Dris proposal for national licensing of the plumbing and gasfitting occupations

Comparison of Certificate IV – current and three tier approach

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Comparison of Certificate IV – current and three tier approach

The following tables provides a comparison of the Certificate IV units required both currently, and in the three tier, sub-option 2 under national licensing, for the equivalent of a (full) licence. Under current arrangements, jurisdictions may call this a plumber’s or gasfitter’s licence, plumbing or gasfitting contractor licence, plumbing or gasfitting certifier licence, or similar, depending on the area of activity. In all cases, these requirements are in addition to the relevant Certificate III qualification or equivalent which forms the entry qualification.


Note: Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices and Commission and maintain heated water temperature control devices are proposed to be available as endorsements. Existing licence holders with these units will be transitioned with the endorsement, as appropriate.

Table E.9: New South Wales: Plumbing work (including sanitary and water plumbing)

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems (NSW only)


CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems (NSW only)


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems (NSW only)


Table E.10: Victoria: Plumber – Water supply plumber and Sanitary plumber

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes (required for both water and sanitary)

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work (required for both water and sanitary)

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPWT4012A Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices

X (but is available as endorsement)

X (but is available as endorsement)

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (Vic, Qld, WA, SA and NT – required for both water and sanitary)


CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems (required sanitary only)

Table E.11: Queensland – Plumber’s licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, WA, SA and NT)


CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

Table E.12: Western Australia – Plumbing contractor’s licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPWT4012A Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices


CPCPWT4013A Commission and maintain heated water temperature control devices


BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, WA, SA and NT)


CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

Table E.13: South Australia – Plumbing contractor licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPWT4012A Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices


CPCPWT4013A Commission and maintain heated water temperature control devices


BSBSBM402A/BSBSMB402A Undertake financial planning/Plan small business finances


BSBSBM406A/BSBSMB406A Manage finances/Manage small business finances


BCGBC4009A/CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects


BSBSBM401A/BSBSMB401A Establish business & legal requirements/Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, WA, SA and NT)


CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

Table E.14: Tasmania – Plumber practitioner (certifier) Water plumber and Plumber practitioner (certifier) Sanitary plumber

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications (required for both water and sanitary)


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes (required for both water and sanitary)

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work (required for both water and sanitary)

BSBOHS403B Identify hazards and assess OHS risks (required for both water and sanitary)


CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems (required for water)

CPCPWT4012A Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices

X (but is available as endorsement)


CPCPWT4013A Commission and maintain heated water temperature control devices

X (but is available as endorsement)

X (but is available as endorsement)

CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems (required for sanitary)

Table E.15: Australian Capital Territory – Plumber’s licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems (required for sanitary)

Table E.16: Northern Territory – Advanced tradesman – plumber licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPWT4012A Commission and maintain backflow prevention devices

X (but is available as endorsement)

CPCPWT4013A Commission and maintain heated water temperature control devices

X (but is available as endorsement)

BSBSBM401A Establish business and legal requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, WA, SA and NT)


CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems (required for sanitary)


Table E.17: New South Wales – Draining work

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

Table E.18: Victoria – Drainage

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, SA and NT)


Table E.19: Queensland – Drainer licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems


CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

BSBSMB401A – Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, SA and NT)


Table E.20: Western Australia – Plumbing contractor’s (drainage plumbing) licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

Table E.21: South Australia – Drainage plumber contractor licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

BSBSBM402A/BSBSMB402A Undertake financial planning/Plan small business finances


BSBSBM406A/BSBSMB406A Manage finances/Manage small business finances


BCGBC4009A/CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects


BSBSBM401A/BSBSMB401A Establish business & legal requirements/Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business

(VIC, QLD, SA and NT)


Table E.22: Tasmania – Plumber practitioner drainer

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

BSBOHS403B Identify hazards and assess OHS risks


CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

Table E.23: Australian Capital Territory – Advanced sanitary drainer

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

Table E.24: Northern Territory – Advanced tradesman – Drainer

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4012A Design and size stormwater drainage systems


CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (VIC, QLD, SA and NT)


