Dris proposal for national licensing of the plumbing and gasfitting occupations

Sub-option 2 – How proposed Certificate IV units address risks

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Sub-option 2 – How proposed Certificate IV units address risks

The following table gives a brief outline of each Certificate IV unit proposed under sub-option 2 and the risks which it addresses, which are mitigated by the specialist skill and knowledge provided. A comparison is given with the skills provided under the most relevant comparable Certificate III unit identified.

Table D.4: Proposed Certificate IV units and their role in risk mitigation.

Certificate IV unit and licence for which it is proposed

Description (broadly)

Comparison to Cert III: Risk and risk management

Jurisdictions requiring the subject or equivalent

CPCPCM4011A Carry out work-based risk control processes

Proposed for: all full licences

Descriptor relates to identifying, assessing and managing risks, addressing statutory and regulatory authorities’ legislative and workplace requirements, including work, health and safety. Unit for team leaders and supervisors who have responsibility for safety of others.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

Certificate IV unit covers the management of workplace risks including managing risk in supervisory capacity.

The relevant core unit in the Certificate III is a Certificate II unit CPCPCM2043A Carry out WHS requirements. This does not address WHS processes to the same level as the proposed unit but simply provides a general framework of regulatory requirements and practices to conduct work safely. It does not involve responsibility for others.

Plumber (licensed by all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

Drainer (licensed by all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

Fire Protection (licensed in three jurisdictions): VIC

General gasfitter (licensed in all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, SA, TAS, NT

Gasfitter Type B: (licensed five jurisdictions): VIC

Mechanical Services: (licensed two jurisdictions): VIC, TAS

CPCPCM4012A Estimate and cost work

Proposed for: all full licences

Descriptor relates to estimating materials, labour and time requirements and establishing cost for provision of service or product. Includes sequencing work efficiently.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Personal injury

  • Water supply contamination, poisoning, asphyxiation (from inadequate materials or labour)

  • Property and other asset damage

  • Water wastage

  • Consumer or business loss (not listed in D1)

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection related to pricing and time needed for work – consumer requirements are clarified, work is priced appropriately, equipment and materials are appropriate and safe.

Also covers environmental risks– material and energy use is efficient, proper disposal of waste.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is a Certificate II unit CPCPCM2040A Read plans and calculate plumbing quantities. This does not address the pricing of work which is the focus of the proposed unit, and which includes costing types of labour, time and overheads in order to provide a written quotation and tender for Class I building jobs

Plumber (licensed by all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

Drainer (licensed by all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

Fire Protection (licensed in three jurisdictions): VIC

General gasfitter (licensed in all jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, SA, TAS, NT

Gasfitter Type B: (licensed five jurisdictions): VIC

Mechanical Services: (licensed two jurisdictions): VIC, TAS

CPCPWT4011B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems

Proposed for: plumber licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting the layout of heated, tempered and cold water services, flushing systems, and hydrants and hose reel systems for multi-floor buildings.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Personal injury

  • Water wastage

  • Water supply contamination

  • Property and other asset damage

  • Water supply contamination

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of services and system layout and ensuring work meets Australian standards, regulatory and workplace requirements, including building plans. Design, materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient, sustainable and safe. Licensee is required to know characteristics and application of equipment, including water heating systems, pumps, water storage, pipes and fitting.

Also covers environmental risks – material and energy use is efficient, proper disposal of waste.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is the unit CPCPWT3021A Set out and install water services. This does not address some of the fundamental skills to undertake the work which are covered under the Certificate IV unit, i.e. ‘process of designing, sizing and documenting the layout of heated, tempered and cold water services and systems’, the relevant statutory requirements relating to that work, the ‘characteristics and application of water heating systems’ and of water pumps and water storage tanks for multiple floor buildings. Instead, the Certificate III unit deals with the fundamental processes for identifying installation requirements and installing and testing a pipe system only. A separate Certificate III unit CPCPWT3023A Install and commission water heating systems is restricted to the installation of water heating systems and does not contain design or size elements.

Plumber (licensed by all jurisdictions): NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

CPCPSN4011B Design and size sanitary plumbing systems

Proposed for: plumber licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting the layout of sanitary plumbing systems for multi-floor buildings. (To obtain unit, person must be able to design and size a system for a minimum of 6 floors, suing different sanitary plumbing systems, to plan and standards).

