Dr. Ing.(Mrs.) E. C. Malaimani

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Curriculum Vitae
1. Name in full (in capital letters) : Dr.-Ing.(Mrs.) E.C.MALAIMANI
2. Present Grade of the scientist : Scientist ‘F’
3. Date of Birth : 15-05-1952
4.Address for correspondence : Dr.-Ing. Mrs. E.C.MALAIMANI,

(In block letters with Pincode, DEPUTY DIRECTOR,

Telephone, FAX Nos and E-mail PROJECT LEADER FOR GPS&




HYDERABAD-500 007,


Phone : 040-23434658

FAX : 040- 27171564/23434651

email: ecm@ngri.res.in

5.Permanent Address : 307, KAKATIYA APARTMENTS,

(In block letters) SECOND STREET, HABSIGUDA,

HYDERABAD- 500 007.


6. Educational Qualifications :

(from Graduation onwards)


Year of passing





April, 1974

College of Engg.


Electronics and Communication Engg.



April, 1993

JNTU, Hyderabad,


Spread spectrum communication, Digital estimation theory Satellite communication, Space geodesy using GPS



Dec., 1999

University of BONN, BONN,



Seismotectonics, Real Time Kinematics using DGPS, Digital Cartography and Mapping Applications,

Plate tectonics and Geodynamics GPS-GEODESY,

7. Membership of professional Societies/ : 1.Computer Society of India (CSI)

Institutions 2.American Geophysical Union (AGU)

3. International GPS Service for

Geodynamics ( IGS)

8. Awards/ Honours if any:

Awarded Ph.D. from University of Bonn, Germany in Dec’1999. I was the first Indian to be awarded Ph.D from University of Bonn, Germany and it was recognized by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR), Government of India, by acknowledging in its NEWS Bulletin Vol.50 No.21&22 15 &30 Nov’2000.
9. Details of Deputation Abroad:
GERMANY – 5 times (’94,’96,’97,’98,’99 Under INDO- GERMAN Collaborative program)

FRANCE - 2 times (IERS workshop’96,’98)

GREECE - Once (Participated in 29th IASPEI ASSEMBLY, Thessaloniki, Greece,


JAPAN - Once (Participated in an International Seminar on GPS99, Tsukuba,

JAPAN, October,’99)

USA - 2 times (1.On the invitation of Prof.T.H.Dixon to Univ.of Miami, Florida,

USA to estimate the Euler Angular velocity vector for India by

including Hyderabad GPS data in global plate tectonics analysis.

28th April to 10th June 2001.

2. To participate and present in the AGU 2003 fall meeting at

San Francisco, USA during Dec 6th to 12th, 2003).

SINGAPORE -Once (To participate in the GPS applications for Tsunami related

Geodesy at Suntec city, Singapore during Feb26th and March 3rd


10. Area of Specialisation: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Specialised in GPS – Geodesy and GPS Technology and Applications.

11. Core subject: : Earth & Environmental sciences
12.Further sub subject category under : GPS – Geodesy applied to the

which the activities have been carried out study of Indian Plate Kinematics.

13.Professional experience:
Total 31 years of experience in Teaching, R&D, Administration, Planning, and leading National and International projects on GPS Studies in India and in Antarctica.

20 years of experience as a Project Leader of GPS Studies for crustal deformation, continental dynamics and seismotectonics that involves project management, planning and execution.

8 years of experience as Project Leader for GPS studies at Antarctica and 5 years of experience as Principal investigator for Antarctica studies in the field of Polar Science.
Significant Contributions towards the In-house R & D Project in the capacity of Project Leader:
Project title: GPS-Geodesy for the studies on the three-dimensional strain field resulting from crustal deformation processes and plate tectonics across the plate boundary zones between Indian and the surrounding plates

      • Enabled NGRI to become an active participant in the IGS Global Network. and making the Institute as one of the contributing agencies to IGS by successfully establishing an IGS permanent GPS Tracking/Reference station at NGRI under Indo-German Scientific Collaboration.

      • Continuous operation of the station by data acquisition, storage, archiving and data transfer to our collaborators are on.

