Document Management System (dms)

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<Template Code: INSA - SD – DESI - TEMP – 01>

Oromia Document Management System (DMS)

User’s Manual Document

Version: 1.0

Document Id:

Information Network Security Agency (INSA)

Department of Software Development

April 21, 2011

User’s Manual Authorization Memorandum

I have carefully assessed the User's Manual for the DMS. This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the Oromia MIS System Development Methodology.

MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION - Please check the appropriate statement.

______ The document is accepted.

______ The document is accepted pending the changes noted.

______ The document is not accepted.

We fully accept the changes as needed improvements and authorize initiation of work to proceed. Based on our authority and judgment, the continued operation of this system is authorized.

_______________________________ _____________________


Documentation Officer

_______________________________ _____________________


Project Team Leader

_______________________________ _____________________


Project Manager

Table of Content

1.Introduction 4

2.Basic functionalities of DMS 4

3.Open DMS Login Page 5

4. Log the system 7

5.Home Page of the system 8

6.Change language into Afan Oromo and English 9

7.Manage Category 10

7.1.Create category 16

7.2.Modify category 16

7.3.Delete category 17

7.4.Move category 17

8.Manage Location 17

8.1.Create location 23

8.2.Modify location 24

8.3.Delete location 24

8.4.Move location 24

9. Manage Document 26

1.1.Add version 42

9.1.Modify document information 43

9.2.Archive document 43

9.3.Annotate document 44


9.4.View version information 44

9.5.View document annotation 44

9.6.Download document 45

9.7.Retrieve document 45

9.8.Return document 46

9.9.View document status 46

9.10.Activate archived document 46

10.Manage Letter 48

10.1.Add incoming letter 57

10.2.Add outgoing letter 58

10.3.View letter participant 59

10.4.Modify letter delivery status 59

11.Manage administration tasks 60

11.1. Register workflow type 69

11.2.Update workflow type 69

11.3.Delete workflow type 69

11.4.Register workflow sate 70

11.5.Update workflow sate 70

11.6.Delete workflow state 70

11.7.Register workflow type state 71

11.8.Update workflow type state 71

11.9.Delete workflow type state 71

11.10.Register workflow user 72

11.11.Register role 72

11.12.Update role 72

11.13.Delete role 73

11.14.Assign role to user 73

11.15.Assign specific task for user or role 74

11.16.Register look up 74

11.17.Modify lookup 74

11.18.Delete lookup 75

12. Manage Workflow 76

12.1.Manage workflow 81

12.2.View workflow history 81

13.Manage report 82

13.1.Insert report 88

13.2.Generate report by date 88

13.3.Generate report by category 88

14.Search 90

14.1. Simple search 95

14.2.Advance search 95

14.3.Content search 95

List of figures

Document Management System (DMS)


Document Management System is done for Oromia regional state by Information Network Security Agency (INSA).The system is used to manage all kinds of documents either softcopy or hard copy in well organized manner.
This user’s Manual is prepared for user to use the system efficiently and effectively with minimum amount of time.

For more information

2.Basic functionalities of DMS

Document Management system’s basic functionalities can be categorized in the following sub groups

  • Category Handler: Documents are categorized logically by category handler. This includes Creating, moving, Deleting and Modifying category are handled in category handler.

  • Location Handler: Creating, moving, Deleting and Modifying location are handled in category handler.

  • Document Handler: Managing Document(both physical and electronic), Managing electronic document, Managing physical document and Managing archiving document handled by Document Handler .

  • Search Document facility helps in searching documents in the system by simple, advanced and search by contents it includes searching by Id, contents and with metadata of the documents.

  • Workflow: Helps to pass documents in the workflow in predetermined flow(document state)

  • Letter Handler: Helps to manage incoming /outgoing letters including participants

  • Report generation helps to generate different type of report

3.Open DMS Login Page

This section tells you how to open the Login page for Document Management System.

To open the Login Page:

  1. Open a web browser

  2. Enter the address of DMS Login Page in the address bar of the web browser. The address bar is shown in the figure below

Figure : Address bar

  1. Enter the Login Page with the following format. http://Server_name:WebserverPortnumber/ApplicationName/

Change the server name if it is different from the one shown above.