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Personal injury

  • Water wastage

  • Water supply contamination

  • Bacterial infection

  • Foul smells

  • Property and other asset damage

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of system layout and ensuring work meets Australian standards, regulatory and workplace requirements, including building plans. Design, materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient, sustainable and safe. Licensee is required to know characteristics and application of equipment, including different pipe systems, fixture supports and fixing and joining techniques. Avoidance of water contamination and structural damage, protection of health.

Also covers environmental risks – material and energy use is efficient, proper disposal of waste.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is the unit CPCPSN3011B Plan layout of a residential sanitary plumbing system. This does not address the same level of skills as the proposed unit. While some skills, such as principles of drainage and principles of sanitary plumbing, are common, the Certificate III unit does not include the process and statutory requirements necessary to plan, size and layout the system, neither does it include training in relevant design software, the handling of hazardous waste or information on infectious diseases.

Plumber (licensed by all jurisdictions): NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

CPCPDR4011B Design and size sanitary drainage systems

Proposed for: drainer licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting the layout of sanitary drainage systems for unit developments.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Personal injury

  • Water wastage

  • Water supply contamination

  • Bacterial infection

  • Foul smells

  • Property and other asset damage

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of system layout and ensuring work meets Australian standards, regulatory and workplace requirements, including building plans. Design, materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient, sustainable and safe. Required to know characteristics and application of equipment, process of treating trade waste to acceptable levels of discharge, properties and characteristics of sewage, trade waste requirements and discharge levels. Avoidance of water contamination and structural damage, protection of health.

Also covers environmental risks – material and energy use is efficient, proper disposal of waste.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is CPCPDR3021A Plan layout of a residential sanitary drainage system. This does not address the same level of skills as the proposed unit. The Certificate III unit includes the planning of a system but focuses on the system installation. It does not cover the design, sizing or documenting of the system, neither does it include training in relevant design software, the handling of hazardous waste, the process of treating trade waste to acceptable levels for discharge or information on infectious diseases relevant to working with plumbing systems.

Drainer (licensed by all jurisdictions): NSW, VIC, , WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

CPCPDR4013B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems

Proposed for: drainer licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting the layout of domestic treatment plant disposal systems.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Personal injury

  • Water wastage

  • Water supply contamination

  • Bacterial infection

  • Foul smells

  • Property and other asset damage

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of system layout and ensuring work meets Australian standards, regulatory and workplace requirements. Design, materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient, sustainable and safe. Required to know principles, techniques and characteristics of effluent treatment and disposal, including land capability for on-site land application of effluent and site topography, property and characteristics of the soil. Avoidance of soil contamination and protection of health.

Also covers environmental risks – material and energy use is efficient, proper disposal of waste.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is Certificate II unit CPCPDR2022A Install domestic treatment plants The training package notes on the application of this unit says that it ‘supports development of skills for installation of treatment plants in domestic situations’ whereas the Certificate IV unit provides outcomes ‘required to design, size and document the layout of domestic treatment plant disposal systems’. In other words, the Certificate II unit provides basic skills and knowledge and a framework for the work, while the Certificate IV unit provides the full range of skills necessary to perform the work unsupervised and without risk of effluent contamination.

Drainer (licensed by all jurisdictions): NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, ACT, NT

CPCPGS4022A Service Type A gas appliances

Proposed for: general gasfitter licence

Descriptor relates to diagnosing and repairing faults on domestic and commercial Type A gas appliances.

Risks addressed (see table D2) :

  • Personal injury

  • Asphyxiation/poisoning/respiratory illness

  • Property and other asset damage

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of work on gas appliances. This involves knowledge of both gas and electricity. Gas work carries risks of potentially lethal fumes or combustion for both worker and consumer. Electrical work carries risk of electrocution (to worker or consumer) or fire, with potential risk to life or property. Aims to ensure materials, equipment and procedures, including testing, are appropriate for task, efficient and safe.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is CPCPGS3023 Disconnect and reconnect Type A Appliances. This unit is confined to performing disconnection/reconnection work on like appliance. It does not cover the skill provided by the Certificate IV unit which relates to diagnosing and repairing faults on Type A appliances, including gas system faults and electrical and electronic circuitry faults.

