placo (1): reconcile, appease (OLD relates to placeo)
implacability, implacable, implacably, placability, placable, placableness, placably, placate, placatingly, placation, placatory
plaga: net (used to kidnap)
plagiarism, plagiarist, plagiaristic, plagiarize, plagiary
plango, planctum: strike, beat, mourn; plaga: blow
complain, complainant, complainee, complainer, complaint, complaintive, plague, plaguy, plaint, plaintful, plaintiff, plaintive, plaintively, plangency, plangent, plangently, plangorous, uncomplaining
planta: plant; planta: sole (of foot)
cabbage-plant, clan, clannish, clansman, cornplanter, displant, eggplant, explant, heterotransplant, homotransplant, implant, implantable, implantation, implanter, interplant, KKK, KuKluxKlan, laminiplantar, opium plant, overplant, patriclan, pepperplant, plant, plantable, plantad, plantain, plantar, plantation, plantation-mill, plantbug, planteater, planter, plantigrade, plantivorous, plantless, plantlet, plantlife, plantlike, plantling, plant-louse, plantmilk, plantocracy, plantsman, plantula, power plant, preimplant, preimplantation, replant, seaplant, seedplant, supplant, supplantation, supplanter, transplant, transplantable, transplantation, transplanter, underplant, unplanted, wax plant, xenotransplant
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