would be implemented. The following is a discussion of these
ethical issues and their
Use of participants’ time – The respondents may have had some concerns on the time
that they would spend filling the online questionnaire. This was fully understood as they
would be breaking away from their activities and putting efforts into completing the 20-30
minute questionnaire. To avoid
upsetting the respondents, they were informed, at the
sampling stage, the duration that the questionnaire would take and that they were free to opt
out at any time. The participants were also informed beforehand that there would be no
rewards given other than an honest vote of thanks.
Identity of the participants – Since the respondents would
receive the questionnaire
form through their emails and fill it on their browsers, there were
ethical considerations on
whether the form would collect their personal information or store cookies in their browsers.
To mitigate this, the questionnaire was configured not to collect the details of the persons that
filled them. Participants were also informed that the form would temporarily store cookies as
they filled the forms by Google. They were also informed that it was a standard practice for
all Google services and this cookie data was not to be used by
or for the purposes of the
Intellectual property – There were concerns that some of the participants would claim
the data they gave during the research as their intellectual property.
To mitigate this, the form
had a disclaimer that informed the respondents that their contributions were merely for
observation of trends and individual contributions would not be published. Also, the
respondents were not asked to contribute solutions to the problem
that was being researched,
something that closed the avenues for intellectual property claims.