  1. Press enter on your keyboard.

  2. The Login page will be displayed.

Figure : Login Page


Fill user name


Cancel Button used to clear entries from the form


Login Button used to log the system


Fill password

4. Log the system

  • Anyone who need access the DMS functionalities should have a user name and password.

Steps to log the system

  • Fill user name(1)

  • Fill password(2)

  • Click on login button (3)

  • The system checks the username and password and if it is correct open the home page else inform you to correct username and password.

  • If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button(4)

5.Home Page of the system

Figure : Home Page


Vertical menu

  • Once you get the home page you can access the functionalities of the system base on the given privilege by clicking on the vertical menu.

6.Change language into Afan Oromo and English

Figure : Language page


Afan Oromo Button used to change all labels in Afan Ororm


English button used to change all labels in English

The system supports Amharic and English language. If the user wants to toggle from one language to the other to use the language he/she preferred

  1. Click “Afan Oromo” (1) or “English” (2) button on the top right side of figure 4.

  2. All labels will be displayed in the language the user selected.

7.Manage Category

Figure : Manage Category page

Figure : Creating Category page

Figure : Modify Category page

Figure : Moving Category page


Horizontal Menu


Category Tree


Selected Category


Category Table


List of category under the selected category


Create category button which displays create category page


Modify button which displays modify category page


Delete button which delete the category


Cancel button which clears information inside the form


Fill category Information


Fill Description


Create button which create the new category


Move button which displays move category page


Back button which returns to the previous page


Move category button which move the category


Modify button which modify the category


Edit category information


Destination category

7.1.Create category

  1. Click category link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Select category from the category tree(2) under which you want to create category (figure 5)

  3. Click on create category button(6) (figure 5)

  4. Fill information(10) (figure 6)

  5. Click on create button(11) (figure 6)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button(12) (figure 6)

  7. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button(13) (figure 6)

7.2.Modify category

  1. Click category link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Select category from the category tree(2) from which you want to modify category (figure 5)

  3. Select one from the list of category which is modified (5) (figure 5)

  4. Click on modify button(7) (figure 5)

  5. Edit information(14) (figure 7)

  6. Click on modify button(15) (figure 7)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure 7)

  8. If u want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure 7)

7.3.Delete category

  1. Click category link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Select category from the category tree(2) from which you want to delete category (figure 5)

  3. Select one from the list of category which is deleted(5) (figure 5)

  4. Click on delete button(8) (figure 5)

7.4.Move category

  1. Click category link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Select category from the category tree(2) from which you want to move category (figure 5)

