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Personal communication Mr. Bert Gielen

[ Com-CC-2]

Comments on 1st draft FMP from Continuous Coating Shadow Group


EUROFER, Task Group Coating, 1998. Technical note on the MET to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Draft: Coating of Steel Coil Hot Dip Processes


EUROFER, Task Group Hot Rolling, 1998. Technical note on the MET to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Draft: Hot Rolling Mill

[ 16, Rentz 1997 ]

Rentz, Report on Best Available Techniques in the electric Steelmaking Industry, French- German Institute for Environmental Research, 1997

[ 22, EC EAO 1994 ]

EC EAO, Technical Note on the Best Available Technologies to Reduce Emissions of Pollutants into the Air from Electric Arc Steel Production Plants, 1994

[ 36, EPRI 1992 ]

EPRI, Proceedings of the CMP Electric Arc Furnace Dust Treatment Symposium, EPRI Center for Materials Production, 1992

[ 54, Haissig 1997 ]

Haissig, ‘21st Century Electric Steelmaking: The Integrated Meltshop’, Iron & Steel Society´s 25th Advanced Technology Symposium in St. Petersburg Beach, 1997, US Florida on May 11-14.

[ 57, Heinen 1997 ]

Heinen, Elektrostahl-Erzeugung, 4. Aufl. (Electric Arc Furnace Steel Production, 4. ed.), Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, D-Duesseldorf, 1997

[ 58, Kaestli, P. 2009 ]

Kaestli, P., ‘Comparison of conversion costs of continuous scrap preheating systems’, Personal Communication, 2009

[ 63, Wirling, J. 2007 ]

Wirling, J., ‘Safety aspects in the use of carbonaceous sorbents during waste gas treatment’, MT International, Vol. Vol. 3, 2007, pp. 144-152

[ 67, TSW GmbH 2005 ]

TSW GmbH, ‘Anlagen- und Betriebsbeschreibung zur Modernisierung und umwelttechnischen Sanierung des Stahlwerks der TSW’, Personal Communication, 2005

[ 68, Karcher et al. 1996 ]

Karcher et al., Ermittlung und Verminderung der Emissionen von Dioxinen und Furanen aus thermischen Prozessen: Untersuchung der Zusammenhaenge der Dioxin- /Furanemissionen in Abhaengigkeit von Einsatzstoffen und Minderungstechniken bei Elektrolichtbogenoefen (Investigation and Reduction of PCDD/F Emissions from Thermal Processes: Investigation of Connections of PCDD/F Emissions Depending on Input and Minimisation Techniques at Electric Arc Furnaces), 1996

[ 69, Kemeny 1994 ]

Kemeny, ‘Technical Look at EAO Dust Treatment. Proceedings of the CMP Report’, CMP Electric Arc Furnace Dust Treatment Symposium, Vol. No. 94-2, 1994

[ 73, Knapp 1996 ]

Knapp, ‘Quality and Improvements of the Shaft Furnace with Post combustion’, Monterrey Symposium, 1996, Monterrey

[ 75, Knoop et al. 1997 ]

Knoop et al., ‘Steuerung des Einschmelzens im Drehstrom Lichtbogenofen zum Schutz der Wandkuehlelemente (Control of Melting in the Three-Phase Current Arc Furnace to Protect the Water-cooled Side Walls)’, Stahl und Eisen 117, Vol. No. 2, 1997, pp. 91-96

[ 77, Austrian TWG member 2008 ]

Austrian TWG member, Austrian comments on the first draft of the reviewed IS BREF, 2008

[ 79, Kuhner et al. 1996 ]

Kuhner et al., ‘Noise Abatement for Electric Arc Furnaces’, Iron and Steel Engineer 73, Vol. No. 4, 1996, pp. 83-86

[ 83, Ehrlich, C. et al 2007 ]

Ehrlich, C. et al, ‘PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1,0-Emissions from industrial plants-Results from measurment programmes in Germany’, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. Vol. 41, 2007, pp. 6236 - 6254

[ 84, Grasselli, A. and Raggio, C. 2008 ]

