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The Earth's Climate and Variability of the Sun over Recent Millenia : Geo­physical, Astronomical and Archaeological Aspects. J.C. Pecker and S.K. Runcorn (Eds), Royal Society, London, 15-16 February 1989. Evo­lutive spectral analysis of sunspot data over the last 300 years. (invited lecture).

3d Pugwash workshop, Science, The Media and World Affairs, 17-19 February 1989. Greenhouse Effect, The Media and Society (invited communica­tion).
NFWO-FNRS/CQS-Paleoclimatology, Meeting on Loess in China and Climate Mode­ling, VUB, Bruxelles, 23 février 1989. Model­ling the last Glacial-In­terglacial Cycle. (Organizer and lecturer).
NATO ASI on Geohydrologic Management of Sea Level and Drought Mitigation. R. Paepe and R. Fairbridge (Eds), Fuerteven­tura, 1-7 March 1989. Ice Sheets and Sea level change as a response to climatic change at the astronomical time scale. (invited lecturer)
14th EGS General Assembly. Open Session in Meteorology and Climatology. E. Kællen (chairman). Barcelona, 13-17 March 1989. Transient responses of the climate system to the astronomical forcing and to a double equivalent CO2 expe­riment. (lecturer)
European Union of Geosciences. Milankovitch Cyclicity in the Pre-Pleisto­cene Stratigraphic Record. D.G. Smith, A. Berger, P.L. de Boer (convenors), Strasbourg, 20-23 March 1989. Orbital frequencies in pre-Quaternary times. (co-convenor)
European Union of Geosciences. The Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle. J. Mangerud, J.L. de Beaulieu, Ch. Schlüchter (convenors), Strasbourg, 20-23 March 1989. Astronomical forcing of the last glacial-intergla­cial cycle. (lecturer)
International Symposium on Global Changes in South America During the Qua­ternary : Past - Present - Future. Sao Paulo (Brazil), 8-12 May 1989. Astronomical forcing of Quater­nary climates, a problem of global changes. (invited lec­ture)
Climatic Changes - Les Changements Climatiques - De Klimaats­verandering, scientific Seminar organised by the State Secretary of Environment, on the occasion of the UNEP World Environment Day 5 June 1989, Brussels. Modeling the impacts on climate of future in­crease in greenhouse gases, A. Berger, Ch. Tricot, Th. Fichefet, J.P. van Ypersele de Strihou (lecturer, chairman and rapporteur to his Majesty Baudouin I, King of the Belgians).
La Planète Terre. Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technolo­gie, Paris, 12-13 juin 1989. Où en est le réchauffement dû à l'effet de serre ? (Expert invité et rapporteur du col­loque auprès de Monsieur François Mitterrand, Président de la République Française).
The Late Cenozoic Ice Age. Royal Society of Edinburgh, 3-5 July 1989. In­teractions between different parts of the climate system simulated by a coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model over the last glacial-in­terglacial cycle, A. Berger, Th. Fichefet, H. Gallée, I. Marsiat, C. Tricot, J.P. van Ypersele de Strihou (invited lecturer, member of the scientific organizing committee).
XXVIIe Congrès pluraliste des Sciences, Bruxelles (ULB), 28-30 août 1989. L'effet de Serre : Mythe ou Réalité (conférence inaugurale).
International Conference on Paleo-oceanography, Cambridge, 10-16 September 1989. A new astronomical solution for the Neogene climate, A. Berger, M.F. Loutre (invited speaker).
Induced Critical Conditions in the Atmosphere. Europhysics Study Confe­rence, Institute for Scientific Interchange, Torino, 27-30 September 1989. Transient response of the climate system to the greenhouse gases forcing over the 21st century (invited lecture).
Energie et Environnement; colloque international parrainé par Agence Fran­çaise pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie, Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique, Commission des Communautés Européennes, Paris, 30-31 octobre 1989. La réponse transitoire du système clima­tique à l'augmentation de la concentration des gaz à effet de serre (invited conference) (avec Fichefet Th., Tricot Ch.).
International Workshop on Future Climate Change and Radioactive Waste Dis­posal. University of East Anglia, Climatic Research Unit, 1-3 Novem­ber 1989. Modeling the Milankovitch cycles of climatic change and the accuracy of the astronomical forcing. (invited lecture, rapporteur) (avec Fichefet Th., Gallée H., Loutre M.F., Marsiat I., Mélice J.L., Tricot Ch., van Ypersele de Strihou J.P.).
I.P.C.C. Working Group 1 Paleo-Analogs Forecasting. Bath, 20-21 November 1989. Astronomical forcing and response of the climate system to CO2 and astronomical forcings. (invited contribution).
International Conference on Europe and the Future of Antarc­tica, Vrije Uni­versiteit Brussels, 24-25 November 1989. Greenhouse gases and climate of the XXIst Century. (invi­ted conference) (avec Fichefet Th., Tricot Ch.).
Journées de Conférences-Débats sur "Réactions des Etres Vivants aux Change­ments de l'Environnement", Paris 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1989. Le forçage solaire. (conférence invitée).
Journée de la Science et de la Paix sur "Sécurité de l'Homme et Construc­tion de l'Europe". Institut de la Vie, Bruxelles, 2 décembre 1989. Développement et santé de la Planète. (exposé invité).
Colloque Environnement Justice et Paix. Commission Justice et Paix, Bruxelles, 12-13 Dec. 1989. La destruction des forêts et les consé­quences sur l'environnement. (communi­cation invitée).


