Dedication: 3/15/05

OLD does not associate suadeo

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OLD does not associate suadeo and suavis; both LS and OED do associate them
sub: under

sub (boat, replacement), sub-; subway

resuscitate, soutane, subaltern, subdue, subject, subjugate, subjunctive, sublet, sublime, subliminal, submerge, subordinate, suborn, subpoena, subscribe, subsequent, subservient, subside, subsidize, subsist, substance, substitute, subtle, subtract, subtrahend, suburb, subvene, subvert, succeed, succinct, succor, succubus, suffer, suffice, suffix, suffocate, suffuse, suggest, supplant, supple, supplement, suppliant, supplicant, supply, support, supposition, suppress, suppurate, suspect, suspend, sustain

sotto voce, subzonal, subzone

Note alternate spellings in: sotto voce, soutaine, souvenir.

(for a more complete list consult the reverse index) See note under super.

suber: cork

suber, suberic, suberin, suberization, suberose, suberous

subitus (sudden), subito (suddenly): see eo
sublimis (lofty): see limen
subtilis (woven fine): see texo
succinum: amber

succinic, succiniferous, succinite, succinum

sucus (juice): see sugo
sudo (1): sweat; sudor: sweat

desudation, exudate, exudation, exudatory, exude, insudation, sudarium, sudatorium, sudatory, sudoriferous, sudorific, sudoriparous, suint, transudate, transudation, transudatory, transude

suesco, suetum: be accustomed; consuesco: become accustomed; consuetudo: habit

accoutre, accoutrement, accustom, accustomed, consuetude, consuetudinal, consuetudinary, costume, costumer, costumery, costumier, custom, customarily, customary, customer, customerless, customhouse, customization, customize, custom-made, desuetude, disaccustom, manso (Sp), mansuetude, mastiff, unaccustomed, uncustomary, uncustomed

suffrago: support; suffragium: vote cast for a specific candidate

antisuffragist, irrefragibility, irrefragable, irrefragably, suffragan, suffrage, suffragette, suffragism, suffragist, woman suffrage, women’s suffrage

probably not sub + frango

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