stanford University, Celebrating Stephen H. Schneider's professional contributions and 60th birthday, 10-12 février 2005. Whole Earth systems. Integrating environmental science, technology and policy. Chair of first session.
Visite d'Etat de Leurs Majestés le Roi et la Reine des Belges en R.P. Chine, 4-11 juin 2005. (un des 14 scientifiques invités).
PIGS Workshop. Intra interglacial climate variability, Lisbon, 24-27 juillet 2009.
Académie des Sciences de Paris, 20 septembre 2010. Débat scientifique sur le climat.
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
30 August-3 September 2011. Field work in the Loess Plateau (Xian, Luochuan-Loess-soil sequences of the last 2.6 Myr, Tianshui, Qin'an-Miocene Loess-soil sequences, Lanzhou).
4-10 september 2011. Field work in the N-W deserts of China and the origin of the loess (Badain Jaran desert-tall stationary dunes, underground water sources from snowmelt flowing through fractured rocks from mountains hundred kilometres away, Zhangye Danxia landscape-Hexi corridor, Qilian Mountains, Linze Danxia, Bing Gou Danxia-, Yadan National Geological Park in the Gobi desert-eccentric landforms, low lying terrain, strong magnetism)
Académie Royale de Belgique, 4 octobre 2011. Exploring knowledge gaps along the global carbon route: a hitchiker's guide for a boundless cycle. Global Carbon project, AIMES, IGBP.
10th Anniversary of the International Polar Foundation. Bruxelles
18 April-7 May 2013. Field work in the western USA deserts to compare them with the Chinese deserts and loess formation. The work is related to the monsoon of MIS-13 as revealed by the loess in the N-W Chinese deserts. To better understand the transfert function from loess to monsoon, we compare the deserts of China to the deserts of USA which are the same latitudes but not placed underthe influence of monsoon, although in many places the term monsoon is used for designating the summer precipitation over some deserts of western USA. In the Mesa Verde region, they even speak about soils formed from dust originating from the neighbourhood desert and about loess, similarly to the loess plateau in NW China.
Palaeoecology, the past as the key for the future, symposium and Afscheidscollege The Tropen in een ijsteijd. 31 January 2014, Faculkteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde and Informatica, Universiteit vab Amsterdam, Science Park, Amsterdam
50th Anniversary of the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy. Palace of the Royal Belgian Academy, 25 November 2015.
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