Remote Sensing Techniques and Global Change Research, Vrij Uni­versiteit Brussel, 30-31 mars 1990. Astronomical Cycles in Quaternary Climatic Data. (communication invitée).

Journées Européennes de Coométologie organisées dans le cadre du Programme COMETT de la C.E.E, par l'Université Libre de Bruxelles en collabora­tion avec la S.A. L'Oréal Belgilux à Bruxelles, Copenhague, 8-9 mai 1990. Le "greenhouse effect". (Conférence invitée).
L'Homme et la Sécurité au seuil du 21e siècle. Symposium internatio­nal organisé à l'occasion du Centenaire de l'Association des Industries de Belgique, Bruxelles, 30 mai 1990. Notre Climat en Mutation. (Com­munication sur invitation).
Planning Workshop on Global Environmental Change, Il Ciocco, Italy, 31 May - 2 June 1990. Earth system and astronomical climate modeling. (invited paper).
Climate Systems on Orbital Time Scales: How does the Milanko­vitch Mechanism Work? A Symposium to honor John Imbrie, Doherty Professor of Oceanography. Brown University, Pro­vidence, 11-12 June 1990. Response of a 2-D climate system to Milankovitch forcing. (invited presentation).
Climate Systems on Orbital Time Scales: How does the Milanko­vitch Mechanism Work? A Symposium to honor John Imbrie, Doherty Professor of Oceanography. Brown University, Pro­vidence, 11-12 June 1990. A new astronomical value of the Late Caïnozoic insolations. (invited poster presentation).
Réunion Société Géologique de France sur Variabilités Clima­tiques à Différentes Echelles de Temps. Relation Conti­nent-Océan. Paris, 8 octobre 1990. Forçage astronomique des dernier et prochain cycles glaciaire-interglaciaire. (Communication d'ouverture invitée).
Les Dilemnes du Réchauffement de la Terre. Institut de la Vie, Deauville, 12-16 novembre 1990. Climate of the next inter­glacial-glacial cycle and the greenhouse warming of the 21st century. (invited speaker).
Colloque en l'honneur du Professeur Louis Lliboutry. Université Joseph Fourier - CNRS, Grenoble, 23 novembre 1990. Les dernier et prochain cycles glaciaire-interglaciaire. (com­munication invitée).
Climate Change - Late Neogene Time Series and Models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3-7 décembre 1990. New astronomical values for the Late Cenozoic insolations. (invited lecture).


Global Climate Change and Its Implications. Ditchley Foundations Conference, 11-13 Janvier 1991. Greenhouse Effect, the science of climate. (invited expert).

