D edham Parish Council
Clerk to the Council: Emma Cansdale
2 Goose Green Cottages
Colchester Road
Wix, Manningtree CO11 2PD
Tel. 01255 871483
Assistant Clerk to the Council: Brian Hindley
21 Lawford Place
CO11 2PT
Tel. 1206 395579
Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting at the Duchy Barn
on Monday 12 January 2015 at 7.30.pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:
The Public and Press are invited to attend
Apologies for absence.
Declaration of Interest. Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other pecuniary interests, and non-pecuniary interests not already declared.
Acceptance of minutes of 01.12.2014
Update on items from last meeting. None.
Vacancy for Parish Councillor. Cllr Beeton
6. Open Session. Have your say
Members of the public are invited to comment on any item on the agenda.
Report from County Councillor Ann Brown.
Report from Ward Councillor Mark cable
7. Accounts
The following amounts are for approval of payment:
1) Accent Stationers: £49.08
2) Accent Stationers: £86.13
3) Duchy Barn hire £15.00.
4) Eager Beaver: (Mr P Proctor). £236.72
5) Stamps: £6.36.
6) Mr Trimmit: Hedge: £310.00
7) Instaprint: Leaflets: £24.94
8) Arnold Bakers’s Guide from EALC £55.00 plus postage.
9) Iris Hindley Litter Picking: £168.00
10) Brian Hindley -Asst. Clerk Salary: £252.81 (less PAYE)
11) Emma Cansdale –Clerk salary: £252.81
12) RCCE Annual subs. £55.00
13) Registration Data Protection: £35.00
8. Planning Advisory Group.
a) Cllr Regan to report on the recommendations of the PAG regarding the applications on attached list. **
b) To discuss the process and timescale for the Planning Advisory Group for making planning recommendations and submitting for full council determination. To receive advice from the Clerk
b) Bargate Lane – Update Cllr Regan.
d) Hallfields – Update Cllr Regan.
9. Toilets – The Drift Dedham. Notification of possible closure by CBC. Cllr Beeton ** Report attached. Previously circulated: Letters from Cllr Tina Bourne dated 28th November and 11th December, DPC email response to Cllr Tina Bourne dated 20th December. CLLRS- Please familiarise yourselves with this documentation prior to the meeting.
10. Precept: To discuss and resolve to set the Precept for 2015/2016. Report attached, by Cllr Regan on the budget. **
11. Car Park Working Group
a) Car Parks Mill Lane. Cllr Beeton
b) Royal Square: Cllr Taylor.
12. Crime Report.- Asst. Clerk.
13. Playground refurbishment – Update Cllr Gibbins. To request additional funding (106) with a proposal of £5,000.00 to make a total application of £25,000.00 from 106 monies. Cllr Beeton.
14. Reports from representatives.
15. CALC- Meeting of 04.12.2014.Asst. Clerk.
16. Boundary Commission – Recommendations – Cllr Beeton. To receive and approve comments regarding the Commission’s proposals. Report to follow **
17. Boxted Neighbourhood Plan. To receive comments from members.
18. Dedham Village Quiz. 31.01.2015.
19. Correspondence – Clerk.
20. Matters for information – Clerk.
21. Matters for continuing reference – Asst. Clerk to be reported upon.
Notice Board Replacement.
‘A’ Boards – High Street.
22. Date and time of next meeting:- Monday 02.02.2015. 7.30pm. Duchy Barn
The remaining meetings in 2015:-
NB. Parish Assembly to be arranged.
Monday 02.03.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 13.04.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 11.05.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 01.06.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 06.07.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 07.09.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 05.10.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 02.11.2015. 7.30pm
Monday 07.12.2015. 7.30pm
** Documents available from Asst. Clerk
Will all Councilors and members of the public please note that all email correspondence, until further notice, to either Clerks, be addressed to clerk@dedhamparishcouncil.org.uk
The Public are excluded from this item as the discussion is confidential in nature, and may be prejudicial to the public interest if discussed openly at this stage.
23. DPC to resolve to obtain preliminary legal advice pertaining CBC’s decision to no longer maintain the Public Toilets.
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