Employability: the structuring concept for individualised almps for youth? Abstract

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1 if outcome is understood as the combination of output with context In fact, having found a job is the result of the interaction between a (attained) personal state (e.g. quality and specificity of skills) and context situation (e.g. availability of job in that sector)

2 For a short overview of the main applications of the CA in different domain see Bussi andDahmen (2012)

3 Robeyns (2005) provides some examples of conversion factors: personal conversion factors are the metabolism, sex, intelligence, etc; social conversion factors include public policies, power relations, gender roles, and discriminating practices, etc; while environmental conversion factors can be identified, for instance, with the geographical location or the infrastructure facilities.

4 There are 19 CPAS in the Brussels Capital Region, the CPAS were selected according to two indicators produces by the Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis: the % of inhabitants aged between 18-64 living in the municipality who benefit from social assistance (2010), and the wealth index (2009). The interviews were conducted: in 1 CPAS with a wealth index of 70% compared to the national mean and with a share of recipients on social assistance higher than 5%; in 2 CPAS with a wealth index between 70 and 80% and with rate of socially assisted people between 3.5 and 4.6%; 2 CPAS with a wealth index between 85 and 105% and a poor population rate between 1.90 and 2.55% , and finally a CPAS with the highest wealth rate (more than 106%) and the lowest rate of poor (less than 1.9%). The idea informing this sampling was that the use of resources and tools by the is also, but not only, shaped by the workload and social situation of people living in that municipality.

5 The president is elected by the Council of the Social Action. This is composed by political delegates appointed by the Town council; they are thus indirectly elected by the citizens. The council of the social action manages the CPAS. The president cannot take any decision without the agreement of the Council. The council of the social action is renewed every six years when communal elections are scheduled. Normally the council delegates its powers to the committee of the social action which decides whether to grant the financial help or the permit for asylum-seekers. It is composed by the president and some social workers. The council of the social action is renewed every six years when communal elections are scheduled. http://www.ocmw-info-cpas.be/images/uploads_x/FV_le_cpas__Fr_.pdf

6 Most of the information reported is retrieved from the website dedicated to the CPAS in Belgium http://www.ocmw-info-cpas.be/index.php/inventaris_1_fr; from Memento CPAS (2007); and Dumont (2010). It is also important to acknowledge that since October last year, important changes in the regional and federal competences on employment and social issues (CRISP 2012)

7 Raeymaeckers et al (2009) report 6 phases of the activation path in the CPAS. However, the third (pre-training)/fourth (sheltered employment or training)/fifth (sheltered employment in the private sector) and sixth (orientation towards the PES) phase can be actually seen at the same level: all of these can be the final stage of the activation and normally are mutually exclusive: e.g. if a person is employed under the article 60 regime (sheltered employment) then not activation is done via sheltered employment in the private sector.

8 http://www.mi-is.be/sites/default/files/doc/OB%202002-09-06%20FR.pdf , accessed on the 20th July 2012

9 The action plan (projet individualisé d’intégration sociale) was already put into place in the years 90s in the framework of the political projet “programme d’urgence pour une société plus solidaire” (12 January 1993), but rarely and very differently adopted in the CPAS http://www.luttepauvrete.be/publications/RGP10ans/aide_socialeFR.pdf (accessed on the 20th July 2012)

10 For example CPAS discretionally chooses when exempting young people from being available to the labour market and allow them to follow some training; it also choose what kind of trainings people are entitled to opt for, until which age young people can go back to regular studies, or again if they have to work during school holidays. CPAS are free to organise their services and tools, they also normally have their own system of IT database.

11 The notion of employability in the Belgian social assistance does not appear as “employabilité”, more often found in political discourses, but as “socio-professional inclusion”. The latter was introduced in the 90s and strengthened in 2002.

12 The RIS is granted on a household means-tested basis. If an unemployed young person lives alone, she cannot ask for family allowances or help and her livelihood will be considered as non-sufficient, thus she will be entitled to the RIS.

13 We use here “employability” however it should be said that the term employability (“employabilité” in French) has rarely found an extensive use in official documents, especially referring to social assistance recipients. The phrase capacité d’insertion professionnelle (Van Haecht 2006; Lefresne 1999) has been preferred as translation of employability also in the guidelines for the European Employment strategy introduced with the Amsterdam Treaty (Périlleux 2005).

14 This is the author’s translation for “emploi adapté”; this is the legal definition of the employment that should be offered to social assistance recipients.

15 One operates within an area with high rate of children born in families without any income from labour is around 35% and the other in an area reporting a 10% (for 2007). Source: online data from the IBSA. http://www.monitoringdesquartiers.irisnet.be/

16 e.g. young people who have not worked yet and are “waiting” for unemployment benefit for students but do not have enough income and ask the CPAS for social assistance.

17 (for quantitative data on use of the art 60 by the Belgian CPAS see RAEYMAECKERS, P., et al. 2009)

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