      • Refined GPS data analysis for the data set from 1995 to 1998 by the Global Network Solution was carried out at University of Bonn, Germany using Bernese software version 4.0. The Hyderabad data has been processed together with the data from 8 other selected IGS stations in and around the Indian Plate. In our analysis which concentrated on the ITRF 96 Reference Frame – consistent part of the data set, it was deduced that the motion of the Indian Plate with respect to Eurasian Plate to be significantly smaller than the model rate, i.e. 3.7 cm/y for Hyderabad instead of 4.5 cm/y in the NUVEL – 1A Plate model. No significant motion between Hyderabad and Bangalore lying 500km apart in N- S direction on the Indian Plate was detected. This original results have been published in SCI journal.

      • This led to an Indo - US Scientific collaboration with Prof.T.H.Dixon Director, Geodesy Laboratory, University of Miami,

      • As a member of National Expert GPS Committee, involved in preparation of National GPS Network. Logistics and Modalities of establishing GPS Permanent Stations countrywide by various organizations were worked out.

  • IGS permanent GPS tracking/reference station was updated with the latest 12-channel BENCH MARK GPS receiver, which adopts the Advanced Carrier Technology (ACT). Thus GPS station is upgraded to the current GPS modernization and augmentation requirement of IGS network, to be a part of IGS and to be in Global scenario.

  • In consonance with the modernized Receiver, the GPS data processing software is also updated to BERNESE UNIX version 4.2 at SUN Work station.

  • Revalidated the already estimated Velocity Vectors for ongoing Indian Plate Motion by including the data from other IGS stations in the islands SEYCHELLES and COCO in the Indian Ocean by Global Network Solution thereby broad basing the Indian Plate Kinematics Studies. The objective of these analyses is to see the tectonic signatures in the south of Indian Peninsula. The preliminary results of these analysis show that the baselines between Hyderabad and Seychelles and Coco islands are shortening which could mean that there is an interaction between Capricorn Plate and Indian Plate. More data and further analysis will confirm the results.

      • A sponsored project was signed with AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (AAI) to establish a Permanent GPS station at HYDERABD AIRPORT for Civil Aviation Purposes. Continuous GPS measurements were carried out at HYDERABAD AIRPORT and NGRI simultaneously and data was processed using SKI software and a report on the results obtained for the estimation of Geodetic Reference Point of HYDERABD AERODROME in WGS 84 coordinates with reference to NGRI, has been prepared and submitted.

  • As a part of Ionosphere Studies, a comparative study of Total Electronic Content Variation (TEC) over the IGS Station at NGRI and Maitri, Antarctica was made.

  • Collaborated with Indo-French Center for Ground Water Research (IFCGR) in conducting Real Time Kinematic Survey using DGPS in the study area of Maheshwaram 45kms.S-E of Hyderabad and the Digital Elevation Model has been prepared using only RTK GPS data.

  • Offered guidance and expert advice to the following activities:

  • Calibration and checking the performance characteristics of many GPS Receivers.

  • Providing Global Reference Point to many GPS users like DRDO, SOI, ONGC, and other private agencies for local GPS campaigns, as well as DGPS applications

  • Elevated NGRI as a nodal agency for various GPS activities to collaborate with the state government for their vehicle tracking applications, forest resource mapping applications and road widening programs.

  • Agencies like NMDC to collaborate for the mineral exploration surveys.

  • Defence Organizations to collaborate with NGRI for their classified Military applications.

  • Collaborative DST proposal was prepared with CSRE (Center for Remote Sensing) IIT, Bombay and submitted to DST for the project titled

“Integration of InSAR and GPS for refined spatio-temporal coverage of

crustal deformations and the study on Intraplate kinematics”.

  • Rendering service to many GPS users to calibrate their receivers with NGRI global reference point.

  • I am responsible for NGRI to continue to be one of the important GPS data-contributing agencies to IGS. The Time Series of HYDE IGS Station till 2004 has been estimated with the latest ITRF-2000 Reference Frame.Along with this the Indian Plate movement also has been revalidated with reference to ITRF-2000 Reference Frame in the global network solution.

  • NGRI’s second permanent GPS Station at Mahendragiri, (MAHE) Tamil Nadu has also been included in the global network. The revalidated velocity vector map was prepared. The East and North Velocities with the corresponding sigma values of all the sites chosen for this analysis were estimated. Simultaneously, the Euler Pole and Euler vector of Indian plate with respect to Eurasian Plate has also been estimated and compared with the other studies.

  • NGRI IGS GPS Station has contributed significantly to estimate the changes in the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) by IGS.