Colloque sur le Changement de Climat et la Protection de la Couche d'Ozone, destiné aux pays francophones. PNUE et AFME, Vabonne, Sophia Antipolis, 21-25 janvier 1991. Le Siècle de l'Effet de Serre : Mythe ou Réalité ? (invité).
Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sedimentary Sequences. Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 22-23 février 1991. Astronomical forcing through geological time. (invited lecturer) (with M.F. Loutre).
NATO ARW Correlating Records of the Past (G. Kukla, director), Mallorca, 4-9 April 1991. Simulating the last 330,000 years. (invited participant, NATO representative, member of organizing committee).
The Earth's Environment, an Assessment from Space. European Association for the International Space Year. Venice, 10-11 April 1991. Natural factors and/or human effects on climate. (invited lecture).
Quantitative Reconstruction of Changes in Climate and Ocean Circulation. Data and Models (L. Labeyrie and K. Maier-Raimer, chairmen). European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, Wiesbaden, 22-26 April 1991. The next glacial cycle. (invited lecture).
NATO ARW on Paleoclimate Modeling (J. Jouzel, director), Saclay, 27-31 May 1991. Using a two dimensional coupled climate-ice-sheet model to simulate the last glacial-interglacial cycle. (with Th. Fichefet) (chairman of ses­sion on Atmosphere).
XXII Congress UNIPEDE - Electricity Generation - How will elec­tricity be generated in the future (2000-2020) ? Copen­hague, 11 June 1991. Round Table. Energy and future cli­mate. (invited discussant).
Agriculture-Environnement-Biomasse-Biocarburant. Premières Assises, Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Environnement et du Logement. Région Wallonne, Louvain-la-Neuve, 14 juin 1991. Effet de serre et biocarburants. (conférencier invité).
Climate of the Last 30,000 Years. Workshop, Climate Program of the European Communities EPOCH, University of Bristol, Bristol, 24-27 September 1991. Modeling the last glacial-interglacial cycle with a 2-D coupled climate-ice sheets model; the relative importance of the astronomical, CO2 and water vapor forcings.
International Conference on Desert Landscapes, International Geological Correlation Programme Project 252, Past and Future Evolution of Deserts. University of Western Austra­lia, Perth, 7-14 October 1991. Modeling the last glacial-interglacial cycle with a 2-D coupled climate ice-sheets model. (invited lecturer).
First Demetra Meeting on Global Change, Chianciano Terme, 28-31 October 1991. Astronomical insolation and climate at the 100-year time scale. (invited discussant).
Dahlem Conference on Global Changes in the Perspective of the Past. Berlin 8-13 December 1991. Feedback mechanisms in the LLN model in response to the Milankovitch forcing. (invited participant).
Global Change - Klimaatveranderingen - Broeikaseffect Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Mol, 19 December 1991. Modeling the climate of the 21st Century. (invited lecture).
Global Change - Klimaatveranderingen - Broeikaseffect Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Mol, 19 December 1991. Het internationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek: leemten in de wetenschappelijke kennis. The IGBP. (invited lecture) (avec O. Vanderborght).


Parce Qu'on a qu'une Terre. Electrabel, Charleroi, 4 June 1992. Le Climat de la Terre, un passé pour notre avenir.

Aspects Géologiques de Global Change. Symposium of the Swiss Geological Society, Berne, 30 September 1992. Orbital cycles and climatic change. (Keynote lecture).
The 2.5-D LLN climate model for the last 40,000 years. EC-EPOCH Seminar on Global Change of the last 30,000 years, Trins, 16-20 December 1992. (invited lecture). (avec H. Gallée, M.F. Loutre).


The response of the LLN model to the astronomical and CO2 forcings over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Presented by Cl. Lorius at SAC III Third Scientific Advisory Council for the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme, 25-29 January 1993, Mexico. (avec H. Gallée, M.F. Loutre, Ch. Tricot).

