puls (gen. pultis): porridge
poultice, pulse (seed), pultaceous
pulso (beat): see pello
pulvinus: pillow
pillow, pillowcase, pulvin, pulvinule, pulvinus
pulvis (gen. pulveris): dust (cognate with pollen)
baking powder, gunpowder, pouse, powder, powderize, powderless, powderpuff, powder snow, powdery, pulverescence, pulverescent, pulverization, pulverize, pulverous, pulverulent
pumex (gen. pumicis): pumice (cf. spuma)
pumice, pumice-stone, pumicite
pungo, punctum: pierce, mark (perhaps cognate with pugnus)
acupuncture, appoint, appointee, appointer, appointive, appointment, appointor, ballpoint, checkpoint, compunction, compunctionary, compunctious, compunctiously, contrapuntal, contrapuntally, contrapuntist, copunctal, counterpane, counterpoint, counterpunch, crosspoint, decempunctate, dewpoint, disappoint, disappointer, disappointing, disappointingly, disappointment, dispunge, electropuncture, endpoint, exclamation point, expunction, expunge, gunpoint, herniopuncture, ignipuncture, impunctate, impunctual, interpunctuate, keypunch, keypuncher, midpoint, multipoint, nail-punch, needlepoint, null point, outpoint, outpunch, overpunch, pinpoint, poignance, poignancy, poignant, poignantly, point, point angle, pointblank, point count, pointe, pointed, pointedly, pointedness, pointer, Point Four, pointful, point group, pointille, pointillism, pointillist, pointillistic, point lace, pointless, pointlessly, pointman, pointsman, pointwise, pointy, pointyhead, pontil, pounce, pouncer, PowerPoint, pressure point, punch, punch-drunk, puncheon, puncher, punchless, punchline, punchup, punchy, punctate, punctiform, punctigerous, punctiliar, punctilio, punctilious, punctiliously, punctiliousness, punctograph, punctual, punctuality, punctually, punctuate, punctuation, punctulation, punctule, punctum, puncturation, puncture, puncture point, punctus, pungency, pungent, pungently, puntilla (Sp), puntillero (Sp), punto, pyropuncture, reappoint, reappointment, renipuncture, repunch, saturation point, self-appointed, sharp-pointed, spearpoint, standpoint, startingpoint, tapepunch, ten-point, three-point, trap-point, trapunto, tripunctal, tuckpoint, turning point, unappointed, unpointed, unpunctual, unpunctuated, vanishing point, venepuncture, victory point, viewpoint, watch point, way point, well-point, West Point, work point, working point, world-point, zero-point
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