Keynote Address
Wireless Access in Densely Populated Areas – Is there enough Frequency Spectrum
National Seminar on Wireless Technologies, 3-4 August, 1995, Bangalore
Telecom Efforts Required in India over the Next Decade
Symposium on Communication – 2001, 1 December, 1995, Chandigarh
Industrial Economics, Park Sheraton, 25th March, 1998, Chennai
The Role of Technology in Telecom Expansion in India
Technology Summit and Technology Platform ‘98, Hotel Park Royal, Nehru Place, 28th – 29th October, 1998, New Delhi
Making Telecom and Internet Revolution Work for us
National Symposium on Satellite Communication, 25th May 2001, Bangalore
Indian Imperatives and Optical Networks
CII Seminar on Advanced Communication Technologies – Optical Fibre Communications, 5th July 2001, Park Sheraton, Chennai
Trends in Wireless Communication
National Conference on Mobile Computing, 10-12 December 2001, CSI Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Rural Communication and Connectivity in India
Confederation of Indian Industry, 18th May 2002, Hotel Kings Kourt, Mysore,
Telecom Growth in India
Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engg. & Telecommunications, Secunderabad, 24th November 2002.
Can Academic Institutions Start Ventures?
16th National Conference on in-house R & D in Industry, at Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), 9th December 2002, Delhi,