Earth Processes in Global Change, Climate of the Past (CLIP) Project (UNESCO-IUGS). First meeting, Durban, South Africa, 9-16 January 93.(invited lecturer).
Palaeoclimates and their Modelling with special reference to the Mesozoic Era. Royal Society London, 24-25 February 1993. Modelling palaeoclimates over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. (invited lecture).
Detection of Climatic Change and significance at all time scales. 18th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, 3-7 May 1993. The climate of the last 200,000 years simulated with the LLN model. (invited lecture).
European Union of Geoscience, Strasbourg, April 1993. Modelling the last ice-age cycle with 2D climate models. (avec K. Herterich).
Colloque on Global Change. Services de Programmation de la Politique Scientifique, Bruxelles, 17-18 May 1993. Modélisation du système climatique et de sa réponse aux activités humaines. (avec E. Deleersnijder).
Forum Biomasse. Belgian Biomass Association, Bruxelles, 18 May 1993. L'Effet de Serre. (invited speaker).
PAGES - Late Quaternary Paleoclimates in the Americas: Dynamics of Past Climatic Change and its forcing along a transect from pole to pole, Panama, May 1993. More about insolation (with M.F. Loutre). (invited paper).
La Production thermique et l'environnement. UNIPEDE-AIE Conference, Session I Electricity and Global Warming, Hamburg, 1 September 1993. Energie et Climat au 3ième millénaire. (invited roundtable discussant on Uncertainties and Politics).
Final Workshop EPOC-0004 Global Change over the last 30,000 years. Loursmarin, 4-7 September 1993. Modeling global changes over the last 30,000 years. (avec A. Dutrieux, T. Fichefet, H. Gallée, S. Hovine, M.F. Loutre, I. Marsiat, Ch. Tricot).
Sommet Européen de la Science. Science, Technologie et Société en Europe. Parlement Européen, Bruxelles, 14-15 October 1993. Global Climatic and Environmental Changes in the 3d Millenium. European Research in a World Context. (communication invitée).


PAGES-PEP Europe-Africa, Bern, January 1994. Milankovitch from North to South. (with M.F. Loutre). (invited paper).

Global Change Meeting FNRS-SPPS-PAGES, Paleoclimate - its records, Louvain-la-Neuve, 31 January 1994. Simulating the last glacial-interglacial cycles. (avec H. Gallée, M.F. Loutre). (invited lecturer).
Géoprospective, Paris, 18-19 April 1994. Le climat des 100.000 prochaines années. (communication invitée).
XIXième Assemblée générale de la Société Européenne de Géophysique, Grenoble, 25 avril 1994. Le Climat de la Terre, un passé pour quel avenir ? (Leçon inaugurale).
Symposium on IGBP Core Projects and the Belgian IGBP - related research, Bruxelles, 12-13 October 1994. An overview of the Belgian research efforts in paleoclimatology. (invited speaker).
Organization Lines within Complexity, Firenze, 10-13 December 1994. The complexity of climate and climatic variations. (invited paper).


International symposium on Biogeochemical Cycle and Global Change, Hamburg, 15-18 January 1995. Long-term evolution of past and future climates. (invited lecture).

85th Annual Meeting Geologische Vereinigung e.v., Bremen, 22-25 February 1995. Response of the LLN climate model to orbital forcing and CO2 variations. (avec Li X. and M.F. Loutre). (Keynote lecture).
European Geophysical Society, Hamburg, April 1995. The paleoclimate simulation of dust with the LLN 2-D climate model. (avec T. Halenka, Loutre M.F.).
European Geophysical Society, EGS1 symposium on "Geophysical Evidence of the Past and Present Climate Change", Hamburg, 3 April 1995. Long term variation in insolation and their effets on climate. (avec Loutre M.F. and X.S. Li). (invited paper).
Colloque scientifique international "La Méditerranée : Variabilités Climatiques, Environnement et Biodiversité", OKEANOS, Montpellier, 6-7 April 1995. Le Passé, Clef de l'Avenir. (Conférence d'ouverture en tant que Co-Président).
XIV International INQUA Congress, International Union for Quaternary Research, Berlin, 3-10 August 1995.

Symposium on "Milankovitch and Quaternary Climate History":

Astronomical theory of paleoclimates (with Loutre M.F.);

Climate of the next 200,000 years (with Loutre M.F.);

Symposium on "Magnetism of Quaternary Sediments"

Symposium on "Pleistocene Loess and Paleoclimate"

Loess, deep-sea sediment ... (with Li X.S., Loutre M.F.)