  3. Select one from the list of category which is moved(5) (figure 5)

  4. Click on move button(9) (figure 5)

  5. Select destination category(16) (figure 8) from category tree(2) (figure 5)

  6. Fill information(17) (figure 8)

  7. Click on move button(18) (figure 8)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure 8)

  9. If u want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure 8))

8.Manage Location

Figure : Manage Location page

Figure : Create Location page

Figure : Modify Location page

Figure : Move Location page


Horizontal menu


Location tree


Selected location


List of location under the selected location


Create location button which displays create location page


Location table


Modify button which displays modify location page


Delete button which delete location


Move button which displays move location page


Fill location information


Create button which create the new location


Cancel button which clears information inside the form


Back button which returns to the previous page


Edit location information


Destination location


Modify button which modify the location


Fill Description


Move location button which move the location

8.1.Create location

  1. Click category link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 9)

  2. Select location from the location tree(2) under which you want create to location (figure 9)

  3. Click on create location button(6) (figure 9)

  4. Fill information(10) (figure 10)

  5. Click on create button(11) (figure 10)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button(figure 10)

  7. If u want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure 10)

8.2.Modify location

  1. Click location link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 9)

  2. Select location from the location tree(2) from which you want to modify location (figure 9)

  3. Select one from the list of location which is modified (5) (figure 9)

  4. Click on modify button(7) (figure 9)

  5. Edit information(14) (figure 11)

  6. Click on modify button(15) (figure 11)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button(figure 11)

  8. If u want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure 11)

8.3.Delete location

  1. Click location link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 9)

  2. Select location from the location tree(2) from which you want to delete location (figure 9)

  3. Select one from the list of location which is deleted(5) (figure 9)

  4. Click on delete button(8) (figure 9)

8.4.Move location

  1. Click location link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 9)

  2. Select location from the location tree(2) from which you want to move location (figure 9)

  3. Select one from the list of location which is moved(5) (figure 9)

  4. Click on move button(9) (figure 9)

  5. Select destination location(16) (figure 12)from location tree(2) (figure 9)

  6. Fill information(17) (figure 12)

  7. Click on move button(18) (figure 12)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button(figure 12)

  9. If u want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure 12)

9. Manage Document

Figure : Sub menu of document link

Figure : Upload document page

Figure : Manage document page

Figure : Add version page

Figure : Modify document page

Figure : Archive document page

Figure : Annotate document page

Figure : Manage Electronic document page

Figure : Manage Physical document page

Figure : Retrieve document page

Figure : Return document page

Figure : view archived document page


Document submenu link


Fill document information


Selected category


Selected location


Add version button which displays add version page


Upload button which uploaded the document


Workflow checkbox


Fill Workflow information of the document


View version information button which displays version information


Modify information button which displays modify document page


View document annotation button which display annotation information


Annotate document button which display annotation page


Delete document button which delete or remove document for the system


Archive button which display archive page


Fill version information


Selected location


Add version button which save the new version


Archive button which archived the document


Fill archive reason


Modify information button


Edit document information


Download button which downloaded the document


Add version button which display add version page


Annotate button which save annotation of the document


List of documents


Fill document annotation information


Activate button which activate the document


Return button which return the document


Fill remark


Fill retrieve document information


View status button which display status of the document


Return document button which display return page


Retrieve document button which display retrieve page


Delete button which deleted or removed the document


Retrieve button which retrieve the document


Modify physical document button which display modify information page


Modify electronic document button which display modify information page

9.1. Add document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on add document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Fill document information (2) (figure 14)

  4. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  5. Select document location from the location tree(2) (figure9)

  6. If the document submitted to workflow

    1. Click on workflow checkbox (5) (figure 14)

    2. Fill workflow information of the document (6) (figure 14)

    3. Click on Upload button(7) (figure 14)

  7. Else Click on Upload button(7) (figure 14)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure14)

  9. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure14)
    1. Add version

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to add version (figure 15)

  5. Click on add version button (8) (figure 15)

  6. Select document location from the location tree(2) (figure9)

  7. Fill version information(17) (figure16)

  8. Click on add version button(18) (figure16)

  9. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure16)

  10. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(16)

9.1.Modify document information

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to modified (figure 15)

  5. Click on modify information button (10) (figure 15)

  6. Edit document information(19) (figure 17)

  7. Click on modify information button(20) (figure17)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure17)

  9. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(17)

9.2.Archive document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to archived (figure 15)

  5. Click on archive version button (13) (figure 15)

  6. Fill archive reason(21) (figure 18)

  7. Click on archive button(22) (figure18)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure18)

  9. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(18)

9.3.Annotate document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to annotated (figure 15)

  5. Click on annotate document button (14) (figure 15)

  6. Fill document annotation information (23) (figure 19)

  7. Click on annotate button(22) (figure19)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure19)

  9. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(19)

9.4.View version information

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to view information (figure 15)

  5. Click on view version information button (9) (figure 15)

9.5.View document annotation

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to view annotation(figure 15)

  5. Click on view document annotation button (11) (figure 15)

9.6.Download document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage electronic document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to downloaded (figure 15)

  5. Click on download button (26) (figure 20)

9.7.Retrieve document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage Physical document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select document Location from the Location tree(2) (figure9)

  5. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to retrieved (figure 15)

  6. Click on retrieve document button (29) (figure 21)

  7. Fill retrieve document information(33) (figure 22)

  8. Click on retrieve button(34) (figure 22)

  9. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure22)

  10. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(22)

9.8.Return document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage Physical document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select document Location from the Location tree(2) (figure9)

  5. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to returned (figure 15)

  6. Click on return document button (30) (figure 21)

  7. Fill remark(35) (figure 23)

  8. Click on return button(36) (figure 23)

  9. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure23)

  10. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure(23)

9.9.View document status

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on manage Physical document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select document Location from the Location tree(2) (figure9)

  5. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to view status (figure 15)

