Drive volume and value through strategic partnerships. Drive volume and value through strategic partnerships

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Drive volume and value through strategic partnerships.

  • Drive volume and value through strategic partnerships.

  • Influence transformation through partnerships agreements by introducing new experiences into the itineraries and showcasing hidden gems and a variety of tourism offerings South Africa has to offer, particularly in emerging markets such the Nordics and Middle East.

  • During off-peak seasons and in cases of low forward bookings to South Africa, to collaborate with trade to package affordable deals to improve seasonality.

  • Collaborate with Provincial Tourism Authorities to immerse and educate Trade and Media about new experiences and offerings across different provinces in South Africa using hosting, familiarisation trips and SA Specialist.

  • Maximise resources and global footprint, South African Tourism by leveraging on DIRCO’s infrastructure to promote tourism.

  • Partner with trade, media and Team South Africa (SAA, Brand South Africa, etc.) in order to ensure that South Africa is marketed in a manner that enhances the brand and traveller experience.

  • Promote a unified brand by developing global tool kits, virtual training through SA Specialist, Trip Planners among other things to enable countries to customise for their markets.

  • Identify barriers to entry and collaborate with NDT to address barrier removal – visa processing, airlift, immigration regulations etc.

Develop an aggressive and coordinated approach to developing leads for business events - executed in conjunction with the provincial and city Convention Bureaus and the broader business events industry in South Africa.

  • Develop an aggressive and coordinated approach to developing leads for business events - executed in conjunction with the provincial and city Convention Bureaus and the broader business events industry in South Africa.

  • Promote and incentivise hosting of conferences and incentives in the secondary cities.

  • Support and capacitate provincial and city convention bureaus through regular engagements in the business events coordinating forum.

  • Address geographic spread through the pre and post Meetings Africa and Indaba tours conducted to immerse international, regional and domestic buyers and media into smaller towns and alternative products.

Understand needs around quality assurance in light of a pervasive traveller review landscape and allow consumer needs and insights to drive expansion while considering global best practice.

    • Understand needs around quality assurance in light of a pervasive traveller review landscape and allow consumer needs and insights to drive expansion while considering global best practice.
    • Improvement of reputation through regular trade engagements and consumer campaigns.
    • Focus and emphasis on the eradication of the illegal use of stars to drive trade and consumer confidence.
    • Partnering with members to drive their profitability by growing and sustaining their quality of business, i.e.. our value.
    • Leverage access and participation to SA Tourism platforms as well as information and market data for our members.
    • Position the TGSCA brand as a holistic assessment of quality and service offering by graded establishments using Tourism Analytics Programme (TAP).

SA Tourism’s Workforce Profile at the end of December 2017 was as reflected below, against an approved headcount of 202. SA Tourism has achieved a vacancy rate of 15% due to the organisational redesign process (Project Ignite). Internships and contract employees are used to ensure business continuity.

  • SA Tourism’s Workforce Profile at the end of December 2017 was as reflected below, against an approved headcount of 202. SA Tourism has achieved a vacancy rate of 15% due to the organisational redesign process (Project Ignite). Internships and contract employees are used to ensure business continuity.

  • Recruitment for vacancies commenced in June 2017.

AENE Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure

  • AENE Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure

  • AGM Annual General Meeting

  • CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate

  • DDC Deal Driven Campaign

  • EAP Economically Active Population (People from 15-64 years of age who are either employed or unemployed and seeking employment)

  • ENE Estimates of National Expenditure

  • FNB-BER First National Bank & Bureau of Economic Research

  • MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing and Exhibitions

  • SANCB South African National Convention Bureau

  • TAP Tourism Analytics Programme

  • TDDS Total Domestic Direct Spend is the amount spent by South African residents on domestic trips excluding any prepaid amounts and reported in nominal terms

  • TGCSA Tourism Grading Council of South Africa

  • TOMSA Tourism Marketing South Africa

  • TTFDS Total Tourist Foreign Direct Spend is the total amount spent directly in South Africa by all foreign tourists and reported in nominal terms

  • UNWTO United Nations World Travel Organisation

  • VFR Visiting Friends and Relatives

  • YTD Year to Date

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