(Convenor of one symposium; Co-Convenor of 3 symposia).

International Conference on Past, Present and Future Climate, Helsinki, 22-25 August 1995. Transient response of the LLN model over the last 200 kyr and next 100 kyr. (with Loutre M.F. and X. Li). (invited lecture).
Crafoord Days 1995. Symposia on "Orbital forcing as a cause of climate change during the Quaternary period ?", Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 27 September 95 and University of Lund, 29 September 95. Astronomical forcing and the transient response of the Louvain-la-Neuve model over the last and next glacial-interglacial cycles. (with M.F. Loutre and H. Gallée). (invited lectures).
Conference on The Contribution of Science and Technology to the Development of Human Society, Section A.3. Reasonable Exploitation of Earth's resources, sustainability. COST, Basel, 9-11 October 1995. The Physical Environment. (with J.Cl. Duplessy). (invited lectures).
Closing Workshop of the NATO Programme on the Science of Global Environmental Change, Carcasonne, 10-18 November 1995. Global Environmental Change of the Past. (background paper).
Environnement et Datation dans le Quaternaire. Méthodes et Résultats, Han-sur-Lesse, novembre 1995. Datation astronomique du Quaternaire. (avec M.F. Loutre). (conférence invitée).


Tendances Nouvelles en Modélisation pour l’Environnement, Journées du Programme Environnement, Vie et Sociétés, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, 15-17 janvier 1996. Modeling the last and next glacial-interglacial cycles. (communication séance plénière invitée).

North-South Climatic Connection and carbon cycle over the last 250 kyr. European Climate Programme, Col-de-Porte, Grenoble, 4-6 février 1996. Response of the 2-D LLN model to the insolation and CO2 forcing. (avec M.F. Loutre).
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the International Meteorological Institute, Stockholm, 9-10 avril 1996. Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect. (invited paper).
Développement durable, les chaînons manquants entre politique et mise en oeuvre économique : une approche transatlantique. Cercle économique de la Fondation Roi Baudouin, Ambassade E.U.A. en Belgique, Département d'Ecologie Humaine de la Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 4 octobre 1996, Bruxelles. Les changements climatiques et le développement durable. (conférence invitée).


Geological Society of Norway, Annual General Assembly, Bergen, 9-11 janvier 1997. Astronomical theory of paleoclimates: modeling the last and next glacial-interglacial cycles. (invited opening lecture).

Congrès international francophone ATEC, Versailles, 28-30 janvier 1997. Le climat à l'aube du 3e millénaire. (conférence invitée de la séance d'ouverture).
AllChemE Conference, Conseil Européen de l'Industrie Chimique, Bruxelles, 24 avril 1997. The greenhouse effect and human activities.
Belgian Nuclear Society, Annual Conference. Worldwide Energy Perspective and Role of Nuclear Energy, 2-3 juin 1997. The Science of Climate Change (invited lecture).
Pollutec Industrie 97, L’industriel devra-t-il contribuer à la lutte contre l’effet de serre ?, Paris, 2 octobre 1997. Position du problème de l’effet de serre : certitudes et incertitudes scientifiques. (invited lecture).


6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisboa, Portugal, 23-28 août 1998. CO2 contribution to the onset of the late Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation from the modeling experiments. (invited lecture).

6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisboa, Portugal, 23-28 août 1998. Details of Tertiary Global Cooling: is atmospheric CO2 still the major cause ? (invited lecture).

Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Working group on Geosphere - Biosphere Interactions and Climate, Vatican, Italy, 9-13 novembre 1998. The role of CO2 and of the geosphere-biosphere interactions during the Milankovitch - forced glacial-interglacial cycles. (invited lecturer and chairman of Session on Modeling).


