Provide corrective actions taken for each issue reported and provide updates from unresolved issues from the previous QR.
1.14.1.Issue 1
1.14.2.Issue n
1.15.Plan for the next period
During PQ11, the SPT will support the planning for the EGI community forum by both participating in the program committee and also by inviting submission from relevant partners. The SPT will work on the implementation of the recommendations from the scientific publication repository by collaborating with the OpenAIRE project; it will also update the questionnaire for the EGI Compendium 2012 and engage with TERENA to plan for a common data collection tool. The SPT will also run the new VT on Scientific Discipline Classification. Following the decision of the EGI Council, the SPT will follow up on the ERIC implementation plan, pay-for-use models for EGI and on improving the demonstration of excellence in Science. The SPT will also revise the EGI strategic metrics and will also work on the organisation of a series of workshops at the end of January in preparation for the update of the EGI sustainability plan.
STFC will complete the final drafts of the revised top-level main Security Policy document and on the security aspects of Data Privacy will be completed. Planning will start for SPG activities during 2013. A meeting of "Security for Collaborating Infrastructures" will take place in Rome on 16-17 January 2013 at which assessments will be made of the extent to which EGI and other networks meet the requirements expressed in the SCI document. Work will continue on FIM4R activities, in particular on the FIM pilot project for WLCG and related policy issues.
Provided by the PO from the partner cost claims. Partners will be asked to provide responses to financial consumption that is significantly above or below plans.