  6. Click on view status button (31) (figure 21)

9.10.Activate archived document

  1. Hover on document link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on view archived document link from document sub menu link(1) (figure 13)

  3. Select document Category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from list of documents (15) you want to view status (figure 15)

  5. Click on activate version button (37) (figure 24)

10.Manage Letter

Figure : Manage letter page

Figure : Incoming letter page

Figure : Letter participant page

Figure : Outgoing letter page

Figure : Manage letter page

Figure : Modify letter page


Referred information tab which display referred list


Next button which display letter participant page


Sender information tab which display sender list


Fill incoming letter information


Letter submenu link


Selected location


Selected category


Receiver information tab which display receiver list


Available list


Remove button which remove list from the selected list


Selected category


Fill outgoing letter information


Next button which display letter participant page


Add button which add the letter


Selected list


List of letters


Delivered date


Add button which add list in to the selected list


View participant button which display participant of letter


Save button which save modification of letter


Modify letter button which display delivery report page


Selected location


Delete button which delete the letter


Is delivered checkbox

10.1.Add incoming letter

  1. Hover on letter link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on incoming letter link from letter sub menu link(1) (figure 25)

  3. Fill incoming letter information (2) (figure 26)

  4. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  5. Select document location from the location tree(2) (figure9)

  6. Click on next button(6) (figure 26)

  7. Click on sender information tab(6) (figure27)

  8. Select one form available list(9) (figure27)

  9. Click on add button

  10. If you want to remove the sender from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  11. Click on receiver information tab(7) (figure27)

  12. Select one form available list(9) (figure27)

  13. Click on add button

  14. If you want to remove the receiver from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  15. Click on receiver information tab(7) (figure27)

  16. Select zero or more form available list(9) (figure27)

  17. Click on add button

  18. If you want to remove the refereed from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  19. Click on add button(13) (figure 27)

  20. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure27)

  21. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure27)

10.2.Add outgoing letter

  1. Hover on letter link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on outgoing letter link from letter sub menu link(1) (figure 25)

  3. Fill outgoing letter information (14) (figure 28)

  4. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  5. Select document location from the location tree(2) (figure9)

  6. Click on next button(6) (figure 26)

  7. Click on sender information tab(6) (figure27)

  8. Select one form available list(9) (figure27)

  9. Click on add button

  10. If you want to remove the sender from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  11. Click on receiver information tab(7) (figure27)

  12. Select one form available list(9) (figure27)

  13. Click on add button

  14. If you want to remove the receiver from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  15. Click on receiver information tab(7) (figure27)

  16. Select zero or more form available list(9) (figure27)

  17. Click on add button

  18. If you want to remove the refereed from the selected lit select and click on remove button(10) (figure 27)

  19. Click on add button(13) (figure 27)

  20. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure27)

  21. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure27)

10.3.View letter participant

  1. Hover on letter link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on participant information link from letter sub menu link(1) (figure 25)

  3. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from the letter lists (21) (figure 29)

  5. Click on view participant button(18) (figure 29)

10.4.Modify letter delivery status

  1. Hover on letter link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on participant information link from letter sub menu link(1) (figure 25)

  3. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select one from the letter lists (21) (figure 29)

  5. Click on modify letter button(20) (figure 29)

  6. Check is delivered checkbox(22) (figure 30)

  7. Fill delivered date (23) (figure 30)

  8. Click on save button(24) (figure 30)

  9. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure32)

  10. If you want to back to the previous page click on back button (figure32)

11.Manage administration tasks

Figure : Workflow matrix page

Figure : Workflow user page

Figure : Assign user to role page

Figure : User role authorization page

Figure : Document format registration page


User role authorization tab


Workflow user tab


Lookup register tab


Assign user to role tab


Fill workflow type information


Fill workflow state information


Workflow tab


Delete button which delete role


Add role button which add role


Search button which search role


Fill role information


Add user button which add user


Selected list


Remove button which remove list from the selected list


Add button which add list in to the selected list


Available list


Search button used for to search workflow type


Update button which update role


Search button used for to search workflow type


Search button used for to search workflow type


Add, update, reset and delete button for workflow type state


Add, update, reset and delete button for workflow state


Add, update, reset and delete button for workflow type


Fill remark


Workflow state


Workflow type


Save button


Fill look up information


Register lookup type list


List of the selected look up type


Delete button


Modify button


Add user to role button which assign user to role


Add button


Delete button


Edit button which modify information


Authorization table


Fill remark


Add user or role button


List of role or user


Type of role


List of workflow type state


List of user


List of role

11.1. Register workflow type

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow type information (6) (figure 31)

