litus (gen. litoris): shore
circumlittoral, eulittoral, infralittoral, lido, litoral, littoral, sublittoral
liveo: be livid; lividus: slate-colored
livid, lividity, lividly, livor, livor mortis
locus: place; colloco: place
allocate, allocation, allocative, allocator, allow, allowable, allowance, antelocation, bilocate, bilocation, bilocular, biloculine, collocability, collocable, collocal, collocate, collocation, collocative, couch, couchant, couche, couchee, coucher, couchette, couchles, couchy, couch potato, decemlocular, delocalize, disallow, disallowance, disallower, disallowment, dislocate, dislocatee, dislocation, dislocator, dislocatory, echolocation, elocular, illocal, illocality, in loco parentis, interlocate, intralocular, lieu, lieut., lientenancy, lieutenant, local, locale, localism, localist, localitis, locality, localization, localize, localizer, locally, locant, locate, location, locational, locative, locator, loci, loco, loco citato (loc. cit.), locofoco, locomobile, locomote, locomotion, locomotive, locomotor, locoweed, locus, matrilocal, milieu, monolocular, multilocation, multilocate, neolocal, nonlocal, patrilocal, purlieus, radiolocation, reallocate, reallocation, relocate, relocation, storage location, translocate, translocation, travel allowance, trilocular, unilocular, unilocularly, URL, uxorilocal, virilocal
The italicized words are derived from either laudo or locus (W3).
locusta: locust, lobster
lobster, locust
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