  • IERS has estimated the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) specifically the possible effects on the earth rotation due to Sumatra earthquake. The actual motion of the pole was compared with a predicted pole. This high magnitude earthquake has affected the Y-Component of the pole by 2.7 mas (milli-arc-second.This was estimated in ITRF-2000 Reference Frame with the data from the IGS Stations HYDE, IISC, BAN2, MALI, COCO, DGAR, and SEY1.Thus the high quality GPS data from the IGS Permanent Station at NGRI, Hyderabad, (HYDE) has significantly contributed to the estimation of change in the Earth Orientation Parameters and “Rapid Orbit Contributions” due to the Sumatra earthquake and the resultant Tsunami. All these effectively mean that “the mean North Pole” has shifted by about 2.5cm in the direction of 145º East Longitude. Also the other EOP, Length of Day (LOD) has decreased by 2.68µ sec. (microseconds). Thus the NGRI IGS GPS Station has played a pivotal role globally in analyzing the significant effects on the EOP by the Sumatra earthquake. Co-seismic deformation between HYDE and NTUS has been estimated.

  • Also revalidated the geodetic coordinates of National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.

  • Far field Co-seismic surface deformation studies by GPS Geodesy after the Sumatra Earthquake was taken up and estimated that Indian peninsula has shifted by about 7.3mm towards East Longitude and Burmese plate.

Significant Contributions towards the DOD Sponsored Project – GPS Studies at Antarctica in the capacity of Project Investigator
A.” Continuous GPS Monitoring Between India And Antarctica”

Maitri Goes Global:

  • The GPS –geodesy programme initiated at Antarctica in 1997 with the objectives of focusing the studies on Seismotectonics and Geodynamical Processes between Antarctica and Southern Indian Peninsula, characterization of the plate boundaries binding the Indian Plate, the influences of newly emerging platelets such as Capricorn on the Indian Plate, the rigidity of Indian plate and ultimately to have an holistic understanding of Indian Plate kinematics is progressing satisfactorily with the establishment of a Permanent GPS Station at Maitri, Indian Station at Antarctica.

  • With these studies NGRI participates and continues to contribute to Scientific Committee on Antarctica Research (SCAR) GPS campaign and Maitri data is included in the Global Data Archive by virtue of which Maitri had become one of the SCAR GPS Stations. Maitri data can be accessed at the web-site


  • MAITRI contributes to IERS:

Maitri Permanent GPS Tracking station could conform to the stringent requirements of International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) and its densification of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF 2000) formulation. Hence Maitri is included in the realization of ITRF 2000 Reference frame, which is released in 2001.
The Primary ITRF 2000 sites and collocated Techniques wherein Maitri also figures and its estimated station positions and velocity at Epoch 1997.0 are included in the list of SCAR stations, which can be accessed at the following websites:



By contributing and processing a high quality geodetic data from Maitri, NGRI plays a globally major role in maintenance and improvement of a Global Reference Frame.

The data up to 2004 are being processed in ITRF 2000 Reference Frame. As a continuous process, as one of the SCAR stations, the GPS data is being contributed to Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and International Earth Rotation Services (IERS) to remain in the Global Scenario of GPS –Geodesy Studies at Antarctica. There by Maitri GPS Station as one of the SCAR Stations is also participating in the Crustal Movement Campaign launched by SCAR in 2004. So, Maitri prominently figures in the SCAR 2004 Crustal Movement Campaign.

Having estimated the Time series of Maitri with the data accrued till 2003 and the Global Network Solution obtained with the estimation of very long baseline lengths and their rate of changes with Kerguelen as reference station to the Stations Davis, Casey, Maitri, in Antarctica Plate, Yaragadee, Tidbinbilla in Australian Plate, Hartebeesthoek in African plate, Seychelles and Coco in near Indian Plate, the rate of strain accumulation in the south of Indian Peninsula also has been estimated from the velocity vectors.

The cumulative elastic strain accumulation in the south of Indian peninsula is on the increase at the rate of 1.27 X 10-8 yr-1.

Very significant results are emerging. Normally in the intraplate region the strain accumulation is around 10-8 to 10-10 yr-1 [Kreemer et al., 2003]. Our results of intraplate strain accumulation within Antarctica Plate covering three sites MAIT, CAS1 and DAV1 are 1.8x10-9yr-1, 1.6x10-9yr-1 and 1.1x10-9yr-1, respectively. Similarly, the estimates of interplate strain accumulation between Antarctica and other plates Somalia (SEY1), Africa (HARO), Australia (YAR1), and diffuse plate boundary between India and Australia (COCO) are found to be 1.1x10-9yr-1, 1.0x10-10yr-1, 1.27x10-8yr-1 and 1.18x10-8yr-1, respectively. These estimates are in good agreement of Kreemer et al. [2003] in the Global Strain Rate Map.

