Dr. G.S. Mukherjee, B.Sc. (Hons), B. Tech., M.Tech., PhD (Calcutta University); recipient of INSA visiting Fellowship; joined DMSRDE, Kanpur and acquired long experience in active R&D work on Polymer Engineering Science primarily in the area of toughened resins, syntactic foam, Kevlar reinforced ballistic composites, sandwich structures for attenuation of blast, photopolymerization, kinetic parameters, thermodynamic compatibility, blends, IPN, polymer additives and modifications of resins, optical materials and magnetic nanocomposites; and received the DRDO award in recognition of valuable contribution in developing optically stable extrudable polymer film intended for Windshield for LCA; then deputed to G-FAST, New Delhithink tank of DRDO dealt primarily with the futuristic issues of R&D program; later he led the new initiative of DRDO Knowledge Management System to process and protect DRDO Knowledge assets and identity; conducted specialized courses in all the Military commands across the country; DRDO delegate to visit institutes of Singapore and USA; besides research papers, regularly contributing Book reviews, Opinion, Editorial highlights. Since 1992, he is giving honorary services as reviewer to more than a dozen of Journals besides being an Adjudicative reviewer of RSC Journals. He is/ has been in the editorial responsibility of 7 different scientific journals; held honorary positions of President (Engg. Sciences) of 97th Indian Science Congress and other scientific societies; He is a member of ACS as well as AAAS, Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE), Institution of Chemists (FIC) as well as Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC); name listed in a number of who’s who publications. His current research interests primarily include polymer based materials, nanocomposites.