General gasfitter (licensed in all jurisdictions): VIC (as separate specialised licence), QLD, SA, TAS, NT

CPCPGS4011B Design and size consumer gas installations

Proposed for: general gasfitter licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting a consumer’s gas installation, , including consumer piping operating up to a pressure of 200kPa, fluing, ventilation and appliance installation, using a range of gases, for a building of a minimum four floors and multiple buildings supplied through one gas source.

Risks addressed (see table D2) :

  • Personal injury

  • Asphyxiation/poisoning/respiratory illness

  • Property and other asset damage

  • Energy inefficiency

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of work on consumer gas installations. Ensuring design and sizing meets Australian standards, regulatory and workplace requirements. Materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient, sustainable and safe. Gas work carries risks of potentially lethal fumes or combustion for both worker and consumer. Required to know building and construction terminology, gas and general electric safety, types and uses of gas pipe work and reticulation materials.

The nearest relevant core unit in the Certificate III is CPCPGS3057A Size consumer gas piping systems. This unit is confined to sizing work only and does not include design, layout of gas installations, documenting elements, or relevant computer software design processes.

General gasfitter (licensed in all jurisdictions): NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, NT

CPCPGS4023A Install, commission and service Type B gas installations

Proposed for: gasfitter type B appliances licence

Descriptor relates to the installation, commissioning and servicing of Type B gas installations. Unit prerequisite of restricted electrical licence or equivalent.

Risks addressed (see table D2) :

  • Personal injury

  • Asphyxiation/poisoning/respiratory illness

  • Property and other asset damage

  • Energy inefficiency

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of work on Type B gas installations. Involves knowledge of both gas and electricity. Gas work carries risks of potentially lethal fumes or combustion for both worker and consumer. Electrical work carries risk of electrocution (to worker or consumer) or fire, with potential risk to life or property.

Work covered by unit involves a high level of technical and organisational ability including interpreting and applying design specifications, liaison with designer and gas authorities, obtaining formal authorities to proceed, working according to manufacturers’ requirements. Required to know characteristics, use and limitations of gas Type B components, ventilation techniques and calculations, site suitability and handling of materials, including hazardous substances.

The nearest relevant unit in the Certificate III is the elective unit CPCPGS3050A Install Type B gas appliance flues. No other unit specifically relating to Type B gas work is readily identifiable. This unit is confined to the installation of flues only and does not cover the much broader scope of work covered in the Certificate IV unit relating to installing, commissioning and servicing Type B gas appliances. The training package states that the unit ‘supports the needs of appropriately qualified experienced persons with a responsibility for interpreting and applying pre-existing design specifications..’ This would indicate that it was not envisaged that the work would be conducted by a person who had only completed a Certificate III qualification, And that there would be risk in allowing that person, possibly newly-qualified, to undertake the full scope of work of the Type B gas appliance licence.

Gasfitter Type B: (licensed five jurisdictions): VIC, QLD, SA, TAS

CPCPMS4011B Design, size and lay out heating and cooling systems

Proposed for: mechanical services licence

Descriptor relates to designing, sizing and documenting the layout of heating and cooling systems in multi-floor systems.

Risks addressed (see table D1) :

  • Bacterial infection

  • Personal injury

  • Energy inefficiency

Certificate IV unit covers consumer and worker protection – addressing specific work, health and safety aspects of work on ducting systems. Aims to ensure materials, equipment and procedures are appropriate for task, efficient and safe. Risks include hot water (from boilers, piping or radiators), poor air supply, environmental and health risks such as legionnaire’s disease and energy inefficiency. Licensees must have knowledge of design concepts and performance measure, electrical and electronic principles and safety procedures, gas and environmental protection regulatory requirements and sustainability.

There are no core units that cover a similar, though restricted, level of work compared with that outlined at the Certificate IV level. Two elective units are closest, CPCPMS3038A Install air conditioning control equipment and CPCPMS3040A Install and maintain evaporative air cooling systems but no unit provides skills for design and layout at the Certificate III level.

Mechanical Services: (licensed two jurisdictions): VIC, TAS

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