  4. Click on add button(11) (figure31)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(11)( figure31)

11.2.Update workflow type

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow type name(6) (figure 31)

  4. Click on search button(14) (figure 31)

  5. Edit workflow type information (6) (figure 31)

  6. Click on update button(11) (figure31)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(13)( figure31)

11.3.Delete workflow type

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2 (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow type name(6) (figure 31)

  4. Click on search button(14) (figure 31)

  5. Click on delete button(11) (figure31)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(13)( figure31)

11.4.Register workflow sate

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2 (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow sate information (7) (figure 31)

  4. Click on add button(12) (figure31)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(12)( figure31)

11.5.Update workflow sate

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow sate name(7) (figure 31)

  4. Click on search button(15) (figure 31)

  5. Edit workflow sate information (6) (figure 31)

  6. Click on update button(12) (figure31)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(12)( figure31)

11.6.Delete workflow state

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Fill workflow state name(7) (figure 31)

  4. Click on search button(15) (figure 31)

  5. Click on delete button(12) (figure31)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(12)( figure31)

11.7.Register workflow type state

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Select workflow type (8) (figure 31)

  4. Select workflow state (9) (figure 31)

  5. Fill remark(10) (figure 31)

  6. Click on add button(13) (figure31)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(13)( figure31)

11.8.Update workflow type state

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Select workflow type (8) (figure 31)

  4. Select workflow state (9) (figure 31)

  5. Click on search button(16) (figure 31)

  6. Edit remark (10) (figure 31)

  7. Click on update button(13) (figure31)

  8. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(13)( figure31)

11.9.Delete workflow type state

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Select workflow type (8) (figure 31)

  4. Select workflow state (9) (figure 31)

  5. Click on search button(16) (figure 31)

  6. Click on delete button(13) (figure31)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button(12)( figure31)

11.10.Register workflow user

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on workflow user tab(5) (figure 31)

  3. Select user from available list (17) (figure 32)

  4. Click on add button (18) (figure 32)

  5. If you want to remove user from the selected list (20) click on remove button(19) (figure 32)

  6. Click on add user button(21) (figure32)

11.11.Register role

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on assign user to role tab(4) (figure 31)

  3. Fill role information(22) (figure 33)

  4. Click on add role button to save the role(24) (figure33)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure33)

11.12.Update role

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on assign user to role tab(4) (figure 31)

  3. Fill role name (22) (figure 33)

  4. Click on search button(23) (figure 33)

  5. Edit role information (22) (figure 33)

  6. Click on update button to update the role(25) (figure33)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure33)

11.13.Delete role

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on assign user to role tab(4) (figure 31)

  3. Fill role name (22) (figure 33)

  4. Click on search button(23) (figure 33)

  5. Click on delete button(26) (figure33)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure33)

11.14.Assign role to user

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on assign user to role tab(4) (figure 31)

  3. Select role (28) (figure 33)

  4. Select user (29) (figure 33)

  5. Click on add user to role button to save (27) (figure33)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure33)

11.15.Assign specific task for user or role

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on user role authorization tab(2) (figure 31)

  3. Select workflow type state (30) (figure 34)

  4. Click on user or role radio button (31) (figure 34)

  5. Select user or role button (32) based on the above selection(figure34)

  6. Fill remark(34) (figure34)

  7. Click on add user button(33) to enter the selected information inside authorization table(35) (figure34)

  8. If you want to edit or delete the information click edit (36) or delete (37) button (figure34)

  9. Click on add button(38) to save assigning the specific task to user or role(figure34)

11.16.Register look up

    1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

    2. Click on register lookup tab (5) (figure 31)

    3. Select lookup type (39) (figure 35)

    4. Fill the selected lookup type information(40) (35)

    5. Click on save button(41) (figure 35)

    6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure35)

11.17.Modify lookup

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on register lookup tab(5) (figure 31)