Grasselli, A. and Raggio, C., ‘Consteel EAO Technology’, Personal Communication, 2008

[ 85, VDI/DIN 2006 ]

VDI/DIN, VDI 2584 - Naturstein Aufbereitungsanlagen in Steinbrüchen, 2006

[ 86, Linninger et al. 1995 ]

Linninger et al., ‘Modernes Technologie- und Informationsmanagement am Beispiel der Auslegung von Elektrolichtbogenoefen (Modern Technology and Information Management by Hand of the Design of Electric Arc Furnaces)’, Stahl und Eisen 115, Vol. No. 3, 1995, pp. 93-101

[ 91, Memoli, F. and Ferri, M. 2007 ]

Memoli, F. and Ferri, M., ‘New track record for Consteel due to new environment-friendly features’, MPT International, Vol. No. 5 2007, 2007, pp. 58 - 65

[ 94, Mc Manus 1995 ]

Mc Manus, Scrap Preheating: A Trend Gains Momentum, 1995, pp. 60-61

[ 116, Rentz et al. 1996 ]

Rentz et al., Stoffstrommanagement in der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie (Material Flow Management in the Iron and Steel Industry), E. Schmidt Verlag, 1996

[ 125, Smith 1992 ]

Smith, New Concept in EAO Energy Saving Commissioned at Sheerness Steel, I&SM, 1992, pp. 57-59

[ 137, Theobald 1995 ]

Theobald, Ermittlung und Verminderung der Emissionen von halogenierten Dioxinen und Furanen aus thermischen Prozessen (Study of the Emissions of Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and -furans and Heavy Metals from Iron and Steel Plants), 1995

[ 140, Eurofer 2009 ]

Eurofer, Compilation of open issues according to the Member state comments and gaps of information on the review of the IS BREF draft, 2009

[ 162, VODs-Spilker et al. 1996 ]

VODs-Spilker et al., ‘Emission Prevention and Energy Saving in Electric Arc Furnaces by the Fuchs Shaft Furnace Technology’, Steel and the Environment in the 21st Century, 1996, UK-London on April 2-3

[ 167, Werner 1997 ]

Werner, Control of Organic Micropollutants from the EAO, International Iron and Steel Institute, 1997, pp. 247-255

[ 177, Eurofer 2009 ]

Eurofer, Comments on the second revised IS BREF draft from July 2009

[ 178, N.N. 2008 ]

N.N., Untersuchung einer Abwasserprobe der BSW Kehl, 2008

[ 179, Metz et al. 2005 ]

Metz et al., IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Prpared by Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2005

[ 180, N.N. 2008 ]

N.N., CO2 Capture and Storage - A key carbon abatement option, IEAInternational Energy Agency, 2008

[ 181, Vangkilde-Pedersen et al. 2007 ]

Vangkilde-Pedersen et al., Towards Hydrogen and Electicity Production with Carbon Capture and Storage, 2007

[ 189, N.N. 2008 ]

N.N., ‘Data from the Emission register’, Personal Communication, 2008

[ 191, Infomil 2010 ]

Infomil, ‘Infomil Contribution on EAO emissions in the Netherlands’, Personal Communication, 2010

[ 200, Commission 2001 ]

Commission, BREF on the Production of Iron and Steel, European Commission, Sevilla, 2001

[ 208, Lindfors et al. 2006 ]

Lindfors et al., MET examples from the Nordic iron and steel industry, Nordic Council of Ministers. Norden, 2006, p. 156

[ 219, Van den Berg et al. 1998]

Van den Berg et al., ‘Toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) for PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs for Humans and Wildlife’, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 106, No 12, 1998, p. 21

[ 220, Eurofer 2008 ]

Eurofer, ‘Comments from Eurofer on the Iron and Steel BREF first draft’, Personal Communication, 2008

[ 234, Poland 2007 ]

Poland, Emission data from Polish iron and steel plants, 2007, p. 18

[ 244, Plickert 2007 ]

Plickert, Performance values of iron and steel plants in Germany, UBA, 2007, p. 6

[ 245, Kuhn et al. 2004 ]