Fire protection

Table E.25: New South Wales – Fire protection

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water


Table E.26: Victoria – Fire protection

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPRF4011A Design residential and domestic fire sprinkler systems


CPCPFS4012A Commission and maintain special fire suppression systems


BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business (Vic only, noting that in SA work is undertaken and unit is required for Building work contractor)


Table E.27: Queensland – Contractor licence Fire protection

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPRF4011A Design residential and domestic fire sprinkler systems


General gasfitter

Table E.28: New South Wales – General gasfitter

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances


CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


Table E.29: Victoria – Gasfitting

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

X (but is available as specialised licence/endorsement)

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business


Table E.30: Queensland – Full gas work licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

Table E.31: Western Australia – Gasfitter

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

Table E.32: South Australia – Gasfitting contractor licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

BSBSBM402A/BSBSMB402A Undertake financial planning/Plan small business finances


BSBSBM406A/BSBSMB406A Manage finances/Manage small business finances


BCGBC4009A/CPCCBC4009A Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects


BSBSBM401A/BSBSMB401A Establish business & legal requirements/Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business


Table E.33: Tasmania – Gasfitter practitioner

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


BSBOHS403B Identify hazards and assess OHS risks


Table E.34 Australian Capital Territory – Advanced gasfitter

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances


Table E.35: Northern Territory – Gasfitter – domestic/commercial

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

Gasfitter Type B

Table E.36: New South Wales – Advanced LPG gasfitting

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances


CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations


Table E.37: Victoria – Type B gasfitting

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes


CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work


BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business


Table E.38: Queensland – Gas work authorisation

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances

Table E.39: South Australia – Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances

Table E.40: Tasmania – Gasfitter Type B level 3 licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas

CPCPPS5001A Design industrial gas systems


Mechanical services

Table E.41: Victoria – Mechanical services licence

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPMS4011A Design, size and layout heating and cooling systems

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

BSBSMB401A Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business


Table E.42: Tasmania – Plumber practitioner (mechanical services plumbing)

Certificate IV unit of competency


Three tier, sub-option 2

CPCPMS4011A Design, size and layout heating and cooling systems

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCCBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


BSBOHS403B Identify hazards and assess OHS risks


CPCPMS4002A Commission air and water systems


Table E.43: Proposed Certificate IV level requirements under sub-option 2 and current requirements

Category of (full) licence

Number of Certificate IV units proposed

Comparison with current jurisdictional requirements (for equivalent licence)

Plumber (combines water and sanitary plumbing)

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPWT4011A Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

CPCPSN4011A Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

For water plumbing:

1 jurisdiction requires seven units

3 jurisdictions require six units

1 jurisdiction requires five units

3 jurisdictions require four units

For sanitary plumbing:

1 jurisdiction requires six units

2 jurisdictions require five units

3 jurisdictions require four units

2 jurisdictions require three units

Note: there are a number of common units between water and sanitary plumbing


CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPDR4011A Design and size sanitary drainage systems

CPCPDR4013A Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

2 jurisdictions require seven units

2 jurisdictions require six units

2 jurisdictions require five units

2 jurisdictions require four units

General gasfitter

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

CPCPGS4011A Design and size consumer gas installations

CPCPGS4012A Service Type A gas appliances

2 jurisdictions require six units

4 jurisdictions require four units

2 jurisdictions require two units

Gasfitter Type B

CPCPGS4003A Install, commission and service Type B gas appliances

1 jurisdiction requires four units

2 jurisdictions require two units

2 jurisdictions require one unit

1 jurisdiction requires 0 units

Two jurisdictions do not license and one jurisdiction licenses differently.

Fire protection

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control processes

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

1 jurisdiction requires five units

1 jurisdiction requires two units

1 jurisdiction requires one unit

The remainder do not license or license as building work.

Mechanical services

CPCPMS4011A Design, size and lay out heating and cooling systems

CPCPCM4001A Carry out work-based risk control process

CPCPCM4002A Estimate and cost work

1 jurisdiction requires six units

1 jurisdiction requires four units

Other jurisdictions either do not license under mechanical services or do not license this work at all.

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