  3. Select lookup type (39) (figure 29)

  4. Select one from the list under the selected lookup type (44) (figure 35)

  5. Edit the selected lookup type information(40) (figure35)

  6. Click on modify button(42) (figure 35)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure35)

11.18.Delete lookup

  1. Click administration link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click on register lookup tab(1) (figure 31)

  3. Select lookup type (39) (figure 35)

  4. Select one from the list under the selected lookup type (44) (figure 35)

  5. Click on delete button(43) (figure 35)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button( figure35)

12. Manage Workflow

Figure : Sub menu of workflow link

Figure : Manage workflow page

Figure : View workflow history page


Workflow submenu link


List of approvable document


Download button


Annotation of the selected document given by the previous approver


Fill annotation


Check box for upload document


List of workflow type


List of documents in a given workflow type


View history button


Download button which download the document


Status of the selected document


Approve button which proceed the workflow a document


Browser button which browse the uploaded file


Reject button which cancel proceed the workflow document

12.1.Manage workflow

  1. Hover workflow link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click manage workflow link on workflow sub menu link (1) (figure 36)

  3. Select on from the list of approvable documents(2) The associated annotations will be displayed on the annotation table (figure 37)

  4. If you want to see detail about the document click on download button(3) (figure 37)

  5. Fill annotation (5) (figure37)

  6. Click on check box (6) if you have document to attach

  7. If step 6 done click on Browse (7) and select the document you want to upload (figure 37)

  8. Click approve button (8 )the document proceed in the work flow figure 37)

  9. Click Reject button (9 ) cancel the document proceed in the work flow figure 37)

  10. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure38)

12.2.View workflow history

  1. Hover workflow link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click view workflow history link on workflow sub menu link (1) (figure 36)

  3. Select workflow type name(10) List of documents in the selected workflow type will be displayed in the first table (figure 38)

  4. Click View History button (11) for specific document for which you want to see its status in the workflow. The history of the document will appear in the second table(13) (figure 38)

  5. Click Download Version button (14) to download the version of the document at specific state in the workflow (figure 38)

13.Manage report

Figure : Sub menu of report link

Figure : Insert report page

Figure : Generate report by date page

Figure : Generate report by category page


Report submenu link


Fill report information


Save button which save the report


Report format


List of report


Fill start and end date


Generate report button which generate the report


Selected category


Report format


List of report


Generate report button which generate the report

13.1.Insert report

  1. Hover report link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click add new report link on report sub menu link (1) (figure 39)

  3. Fill report information (2) (figure 40)

  4. Click on save button (3) to insert the report (figure 40)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click reset button (figure41)

13.2.Generate report by date

  1. Hover report link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click generate report link on report sub menu link (1) (figure 39)

  3. Select report format (4) (figure 41)

  4. Select report name (5) (figure 41)

  5. Fill start and end date (6) (figure 41)

  6. Click on generate button (7) to view the report (figure 41)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure41)

13.3.Generate report by category

  1. Hover report link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click generate report by category link on report sub menu link (1) (figure 39)

  3. Select document category from the category tree(2) (figure5)

  4. Select report format (9) (figure 42)

  5. Select report name (10) (figure 42)

  6. Click on generate button (11) to view the report (figure 42)

  7. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure42)


Figure : Sub menu of search link

Figure : Simple search page

Figure : Advance search page

Figure : Content search page


Search button


Search options


Search button


Fill document content


Fill document id


Search submenu link


List of search key fill one or more


Search button

14.1. Simple search

  1. Hover search link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click simple search link on search sub menu link (1) (figure 43)

  3. Fill document id (2) (figure44)

  4. Click on search button (3) to search the document(figure 44)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure44)

14.2.Advance search

  1. Hover search link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click simple search link on search sub menu link (1) (figure 43)

  3. Fill one or more search key (4) (figure45)

  4. Click on search button (5) to search the document(figure 45)

  5. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure45)

14.3.Content search

  1. Hover search link on horizontal menu(1) (figure 5)

  2. Click simple search link on search sub menu link (1) (figure 43)

  3. Fill any document content (6) (figure 46)

  4. Select one from the search options(7) (figure 46)

  5. Click on search button (8) to search the document(figure 46)

  6. If you want to clear the entries on the form click cancel button (figure46)

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