European Geophysical Society, XXIV general Assembly, Den Haag, 19-23 avril 1999. Studies of Past Climates. Climatic imapct of Milankovitch forcing at various time scales. Modelling the response of the climate system to the astronomical forcing over 3 million years. (solicited paper). (avec Loutre M.F. et X.S. Li)

4e Symposium de Palynologie Africaine. Association Internationale de Palynologie africaine, Sousse, Tunisie, avril 1999. Modeling the response of the climate system to the astronomical forcing during the Quaternary. (invited opening lecture)

EURESCO on Paleoclimate Modelling and Analysis, Albufeira, 21-26 mai 1999. The eemian : an analogue for the present interglacial ? (poster) (avec M.F. Loutre)

Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity. Potsdam Institute for Climat Impact Research, 15-16 juin 1999. A glimpse of the Louvain Earth Models for intermediate complexity. (invited lecture) (avec C. Bertrand, M. Crucifix, T. Fichefet, X.S. Li, M.F. Loutre, Ph. Tulkens)

IUGG General Assembly 1999, Symposium on Atmospheric Synergisms and their Numerical Separation (IAMAS, P. Alpert, convener), Birmingham, 20 juillet 1999. Sea-level, vegetation and their synergism in the response of the LLN climate model to orbital forcing over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. (invited lecture + panel discussion) (avec A. Dutrieux, M.F. Loutre).

IUGG General Assembly 1999, Symposium on The Use of coupled models for paleoclimate studies (ICCL-IAMAS, de Noblet N., convener), Birmingham, 28 juillet 1999. The role of sea-level and vegetation in the astronomical theory of paleoclimates. (avec A. Dutrieux, M.F. Loutre).

IUGG General Assembly 1999, Symposium on « Long and Short Term Variability in Sun’s History and Global Change » (IAG, Schröder W., convener), Birmingham, 23 juillet 1999. (invited lecture) (avec M.F. Loutre et X.S. Li).

European Research Conferences, European Science Foundation, Polar Region and Quaternary Climate. Giens, 17-22 septembre 1999. What climatic changes are controlled or triggered by orbital parameters ? (invited speaker).

The Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Developing Countries Facing Global Warming, Kyoto 1997 and Beyond, Brussels, 29 novembre 1999. Global warming : Anthropogenic ? (invited lecture).

AGU Fall Meeting, Session on Earth System Integration and Modeling, San Francisco, 13-17 décembre 1999. Past and Future climate at the Astronomical Time Scale simulated by the LLN 2.5-D model. (avec M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix, P. Tulkens, H. Gallée, X. Li) (invited lecture).

AGU Fall Meeting, Session on Marine Isotopic Stage 11 : an extreme interglacial ?, San Francisco, 13-17 décembre 1999. Climate 400 kyr ago, a key to the future. (avec M.F. Loutre) (invited lecture).


4e Journée de Paleocéanographie, Lille, 10-11 mai 2000. Un modèle de l’atmosphère, de l’océan et de la biosphère conçu pour l’étude des climats anciens. (avec M. Crucifix, J.M. Campin, A. Berger, F. Joos).

International Conference on Past Global Changes, Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Climatic Variations, Praha, Czech rep., 6-9 septembre 2000. Biogeochemical and physical impacts of a fresh water discharge in the North Atlantic Ocean. (avec M. Crucifix, F. Joos et A.Berger).

European Geophysical Society, General Assembly, Nice, 2000. Impact of induced ocean circulation changes on biogeochemical tracers investigated with a 2.5-D numerical model of the global climate system. (Abstract – Poster) (avec M. Crucifix, F. Joos, A. berger, M.F..Loutre, Ph. Tulkens).

12th Academia Europaea Annual Meeting, Prague, 15-17 juin 2000. Symposium on : Concepts of Time. Climate, an astronomical clock for the geological time scale. (avec A. berger, M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix) (invited lecture)

Les changements climatiques et leurs incidences sur le milieu montagnard. Charmonix, Mont-Blanc, 29-30 juin 2000. Les leçons du passé, un exemple pour l’avenir (avec A. Berger, M.F. Loutre). (communication sur invitation)

Euroconference on The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate. Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, Spain, 25-30 septembre 2000. CO2 and astronomical forcings of the late Quaternary. (avec A. Berger, M.F. Loutre) (invited speaker)

Institut supérieur industriel de Bruxelles. Colloque « Energie et Développement Durable », Bruxelles, 11-12 octobre 2000. Contraintes pour une stabilisation climatique. (conférence d’ouverture du colloque)

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