Daniel Prophet and Man of God

The Fulfillment (4:28-33)

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The Fulfillment

Note the difference here and what is described in Daniel 2. In chapter 2, after Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar his dream and its interpretation, the king honored and promoted Daniel. Here we find no expression of appreciation from the king, nor a promotion or advancement of Daniel. From the silence of the text, the king only politely thanked Daniel at best, choosing not to take his interpretation seriously. The dream itself seems to have had no great impact on the king’s attitude or actions.

An entire year passes in silence. Twelve months later, the warning of this dream seems entirely forgotten. The king, in his palace enjoying the fruits of his power and prosperity, looks about him and sees only the splendor of the works of his own hands. It seems to be only in his own reasonings that the king reveled in the glory of this kingdom as the result of his greatness:

‘Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?’ (verse 30).

The thought had no more than passed through his mind when the announcement of the commencement of his humiliation came to the king. His sovereignty was to be removed. His sanity was to be taken away. He who thought himself better than other men was now to be considered unworthy to dwell among men. Henceforth, he would dwell among the cattle, eating grass like the beast of the field. This would take place for seven years, until that time when the king recognized the sovereignty of God over men and kings and kingdoms, and his sanity returned.

Immediately, the pronouncement was fulfilled. In one brief verse, the king’s humiliation is described, showing that the dream and its interpretation were precisely fulfilled. Daniel summarizes in one verse what our morbid curiosity would have taken chapters to describe. There is never edification in muddling in man’s sin and depravity. How high this king had come in power and glory; how low he fell in humiliation and dishonor.

He became the least in his entire kingdom for 7 years. This psychological disease is known as boanthropy or lychoanthropy , which is to act like an animal.

True Repentence

- The king __Lost__ everything, yet as soon as he _acknowledged_ God his reason was restored (along with his kingdom).

- The king acknowledges that God is able to ____humble_ those who walk in pride.

- Proverbs 16:18

o "Pride cometh before a fall".

- II Chronicles 7:14

o "If my people, who...." Then they will hear from heaven, and I will heal their land".

o Become other centered, not self-centered.

- We are to be men who are humble, men that walk in meekness.

To be 'humble' is to be like a _tamed_ __stallion___.

o Not weak but focuses! White light, laser.

- Philippians 2:1-4,12-15

o In order for us to be men of light.

o In order for us to hear God when he speaks to us.

o In order for God to "Heal our land - our marriage, our situation, or problems.

We must..........

1. Humble ourselfs

2. Seek Gods face - Pray!

3. Turn from sin

4. Worship God - Practice these things & God will do Awesome things in

your life.

At the end of the appointed time, the king did the only thing he, in his beastly state, could do. He merely lifted his eyes toward heaven.

Overwhelmed by this demonstration of Yahweh's limitless power, Nebuchadnezzar

- prostrated himself before the Ruler of earth and heaven. For at last he knew his powerlessness before the Almighty and his dependence on him for everything.

first response to God for restoring his sanity was:

to praise, honor, and glorify him as the eternal, omnipotent Sovereign over the whole universe. He now was ready to give God all the glory for everything he had achieved as king of the Chaldeans and the rebuilder of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar next exalted God by:

First of all, he acknowledged God's unending existence and everlasting power as Ruler of the universe--"I honored and glorified him who lives forever"--in contrast to man in his creaturely frailty. Perhaps Nebuchadnezzar was beginning to realize that only by submitting to God-s program and entering into personal fellowship with him could his own life find true meaning.

Second, Nebuchadnezzar honored God as the Ruler whose kingdom, unlike all human empires, would never end. As the dream-image (ch. 2) had taught him, even the mightiest and strongest realms would have their day and then perish.

The only enduring kingdom was that of God, the ultimate source of authority and power for all human rulers, who by his own sovereign will controls history. "His kingdom endures [lit., `is'] from generation to generation."

Third, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that despite all his boasted progress, man is as nothing before God (v. 35). Apart from God, humanity is devoid of value or meaning and "regarded as nothing" (kela hasibin--from hasab, "reckon," "esteem"). At last Nebuchadnezzar had learned the utter dependence of the creature on the Creator.

Fourth, Nebuchadnezzar saw that in his absolute sovereignty God is beyond the control of any of his creatures and accountable to none of them for anything he chooses to do. The pot cannot ask the Potter, "What have you done?" (cf. Rom 9:20). The wisdom and holiness of the Almighty so far surpass the comprehension of mankind as to render presumptuous any criticism of God's providences in managing his world.

Nebuchadnezzar’s repentance brought about his restoration. Not only did he regain his sanity, he regained his kingdom. He was sought out by his counselors and nobles. His power and greatness increased above that he possessed before his downfall. His final words are those of testimony and worship, addressed to the King of heaven, praising Him for His truth, His ways, His justice and compassion in the lives of mortal men.

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