Kuhn et al., Chrome immobilisation in EAO slags from high-alloy steelmaking: development of a slag treatment process, 2004, p. 97

[ 252, France 2007 ]

France, Contribution from France to the revision of the I&S BREF, 2007, p. 5

[ 260, Germany 2007 ]

Germany, Contribution from Germany to the revision of the I&S BREF, 2007, p. 10

[ 273, Eurofer 2007 ]

Eurofer, Comments from Eurofer to the information provided by Germany, 2007, p. 5

[ 277, Wiesenberger 2007 ]

Wiesenberger, Review of the BREF Iron and Steel Production - Austrian Comments, UBA, 2007, p. 35

[ 280, Aguado-Monsonet 2007 ]

Aguado-Monsonet, ‘Visits to Iron and Steel plants’, Personal Communication, 2007

[ 287, MVAE 2005 ]

MVAE, ‘International conference on Clean Technologies in the Steel industry’, International conference on Clean Technologies in the Steel industry, Tardy, 2005, Balatonfured (Hungary)

[ 312, Dr. Michael Degner et al. 2008 ]

Dr. Michael Degner et al., Steel Manual, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf, 2008

[ 355, Plickert 2007 ]

Plickert, Retrofitting the Waste Gas exhaustion system (2005-2007). First measurement results on dust and PCDD/PCDF emission, 2007, p. 12

[ 360, Sick-Maihak 2006 ]

Sick-Maihak, ‘FW300 Laser transmissiometer. Precise and instant measurement in harsh conditions’, 2006, p. 2

[ 364, Fuchs, G. 2008 ]

Fuchs, G., ‘New Energy Saving Electric Arc Furnace Design’, 2008

[ 366, Dornseiffer et al. 2007 ]

Dornseiffer et al., Air and Noise Protection in Steelmaking Electric Arc Furnace in Luxembourg, Ministere de l’environnement in Luxembourg, 2007, p. 10

[ 367, Prüm et al. 2005 ]

Prüm et al., ‘Reducing dioxin emissions in electric steel mills’, MPT international, Vol. 1, No 2005, 2005, pp. 36-42

[ 368, Prüm etal. 2004 ]

Prüm et al., ‘Verringerung der dioxinemission bei elektrostahlwerken (Reducing dioxin emissions in electric steel mills)’, stahl und eisen, Vol. 124 (2004) Nr. 10, 2004, pp. 61-67

[ 370, Öberg 2007 ]

Öberg, ‘Emissions of persistant organic pollutants from Swedish steel mills’, 2007, p. 6.

[ 371, Eurofer 2007 ]

Eurofer, Update input/output data for electric arc furnaces, Eurofer, 2007, p. 1.

[ 372, Czech TWG member 2008 ]

Czech TWG member, Czech Republik comments on the first draft of the reviewed IS BREF, 2008

[ 373, Eurofer 2007 ]

Eurofer, Review of the EAO chapter of the current BREF, Eurofer, 2007, p. 42

[ 375, IISI 1998 ]

IISI, Energy Use in the Steel industry, 1998, p. 120

[ 377, Heidenreich et al. 2007 ]

Heidenreich et al., ‘Catalytic filter elements for combinted particle separation and nitrogen oxides removal from gas streams’, 2007, p. 9

[ 381, Pall 2006 ]

Pall, ‘Pall gas solid separation systems’, 2006, p. 16

[ 386, Cores et al. 2005 ]

Cores et al., Efficient utilisation of raw materials used in secondary steelmaking as flux in steelmaking furnaces, 2005, p. 89

[ 388, Fisher et al. 2005 ]

Fisher et al., Effects of operational factors on the formation of toxic organic micropollutants in EAO steelmaking, 2005, p. 154

[ 391,Tavernier et al. 2004 ]

Tavernier et al., Foaming of the slag and recycling of stainless steel dusts by injection into the electric arc furnace for stainless steels, 2004, p. 92

[ 394, Colletta et al. 2002]

Colletta et al., High-purity zinc and ferroalloy recovery from EAO dusts through a combined pyro-metallurgical treatment, 2002, p. 76

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