The global strain rate model was estimated using contours of the second invariant of the model strain rate tensor field obtained by a least squares fit to a large set of world-wide geodetic velocities and fault slip rate in Asia. Where no fault slip rate data was available, a priori constraints were used on the style and direction (but not magnitude) of the model strain rate tensor field. These constraints are inferred from the seismic strain rate field associated with all shallow events in the Harvard CMT catalog.

Since NGRI is part of Global GPSVEL Project, out of 5170 geodetic velocities world wide, geodetic velocities of Hyderabad and Maitri were also used in this study.


Significant Contributions towards Seismic Observatory at Maitri, Antarctica in the capacity of Co-coordinator

  • The Seismic Observatory with the state-of-the-art digital 3-component broadband seismometer was established at Maitri to focus the study on the Seismicity in and around Antarctica and also to aid Plate Tectonic Studies.

  • The Seismic Observatory at Maitri plays a pivotal role globally by contributing data to NEIC (USGS), and ISC, UK and is a part of Global Seismographic Network at Antarctica.

  • The seismic data accrued since 1998 are being used for SKS splitting studies to find upper mantle anisotropy, crustal structure using receiver transfer function beneath Maitri, East Antarctica, scattering attenuation of P & S waves to infer the upper mantle heterogeneity. The local events recorded are used for CODA Q Attenuation Studies.

  • A Seismological Bulletin for 2002 of the seismic data recorded at Maitri has been prepared and released in December 1994, which forms a valuable source of information on seismicity in and around Antarctica.

  • Continue to contribute Seismic data to ISC, UK to remain in the Global Scenario of Global Seismographic Network at Antarctica and also contribution of Permanent Seismological Observatory at Maitri, Antarctica to AnSWeR (Antarctic Seismic Web Resource) continues. All the seismic activity in and around Antarctica, which is of interest to the study of Indian plate Kinematics, continues to be recorded. The broadband seismic data recorded till 2004 is being analysed.

  • A Seismological bulletin of the seismic phase data of MAIT for the year 2002 has been prepared and released. This is the first of its kind by NGRI on the achievements of Permanent Seismological Observatory at Maitri, Antarctica.

  • The seismic observatory has also recorded the devastating Sumatra Earthquake. The seismogram of the Macquarie islands earthquake of magnitude Mb= 8.1on December 23, 2004 has also been recorded at Maitri.

  • As observed from the global seismic activity, the seismicity in and around Sandwich Islands in the Antarctican Plate and along the classic Indian Ocean Ridges are on the rise, which could have a bearing on the Indian plate and Indian plate kinematics. This needs focused further investigations.

  • The epicenter location map of the earthquakes recorded at Maitri in the year 2002 has been prepared.

Estimation of Moho depth beneath Maitri by Receiver Function Analysis.

  • The seismic data of 2002 and 2003 have been used to analyse and estimate the crustal thickness beneath Maitri. 67 receiver functions and 108 events were used in the analysis and the Moho depth has been estimated to be 40km.

  • Conclusively both GPS Station and Seismological Observatory at Maitri, Antarctica working in tandem mutually aids the studies on seismotectonics and geodynamical processes in the southern Indian Peninsula specifically pertaining to the Indian Plate kinematics.

  • By executing these projects both GPS and Seismic stations at Antarctica have gone global .

Additional Significant Information:

  • I was the Chair Person for the session “Crustal deformation studies by Integration of SAR and GPS for Volcano Region” on 28th March, 2000 in the Indo-Italian workshop at Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT, Bombay.


!. SCI Journals: 7

2.Conferences/Seminars: 40

3. Technical Reports: 9

4. Invited Lectures: 17

5. Books Published (Chapters): 2

6. Proceedings Released: 3

7. Thesis supervised:

Since 1996 till date supervised M.Tech and MS thesis for the Post graduate students of Electronics and communication Engg, computer science, Remote sensing and Geoinformatics students from JNTU, Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, BITS Pilani, NERTU, Osmania University,ANNA university, University of Madras, And GRI, Dindigul Tamilnadu .

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