servus: slave; servio (4): be subject to, serve; servitus: slavery
Civil Service, concierge, deserve, deservedly, deservedness, deserver, deserving, deservingly, deservingness, dessert, disserve, disservice, disserviceable, inservice, just desserts, maidservant, manservant, sea service, Secret Service, self-serving, serf, serfdom, serfism, sergeant, servant, servantless, servantship, serve, server, servery, service, serviceability, serviceable, serviceless, serviceman, servile, servilely, servility, servingmaid, servitor, servitude, servomotor, subserve, subservience, subserviency, subservient, subserviently, time-server, time-service, time-serving, triservice, underserved, undeserved, undeservedly, undeserving, undeservingly, unserviceable, well-served, wire service, womanservant, workservant, youth service
sesqui-: above a ratio, one and one-half
sesquicentennial, sesquilateral, sesquipedelian, sesterces
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